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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > No balance patch would be complete without nerfing good ol' thief in some ways now wouldn't it? ;^D


    > i dont know how about you but i dont feel funny at all

    Well I've seen so many nonsensical nerfs over the course of the years I'm really not surprised anymore, like I said earlier:


    > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > > we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those

    > This is kinda scary, what feedback are you talking about? I guess it's lottery time, let's hope DE doesn't get stomped into the ground because someone complained about P/P / OHKs being to "OP" again.


    > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.


    > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > and buffed perma stealth DE even more. **Eye for an eye then?**

    Not really since not having enough access to stealth was never an issue nor was more stealth something anyone had asked for, these nerfs however are taking away from what thief was lacking in the first place.

  2. And more nonsensical nerfs for already underperforming builds... these balance patches literally boil down to: random stuff + whatever someone on the WvW / PvP subforum complains about. v.v

  3. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > I would settle for an never ending paragon support potion. ?

    Yeah but they also have to lower the cooldown for this one. 30 minutes is way to long. It should either be like the rune summons or an always active like the necro stuff.


    I don't even know why they get these ridiculous restrictions in the first place, it's not like we're summoning a raid boss or something (even then, 30 minutes would still be overkill). There's no way to justify these restrictions for a trash mob level summon, which gets floored instantaneously by every mildly advanced gameplay mechanic, from a gameplay perspective.

  4. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > what do PvE players think WvW is lacking in the rewards department to not be worth the time? (At what point would you actually be willing to farm there)

    It's not much but there are three things I would change:




    Save participation rate when you leave WvW, it should only go down if someone does nothing while inside of WvW.




    Decouple the WvW tickets from the skirmish system and make them tick rewards based on participation level: level one: one ticket, level two: two tickets...




    Reduce the level requirement of the mistforged hero stuff and make it more akin to what the legendary backpack requires.

  5. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > Also, the whole advertising material, the promotion pictures, videos, introductions, all are right now a bad joke when people play Deadeye primarily with a mobile and/or Dagger/Dagger build and such nonsense.

    To be fair, at least P/P was obviously part of the thoughtprocess when designing this spec. Just look at the icons:


    ![]( https://i.imgur.com/yt95YfV.jpg "")


    They clearly show a bandit dual wielding pistols and Be Quick or Be Killed is pretty much perfect for run n gun gameplay. Maleficent Seven is a reference to an old western movie from 1960. I don't think it's fair critisism to say that DE "was never meant to run P/P" when like half the skilltree is either featuring pistols or is a referece to old western.


    That being said the marketing has done a poor job representing this elite spec accurately and rifle is in dire need of various buffs.

  6. Some weapon skills like unload could use a ~40% damage buff. Furthermore, deadeye's mark should work like a special "debuff" for the opponent instead of a buff for the player essentially aplying the effects of iron sight to the enemy if it's a playes current target in addition to some lifesteal based on X% of damage dealt to give deadeye some decent support options which thief (as a whole) seems to lack without compromising the actual gameplay of the class.

  7. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > GW1's AI didn't have to account for the third dimension (which helped make them a lot better!).

    > > >

    > > > I'm afraid it's just beyond the scope for GW2. If anything they'd let content scale to the amount of players before considering adding heroes.

    > > I don't think "what's possible for an AI to do" is much of a problem here. They could use machine learning to train an AI to perform on the same level or even better as you would expect from a human player (I kinda want them to do that anyways because training an AI play mesmer like (or even better than) a top level PvP player whould make for an interesting PvE bossfight).


    > Can I ask if you have experience with machine learning AI? With three dimensions? In addition to syncing to latency? I don't.


    > Regardless of expertise, I think you're forgetting about feasibility. A complicated AI requires more power, and space for very little benefit to the Game Play (consider where the OP wants to use them too). Scaling down the difficulty is far more in scope. ANET would only have to select the specific instances to make the change. An AI system is another story entirely.

    I know the basic principle behind it, you don't really have to "teach" the AI anything since it pretty much learns through excessive trial and error towarts certain "goals" although with more recent approaches there's more to it. You're right that it's at least questionable whether or not implementing such an AI is worth the effort but I'm just saing that it's possible to implement a working AI which doesn't get floored by the first game mechanic it encounters when you take it to places like the fractals of the mist (aside from just making it immortal).

  8. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those

    This is kinda scary, what feedback are you talking about? I guess it's lottery time, let's hope DE doesn't get stomped into the ground because someone complained about P/P / OHKs being to "OP" again.

  9. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > GW1's AI didn't have to account for the third dimension (which helped make them a lot better!).


