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Posts posted by Halikus.1406

  1. Ok sind, we got it: You hate SH. Now how about you move on to another topic, you're being obnoxious at this point...



    I too would like to see a SH reworked, it is a game mode that has a lot of potential but it was poorly executed.

    It always bothered me that conquest were the only competitive game mode available, I would love to see a game mode with a bit more of strategy involved than the cap/decap thing in conquest. I posted on forums once about it and I think conquest gives way too much of an advantage to certain specs/classes, if anet could rework SH to be a game mode in which gives room all classes/specs to be applied in different strategies, not the class A doing the same job as B but a lot better like we have in conquest, that would be awesome.

  2. Er... No, it has not to be replaced at all. That is a necro mechanic, just like boons strip is a spellbreaker mechanic. Like @"Crinn.7864" said before, what needs to happen is anet tone down and fix **SCOURGE** elite spec and not core necro. Why do you guys insist in changing something that's working as intended? SCOURGE is the one that need nerfs and fixes.

  3. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > I don't understand why people want to balance Scourge by nerfing everything but Scourge.


    This exactly.

    There is no point in nerfing core necro. Core necro is not the one broken here, it is the elite spec. If you guys want something nerfed, as a rev main I want it more than anyone, nerf the scourge elite. Don't try to screw with core necro in the process.

  4. Monitoring it on websites created by a handful of people that don't really represent the player base IS a "weird pratice" as @"Lilyanna.9361" stated.

    But then again I stopped caring for what anet does with the game long ago. It is always more fun to come to the forums to read the aberrations that others post about classes and things that they know shit about it. Lol

  5. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > Why was Mesmer (Chrono/Mirage) confusion burst unaffected by your primary focus of this patch?



    You mean buffed right?


    >Imaginary Axes: Increased the confusion stacks applied by the player from 2 to 3. Increased the duration of confusion stacks applied by both the player and clones from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

    >Phantasmal Seeking Axe: Increased torment duration from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds.


    35 stacks of confusion thanks to this ^

  6. 1) Don't talk about people putting something into their complains when you only came here so far to charge at them without adding anything useful for the discussion. So if you don't know how, or don't want, to contribute for the discussion like a civilized person you can simply do like me and stay out of it watching.


    2) The point here is not if the weapon has a purpose or not, the problem is if it can perform well that given role or not. And right now SB doesn't do **anything** significantly useful at all to be taken into accoun't in any game mode.

  7. I could point everything wrong with your "arguments" on previous posts and make an essay like I usually do but I really don't feel like diving into a pointless discussion with someone that says "SB is condi ranged weapon" as main argument. Feedback can be given in any format that people want it to, of course some times it is done with hot tempers but it illustrates the frustation of the person and that's something to be taken into account.


    It is anet's job to filter the good from the bad ones, not yours. So unless you're one of their employees you have no rights to say how people express themselves here.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:


    >Frankly, it's terribly useful to point out that Anet isn't rushing to buff weapons that aren't highly performing, though i would think that after 5 years, people would be aware of the obvious.


    Please, someone tell that I didn't just read this...


    That's why I usually don't bother answering to forums too much. rofl


  9. > @"thebatman.6250" said:

    > I think you lads need to tone it down a bit. This thread is becoming a clown fiesta of hyperbolic complaints.


    Said the guy who accepts everything anet does with a smile on the face. I respect you as a player Bryan but now you deserve an answer...

    We complaint because we're tired of receiving nerfs in every single patch. I don't know about the others but I'm sick of having to adjust my build and gameplay every time anet screws us over with some unnecessary and undeserved nerf when there are thousand other things that begs for their attention desperately. They could pretty much open a channel to chat with players and discuss things over instead of "balance" things based purely on numbers, which is clearly not working, or they could, and should tbh, focus on fixing the hundreds of problems and bugs the class still carries since launch.

