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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. At first I was like "Yes we're going to get a full on futuristic "inquest base" themed map." but then I saw the desert and was like "Nooooooooooooo just another desert themed map". I guess points for consistency but I liked how S3 maps all had a compleatly different feel to them.


    Hopefully the new mastery is a golem themed "battle mount" but thats just wishfull thinking, it's most likely just going to be a crappier version of the Golem Battle Suit Prototype from Air Drop for the new story quest.

  2. I'd like to see the option to set different keybindings for WvW. Also reduce the level requirement for the mistforged gear, it's complete overkill even when compared to stuff like the legendary WvW backpack and compleatly disincentives people to play any other content the game has to offer if one wants to have a relistic chance of actually getting these items.

  3. > @"Naduk.8750" said:

    > without breaking the game balance

    You would have been right if you were talking about the golem battlesuit prototype but there is nothing game-breaking about this weapon. Sohothin is only good at AoE burst damage but that's pretty much irrelevant outside of PvP, all relevant PvE content only cares about high & sustainable dps which is something Sohothin does not offer.

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Then you really haven't been paying attention. These aren't arguments that the raiders don't need more paths. These are arguments that other paths shouldn't exist. ... Contrary to what you claim (or think), there's a not so small number of raiders that are strongly against non-raiders having access to legendary armor of any kind, because (as those raiders think) the non-raiders do not deserve it.

    Maybe you haven't been paying attention to what I said. Again: saying that it "doesn't need one" is just an empty statement, not an argument against it. One might just as well say that the game didn't "need" stuff like jumping puzzles, mounts or [insert pretty much anything here] and while technically correct it doesn't say anything about whether or not implementing the thing in question was overall a good/bad thing. Also, I never said that no one is against it (just like how you will always find someone against pretty much anything no matter the topic if you search long enough) I said most players wouldn't be against it just like how most OW PvE players wouldn't be against legendary PvP weapons and that no one argues against it (which no one really does).

  5. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Then you missed a ton of posts from active raiders saying, that PvE doesn't need a second legendary armor, because it already has one. Or saying, that if there _was_ some set like that, it'd need years of farming to complete.

    It doesn't matter since saying that "it doesn't need one" is not an argument against it getting one. The statement "X doesn't need Y" could be made about many things and while it may be true it's also empty. Just because we don't "need" more SAB content doesn't mean that getting it is a bad thing. I've yet to see anyone actually arguing against it getting one, most points of conflict are either stuff like "getting a legendary set should take some dedication" or "skin X should stay exclusive to mode Y" but that's ultimately beside the point.

  6. > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > **I heard** that there is a good pistol/pistol build for pvp with a lot of burst but I can't find it on metabattle. Can someone give me a link to it?

    > Also, there should be a good p/p build for PvE as well for solo content.

    Well, you've been lied to. There are no good P/P builds for thief, just "good" ones. The damage is far too low to actually be efficient at its one role and there are too many game mechanics capable of shutting it down.


    > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > It works fine in open-world PvE

    To be fair, almost everything "works fine" in OW PVE.


    > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > I have no idea about raids

    Every other viable single target DPS build does on average at least 50% more damage, needles to say that AoE & support options are basically non existent.


  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > * Uncommon: 9% (ditto; might be a bit low)

    "might be a bit low" lol what an understatement


    Let's say you want a specific uncommon item and every uncommon item (there are currently 20 of them) has the same drop chance, this would mean you'll have a ~0,5 chance per chest of getting the uncommon item you want. So you have to buy roughly 200 BLKs for 16800 gems or ~4500 gold (atm) if you want to have a realistic chance of getting the "uncommon" item you want. This is why loot-boxes are cancer, at least if the loot-boxes are overpriced (which in this case they are) and the items in question aren't also available for direct purchase which usually isn't the case.



  8. The problem isn't getting your hands on legendary items, it's not even having different skins locked behind different game modes. The issue is that not every game mode has its own full set of legendary equipment, this goes directly against the idea of legendary items being a long term goal since in some areas there is nothing / not enough for the players to progress towards which was kinda the point of these items to begin with.

  9. Let's see:


    Trail of Knives: best AoE P/P has to offer, works well with Signet of Agony if multiple targets are present


    Shadow Escape: quite useful, no complaints here


    Smoke Bomb: takes to long to be available and the stealth is too short to be useful


    One skill could use some improvements but overall it's actually one of the better downstates.

  10. This and other infusions like chak egg sac should be sold by a NPC in exchange for map currency (make it expensive for all I care). If there are some problems with IRL cash transfers in regards to these items then A-Net is at least partly to blame for it. These exotics are so rare they make legendaries look cheap by comparison lol. And it's not like as if there is any other way to get them besides fighting the RNG wall or looking for the one person (out of XXXXX) that actually got lucky. It's just bad game design, plain and simple.

  11. Can understand some things being soulbound like quest items nstuff but there's no point in making gear & weapons soulbound. On the other hand I can understand gear & weapons being account bound but not stuff like Gift of the Nobleman. They should remove the account bound on these items, this way some of the farms would be a lot more profitable for those who actually bother to do them.

  12. > @"Adry.7512" said:

    > Expect a focus on WvW and PvP, and please try not to give a huge push back when it happens.

    Depending on the context this might be a quite unreasonably thing to ask. I think not many people are against sPvP & WvW getting more (and better) content but if "a focus on WvW and PvP" means that classes / builds are going to become nothing more than a gimmick in PvE thanks to some PvP players finding XY "anoying to deal with" then you are going to get some backlash, understandably so.



    > @"Adry.7512" said:

    > Pve has finally reached its perfection and all it needs is just new content with the same blueprint.

    No, not even close. lol

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