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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > how can you even imagine a norn thief??

    Remember the Vikings? The whole "thief archetype" is actually a lot more diverse than how they are represented in game which is why I don't really get the heavy focus on stealth (I'm not talking about certain builds but in general). In this regard, thematically, both e-specs don't even make any sense. An old western outlaw or a viking themed e-spec would have been a lot more fitting.

  2. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Do what Blizzard did with their Necro:


    > Have the pet skills be just as much about a passive pet as it is about an impactful active.


    > I mean, most pet abilities do have an active component already but they are like 10% of what the skill is about. 90% is about just summoning a passive pet.


    > Reworking these skills to have shorter cooldown and more impact would be the way to go, IMO. Although naturally this would come at a slight nerf of the pets themselves, but the new active component should of course more than make up for it.

    Nah, unless you want to talk about some kind of golemancer who specialises in remote controlled drones "pets" should be as self sufficient as posible for what they're worth. I don't want to see them turned into a glorified attack animation. But yes, Blizzard absolutely nailed the basic minion master necro gameplay in D2.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > one might not like the stats of the piece in question (but would be unable to change them without destroying the effect)

    Then turn every item with an unique effect which isn't an integral part of the item design itself into an ascended item (they're usually ten times more pricey than the basic ascended stuff anyways) and make ascended stat change only change the stats and not the basic item type. The upsides for customization would be ultimately far greater than what you get by turning X into an infusion.

  4. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > the biggest gripe I have with anet balance is that **they refuse to buff useless or mediocre traits / utilities / weapons**.

    I agree but I'd say that the fact that they're willing to nerf these things even further is a lot worse.

  5. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > 'less stealth' or 'more reveal'

    I'd actually like to see more "revealed" in some areas, with the introduction of the rifle which is basically a flat out superior version of what P/P "used to be" (and more) I feel like P/P lost all its (practical) purpose. I'd like to see a meaningfull difference in regards to how these weapons play and since rifle mainly focuses on stealth and burst damage I feel like P/P sould be geared more towards direct engagements and sustainability. People always wanted to have the option to play thief more like a "duelist" and while not everyone is a fan of dual pistols (which could be said about pretty much everything) the whole gunslinger theme is a lot more fitting for this kind of stuff than for the stealth focused gameplay other weapon sets are based around. Furthermore we already have traits which profit from the player being revealed which are almost pointless right now but would be a lot more useful if P/P skills applied the "revealed" debuff. At this point I wouldn't even mind if they restrict pistol usage to X/P and P/X and make P/P an e-spec weapon set, both the severe shift in ton and gameplay compared to the other core stuff would warrant such a change.

  6. > @"Ghotistyx.6942" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > But would you ever going to to ask these players what the "underlying issue" for them is or would you just going to make assumptions and hope that the solution you came up with is hitting the nail on its head?


    > Players almost never understand the underlying issue compared to designers.

    Given their track record this couldn't be any further from the truth. If you have players on the forum bring up an issue and someone is talking complete nonsense he usually gets called out for it and you do have a general consent on various issues, it's not perfect because you often times have people trying to participate which don't even understand the position they're trying to argue against but it sure beats the "let's default to the nerf bat and beat down everything what we perceive to be the issue" A-Net constantly goes back to creating a lot of collateral damage in the process. Having access to statistics by itself isn't necessarily much of a help either since it gives you the "what" but not the "why". I've seen more than enough balance changes which completely miss the mark and show a deep lack of basic understanding of the issue. There's a lot of stuff which probably could have been prevented if they actually asked for some feedback on that matter.


    Wat they would end up doing with the feedback is of course another thing but there's no point for them not to say "Ok this is what we perceive to be an issue because [insert reasoning here] and this is what we want to do about it, what are your thoughts?".



  7. Thief could use some more reworks, with the introduction of the rifle we now have two weapon sets on one profession which essentially do the exact same thing with one of them being a flat out superior version of the other. This shouldn't exist but instead of toning down the better one and make them essentially "copies" of each other I'd rather give the weaker one an overhaul so these weapon sets wouldn't have to compete with each other for the same thing anymore.

  8. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > If Charr is saying he wants 'zooka to do 50k and everyone wants that, well. **We ask ourselves *why*.** What is the issue that Charr is trying to address by making that suggestion? ... Then we look at what we can do to address the underlying issue, because those are usually present.

    But would you ever going to to ask these players what the "underlying issue" for them is or would you just going to make assumptions and hope that the solution you came up with is hitting the nail on its head?


  9. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > Sometimes that means nerfing a build on one profession so that other professions can have a role in that same space.

    What's the point of this? I don't see any reason why two different professions shouldn't be able to fit a similar role as long as there is a noticeable difference in regards to their gameplay.

    > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > Nerfs do not necessarily reduce build diversity.

    But in some cases they are without actually providing any positive results in return.


  10. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > * Priority is based on a multitude of factors including when something was last changed, **player feedback**, internal feedback, and the sheer time to make a set of changes.

    Then how come that skills which are already considered bad by the community as a whole get further nerfs which no one even asked for? E.g. the dual pistol weapon skill unload, the weapon set is already outclassed by rifle **in every way** and could use a complete overhaul (because unload is the only weapon skill this set has to offer which isn't overly situtional or redundant (e.g. there is no real need for an auto attack on dual pistol thief because you don't have any cooldown downtimes to brige and unload is alredy fitting the basic "sustainable damage" role)) but this skill was always considerd to be easy to play around for multiple reasons (the main one being it having severe initiative cost issues) and someone thought it was a good idea to make it even worse, why? It's not based on user feedback and it's also not based on in game performance given the overabundance of available counterplay. There also has been no official explanation given for this change which makes it look like a completely random change with no practical purpose (and this is true for many changes in general) besides kicking those who are already in an unfavorable position.

  11. Depends on the context:


    utility stuff like mounts and the teleport device >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glider (also it wouldn't have been that bad if the glider skills from LWS3 EP1 weren't map exclusive)


    In terms of map design: HoT maps >>>>>>>>>>> PoF maps


    I especially liked how DS feels like a the gigantic OW raid (to bad both the boss fight and the rewards sucked). I just wish it would have been more easy to hop in and out like in SW. Bonus points for AB, TD and CO for having special meta themed infusion auras as possible event rewards (doesn't amount for much tho since their drop rates are way to low).

  12. Consumables like various weapons or the jackalope / hylek tonic sold by core tyria vendors should be turned into gizmos (don't care if their price gets multiplied by factor 1000).


    The fee for sPvP custom room creation needs to be removed completely, having to pay 200 gold just to play a casual round of PvP vs. your frends is just disincentivizing the larger player base from engaging with the constant at all. Also, custom rooms should support a deathmatch game mode.


    > @"Berserk Steve.1530" said:

    > Add a vendor to each map which has an enemy that drops a unique skin ... No ones really worried in raids because they know they can buy it eventually.

    ^ this, stuff like the chak infusion should be sold for map currency at the event vendor after successful event completion. Also, they should complete the wurmslayer set.


    > @"Berserk Steve.1530" said:

    > you have an infinite watchknight tonic, you double click it in tab A, it consumes it (like decoration vendor) and in Tab B you unlock Infinite Watchknight Tonic (multiple shops have hidden contents that you unlock

    Battle tonics should be turned into outfits like they did with the city clothing.

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