    When they do something right I will praise them for sure, like the OH sword rework which was needed but carried out in a bad way, but when they don't then I will call for improvements of course. I love my class and I want it to be competitive with others but the way the class is now the only people playing are the truly skilled players, because the class is not attractive at all for new players in spvp/wvw. We need twice the effort compared to other classes to perform well and avoid dropping dead at any second by bursts with little to no tell. If they fix the terrible balance we have now while nerfing and or fixing everything not only revs then I will gladly accept it, but if they don't I just ask for them to turn their focus somewhere else and stop gutting revs in every single patch.

  10. The problem with bad players in high elo games is because of this:


    Players being carried by the class/spec they play with low to 0 aweareness at all of what they are even doing. It's this kind of player that is going into plat+ divisions these last seasons.


    The system is working just fine but it can't do much with the low population caused by anet's "balance" and etc. People just lost interest in GW2 pvp and I dont see this getting any better in the future. Anet already proved to us that their "balance" is completely out of sync with what's really in need of a balance.

  11. > @Abelisk.4527 said:

    > Doesn't matter, Incensed Response is better. Power Revs hit harder, now. It's good that the skill cap is lower, since more players can be successful with it, now.




    Yes... Lowering the skill cap of every class surely is the answer. That's why we have PvP in this state, spam fest + low skill/high reward classes and more ppl every day losing interest in the game.

    Makes sense #sarcasm



    Like @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said it, revs already had easy might stack. So enlighten me, how is more and pointless might stack the answer? How is "fixing" the "identity crisis" giving it the same purpose as a weapon that already exists going to help the class? How is swapping more dmg to less self-sustain going to help a class that seems to have a counter in every corner?

    So no, Power rev doest not "hit harder" now. They just changed the way we do our dmg lowering the burst potential, which btw was the only thing that prevented the class from being completely helpless agaist some others. I wouldn't mind if they nerfed rev together with the other classes balancing things right, but that's obviously not the case.

    So if you think power rev got a "buff" you're deluding yourself. I sure want things to work in the game and obviously to my favorite class but what anet has been doing with their "balance patches" is bringing the opposite effect.

  12. > @witcher.3197 said:

    > Tomorrow's patch day.. fingers crossed for Anet undoing that kitten change because this is just embarrassing.


    Do you believe in Santa?

    It would be a miracle though if they did revert the mess, which I highly doubt it will happen. But we can dream right? :/

  13. I would surely welcome that. I can count on my fingers the number of revenants that I met using that trait. Why did they not remove that but equilibrium instead? This "balance team" surely don't seem to have the slightest clue about their own game because 70% of their changes makes no sense at all for anyone.

  14. > @Ragion.2831 said:

    >! > > @Buran.3796 said:

    >! > > > @Ragion.2831 said:

    >! > > > Are there some things that were omitted sure, like shield. Its literally as bad as the original guardian shield. Tbh im surprised its still the way it is considering they had to practically redesign guardian's shield.

    >! > >

    >! > >

    >! > > Shield is still the best off hand weapon to play in PvP tournaments inside a conformed team, that's exactly "how bad the shield is". For yolo solo queue the thing can change because you can't expect secure support and the shield + staff alone won't save you from corrupt boon spam. But if you want to go full ofensive then I still find axe leagues above sword, because has lower cooldowns, lower energy cost, stronger cc and a close gap of 900 instead of 600.

    >! > >

    >! > > **In a single minute** axe lest you to spam **Frigid Blitz 6 times** with a total energy cost of 60 energy units and **Temporal Rift 5** times with a cost of 75; in the same minute off hand sword can only spam **Shackling Wave 4 times** with a total energy cost of 40 and **Deathstrike 3 times** at a total cost of 60. So** axe lets you attack up to 11 times a minute** at a total cost of 135 (average cost of 12.27 x attack) **whereas the off hand sword lest you attack up to 7 times **at a total cost of 100 (average cost of 14,28). Axe provides 4 extra attacks at lower energy cost, better range and stronger AoE cc. We traded a mobile block of two seconds each 12 seconds for a spike damage which pales sided to a weapon (axe) which already had.

