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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Irrelevant.

    So you're being dismissive because it disproves your argument?


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > The LI are also specific to Heart of Thorns Raids.

    And yet they are still overarching rewards for the related content just like Unbound Magic for S3 and Volatile Magic for S4 which (unlike a singe fractal) is not overly specific.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > You are mistaken. They are rewards for killing a Raid boss in Normal or Above difficulty

    So for all difficulty modes.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > There is absolutely no reason to have the same rewards in an easy mode and goes against the Fractal system. When they added a *new* tier in Fractals (CM) it has its own specific/unique rewards. The opposite, when they add a new version of Raids (the easy version) is also true, they need to remove access to some of the rewards to keep them exclusive to the higher difficulty content. Same principle/content as Fractals really.

    Not quite, CM stands as separate content and like I said I don't have any problems with sub content specific rewards but if you want to make an apt comparison then low tier fractals to "easy mode" raids (or whatever they want to call it) and high tier fractals to "normal mode" raids would be more fitting.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > It's irrelevant what happens in other types of content. You can check fractals as the mid tiers are mostly wastelands. I'd argue that T4 would also be a wasteland if every fractal had a CM and running CM counted for the daily recommended.

    It's very relevant as this seems to be the reason why they don't want to "segregate the playerbase of Raids".

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > CMs of fractals have unique rewards... they are not special "sub content" rewards, they are rewards of Fractals, in their CM version.

    Specific to the fractal in question.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Why would Legendary Insights work like Fractal Relics and not Unstable Cosmic Essences? Why do you call Legendary Insights "general rewards"?

    Because they don't require you to beat the CM version of a specific raid. They're rewards for killing a raid boss regardless of difficulty, nothing more.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > CM versions of Raids don't have extra unique rewards so as not to segregate the playerbase of Raids. If they did have unique rewards then the normal version of Raids would suffer as the more experienced raiders would move ahead

    And yet every other content works like that and those who are playing the more difficult content generally want this divide to happen, A-Net failing to make harder content more rewarding is on them and it wouldn't be that much of a problem if more people were playing this kind of content which is something an easy mode could ease them into.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > How you go from that to this completely unrelated comparison about copper and gold is something i will truthfully have to admit i cannot grasp.

    Because you put things out of context which again is on you.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > The monetary currency used in GW2 has nothing at all to do with the time-gated items in raids like LI or magnetite shards **because copper/silver/gold is not time-gated**

    Which is irrelevant as your argument was "getting more rewards is not more rewarding".


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > Do you even notice that you are ignoring a large part of a well structured reply, ripping out and nit-picking a single tiny sentence out of it

    I merely cut out all the smoke and fluff and got to the core of your argument.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > and then replying with something so out of context that simply reading it confused me greatly

    How so? The (like you said) "philosophy of fairness" which you were referring back to is the basis of the argument I've responded to and that's all the context there is to it.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > Give us details on how you think it should be done then

    I don't have to give specific numbers as it's irrelevant for my argument and I already gave a reference. Again: the rewards should be high enough that acquiring the end result is still realistically possible (as in "not having to wonder if the game is still up by the time it would take you to acquire X") but low enough that everyone who got the hang of it gladly switches to a higher difficulty mode. Anything beyond that is something I either already adessed in a previous post (which you claimed to have read) or something I couldn't care less about (like the exact number of magnetite shards for each difficulty level).

  3. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > ... drop only in Shattered Observatory challenge mode

    > > Except I stated that I'm talking about "non specific participation rewards", Unstable Cosmic Essence is not a general reward for the overarching content.


    > Shattered Observatory challenge mode is the current Raids, T1 Fractals is the easy Raids. There is a reason the CM version has exclusive rewards, similar concept, the "CM" of Raids will get exclusive rewards compared to the easy mode. IT's not such a hard concept to understand.

    And that's where you're wrong, there's no difference in what you can get by playing T1-4 fractals and CM fractals are not required for any of the general fractal rewards just like how CM raids are not required for any of the general raid rewards. I'm not talking about special sub content specific rewards like titles and stuff. Like you said: it's not such a hard concept to understand.

  4. > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > Again this is players proceeding to get equally rewarded for putting in less effort, which is logically unfair.

    Going by that logic 1 copper is just as rewarding as 100 gold cause "you can just work your way up", this might be how you feel about it but getting more rewards is factually not the same as getting "equally rewarded".


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > ... drop only in Shattered Observatory challenge mode

    Except I stated that I'm talking about "non specific participation rewards", Unstable Cosmic Essence is not a general reward for the overarching content.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Golden Weapons ... are impossible to acquire outside running 51+ Fractals.

    No they aren't, you can use Pristine Fractal Relics to buy Golden Fractal Relics which in turn can be used to buy Gold Fractal weapons.

  5. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > If people share **constructive and meaningful feedback** then we sincerely thank them.

    But it's not like as if you guys are making it easy for us to give accurate feedback. First and foremost what was your intention here, an obstacle course that also serves as a race track or a race track that's also used for time trials? If it's former then it's actually rather decent but it doesn't really work for races as the abundance of obstacles is quite the pace breaker and can easily lead to frustrating situations for the average player. If it's the latter then what were you thinking? Just look at the average race track from an average racing game and then compare it to this one, notice something? Exactly, the track is way too narrow and littered with sharp turns and "hidden" objects which can completely eliminate your momentum. It works as an obstacle course but fails as a race track, that is assuming we're talking about (as advertised) the beetle. It works fine as a race track for the raptor / the jackal but this creates the problem that you feel like "you can't win for s**t" if even one player who knows how to use the beetle participates.


