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Posts posted by Halikus.1406

  1. > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

    > WHERE IS THE CONDITION AND TICK DMG NERF????? all I see is power ok where is Condition dmg and tick nerf?????


    They are nerfing conditions by nerfing amulets and runes Mr.Overeaction

    If you read that part, maybe with your brain, you will understand instead of only reading that parts that interests you.


    @Back on topic

    Loving the wide spread hammer, it's much needed and long overdue. But one thing I resonate with ppl in here is to please take a look at stealth duration, specially thief's Shadow Arts trailine that are still untouched.


  2. A ranked match of mine went to the void as if never existed.

    Coliseum, victory, no rating gained and not even appearing on the feed

    Can you look into it please? @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


    Edit@ I had ppl on the map chat also reporting the same thing happening to them. So I'm clearly not the only one that got this going on.

  3. @"Axl.8924"

    He's talking about reaper, so the most played build out there only got 2 sources.

    Well of power is a single stack on activation, not even worth mentioning. Trail of anguish is scourge only not reaper, Infusing terror I mentioned in there with chilled to the bone and Lich form.... who even bother taking that as reaper? lol

  4. > @"Hederrain.9207" said:

    > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > You're not serious are you? The only defense engi doesn't have is a god kitten teleport, which is actually the ONLY one necro has, while you got everything else....

    > >

    > > Stealth - Check

    > > Invul - Check

    > > Block - Check (Holo) dunno how many ppl run this after last patch. imho its useless now that stab got cut. 3rd utility with stab acces or stunbreak is better

    > > Mobility - Check

    > > Reliable Protection generation - ~~Check~~ u need to roll protection holo for that, which means u lose stealth and invuln, not to mention damage.

    > > Multiple sources of Stability - Check, funny thing is that reaper got more reliable acces to stab now than holo has (if we discount toss elixir b, and if we use elixir b we dont have a block)


    > just tidying up in your comment since all thats listed there is not possible in 1 build. ure listing 2 builds defences




    First of all I'm talking about having access to it. So you DO have access to all of that whether it's all in a single build or not you can still put 2/3 of them together easily.


    Second reaper got more reliable stab? You mean the 1.2 sec cast plus 90 secs cd elite that pretty much any monkey can dodge unless we bait the dodges or the 25 secs cd infuse terror of reaper shroud that get immediatly shredded in a team fight or by a holo's cc chain?


    So.... I guess it's still a L2P issue lol? We work with those tools and learn to kite when we have nothing left, pro tip: most players don't simply burn all stab sources they have and jump into a teamfight facerolling the keyboard to win. You should try ;)


  5. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > You literally just made my previous point stand:

    You're not serious are you? The only defense engi doesn't have is a god damn teleport, which is actually the ONLY one necro has, while you got everything else....


    Stealth - Check

    Invul - Check

    Block - Check (Holo)

    Mobility - Check

    Reliable Protection generation - Check

    Multiple sources of Stability - Check


    And here you are complaining that you don't have a port?


    All I can say to you is L2P... I did every time they changed or nerfed rev and necro, you don't see me here on forums creating threads to cry about it when I have every right to do it given the amount of nerf hammers my classes get.


    So again: L2P <-----

  6. Too little stability.... Now this is how you end the year with a good laugh and btw Necro and Power shiro mains would like a word with you dude.


    Admit that you were being carried by the broken build and move on, many ppl were. Like me for instance who decided to play condi mirage for a season to see how far I could get and easily got into top 100 when I've never played mesmer seriously before. Mesmer used to be a skillful class until that stupid rework + mirage came to be, I used to admire top mesmer mains before, still do to some good players out there but not nearly as much.


    It's the same with holo, pof specs actually, they have access to way too many tools. Tools that shouldn't exist in the class before the elite specs are now introduced by it making it's previosly obvious weakness / weak point inexistent. Power shiro survives without a single sliver of stab while having to manage cd + resources, they have a good amount of evade on skills that's true but they don't have invuls or stealths to save their sorry ***** when they screw up, same thing with necro without blocks, stealth, invuls and little access to stab since.... forever? LoL


    TL:DR Welcome back to earth I hope you enjoyed your time on c9 (aka OP builds heaven)

    Edit: Typos

  7. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > > > Oh.... did you take the nerf bat?

    > > > > Good, keep it like that. I'd rather see low dmg on a stun than: Someone hit you with Bolder for 10k

    > > > > Good riddance. :D

    > > > Lets be realistic here, a giant person picking up, what looks like a 60 kilo rock Nd throwing it at your face, it would probably take your head clean off! I would take the 10k anyway.