    >! >

    >! > Combat is a lot more complex than how many times you can attack with a skill in one minute. For one thing the fact that i dont need to hit a projectile on sword 5 to port already makes the weapon better than axe. If the projectile is avoided you are now stuck running or wasting a dodge trying to gap close. The lack of range influence is partly why block on off hand was necessary.

    >! >

    >! > The reason why replacing the block is fine is because endurance regeneration is a lot better. They replaced the retribution chance for endurance on hit trait with a more reliable endurance regen. In addition to Herald endurance regen, we can keep up 150% endurance regen all the time now which works well with sigil of energy. On its own this wouldn't have been enough except that there are additional single target burst skills now so you can save unrelenting assault when you need it as opposed to being forced to use it all the time just for damage.

    >! >

    >! > Also the damage being better puts less pressure on evades so you have an easier time keeping endurance.

    >! >

    >! > Tbh i havent met a serious power rev that uses axe offhand. They die too easily to +1s and high damage in general. axe off hand is also not that difficult to out play because axe 4 can be dodged if paying attention and axe 5 has the delay on it. Sword 4 is really fast and immobilizes, and sword 5 cant be reacted to as easily. Plus sword 5 doesnt need a projectile to hit for the teleport.



    I'm really tired at this point of explaining things to ppl that have no clue at all about the class and come talk shit to defend what is so obviously wrong.

    So you didn't meet a rev that could seriously use axe off hand? Do you play in bronze/silver by any chance?

    And btw, this is how you use axe off hand. Anyone who know how to use axe can pull a good survivability like that in a team fight both in spvp and in wvw. In the first fight starting at 0:50 you can see him pull a 5k+ with equilibrium, that is the amount of burst potential anet just took from us. L2p before shit talking something that you dont even know how to use.

  15. @"BlaqueFyre.5678"

    What I meant was, the new trait that was supposed to "substitute" Equilibrium is a Grand Master trait in the same place as Roiling mists which is the fury 40% bonus.

    Not to mention that the dmg of Song of the Mists can barely reach 1k.

  16. The block was the only thing useful on sword off hand and thats why it was in need of a rework. And since people usually ignore what other say to make their point valid I'll say it again, revs now only has staff as defensive weapon with crazy cds and energy cost still to manage. Shield and axe will be twice as important now but since you dont play rev you woudn't know right? lol

  17. >! > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

    >! > > @Halikus.1406 said:

    >! > > > @Les.4872 said:

    >! > > > Look up bryvanant on twitch. Dude's a sick rev. Rev isn't dead. It's a matter of l2p since performing well as a rev requires a high skill ceiling. More so in these dark times where scourge and mirage run rampant. Also have you seen the new build will 25 might 100% uptime? You take that trait that gives might on fury instead of the new equilibrium. It's pretty insane.

    >! > >

    >! > > Sigh... there's always one. Ok dude, here we go

    >! > > 1) First of all bryvanant had a support FB babysitting him all the time and he could barely hold his kitten alone agaist any class because any kind of pressure and he was in danger.

    >! > > 2) Revs already had easy 25 might stack with easy Nefarious Momentum which makes the change to insensed response pointless.

    >! > > 3) Revs lost a kitten ton of burst potential without equilibrium. The "new equilibrium" aka "Song of the mists" can barely hit for 1k WITH CRIT.

    >! > > 4) The changes to sword off hand were necessary yes, but the "new style" they gave to "fix" what they called an identity crisis is the same role that axe off hand performs, but axe has greater range, better CC and is unblockable.

    >! > > 5) Without the block on sword off hand core rev has now ONLY staff to save his kitten which pretty much killed build diversity to revs, that was almost non existant already.

    >! > >

    >! > > So, do you want me to continue or thats enough? Because I can go on for days here.

    >! >

    > I think you mean Spirit Boon for point 3.


    Nope, they swapped places and song of the mists is now a Grand Master trait.


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