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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. I expect a battle tonic which I'm probably not going to use thanks to the "no mounts stuff". Maybe some new weapons which I'm probably not going to care about unless the ranged ones have fitting projectile animations / sound effects.


    I'm hoping for some fun gizmos like the weapons you could get in the core tyria maps or a summon like a battle suit / the one from episode 1 but a permanent version without any BS restrictions instead of this one time use crap but sadly that's not going to happen (despite the fact that from an objective point of view there's nothing that speeks against it).

  2. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > But is the 'drop rate' the issue?

    It's an issue, both the Aurillium and the Egg Sac are way to rare. They did a good job with the Gorseval infusion, making it both a rare drop but also obtainable though the event vendor in exchange for "map" currancy but then they screwed it up for the other infusions.

  3. > @"Will.9785" said:

    > Chak egg sac is currently worth 18k-20k gold.

    There's something inherently wrong with that, I mean from a game design point of view. Making an item so "impossible" to obtain though normal gameplay means that it puts everything else (including all the legendaries) to shame is just stupid.

  4. Thief, but mostly because of the Initiative system. It reminds me of the mana / PP system which I heavily prefer over the cooldowns, at least for weapon skills. Also, gameplay whise I like mid-ranged oriented builds with high mobility the most and dual pistol offers exakly that. To bad P/P sucks performance whise but luckily (from an aesthetic point of view) spamming unload with dual HOPE is just the best thing ever so I guess there's that.

  5. > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > They feel cluncky, slow also i misses the fast and jump around animations.

    That's because the illusion of speed you get from using a smaller character. The speed is the same but the game tries to compensate the smaller size with faster character animations in order to prevent some weird slide effects. Try useing an Endless Miniature Tonic when playing with your other characters, it should have a simmilar effect.



  6. I was hoping for an underwater mount, the beetle doesn't seem to do anything special other then getting rid of a map gimmick. At this point I'm more interested in the gizmos from the heart vendors tbh. The Prototype Position Rewinder was definitely a step in the right direction but hopefully someday we can finally get a weapon or a summon without some kind of BS restriction (like one time use) attached to it.

  7. > @"silverfox.1056" said:

    > -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content

    Don't really care for whether or not it's "legendary" (although you basically need them to be legendaries for A-Net to put some effort into the design of the new weapon sets) but I do think big meta bosses like the Mouth of Mordremoth should have thier own unique item sets (just like Tequatl) or should at least drop meta themed infusions like Vial of Liquid Aurillium (preferably with a more realisic drop chance than the 1 to 1000000 we've got for the HoT stuff).


    > @"silverfox.1056" said:

    > -Raise character level cap to 100

    No, the scaling is already quite bad as it is. This would just make some problems even worse with no real benefits in return.

  8. Thief is indeed an outdated profession, it suffers heavily from bad scaling issues and power creep due to some profound design flaws wich have been made worse by nonsensical changes like the removal of the ricochet trait (which in all honesty should return as a grandmaster trait for trickery). Skills like thief guild should either get a sicnificant buff (just reducing the cooldown for a bit does nothing to make the skill more viable) or be made an always active like the necro summons. The damage of some weapon sets need to get some sicnificant buffs (as in more than +50%) across the borard among other things.

  9. > @"Kirel Redhand.6149" said:

    > Hi all. I'm new to the game and in spvp, p/p theif builds are destroying and dominating every group I'm with. Y'all are saying the build is crap but I have yet to see any other build so bursty and dominating. So I ask. If p/p thief if so crap, what is better?

    Almost everything else, try mesmer for example. The reason they're "destroying" every game you're in is because you're still in low level matches. P/P has a low skill floor which is why they are so dominant vs. noobs and newbies but it also has a ridiculously low skill ceiling which is why so manny people who know how to play this game say they're crap.

  10. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > I am not a Thief player, but is thief performing poorly as of late?

    As of late? Aside from some nice applications it always has been. Several builds have severe scaling issues in addition to thief suffering heavily from power creep and some profound design flaws. Then there were some nonsensical nerfs nobody asked for like the removal of the ricochet trait and of course all the PvP releated nerfs which mostly boils down to people refusing to git gud which leaves this profession in this questionable state it is right now.

  11. > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

    > > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > I am putting up this thread for people who would like to have thief class changed. Here you can put down your ideas. Please be as speciffic as you can. Try to set exact parameters such as cd dps mechanic of what you are proposing to change. The main point of this thread would be to find out a few very specific things in Thief class that in oppinion of us common peasants should be changed. We need to unite on then so please try to find compromise.

    > >

    > > Condi thief should be nerfed hard. It's not exactly difficult to fight back against condi thief, I've killed many condi thieves as a core s/d power thief. The problem with the condi thief is that it's more of an annoyance than anything else. The venom utility skills are the main cause of condi thief being an annoyance because these skills proc certain traits such as Lotus Poison when you apply poison, Panic Strike when you immobilize a foe etc.

