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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. For me it's a mixture between 4.) and 5.). I'm not interested in the raids themselves but I would like to have some of the stuff you can get out of them. I'd probably do them if my frends were interested in doing them but I'm not interested in PUGs, there's just too much cancer going around.

  2. > @"xoz.2481" said:

    > What I am proposing is not to get rid of transmutation charges as a cost but to have skins be separated from equipment.

    I am strongly In favor of that because it means they would have to implement a new system and could make weapons (and by extension backpacks) dyeable like they should have been right from the beggining.

  3. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Wings were a mistake.


    > So goofy and **not fitting with the established setting of the game...**

    I dunno, maybe not the feathered wings (since there aren't any angels as far as I know of) but futuristic wings ([like these](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/653/922/large/joshua-carrenca-emperor-battle-armor.jpg?1429912380 "like these")) would fit perfectly into what has been established thus far.

  4. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > * If you equip the same type of main-hand and off-hand weapon, you get 5 new skills.

    Yes, please! I always felt like there were some severe synergy issues when it comes to stuff like P/P which makes it feel like an unfinished afterthought as a result of it.


    I'd also like to see a rework for acrobatics since it's basically just an inferior version of daredevil at this point.



  5. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    >If let's say the legenday sword has a skill that deals more bleeding than the basic skill or adds a combo finisher that a class otherwise wouldn't have acces to, the new legendary sword skill will become "the meta", i.e. the BiS skill to use and thus it will be requested by tryhard groups and all groups who want to "play like the proZ". Even if it's just different and not "stricktly better", like the new legendary skill dealing a new kind of condition or buff, it the skill proves to be better for a given encounter, it will become the meta.

    The same logic can be applied to new elite specializations and yet people can't wait to get new ones. Besides, something being meta viable isn't a bad thing unless it's so much better then everything else that it becomes mandatory in which case the problem isn't the weapon having a unique skill set but the generall ballancing in GW2. For example, if class X needs legendary weapon Y to be viable but wouldn't be otherwise then the problem is with class X and not with legendary weapon Y. They would only be a problem if they're pushing something to the point were only it is viable in which case they could still be nerfed afterwards.

  6. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > Same goes here.The new skills would either go down the path of racial skills, i.e. being deliberately worse than basic skills and only for flavor. Or, if they were better, you'd find yourself in a GW2 world of "Bannerslave w. Leg. Sword and Horn"-lfg's.

    Define better, like I said there wouldn't be much of a competition if they were different enough to be an alternative and not just "the same but better". Also, there wouldn't be any reason to treat them like racial skills because the same reasoning they used to justifying their poor performance can't be applied here. We basically already have something like this in the form of griffons so it wouldn't be unprecedented either.


  7. I both agree and disagree with the sentiment of this topic. I do feel like legendary weapons should be more unique when compared to other weapons of the same "category" but I don't think that making them plain better then the rest is the way to go. I'd like to see them getting a set of unique weapon skills, this way they could fill their own niche without making regular weapons obsolete. We already have weapons with unique skill sets so it wouldn't be an entirerly new concept either.

  8. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > You mean[ Maw.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Frozen_Maw " Maw."). that guarantees you at the very least 3 rewards from mini evens, and a Yellow?

    > > Which is bad loot. Doing random stuff in maps like harathi hinterlands is already way more profitable than doing the vast majority of world bosses and yet people are still farming them.


    > LOL.. No No No.. That's not even close to **bad loot**.


    > Maybe not Optimal, It's nowhere near close to **bad**.


    > See "Bad Loot"is when you took a loss.


    > Now, IF you never played WvW before, the current mode is PvE cake walk mode. When it started, upgrading locations (camps/towers/keeps) cost players gold (which they never got back, dying cost coin, repairs cost coin, and the actual loot that dropped was so dismal that at the end of the day most WvW had a net loss.


    > That's "Bad Loot"when it costs more to do the content then it rewards.


    > And **ONLY** WvW has survived through this.

    You're confusing money gain / loss with loot value. Farming some of the S3 maps or the silverwastes is "not optimal" loot, the vast majority of world bosses give you bad loot. "Only WvW survived despite being an "unrewarding" drain on your pocket", not "Only WvW survived despite having bad loot".


  9. I'd like to see more futuristic looking stuff, we have an entire race of highly individualistic magitek experts and somehow an extreamly limited variety of weapons + one set of gem store exclusive skins is all they can do. Like c'mon A-Net, I can't be the only person who would like to have something [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/09/19/32/091932937a0f32568cc21984e62eb65f--rwby-oc-fogo.jpg "like this") for their holosmith.

  10. > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > Sundering Strikes: This trait has been renamed Sundering Shade. This trait now causes stealth attacks to inflict 5 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds with a 1-second cooldown.

    > **This is just a straight up nerf to a trait nobody ever used**

    I did, it was just very situational and now it's straight up useless. Also, they basically turned it into a Shadow Arts trait. The least thing they could have done is to turn it into something that actually fits the specialization...


  11. > @"Nomad.4301" said:

    >What I don't get why they felt the need to nerf sundering strikes from:


    > Critical hits have a chance to cause vulnerability.

    > Chance on Critical Hit: 50%

    > Vulnerability (6s): 1% Incoming Damage, 1% Incoming Condition Damage


    > To a flat 5 stacks that ONLY applies with a stealth attack, lasts for 5 seconds (shorter duration) and has a 1 sec ICD (not like that matters given it's tied to a stealth attack anyways). With the old version you could stack up around 10-15 vuln permanently with just autos depending on your crit and if you had quickness.

    Because it's impossible for them to release a balance patch without nerfing thief in some way.


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