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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > > They fail even more when fans point out these flaws and ignore them totally, I never seen a single dev get involve on this issue.


    > Why would they listen to some entitled whiny people? They're not gonna fix armor just because some people dislike the way it looks.

    He still has a point tho. They do seem to ignore criticism even if it's justified (e.g. the "every medium suit looks like a pseudo trench coat" complaint which is mostly a result of misplaced textures).

  2. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > why we haven't gotten new stats and trinkets with the map?

    Instead of tickets I would rather have an ascended armor set, the Requiem set was the perfect opportunity but they failed to deliver. Now we have another "soon to be dead" map but I agree with that theres a sevier lack of new stat combos, I'd love to see a power and precition major + ferocity and concentration minor stat combo.


    > @"Susy.7529" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > The good : it's beautifull

    > > The bad : useless map ; no trinket, got all skins in one week, nothing to farm, already left this map.


    > Did you also get shield **and infusion**?

    Let's be honest: the infusion doesn't make a difference , at all. The drop rate is far to low for it to matter and A-Net never learns. Did you know that you can get a cosmetic infusion from the meta in Amnoon? Yeah, just look at how well that turned out. This meta is pretty much dead and it's not that peole don't like these items. You just can't realisticly expect to ever drop one (unlike the worm / Tequatl stuff). The only reason TD isn't dead is because of legendary crafting.

  3. Let's put it this way, for example:


    I would consider buying stuff like new unique projectile animations for my ranged weapons (like ice arrows for my bows) however, I think the option to change projectile animations itself and unique projectile animations for already unlocked weapons (like the plasma bullets from HOPE) should be an integral part of the game and not something you have to unlock though additional purchases.

  4. > @"Greenspells.3082" said:

    > I very much like the look. However I am very disappointed the sound is not the same as the story chapter **or as advertised in Dulfy's video** .

    Let me guess, you're playing deadeye. They have different attack animations for rifle but I agree, every unique (special reward / exotic rarity or higher / gemstore) ranged weapon should have their own unique attack animations. TBH how the Pop Gun got this treatment is beyond me.

  5. > @"snowflake.9037" said:

    > **Unload:**

    > Remove might

    > Increase damage by 5%

    > Add superspeed while channeling.

    That wouldn't address the main problem with P/P thief at all. The reason why P/P thief doesn't work in PvP (and only barely in PvE) becomes very apparent if you think about why D/P works (imagine for example dagger 1 having similar ini costs to unload or only doing as much damage as the pistol auto (relatively speaking)). Unload should replace the auto, skill 2 and 5 (when dual wielding pistols) need a complete rework (like other people said some mobility would be nice) in adition to a new skill 3. Skill 4 is fine as it is but rn there is really no (practical) point in playing a P/P thief as it's quite bad and rifle is essentially better in every way.


    > And please no Condi/power hybrid BS


  6. I'd love to see an in game DPS meter, if we ever get one I'd like it to have these 4 functions:


    - my current DPS


    - damage dealt (in both % and number) and average DPS vs. the last killed boss type enemy (champion or higher)


    - a ranking for said boss with damage in % shown for every participating player (but with you being the only one who gets mentioned by name), as in:


    [insert boss name], time to kill:


    Number of participans:


    First place: 13%

    Second place: [insert player name here] 8%

    Third place: 5%



    - A personal record funktion vs. unique bosses like Amala or Tequatl (e.g. highest average DPS / shortest time to kill + the class you used for the fight).

  7. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > Well, that's a hell of a lot of gold, time, and effort just for a few extra effects, when you could get a near identical skin for not even 1/10th of the effort/investment.

    TBH for ranged combat these "few extra effects" (the projectile animations in particular) pretty much make the weapon.

  8. > Pvp:

    > - balance, balance, balance.

