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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > OW pve rewards you well. But legendary armor? I kinda think it is overkill.

    How so? You brought up stuff like killing Tequatl / doing JP as if this is some kind of "OW PvE content is just too easy to justify its own legendary set" argument despite the fact that the WvW set is pretty much "kill a bunch of veteran creatures", so if you really think that OW PvE is too easy for it to have its own legendary set then you should also be for the removal of (at least) the WvW one(s). But if it's about "giving out comparable rewards for the time people put into it" then you pretty much don't have any arguments against stuff like an OW legendary armor set linked to an overarching reward system akin to what both WvW and sPvP already have.


    Also, "but OW alredy has a lot of specialised rewards which give you X/Y/Z" is (for me) not really an argument either since I already stated (multiple times) that both WvW and sPvP should also have more unique specialised rewards just like OW PvE curently does.

  2. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > I honestly think you troll al this time, here. I mean, the constant "my demographic" argument is weak, at best. The fact that you do not want to progress the game makes it clear, to me at least, that you just want legendary armor (for the looks, as you yourself have said) by killing Tequatl 100 times, doing 200 dailies or 500 Jps. I was sceptical about OW pve leggy armor, now it is clear that ANET shouldnt make it possible. The argument that "i do not play this content, so make it happen or else I will quit" is childish. I want a legendary backpack, too. Sadly, my demographic cannot stand fractals/pvp/wvw. So, ANET better give me an open world/JP/Karka Queen legendary backpack, or else they wont get money from me. See how that sounds?

    > Have a wonderful day.

    Question: weren't you the one asking for better WvW & sPvP rewards for the sake of "giving out comparable rewards for the time people put into it"? You were complaining about how you want more fairness for yourself but are also telling others stuff like "Why dont you make wvw leggy or PvP leggy armor? What is stopping you?", "ANET shouldnt make OW pve leggy armor" and "the constant "my demographic" argument is weak, at best". The hypocrisy real.

  3. > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > Having an item in your inventory that lets you cross the entire map by clicking on it, on the other hand, actively discourages mount use... because you are literally not using a mount.

    You do realise that in order to use this item you have to get to position X first, also you can only set one mark at a time so if you want to do something else in the meantime you would have to use mounts (or walk) in order to travel through the map. How anyone can unironically think that this item would "invalidate mounts" is beyond me.

  4. > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > if you make the time unlimited like the OP suggests then it allows for unintended usage

    As in? You still wouldn't be able to use it in order to travel between multiple maps, neither is it available anywhere outside of certain parts of PvE . I've yet to see any good reasons why it shouldn't have unlimited time especially considering that changing maps, logging out or even using a waypoint (within the same map) is enough to reset the marked possition and at least the last thing shouldn't remove the tag.

  5. I don't think the maps themselves need to change but I do think there should be other ways to get some of the meta related rewards then just pure luck. Take Ghostly Infusion for example, this item can be acquired from both Gorseval's Chest or bourght from Scholar Glenna for raid currency + 20 gold after the fight. Similarly items like Chak Egg Sac should also be purchasable from the vendor which appears after event completion for let's say 10000 Ley Line Crystals + 50 Chak Eggs + 20 gold. There is no need for double standards here.

  6. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > I think the time limit is in place so that people COULDN'T just pop to a boss or meta without working to it or at least traveling there manually.

    But this doesn't make much sense now doesn't it. Take Palawadan for example, the "build up" is a lot more profitable than the boss itself so it would make more sense to put the tag on the beginning of the event and in case of Tequatl the boss itself is the meta (at least then people might actually starting to use waypoints for once). Also keep in mind that it's pretty much restricted to OW PvE anyway and mounts are a thing.

  7. > @"Alehin.3746" said:

    > they probably never had that feeling of getting something they want after putting fun-effort into it ... i bet we would have ... **infusions** and other items sold for karma if people could choose what to change in the game

    Putting your effort into it in order to progress towards a goal is one thing but there is no sense of progression when it comes to OW PvE infusions, it's pure RNG (and the worst kind at that). Stuff like Chak Egg Sac and Vial of Liquid Aurillium should be sold by an NPC vendor for [insert suficiently high amount of one or more map currencies here] + X. "People just being to lazy to farm" is not an argument here.


  8. I'd like to see permanent weapons (with weapons I mean stuff like the Frost Gun or the Magneton Hammer) which are not map bound (like the Brandstone Multitool). The Prototype Position Rewinder was already a big step in the right direction but that's not really a weapon, now they just need to follow up on it.


    I also want to use mounts while being under the effect of a transformation tonic.


    And speaking of transformation tonics: I want to see actual battle transformations, as in you transform into a monster or whatever and are able to use its skills to (actually) attack stuff.

  9. > @"Smiggles.6823" said:

    > I think you have to wonder from a dev perspective and ask the question "What gets players playing more? Giving them what they want or not doing that?"

    That depends solely on the requirements, if the thing in question is too rare (like some of the OW PvE cosmetic stat infusions) then people are just going to give up on them and you'll end up with dead content. I think with WvW and sPvP they alredy found the optimal way to implement an overarking reward system, it requiers an enormous amount participation (at least the T3 stuff does) but doesn't force the players to grind overly specific content while still giving them access to legendary gear.


  10. This mastery would only make sense if we had some kind of battle mount with better offensive and/or defensive capabilities then our base character which brings me to the question: what's the hold up? It's not like you would be able to use them in any area of the game where having them would actually make a difference. But yeah, as it stands right now: quite useless mastery, I would have taken something like "the ability dismount in midair" over it any day of the week.

  11. No, I'm not excited and I'm not looking forward to anything. I've learned a long time ago that hyping myself up for something is pretty much equivalent to setting myself up for disappointment. Not having any expectations at all seems to be the best way to approach this kind of stuff, this way you can't be disappointed by the outcome but are still able to find pleasant surprises if they do end up adding something good to the game.

  12. > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > Im talking legendary weapona can’t give less of a kitten on legendary armor rly, and your game here of changing my own words is laughable at best.

    Except there aren't any pure OW legendary weapons either and next time try not to be as vague as possible if you don't want to be misinterpreted.

  13. > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > There's something wrong when the best rewards/gold are made by 11111111ing in an open world zerg.

    OW PvE has it by far the worst in regards to the quality of mode specific rewards, they don't even have an overarching reward system unlike other game modes. "11111111ing in an open world zerg" is only good for getting gold but that's about it.

  14. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > I only state that WvW should get some semblance of comparable rewards, pvp as well, for the time people put into it. Thats all.

    I agree, every mode should get fulfilling rewards for its content. The PvP based modes got the basic reward system right but lack value and more specialized rewards. PvE on the other hand is the exact opposite, there are many ways to get a lot of gold and it has a s**t-ton of highly specilised rewards but the reward system as a whole is terrible and unlike PvP lacks overarking goals.

  15. > @"Alehin.3746" said:

    > No. Stop being lazy and go work for things.

    Sure, legendary gear shouldn't just magically appear in your inventory just for creating an account but that's not a valid point against the actual topic of the thread.


    > @"Rhatha.2376" said:

    > most people talking about challenge are referring tohow often and how difficult to deal with mechanics are

    If thats their only criteria for something being "challenging" then they don't seem (or want) to understand the difference between something being challenging and something being difficult.

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