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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I think that the icons just show what you would see on that part of the armor, to make them size-consistent. To show the actual chest armor, either the icon would need to be much bigger (which isn't possible), or the art would have to be much smaller, and difficult to see any detail whatsoever.

    But that's not the case for the actual trench coats and it wouldn't make any sense for a suit to have a belt without proper connection to the legwear. Also, some of the legwear seems to have dead dye channels (presumably reserved for these missing textures):


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/TGCOH11.jpg "")


    Light and heavy armor doesn't seem to have this problem as they all have a proper cut like the icons suggest (just look at the wardrobe).

  2. Ok this is bugging me for a long time now and it's gotten so bad that people think that its actually part of the game design when it's clearly not. We've all seen the complains about "medium armor is just a bunch of trenchcoats" and while this is actually not true it at least appears to be this way but to get to the point:


    **Textures which are supposed to be on the legwear are instead on the chestwear.**


    To illustrate the problem let me give you an example of how it's supposed to look like:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/XinWrSK.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/o1MSOP4.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/xg1rfLs.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/uD7WHan.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/T1da0ax.jpg "")


    As you can see the result matches the preview pictures but now take a look at the medium version of the same armor set:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/T6G80PH.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/6Dx6cLh.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/yHPnqJ6.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/jO7e8Ch.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/WcC5448.jpg "")


    As you can see by the preview icons the belt and the leg protection are supposed to be part of the legwear but instead are added to the chestwear for some reason and the WvW armor isn't the only one with this problem. Almost every medium armor set has this issue of giving the chestwear stuff which actually belongs to the legwear. I hope you guys can fix this as this is the source of most complains about the medium armor sets.

  3. Hopefully the medium armor set has a proper split this time.


    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > I hope this actually releases on the 18th and hasn't been pushed back.


    > It will release on the 18th. :)

    And be properly playable on the 19th. :P

  4. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Wasn't p/p mostly a troll build anyways?

    It's only troll if the P/P thief is running something like nomad + daredevil but people call it "troll" because they look at it more like an "annoying fly" as opposed to something serious to fight against.

  5. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Also:A double pistol t hief can do that much damage and he has more mobility than us.

    P/P thief does a lot less damage, has less utility / sustainability / team support, only does single target damage, is a lot more fragile and is overall just inferior in everything except range and mobility (the later one only barely if you're running a damage focused build). Power reaper is no position to complain about P/P thief having "X".


    > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > Why would they nerf Reaper in a mode that it underperforms in?

    A-Net doesn't need a reason to nerf stuff, they've nefed underperforming things before. I wouldn't be surprised if they nerf necro in a way that barely impacts the "issue" they want to address but completely screws over something entierly different.

  6. > @"VixusIrine.9013" said:

    > I'd be willing to slash their damage if I could keep them as permanent minions though.

    Their damage is already pretty much non existent (they do ~ 6% of what an actual player does e.g. one hit from unload does about 2k damage if it comes from a player (assuming casual OW) the summon does only ~120), they're good meatshields but as they are right now they should work like nocro summons or get a secnificant power boost.


  7. The balance is bad but I can deal with something not being top tier as long as its components are at least well designed and overall functioning. If something fails at a basic level and not because its gone out of fashion then I expect them to fix the issue without destroying the core of the gameplay. Them nerfing mediocre or even things with bad performance even further without any apparent reason however is absolutely disgusting.

  8. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > thief already has spec that's geared towards pistols in Critical Strikes

    Pistol doesn't seem to be geared towards anything, the skills are kind of all over the place with little to no synergy between them. Unload is just the only one which is capable of standing on its own while also being power focused so off course it can make use of some of the stuff offered in critical strikes but similar things can be said about DA and trickery. If you look at how much synergy rifle has with deadeye then there's just no comparison.


    > @"derd.6413" said:

    > gunslinger as a theme is just to bare bones, if you really boil it down then the central theme is just is guns and i gotta disappoint you there but engi already has the firearms spec

    But that's beside the point, the theme and its application still doesn't fit with the other core stuff (or anything any other profession has to offer).