    > >

    > > Deadeye shouldn't be able to be permanently invisible only to then burst you while sitting on objects that thieves can't use Infiltrator's Strike or Steal in order to catch up on the Deadeye. A good example of this are the plants at the middle capture point in the Revenge of the Capricorn map. A rifle Deadeye can kneel on top of those plants and a core or Daredevil thief can't Steal on to them. Especially when you consider that there is no cover at the middle capture point and the plants are invalid paths for teleportation, core and Daredevil thieves can't to anything about it.

    > >

    > > P/p thieves are the thieves that nobody likes. They lack the utility that core s/d and Daredevil d/p have. Not only is is a bad weapon set, but it's a very boring weapon set that requires you to spam one and only one skill which is Unload. I recommend the initiative cost on Unload to be increased from 5 to 10, but also increase the initiative when you hit all of your shots from 2 to 5. Regardless if you consider this harsh or not, it doesn't change the fact that p/p requires no skill to play, but most importantly it has no risk to consider when playing it. A thief playing p/p needs to realize that if they miss even one shot via blind, dodge, block or LoS, they're pretty much done for because they've just wasted their initiative for nothing and can't do anything to fight back aside from using Steal or the pistol auto attack.


    > p/p unload spam is only situationally effective, particularly on squishies/baddies or in +1's where rifle, dagger, and even sword burst power builds are just as effective. If you want to truly duel with p/p you better know how to use 2,4, and 5 around 3 or you're toast.

    He doesn't care about how low the skill ceiling is, his problem with P/P is the low skill floor.

  12. > @"RicochetXD.4128" said:

    > people have been complaining about the new DE mechanics since they launched. They don't work. They're broken. There's pages and pages of reasons on it.


    > And we haven't heard a peep from you.

    People have been complaining about how underperforming P/P is for years and did they ever respond to any of the complaints? Or even explain any of the more questionable changes like the removal of the ricochet trait? Exactly, don't be suprised if it's the same thing here.



  13. > @"Lone Reanimationist.4263" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > First, we felt that stealth was a solid core mechanic that touched every single thief weapon and had many synergies through core traits and skills.

    > > Wrong (ignoring the fact that P/P feels thematically more like playing a bandit than a "stealthy thief" anyways): stealth based fighting mechanics are pretty much irrelevant for dual pistol gameplay and frankly, no P/P thief cares about having them either. In regards to weapon skills it's definitely not a "core gameplay mechanic for every single thief weapon" nor should it be.


    > Actually I use stealth a lot with Pistol/Pistol ... in the open world PVE, and in fractals. Its essential to the build.

    Yeah, to disengage or skipping some enemies but not for the sake of the actual fighting itself.

  14. > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

    > They pulled a Scrapper situation on DE. It will only take them 2 years to realize how bad they kittened up DE PvE rifle.

    Meh, judging from their track record it's going to take them more than two years. Just look @ P/P, it's still nothing but a fun gimmick. The overly focus on PvP "balance" really does destroy countless PvE builds and "classes" which would otherwise be viable options.


  15. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > First, we felt that stealth was a solid core mechanic that touched every single thief weapon and had many synergies through core traits and skills.

    Wrong (ignoring the fact that P/P feels thematically more like playing a bandit than a "stealthy thief" anyways): stealth based fighting mechanics are pretty much irrelevant for dual pistol gameplay and frankly, no P/P thief cares about having them either. In regards to weapon skills it's definitely not a "core gameplay mechanic for every single thief weapon" nor should it be.

  16. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > Here's my official position: Don't use _any_ third party software with this game, ever.

    You do realise that if you're looking up something GW2 related in your browser you're already using a 3d party software, one could even argue that using this software gives you an unfair advantage over those who don't so do you think that it's reasonable to expect everyone to not use ther browser anymore?

  17. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > Well in sPvP, there are no "environmental" factors in taking the point, the only thing stopping you is other players.

    > In WvW, there NPC guards, of varying numbers, and strengths, not to mention in some cases, walled in facilities, which can require siege to get though, which is it's own complex mechanic.


    > So, it's a pretty huge variance in how one goes about capturing a point between sPvP and WvW.


    > Just saying.

    You also have NPCs blocking of resources in RTS games and yet no one calls them "PvE hybrids" despite the fact that they clearly have many PvE elements but the whole basis of his argument was "its a hybrid bacause players have to deal with the PvE elements in order to win" exept the same thing applies to capture the flag where in order to win the game you have to get a part of the enviroment (usually a flag) back to a certain point (usually your base) and unlike WvW you can't even get any points by defeating other players and yet no one would ever call it PvE because it's ultimately about two teams competing against each other and not about what's required in order to win the game and I guess you wouldn't call soccer "PvE" either just because it's all about kicking a ball around and not about beating up the other team.


    I already said that they are PvE elements but that's really all they are, they're only there to stall players and are never going out of their way in order to change the outcome of the battle in favor of the fraction they belong to. You're simply not competing against them for victory which is why it's not really a PvE hybrid.

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