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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Would any of the people who don't like how armour looks in this game be willing to post pictures of their characters? I'm curious what you do find acceptable, or at least the best of the options available but as the posts in this topic tend towards hyperbole it's hard for me to get a clear idea of what the problem actually is.

    >!![](https://i.imgur.com/wyaj97F.jpg "")

    I like this one but the accessibility of the ley-line tentacle skin is "limited" to say the least (the mursaat wings would have been an alternative if they were dyeable) and the wilde magic backpack was locked behind a time-gated RNG wall so RIP that.


    I'd like to see some more high tech "asuran" gear. Y'know, similar to this:


    >!![](https://i.imgur.com/WE2fxdI.jpg "")


    But considering the overall trend when it comes to new skins that's most likely not going to happen anytime soon.


    But ignoring armor for a second, I think weapons are bigger offenders when it comes to their design. Not necessarily in regards to the skins themselves but everything else. Unlike armor they can't be dyed, unlike the gliders they don't have unique soundeffects (bar the legendaries and the SAB stuff) and the ranged ones don't even have customized projectile animations based on what the guns "ammunition" is supposed to be.

  2. I agree, there is nothing wrong with a class / build that only specialises in one area but if the thing in question can't tank / support / provide AoE dmg then it should be top tier in the one category that's left: single target damage. Sadly thats not the case for thief since the damage ranges, depending on the weapon set, from mediocre to bad.

  3. > @"Scorp.6152" said:

    > I heartily believe, from a PvE perspective, Deadeye's damage still needs increased if it is ever going to match Daredevil.

    But why would you want it to? Daredevil is still underperforming in terms of overall damage output when compared to other glass cannons. There is no reason for rifle not to surpass the other DD classes / builds in regards to single target damage considering the restrictions it has to deal with.

  4. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > In PvE the rifle buffs may outshine the ability of P/P to do DPS though

    Not even close, +20% might sound like much but it really isn't. P/P does still more dmg overall and is more cost effective.

  5. > @"Tora.7214" said:

    > its an exchange of being able to use skills without CD, imagine if skills like hundreed blades or whirling wrath could be spamed as long as there is available resources.

    It doesn't matter whether or not a skill is spammable, what ultimately counts is the end result. Again, there is no point in keeping the dps low just because of the "mana" system. All it does is balance the usage of various skills among each other which comes with its own set of disadvantages. The dps should be **on par** with other "glass canons", not having a CD is not an argument here.


  6. > @"Tora.7214" said:

    >lacking CDs is understandable why their overall dps has to be lowest than CD based professions

    No it isn't, there is no reason why their overall DPS should be the lowest of all classes especially since they don't bring anything else to the table.

  7. > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

    > thief need one to

    I agree, especially for the "dodge system" and the initiative management. You'll have a hard time not to choose Trickery and Daredevil for what essentially boils down to two traits and an additional doge. Some of the utility skills are way too "pricey" (considering that in some cases you'll also going to need initiative to attack) and suffer from bad synergy overall. Also, some conditions for some traits are unnecessarily restrictive while other traits within the same category are way too similar to each other.



  8. > @"CharonXeno.4869" said:

    > 1) If you (the player) are part of Guild A and enjoy playing with players from Guild X, Y, Z. Unless those four guilds manage to join the same "Guild Alliance" and manage to get assigned to the same "World" - tough luck trying to play WvW with your friends.

    There is an easy solution to this problem: allow players to make WvW subgroups for their friends list and give them the option to clarify whether their friend subgroups or their WvW guild should take priority. This way your friends would at least generally be on the same "World" as you and your guild mates unless there's some conflict of interest.

  9. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > start a guild, mark it as wvw, voila, you can play together

    That's not a solution to the aforementioned problem. Even ignoring the fact that many people (especially casual players) don't want to join guilds for various reasons, not following up on previous anoutsments and alienating players by making things unnesseserly complicated is just contraproductive to the cause. Telling people to "just start a guild" isn't helping either, quite the contrary especially given the fact that A-Net specifically asked for feedback in this regard and there is no reason for them not to adress this issue appropriatly.

  10. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Ideally the system will assign a new player to a world on which their friends **or** guild mates play, thereby making it easier than it is at present for people to play with friends in WvW.

    So you explained how you want to handle guild mates but what about friends? I have some more casual friends who don't want to join a guild for various reasons, does this mean I can't play with them anymore or are we going to be able to mark them on our frends list and form "WvW subgroups" with them?

  11. > @"Cynn.1659" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > Kinda disappointing if it still fires regular bullets.

    > >

    > > That’s kinda my gripe with all these fancy Pistols and Rifles in GW2.

    > >

    > > Things like this skin, and the Asura racial Peacekeeper skins, you’d expect to fire something neater.


    > They don't want to make gemstore weapon better than a legendary.

    This has nothing to do with "making something better than a legendary", there should be at least a basic model / sound effect for energy based projectiles. Having weapons like the Super Hyperbeam Alpha, the Spectral Wave Modulator or the various weapons made out of energy stones fire regular bullets with regular sound and gunpowder effects just is unfitting and weird. If they're willing to make unique SFX for the SAB weapons then this shouldn't be much of a problem either.

  12. Let's see, thief has two things going on for him: he's good at running away and he's good at hiding. So scouting seems to be the one thing where thief is actually "the best". Unfortunately he's pretty much outclassed in every other area of the game unless it's about "roleplaying as a cowboy" or something.

  13. > @"godofcows.2451" said:

    > I'm going to say it right here, and right now, and throw away all the shame that I have. ANET. Can you add some sounds on this rifle skin? Pretty pls? PLS? PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLS. It just looks too **** good to have no custom sounds. :-(

    No, sounds and energy based projectile effects would make too much sense for this kind of weapon. Gonna stay consistent here.

  14. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > I would be interested in seeing a glass cannon build that performs as you describe. Would you be willing to post please?

    P/P thief, it does on average ~half (a quarter or less if the enemy has high def or is immune to crits) of what the average damage oriented build is capable of doing while also having low HP and virtually no support / AoE capabilities (anymore).

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