  9. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > also the theme is just kinda boring tbh, adds nothing to PP thief

    > > I'd be fine with them removing the ability to dual wield pistols outside of this e-spec if we get a properly working version of it in return, it's not like as if this would be much of a loss anyways.


    > i doubt anet is going to cut up the core classes and repackage them as elite specs unless they've ran out of ideas, and even then i find it more likely they'll just not add an elite spec. and besides they can just fix dual pistols without putting it behind a dedicated elite spec

    I know but P/P is (thematically and gameplaywise) different enough from the rest of the theme "core" is focused around that you could actually justify it being an "e-spec". If you look at what an e-spec actually is that it becomes apparent that it's just a specialisation geared towards a certain style of gameplay with a weapon and a skill type associated to it. For pistols I guess that would be critical strikes and signets but that spec is somewhat of a mess rn (the two stealth treats have no business being in there and it doesn't even have an elite).

  10. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > also the theme is just kinda boring tbh, adds nothing to PP thief

    I'd be fine with them removing the ability to dual wield pistols outside of this e-spec if we get a properly working version of it in return, it's not like as if this would be much of a loss anyways.

  11. Why would a gunslinger spec still be focused around stealth? Just look at any old western the final showdown is pretty much always about direct confrontations. Instead of focusing on stealth I'd rather see the spec be focused around revealed with a havily run'n'gun focused playstyle.


    I'd put unload as skill one as it pretty much perfectly represents the "spirit" of what dual wielding pistols is all about (pumping some lead into your enemy) but I'd also add a 10-20 sec. revealed debuff onto it. As for the other skills I don't have anything specific in mind but I'd like to see some mobility like jumping backwards or rushing towards the enemy (maybe with some swiftness on top of it). Some CC would also be nice, maybe keep headshot as the main problem with the skill on P/P is that it competes with unload for initiative which wouldn't be a problem anymore if you turn unload into an AA (just look at D/P). I don't think the weapon set needs a strong burst oriented skill but I wouldn't mind an AoE (although I'd rather have the ricochet trait back as one of the grandmaster traits).


    As for the class skill I'd like to see something more focused around "taking your enemies stuff" which means no stollen skills this time as the F2 skill usually doesn't really cut it and feels gimmiy at times. Instead I'd like to see steal being replaced with something like a signet of robbery with a passive that lets you shoot boons and HP "out of the enemy" which then can be picked up by either you or your allies.


    And for the ultimate, I'd have the player mount a horse similar to the regular mounts but you'll still be able to use your AA while mounted. I can't imagine this being too efficient during the fight since you won't have any dodges and stuff but it would be the perfect skill to disengage or chase down a fleeing oponent.

  12. ![](https://i.imgur.com/iDu0noB.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/9sQ9hVA.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ohndwJZ.jpg "")

    Some people say HOPE has a futuristic design and going by the projectile animation I can see why people get that impression. However, I disagree. The general theme of the weapon design is obviously steampunk.


    P.S. I really want dye channels for legendary weapons and them to turn combat tonics like the watchknights into outfits. O~O

  13. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Sewedir.3027" said:

    > > > What to do when you hit max lvl ?

    > > Only naming the most important stuff:

    > >

    > > 1. Palawadan -> 2. Akili -> 3. Great Hall -> 4. Akili -> 5. Akili -> 6. Great Hall -> 7. Akili -> go back to step 1.

    > >

    > > ^ GW2 endgame in a nutshell


    > what is akili?

    A NPC you have to protect during an escort event.

  14. Well they can use machine learning to create bots which behave like human players, immagine going in a room full of mesmers and they all fight like their top ranked human counterparts. Or going to queensdale and all the bandits start behaving like your average thief in WvW, that's the experience PvE is currently missing.

  15. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Sewedir.3027" said:

    > > > What to do when you hit max lvl ?

    > > Only naming the most important stuff:

    > >

    > > 1. Palawadan -> 2. Akili -> 3. Great Hall -> 4. Akili -> 5. Akili -> 6. Great Hall -> 7. Akili -> go back to step 1.

    > >

    > > ^ GW2 endgame in a nutshell


    > Without the expansions?

    Well this makes things a little bit easier:


    1. Open TP -> 2./3. buy cheap -> 3./2. sell for profit -> go back to either step 2. or 3.

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