    > > >

    > > > Wonder when they need wvw version too

    > >

    > > You wanna be realistic in a game where we have dragons and mount griphons?

    > > OkayChamp

    > >

    > > If we're talking about realism, can we also have rifle skills 1/2 shot ppl? Please anet, make it happen. :o


    > Nh-uh! All projectiles from guns use rubber pellets and the arrows are made from plastic with blunt tips. The bolder is legit though, its quite a coincidence that the giant manages to find a bolder at the location.


    That's..... a good point actually.

    What I can learn from all of this is: Can we leave realism out of the way? :/

  8. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > Oh.... did you take the nerf bat?

    > > Good, keep it like that. I'd rather see low dmg on a stun than: Someone hit you with Bolder for 10k

    > > Good riddance. :D

    > Lets be realistic here, a giant person picking up, what looks like a 60 kilo rock Nd throwing it at your face, it would probably take your head clean off! I would take the 10k anyway.


    > Wonder when they need wvw version too


    You wanna be realistic in a game where we have dragons and mount griphons?



    If we're talking about realism, can we also have rifle skills 1/2 shot ppl? Please anet, make it happen. :o

  9. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > disable infinite horizon/ambush from clones, just think about it, why condi chrono cant stack 100k of condis on someone? because they don't have infinite horizon, the problem is that clones get mirage cloak and ambush at same time so they can stack forever, just give the clones only the evasion without ambush

    > >

    > > 3 clones = 3 more stack of all kinds per atk

    > >

    > > mirage fixed


    > > @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

    > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > Yes, disable the only trait that makes mirage playable.

    > > > And in case you didn't notice chrono is dead since ip nerf.

    > >

    > > So what are the downsides again?


    > In case you didn't notice, the only way for mesmer to put a bit of pressure is via clones ambush (and I'm not fan on this gameplay yeah.), that's why should it be condi or direct mirage it has to :

    > 1) take most vigor trait + sigil to have a good ambush uptime.

    > 2) take deceptive evasion + privilegiaite weapon with 2 clones generation to have a good clones uptime.


    > Now the downside :

    > 1) Easy to LOS.

    > 2) Obvious animation.

    > 3) Clones destroyables.

    > 4) Using evade to attack and defense.


    > >why condi chrono cant stack 100k of condis on someone?

    > Because chrono is trash?


    > ------


    > The day mesmer pop 4k+ on every weapon skill like warriors you can ride everything else meanwhile without the pressure from IH, mirage will not kill anything.


    This is also right and it's where come the problem introduced by PoF. The amount of sustain classes have since the latest expansion makes anything with less dmg or burst than PoF levels simply not viable. Although I do like the sugestion without tunning down the sustain classes have we will just be heading into a boring bunker/sustain meta again once all DPS's have been toned down.


    Plus I don't think anyone deserves the Chrono treatment. LoL

  10. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > disable infinite horizon/ambush from clones, just think about it, why condi chrono cant stack 100k of condis on someone? because they don't have infinite horizon, the problem is that clones get mirage cloak and ambush at same time so they can stack forever, just give the clones only the evasion without ambush


    > 3 clones = 3 more stack of all kinds per atk


    > mirage fixed


    It's actually a good sugestion.

    It would tone down the ridiculous burst and keep the clones survivability. I wouldn't mind this nerf, good idea OP.

  11. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    >! > Their sustain is beyond average for what would be called a duelist, it's their damage that's the biggest problem. Anet nerfed their first autostrike for whatever reason but didn't change anything else which as you would guessed, made no difference.

    >! >

    >! > Their cleave is beyond broken and pretty much overshadow everything else, even Reaper Shroud which functions similarly when you compare both.

    >! >

    >! > Made this old video while ago just to show how stupid it is and should be nerfed to at least match Tool Kit from Core Engineer because it makes it all irrelevant. It's a better melee set that doesn't take an utility slot. Bonkers.

    >! >

    >! >

    >! >

    >! > If it wasn't to melt anything in 3 auto attack cycle, maybe you'd see how little sustain they have other than stability that can be avoided. Warrior Axe cleave does sort of have a comparable size of damage but Warrior's don't have as many options as Engineers do. Let alone Full Counter which is just an unblockable daze evade to setup anything while the range still require to hug someone. If they are to nerf holosmith though, people will probably complain about Spellbreaker dominance next, but it has yet to be this bad. Warrior's don't have cleanses as effectively as Holosmiths or Stability, even if you count Full Counter which is more than easy to avoid and doesn't let you freely cleave someone after.


