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Turtle Dragon.9241

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Everything posted by Turtle Dragon.9241

  1. ![](![](https://pasteboard.co/JPya6Tr.jpg "") "") > @"Der.2315" said: >Because the Merchant does not, as far as I know, actually say you can only trade 168 LI to LD on your account, before the option to do so dissappears. The merchant does in fact say how many more LI you can still trade to LD when you attempt to do so. I just checked. [https://ibb.co/68sVFqh](https://ibb.co/68sVFqh)
  2. I think they should just remove the 1st place thing and replace it with getting Gold-level participation on the events. It is kindof unfair and demoralizing that if some capping circle spawned closer to someone else at the start, you lose just because of that. Right now you feel more like "oh that other person is ahead of me, might as well give up right here because I will only get +1 Lucky Aura anyway". If it were based off Gold-level participation, both players would get the +1 Lucky Aura as they participated almost equally to the event too. It would be worth continuing the event and improve players working together rather than against each other. Earlier today I had a new player ask how to use the Rabbit Jump. I realized that to help that player(by responding), I would have to give up on my chance of getting 1st place in the event...
  3. Revamping AP and Leaderboards. Right now there the Leaderboard is a mess, it only shows glorified people who were there and got Historical & Season1 AP, which cannot be obtained anymore. Arenanet should just look at all Historical & Season1 AP and zero them out(just like they did for the PvP titles previously). At least in PvP you could get good to gain your spot in PvP Leaderboards... We know it is possible(and actually easy) to run through the list of Historical & Season1 AP, GW2 Efficiency and other API already have it. This is just the same concept as what has been going on recently with GME/WSB: "protect the minority privileged few and not letting the rest of us catch up". Perhaps refreshing the competition is in order? While we are at it, maybe put the in-game PvP Leaderboard on your website? What happened to the previously announced/scrapped Fractals Leaderboard?
  4. > @"Mortifera.6138" said: > > @"Turtle Dragon.9241" said: > Precursor collections would require many hours of work, but how hard would it have been to code a 5-trinket effect? Really. > > They’d have to design it, too. Right, and they chose to design a separate PvP trinket and a separate WvW trinket instead...
  5. I have been here since head start and I have opposite views on this. I like the way the effect upgrades when you add more of them. I wanted a 5-trinket effect, not just stop at 3(also the jumping poo effect looks incomplete). I was extremely disappointed when they introduced the PvP and WvW legendary trinkets instead, which have their own separate effect. It is very sad that they just cut things off like this, same thing with Precursor collections, same thing with Icebrood Saga. I understand that making content such as Precursor collections would require many hours of work, but how hard would it have been to code a 5-trinket effect? Really.
  6. > @"Bristingr.5034" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Then it would not be a challenge anymore. > > Snowden Drifts is practically impossible right now to the point even Raid-geared teams are struggling. This is Day2 after the patch. It is much too early to ask for a nerf. Right now, every LFG I made had someone who is "first time" in this CM and doesn't even know the final boss's mechanics, which results in a fail. I got tired of the random people in LFG failing, and literally decided to go full out elitist mode and put "Experienced only, Show DwD" in my LFG. I cleared Snowden CM with different groups five times since yesterday, and the time left on timer for the five clears were: 2:32, 3:01, 3:00, 1:48, 1:32. So there is definitely more than enough time for a well organized group to clear it, and there is even room for a few mistakes. Here are the tips I can give you for the Snowden CM: 1. Bring Swiftness for the Kodan run. If the Kodan has Swiftness from beginning to end, you will gain approximately 50 seconds on the timer. 2. Always have someone stay close to the Kodan. The Kodan stalls and does not move unless someone is nearby. Valuable time is often lost because everyone went roaming to the front. 3. If you die at boss, waypoint quickly, mount roller beetle, and dash right back inside. 4. Do NOT use EMP. Currently, for whatever reason, EMP will instantly destroy the boss's CC Bar, but instead of stunning him for extra damage, he will gain all the boons(as if you failed to CC) if you use EMP on him. CC with regular skills(Basilisk Venom, Headbutt, etc). He will gain 20 stacks of Might, and start one shotting people unless you boon strip him. Not sure if this is a bug, but someone else made a thread about this. Thread here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122203/snowden-drift-drm-cm#latest 5. Bring boon strip. The boss gains protection periodically, so removing it will increase your DPS. Alternatively, bring full condi party to bypass. 6. Do not bother with CCing the side bosses, for whatever reason their CC bar is really thick. Save your CCs for the real boss. 7. If you get lucky and get Dwarf ally, talk to him to get the special action key. The Acid does good damage.
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