    That's not the main problem sPvP suffers from, it's just what the competitive scene usually cares about the most (or is at least the most vocal about). What sPvP lacks the most is approachability. The environment is extremely hostile towards potential new players and I'm not talking about the other players here. Players can't just open a new room and invite their friends for a quick PvP match, you have to buy an item for 200 gold first and the stupid thing isn't even permanent. That alone kills it for many players but there's more. Even if the gold fee wasn't a thing sPvP still lacks many basic tings like a DM or a TDM mode. sPvP has potential but it's not engaging and that's the main problem here.

  9. Are there any plans on making the cuts between the breast armor and leg armor pieces for future medium set releases more like how it is for the light and heavy armor sets?


    As it stands right now the breast armor pretty much always makes the set while there is little to no difference for the leg armor (even the legendary one"s"). It's different for the glorious set but there is no real point in mixing it with other leg pieces because like I said they all look like the same and what's more some of the leg pieces (the new elegy and requiem ones included) don't even have a belt because for some reason this part of the leg piece is oftentimes attached to the breast armor even if the preview icon shows otherwise (e.g. the leg piece from the triumphant armor set).

  10. > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > Unfortunately, the maps I have landed on haven't been running the Distortions.

    But this shouldn't really matter as you can easily solo the event, TBH the event seems to get a lot harder once it scales up to elite or higher.



  11. There are 5 distortions, every distortion gets you 5 of them + the 15 from the vendors makes 40 per char even if you don't want to put much effort into it. I'd say they are easy enough to farm (and it's not like you're going to need them for anything else once you finished the collection).

  12. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > Maybe he is a peaceful dragon that is a pacifist?- Doubtful, the Elder Dragons are the nature itself, and they want to grab as much magic they can.

    Well we can't really say either way. They're obviously not "the nature itself" that's just how the Zephyrites view them, when it comes down to it they're just some very strong beings who put themselves into a favorable position by accumulating as much magic as possible and everyone else has just started to accept this as a given because from their mortal point of view "that's how it always was". Also, just because it's an elder dragon doesn't mean that it's hostile to other creatures. Off course saying that it's peaceful would be a stretch but it doesn't seem to be very aggressive either. Aside from Mordremoth we barely get any insight in how they view the world and other beings despite them obviously having at least human level intelligence.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > The only 'Mists beings' we've ever really been told about are demons, spirits, nightmares (aka evil, twisted, spirits), and gods.

    There are also astral beings like Viirastra or this guy:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/QVyW5Mq.jpg "")


    > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > you really can’t be certain what is going to happen

    That's true, for all we know we might team up with another elder dragon to take him down, dragons are intelligent creatures after all and we don't really know the mentality of the DSD but I'd imagine Kralkatorrik destroying this dimension would be a problem for them as well.

  14. > @"JTHMRulez.9378" said:

    > since Kralkatorrik's mere presence in the Mists is threatening to destroy reality itself I doubt we'll see any individual stronger than him there

    Well that doesn't make any sense.


    > @"JTHMRulez.9378" said:

    > (That haven't destroyed reality already)

    Just because something is strong doesn't mean that it's malevolent (and/or cares about lesser beings living on a random "isle"), the "gods" themselves were just some beings wandering through the mists and who knows what else is out there. We don't even know if the Six are particularry strong for what they are, we've already seen some other beings who are at least comparable so I guess not.

  15. > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > with Kralkatorrik as powerful as he is, with no possible combination of factors available to us enabling us to win, as seen via Aurene's visions, really the Gods are the only sensible answer to this story conumdrum

    Not really, there are all kinds of weird s**t living in the mists. He might even get off-screened by a more powerful trans-dimensional being if it gets annoyed enough to bother.

  16. > @"Xenon.4537" said:

    > I like to think they are actually from another planet.

    Another dimension would probably be more accurate given that the mists are basically the space between dimensions. To bad we're never actually going to properly visit other planes of existence because a dev. once said that every new map has to be on the current world map so new overworlds for other dimensions are sadly out of question.


    On an unrelated note: I want griffon races in low gravity.

  17. TD is easily the best map this game has to offer (in terms of structure and esthetics, closely followed by draconis mons). Too bad the replayability sucks as there is no real point in farming them (thanks A-Net for screwing up the implementation of the map specific meta reward in TD (and some other maps)).

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