    Reapers get locked out of their utilities and can not be healed while in shroud. Holos tho keep all of their kit while having stupid dmg plus a shit ton of ccs to choose from, oh and let's not forget the easy access to stab the one thing necros manage to get once in a life time.


    Honestly holosmith is just a reaper on steroids, as a rev and necro main, it's not remotely fun to see my mechanics taken and improved into another class while I'm struggling to stay alive blowing all of my kit in comparison to holo's kit...

  12. I love lich form, but I have to say it's kinda lackluster in comparison to every other elite or it's similars like rampage.

    In PvP the cooldown is still way too long and the dmg too low unless you're running full glass. In PvE I've never really seen ppl use it, like at all, but them again I don't do much PvE to know so someone who does can talk about it better than I can.


    Going back to the OP, I kinda like the idea of turning lich 5 into an elite skill since we are missing one anyway. I think they could either turn that skill into an alite and do something else to lich 5 or just replace it like OP said since nobody really uses it that much in neither game modes.

  13. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > Every class happens to have a meta build. Sure there are **options** or **variants** but it's that one build that is most effective. **Same thing happens to Revenant**. Herald possess godly burst and decent sustain which fits the role imho. If you are bored and want to try something else why not trying another profession?


    > There are for sure other professions that need looking into (mirage, cough, cough) so no point talking for a class that it's (nowadays) nicely designed.


    Yeah..... Nope, definitly not.

    That's not the case with revenant at all.


    Herald is being hard carried by **oh-sword**, the only actual reason it even has a meta build since we have no spike dmg or burst outside of it, not to mention that it is the ONLY build available for revs to play and it's been that way for a very long time, longer than any other class or spec in the game atm.


    Power Herald is by no means a weak build but like I said it's being hard carried by a weapon way too much.

  14. > @"Milan.9035" said:

    > Rev has one good strong buildand nothing else even viable. For non rev mains this is fine. For revs its it's boring.


    > Imgine if anet nerfed core guard amd dragin hunter so they would not even be viable at all. Would you be ok with that being only able to play support firebrand.


    > Revs dont want herald buffed we just want other options.


    Exactly what this guy said.


    Rev mains have been playing the same build, with few changes over the course of time, for YEARS. I'm sick of playing shiro/glint, don't get me wrong it's a great build, but I want something different for once.


    We had high hopes for the new legend in pof release but we all know how that turned out right? So we are back to playing.... guess what? SHIRO / GLINT again...


    Since HoT!!!

    I don't want a buff

    I don't want an OP build to play, herald is not op, oh-sword is.

    -----------> I want VARIETY. <---------


    That's all.


  15. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Posi.7156" said:

    > > -Revenant revenant damage which literally can oneshoot, ill leave you a clip here of a revenant oneshooting, stacking 25 might stacks easy

    > > https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousCloudySharkAMPTropPunch


    > >

    > Rev has very high burst dmg, but the link you post shows a clip of Rev using 3 different skills, all of them telegraphed.

    > If the Necro managed to not dodge the "I AM WAAAAVIIIING A HUUUUUGEEE ANIMATION AT YOU" skill, then he had it coming.


    He actually uses 5 skills, but everything else I agree. Mesmer is 1000x worse with burst coming from stealth with no warning at all.



    Regarding the post. The only thing I would like to see for necros, reaper specifically, would be for them to revert the retarded shroud decay. I can never get used to this, necros used to be tank in shroud but now if you use it to defend yourself you lose time in shroud which results in you losing dmg and being vunerable as soon as you drop out it. I would very much love to see the buff dmg cut by half at least if they were to revert the shroud decay.

  16. > @"breno.5423" said:

    > This guy must be crazy.

    > Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.


    Now now.... I need to know who is selling such powerful weed. LOL


    @"JayAction.9056" may be a little... crazy... sorry jay, but he's actually right when he says rev got a few nerfs in this "rework" because all anet did with it was swap traits from places and rename a few. For example:


    1) Burst of Strength before patch applied 20 stacks of vulnerability for 6 secs, which means +20% for you and your friends, but now it's only a 15% bonus dmg for you that lasts 5 secs.

    2) One with Nature, glint F2, used to apply might + fury + swiftness + protection for you and your group now it only gives a stupid 2 seconds bonus to already applied boons besides costing too much upkeep to be worth anything in it's passive form.


    So before spilling BS about a class that you don't know how to play try do a little research. ;)

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