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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. That's a generall problem with power thief in PvE. You can't (or better: are not supposed to) sustain your damage because "power is supposed to be burst" which is useless vs. most of the relevant PvE content and they're not going to give this playstyle the buffs it needs to be efficient either cause A-Net doesn't care.


    Power thief excels @ blowing trash mobs away (one at a time) which is usually quite unefficient cause having other classes spamming their AoE would often times be a better solution. Support options are limited to say the least (which is understandable I guess) and vs. boss mobs you're just a vastly inferior version of your condi conterpart (not just in terms of DPS but game mechanics as well, for example: fighting the Manifestation of Self-Doubt with a condi thief vs. fighting against it with a power thief).

  2. I'd like to see an engineer elite spec that focuses on power suits. The Asura elite skill one kinda sucks and the only time we've got a power suit that's somewhat fun to use was during that one story mission in Orr and we obviously don't get that for normal gameplay. It's time we get something to pilot that isn't just a useless gimmick and it would also fit the theme of the class pretty well.

  3. I'd like to see some buffs for how healing power effects stuff like Signet of Malice or Assassin's Reward. If you sacrifice chunkes of your damage for healing power you should get at least something worthwhile in return.

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