    > I'm afraid it's just beyond the scope for GW2. If anything they'd let content scale to the amount of players before considering adding heroes.

    I don't think "what's possible for an AI to do" is much of a problem here. They could use machine learning to train an AI to perform on the same level or even better as you would expect from a human player (I kinda want them to do that anyways because training an AI play mesmer like (or even better than) a top level PvP player whould make for an interesting PvE bossfight).

  10. What many people seem to overlook is that the commander does have a defined personality. At character creation you were given the choice between the PC having a charming personality, being dignified and level headed or being ferocious and aggressive. And while you do still have constraints in regard of what you can and can't do you can easily write 3 versions of the commander based on these premade choices. Games like Borderlands 2 did it with 6 and it worked perfectly. To a degree Guild Wars 2 alredy does something like this in regards to the random dialogue your character says in various situations, for example if you choose to play as an asura one of the things your character tends to say is "where's a golem when you need him" which is already characterisation for your PC but it makes sense because one would expect an asura to say something like that regardless of whether or not you're much into role playing.


    That being said I do thing this problem will solve itself over time. Once we have AGI we pretty much won't have a need for dialogue writing anymore. Whether or not GW2 is still around by then is another question. I doubt it but hey, Diablo 2 still seems to have sizeable playerbase even today so who knows?

  11. > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

    > The point I am trying to make is that legendaries are a horribly implemented feature

    I actually do agree with this part, while I don't think one should be objectively stronger just because he wields a legendary weapon I do think they should be more unique. Ironically the one time use weapons from the OW vendors and the weapon summons from the mages are exactly what I want the legendary weapons to be (not gizmos but them having their own unique weapon skills based around the theme of the weapon in question).



    > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

    > so after you've got a **LEGENDARY**, what now?

    [You try to get 18 of these](

    "You try to get 18 of these") (note: I've yet to see a single person with a full stack of them (ingame or even in screenshots)).
  12. > @"bennypig.6428" said:

    > Deadeye's self sustain of quickness is very cool too and satisfying to play in open world or in a group without chrono. :p

    If we only had seeker stats for PvE...

  13. > @"carrolltech.9215" said:

    > Within instances I think even some form of "summoning stone" would be useful for players like me.

    Something like this already exists, the [sunspear Paragon Support](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunspear_Paragon_Support "Sunspear Paragon Support") from S4E1 and the [Cannon in a Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cannon_in_a_Box "Cannon in a Box") from S4E3 are basically just that. You can even use them in fractals although they are consumables so you better stack up if you want to use them, they also have a 30 minute cooldown so there's that. Personally I find them rather useless thanks to their various limitations, if it were up to me they would have been gizmos with a much shorter cooldown (I'd prefer 90 seconds starting at the moment you summon the "minion" like the Rock Dog from the Ogre rune).


    I suppose the [Field Tech Turret](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Field_Tech_Turret "Field Tech Turret") system would also be a tremendous help for you if it had better QOL and weren't so ridiculously restricted (in multiple ways).

  14. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!


    > WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

    Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.

  15. > @"Miatela.5047" said:

    > we are the only profession in the game that doesn't have a viable support option unless we are on a raid boss with Explode Plasma

    Deadeye's mark would have been perfect for group support if it would also work like a special "debuff" for the enemy, for example: the target takes X amount of more damage from / does X amount of less damage to everyone who marked this enemy as his target in addition to some kind of lifesteal effect for everyone who attacks the marked target based on % of damage dealed. Turning the enemy into a "priority target" would also fit perfectly with the theme of the skill.

  16. > @"Miatela.5047" said:

    > I agree that the DPS of Rifle is far too low however even if it was higher, you aren't going to play it at range aside from a few select cases in instanced PvE.

    It's not just rifle, every weapon set with skills designed for burst or sustainable DPS should be capable of having a decent damage output for their respective roles given the right build and equipment.

  17. > @"Miatela.5047" said:

    > No one is going to really care about ranged damage anyway since aside from a few instances, you'll be stacked in melee to get boons.

    This just means that you're not dividing from the "mass" when tackling this content but it's not an excuse to keep the DPS of these builds as low as they are.

  18. > @"NoNameNoob.9758" said:

    > Why everyone says thief is kitten then and does Not offer good dps?

    Because thief ≠ thief, just because you have one or two builds which actually work doesn't mean that thief as a whole is fine. Deadeye in particular has been advertised by A-Net as a raged focused elite spec so that's what most people are going for when picking up this spec, to bad both of your weapon choices in this regard are "suboptimal" (to say the least).


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