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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > In every game, especially in RPG, melee should always outdamage ranged since melee literally has to be in within range of the enemy's attacks.

    Being "within range of the enemy's attacks" depends entirely on the enemy you're fighting against. There's a lot more to it as you want to make it out to be.

  2. Define "we" and stop with the faulty generalizations, many builds play so different from each other that they might as well be different "classes". A profession is nothing but a collection of builds with some common aspects (like traits) anyways. Build X "doing fine" says nothing about how the rest is doing.


    P/P has lower DPS than even power necro and everyone always "complains" about them being "too weak". Not that is matters much because "certain builds from other classes not doing well" is beside the point to begin with. "Let our buffs be in the nerfs to other classes." is just a bad way to tackle these problems since (ignoring the fact that you don't seem to have any idea just how much you would have to hammer down "the rest" to bring various stuff on par with everything else (at least I hope you don't cause otherwise you're essentially asking for the vast majority of the playerbase to ragequit)) it's not going to fix gamplay realated issues with skills like cluster bomb.


    Also, are you even listening to yourself? If one plays a P/P build then these "certain aspects" profoundly affected the entirety of the gameplay. Maybe you should stop being such a hypocrite and stop "cherry picking" certain builds to attack valid critism of the things that actually should to be adressed.

  3. > @"Vornollo.5182" said:

    > Thief is in a good spot.

    This is just objectively wrong, there are maybe one or two builds which are doing "fine" at what there supposed to be doing but thief as a whole is nothing but a dumpster fire. Shortbow is rip aside from weapon skill 5. P/P isn't just to weak to be vialbe vs. skilled opponents it's also compleatly outclassed by rifle in pretty much every way. Traps are a joke and the list goes on.

  4. In addition to an increase in droprate they should also be sold by the NPC vendor after completing the meta for let's say 10k ley line crystals + 1k ley line sparks + 100 chak eggs and 20 gold for the chak infusion, this would be in line with how they handled the ghostly infusion they implemented for raids.

  5. > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > Think of the dragons like this: They're dams holding back all the water. Destroy one, well things begin to overflow and shift. Destroy two? Well you have a catastrophe of a flood.

    But this just means that we "only" need to build an "additional dam" before destroying one of the old ones.

  6. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > isnt it because of boon share that meleers is favored?

    That's one reason another one would be that many AoEs have a maximum number of targets so it's generally safer to stay with the group. Also some bosses seem to put higher priority to players which are further away from them so there's that.

  7. Not really given the fact that there are a lot more counters to range than there are to melee. It's not that "ranged should never outdamage melee" but more like those who lack in other areas should always outdamage those who don't. If you're offering a lot of support to the group then you shouldn't do more damage then someone with few / no support options (given that the rest is about equal), if you're primarily focused on AoE damage then you shouldn't be doing more single target damage as someone who's primarily focused on 1on1 combat and vice versa.

  8. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

    > > The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.

    > >

    > > Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....

    > >

    > > Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.


    > Outside of the trading post some of those items will never drop for players.

    And that's the main problem with these items, there should be a realistic way to acquire them from the game if one puts enough effort into it. The drop rates for the egg sac, the aurillium and the confetti infusions are way too low and they should be added to the map specific vendors for a sufficient amount of map currency like they did with ghostly infusions for raids. People never asked for these items to be infinitely "harder" to get (through gameplay) than the legendary stuff and people are certainly not happy about it. The playerbase just called BS on it and stopped caring about them a long time ago. The point of unique map rewards is to keep the map "alive" but if not for the materials required for legendary crafting TD would be dead by now. If making them more accessible means that these items lose their ridiculous value then I'm totally fine with it, they should've never been this rare in the first place.

  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Wrong. The players will **always** prefer to be safe.

    No they don't. Ignoring the fact that this is not even an argument related to the context at hand, I've seen many people saying that playing X is to dull for them and they'd rather play something more demanding. When it comes to "not carrying other players" people don't give a c**p about how "complex" your build is, if its performance is on par with these "easy2play" builds then nobody cares (at all).


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Taking an easy, overperforming build is leaps and bounds safer than taking a complex, underperforming one. Hence, the need for the complexity to have some impact on performance.

    If something is "on par" with the rest it's per definition not "overperforming" / "underperforming".

  10. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > they're in their full right to not want your complex, underperforming build

    Then the problem isn't with the "dumbed down" builds but with A-Net not bringing the underpowered / overpowered stuff on par with the rest.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Also no, OP doesn't mean highest performance, it means broken risk/reward.

    OP means overpowered... if X isn't outperforming Y then it's not "overpowering" the competition.


  11. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > I don't mind Thief being the top dps, but not with that gameplay.

    > > Than this has nothing to do with balance but personal preference. Reading stuff like this reminds me of the "Dulfy is Breaking the Immersion" thread, the basic premise behind these complaints is exactly the same. If the reason one plays X is the DPS and not because the player in question likes the gameplay then that in itself is a clear sign bad game design which is something A-Net shouldn't promote.


    > It has everything to do with balance. You can't have greater risk produce the same, or worse, results. Not only it is fairly obvious and logical what happens, we also saw it happen, with condi engi. Making OP, dumbed down builds is absurd.

    Define "risk", are you talking about other builds having sufficient access to counterplay or are you talking about someone choosing to play an overly complicated build bacause "the simple stuff" is to dull for him? If it's the former then yes, no one should be a jack of all trades, master of everything at the same time. If it's the later then no, it's no one's buisses how other players choose to play the game as long as the skill ceiling is roughly the same. Being "dumbed down" doesn't mean that a buld is "OP" just like how being overly complicated to play doesn't mean that a buld isn't "OP". What makes a build OP is the ability to overpower the rest. If something isn't capable of objectively performing better then the rest it's not OP, simple as that.

  12. > I don't mind Thief being the top dps, but not with that gameplay.

    Than this has nothing to do with balance but personal preference. Reading stuff like this reminds me of the "Dulfy is Breaking the Immersion" thread, the basic premise behind these complaints is exactly the same. If the reason one plays X is the DPS and not because the player in question likes the gameplay then that in itself is a clear sign bad game design which is something A-Net shouldn't promote.

  13. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in.

    > > Which I consider to be a good thing since Amala is one of the best boss fights OW has to offer.


    > I disagree. That fight could be nice, but the execution is quite unfun for me. Far too much visual clusterkitten and the melee-hate lately is just annoying. The fractal is even worse. Sometimes, staying alive is just pure luck instead of tied to something called skill.

    I never said the fight is "good", it's just "one of the best" because it's not another pure "DPS golem" or a "collection of minigames" like the OW bosses usually are.

  14. Slowly grinding my way towards a certain amount of gold for various things and WvW level 2000. The recent nerfs have made the grind a lot more tedious. I wouldn't say the LW updates are "bad" but (as a whole) they sure ain't good either. They're definitely full of wasted potential like the FTT system.


    I'm still waiting for a good dragon stand esque OW map where the final boss fight isn't just a big disappointment (gameplay wise). People always whine about HoT maps but with the mounts from PoF (aside from the design of some enemies and the drop rate of certain "infusions") there's not much to complain about anymore. In general: HoT maps > PoF maps, no contest.


    > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in.

    Which I consider to be a good thing since Amala is one of the best boss fights OW has to offer.

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