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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Sylent.3165" said:

    > would you other thieves say this is something that will just be nerfed and make me perform bad later?

    That's impossible to say, I didn't expect them to further nerf already underperforming stuff like unload but that's how they roll. Nerfs are random and you should always expect them.

  2. > @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

    > Why is ele water attunement never destined to do damage?

    It's not so much "why isn't X designed to do damage" but more like "just because Y exists doesn't mean that X can't do damage especially if that's what it's designed to do". Just because a weapon is primarily designed to do damage doesn't mean that its utility skills should be dysfunktional on a fundamental level to the point where it's overly situational (which should be avoided completely if the weapon set as a whole has a general lack of synergy between the individual weapon skills) and people generally agree with this statement but flip it on its head and people are willing do defend there not being generally usefull damage options at all because of some weird notion of "damage is never the solution" which seems to have developed as a counter movement to the whole "damage or GTFO" mentality.

  3. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > I'm explaining why the weapon is in a good place

    Which just shows that you failed to understand the premise of this thread (or the posts you're responding to for that matter), nobody was saying that SB is useless as a tool but as you yourself correctly said:

    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Nobody is using it for damage.

    which is why it fails as a weapon.


    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Nothing about shortbow "needs to be addressed." It sounds like you're asking for a strong weapon to become broken.

    It sounds more like as if you don't have any idea of what makes a weapon broken. Diversity alone is not enough to put a weapon set over the edge and there's little to no synergy between these skills, quite the opposite since they are taking away from the other. They're also unique in their application so (unlike with the rifle skills) it wouldn't make anythig else obsolete.


    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > If you have an issue with it, use a different weapon or **spend some time learning how the class works**. There are several other weapons for the class, pick a set that suits you better.

    Right back at ya, one would expect that someone who plays thief knows that SB is the only ranged based AoE weapon the class has access to but it seems like you just want to keep stuff dysfunctional for the sake of preserving the status quo. Like I said: whiteknighting bad game design.

  4. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > > If you've spent any time in spvp or wvw, you'd know every single thief carries this weapon for movement. If anything it's the most important weapon in a thief's arsenal.

    > > So what? The topic of this thread is that a weapon being used as a tool isn't an excuse for it being a bad weapon e.g. infiltrator's arrow being used for utility isn't an excuse for cluster bomb failing on the most basic level.

    > >

    > > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > > Nobody is using it for damage.

    > > Exactly, that's why it fits as an example for the premise of this thread.


    > If you screw with shortbow 5 and maybe 4, you kill the class; and if you improve the other skills you make it overpowered. Shortbow is in a good place for balance.

    "Screwing with skill 4" would not be able to kill the class and the fact that skill 5 is the only reason the class isn't "dead" yet shows that there's a bigger underlying problem which needs to be addressed but that's beside the point here. And no, making skills like Cluster Bomb capable of properly fulfilling its role would not make the class "OP". Stop whiteknighting bad game design.

  5. > @"Coyote.8391" said:

    > the #2 skill is pretty good for damage if you know how to use it right. (Unfortunately, I don't, so I mainly just use all the other skills. Bad thief is bad lol!)

    Skill 2 is garbage even if you know how to use it "efficiently", that's why you never see anyone use it to kill mobs. You pretty much ignore cluster bomb and go for detonate cluster instead (but even then the damage is below average at best) which forces you into close range so you might as well use a proper close range weapon instead. The skill would probably be fine if detonate cluster was turned into a secondary explosion which accrues after the initial one but in its current state it's just not practical.

  6. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > If you've spent any time in spvp or wvw, you'd know every single thief carries this weapon for movement. If anything it's the most important weapon in a thief's arsenal.

    So what? The topic of this thread is that a weapon being used as a tool isn't an excuse for it being a bad weapon e.g. infiltrator's arrow being used for utility isn't an excuse for cluster bomb failing on the most basic level.


    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Nobody is using it for damage.

    Exactly, that's why it fits as an example for the premise of this thread.

  7. First and foremost I want them to fix some of the existing stuff first like (for example) the fee for custom rooms has to go. Speaking of which they should add an option for regular deathmatch to custom rooms.


    That being said I do want them to add beetle races as a seperate game mode with its own lobby and proper race tracks at some point in the future.

  8. There are a lot of missed opportunities and some of the already existing content is almost unusable for the majority of the playerbase thanks to A-Net creating a ridiculously high barrier of entrance when there should be none. The beetle controls like a "race car" which makes me want to have a whole game mode based on beetle racing. Are we ever going to get one? Most likely not. I'd also like a deathmatch option for custom PvP rooms (one would think that one should have been a no brainer for the dev. team).

  9. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > > it will make lw maps pointless

    > > How so?


    > The only reason people are doing something on lw maps, excluding Istan, is ascended trinkets.

    But that doesn't explain how "it will make lw maps pointless" and the fact that you purposely left out the rest of my post where I addressed this part just shows that you know how nonsensical that is.

  10. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > it will make lw maps pointless

    How so? If you just want the trinkets for practical purposes: go LW. If you also want shiny bling-bling on top of it: go and craft some. The only way it could make "lw maps pointless" is if the materials required for the crafting would be easier to get than stuff like winterberries which seems to be a very irrational fear.

  11. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > You can never have "everything" working.

    That's nonsense, you can't have something which does "everything" at once but there's no (sane) reason why something designed to do X shouldn't be able to properly do the one thing it was designed for.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > So long as the game offers meaningful gameplay choices, you *will* be able to make a bad build which "won't work". Hence my remark about your build making sense.

    But that's beside the point now isn't it? I already told you "even if you have the right stats and all" so it should be clear that I wasn't talking about some weird gimmicky stuff without any real synergy.

  12. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > You just need to know your stuff and your build needs to make sense. That's all.

    Things are not as easy as you want to make them out to be, A-Net just isn't doing that good of a job in this regard. There's a difference between something not being meta and something not being viable and there is some stuff were s**t just doesn't work even if you have the right stats and all.


    > @"otto.5684" said:

    > if something does not get used at all anet completely ignores it

    This is very true, A-Net seems to assume that if people don't use X it's because they're not interested in it even though this couldn't be further from the truth. I'd love to have a working version of various skills but that's not gong to happen anytime soon.


    The frustrating part about this is that people constantly tell them exactly where the problems are and how to fix them but they just don't want to listen to community feedback even if a general consensus exist.

  13. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > You can run whatever you want and it's fine for most of the content.

    Yeah, if we go by:


    "for most of the content" = "OW"




    "it's fine" = "the 49 man zerg will do the work for you"


    that is.

  14. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > I’m actually surprised they didn’t dedicate one or two traits in the Deadeye line for it

    The minor grandmaster would have been the perfect choice here, instead of a flat 10% bonus vs. the marked target it could have been something like: the maked target receves 1% more damage / has its damage output reduced by 1% / hitting the marked target recovers X amount of HP for every stack of malice.


    > @"kash.9213" said:

    > there was some talk about how out of hand that could get

    I don't see how it could get out of hand, if it's a debuff then just don't make it stack past 7 malice. /done

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