    Like i said before this game should get a proper race mode with race tracks tailor made for the various mounts (and only for the mount(s) in question), this would improve these races tremendously.

  6. > @"Syprus Soulslayer.1640" said:

    > As for value I think it’s going to go up, there’s only 5 on the TP.

    The price is already down from 7000 to ~4000 because unlike the crystal infusion it actually drops. I suspect the drop rate is similar to other event infusions with the difference that aura effects stack in intensity which is the main reaston why they're as expensive as they are.

  7. > @"Alimar.8760" said:

    > it doesn't feel at all well designed

    That's because you're thinking of it as a race track when in reality it's more like an obstacle course for achievements repurposed as a race track for the sake of convenience. Mount races definitely deserve their own separate game mode with race tracks specifically designed for the mount in qurstion (imagine beetle races on proper race tracks or griffon races in low gravity).

  8. I'd change Ankle Shots from:


    Chance to cripple the enemy on Critical Hit: 60% (cooldown: 8s)

    Pistol and harpoon attacks deal increased damage to crippled foes: 10%

    Cripple (3s): -50% Movement Speed




    Pistol and harpoon attacks have a chance to cripple the enemy on Critical Hit: 60% (cooldown: 2s)

    critical hits deal increased damage: 10% (pistol and harpoon attacks deal an additional 10% to crippled foes)

    Cripple (3s): -50% Movement Speed


    In this case they probably also have to upgrade Practiced Tolerance. Maybe add toughness and concentration or something else to not make it a flat out inferior version of Ankle Shots.

  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > I'd prefer the Wizard Tower to be released with an open world/story-level of difficulty, many people are interested in it and putting it to a raid level doesn't seem the right thing to do imho.

    > > You can actually have it "both ways" if you make it an "OW raid", kinda like Dragon's Stand but this time with some quality please.


    > DS is quite the high quality OW content.

    Overall compared to other OW content but it's not like as if the bar is exceptionally high. The "big fight" at the end was rather disappointing for what it was supposed to be (and in comparison to other OW bosses).

  10. > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > It made absolute sense because of this quote.

    Nothing of this implies that "people should get the exact same amount of rewards for every difficulty", in fact I explicitly stated that they should get less which is why you don't have a point here. You're just reading stuff into it while also ignoring what the post you quoted actually said wich is on you.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > You follow it up saying that reduced rewards like fractals are the way to go, but what in your opinion are reduced rewards like fractals?

    Completing the content on a lower difficulty gets you a significantly reduced amount of the exact same time-gated stuff and some items drop less frequently. If that doesn't make any sense to you then I don't know what to tell you as it is a rather simple concept to grasp.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > prestige is an immensely poor argument

    I agree but I'm not the one using it as an argument so what's your point?


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > they can work their way up to normal mode and claim the main rewards in the intended difficulty mode

    As I said earlier those who only care about rewards are just going to ignore the lower difficulties.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > "Legendary items are participation rewards, nothing more"? ... What do you mean with this?

    I already mentioned it earlier but seems like you didn't actually read my other posts (despide you claiming otherwise): they're long term goals to keep players engaged with the content.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > Also "buying raids" isn't exactly the same as actually doing the raids, that much is true

    Then why should they "deserve" better rewards than someone who actually did put at least some effort into it? Because they paid money which they got from content that's even easier than that? You asked about "what people deserve" but at the same time don't seem to have any problems with stuff like this, seems like your complaints are rather empty. The whole question can also be flipped on its head: Why should they deserve fundamentally different rewards on a higher difficulty mode when the core content is essentially the same and (like you said) prestige is not an argument? To make higher difficulties more rewarding? That would also be coverd by a substantial increase in quantity.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > And raid-sellers do not need to pressure Anet into doing anything here, because their official stance is that they condone the activity because people are free to choose how to spend their own time and gold. If a group of players want to sell raids, that's fine. If people want to buy raids, that's fine. It's like with the old "Droknar runs" in GW1. That was fine too, i don't see how that should change now.

    So what? This reply doesn't even make any sense as I was referring to the people who complain about the "value" of their precious prestige items as a symbol of personal skill being tarnished by something like an easy mode while at the same time not having any problem with raid selling whatsoever. How you get from "I don't take people who are not consistent about their self proclaimed standards seriously" to "A-Net should do something about raid selling" is beyond me.


    >steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons

    I wanna see an e-spec that "steals" the enemy's weapon sets, makes them unable to use them for the duration of the time and then lets you beat him up with his own weapons. The salt would be real.

  11. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > So how exactly it is supposed to carry more prestige

    > > It carries more prestige for those who care about personal player skill and accomplishments because (unlike group titles) they actually reflect on the player wearing it in this regard, group titles on the other hand only cary prestige for those who care about experience. If that's all you care about fine but saying "no one cares about solo titles" essentially means that no one cares about player skill and personal accomplishments which I find hard to believe.


    > Oh, they do care about players skill and personal accomplishments, only they value the MP-related ones higher, because they're harder.

    Something you can just buy for money has no value for everyone who truly cares about personal player skill (at least not in that regard).

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