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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > > Can we just accept.changes and move on ... So much negativity about balance patch

    > >

    > > So we should be happy about our favorite builds getting run into the ground for often times no apparent reason?


    > No apparent reason? In no other MMO is one single spec the only tank, while also being the best support (and by a large margin). It was very weird. Granted, Anet should not have let it get so out of control and let it continue for so long, but there is a very, very clear reason why Chrono was nerfed.


    I was talking about these patches in general (hence the "often times").

  2. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > Can we just accept.changes and move on ... So much negativity about balance patch


    So we should be happy about our favorite builds getting run into the ground for often times no apparent reason? The gameplay is a big part why people enjoy a game to begin with and the whole point of these changes is to screw with the gameplay so of course people are going to be negative about it if one of these changes affects their gameplay experience in a negative way.

  3. The devs said during a Q&A (the PvP one a couple of months ago) that their balance decisions are mostly based on "the highest level of skillful play" e.g. the performance of top PvP players and general user feedback. Now this is for the most part obviously not (or at best only partly) true as most of their actions don't reflect the reality of things in the slightest. They also said that they generally look at the complaints and then try to "find" the underlying issue with unsurprisingly rather lackluster results. It's not even that they never hit the nail on the head but the collateral damage they cause along the way is often times even worse than the "problem" (as in it's usually quite unclear what they are trying to address) they want to fix.


    The thing is, if they wanted to give us a proper answer to the topic (as this has been brought up in the past multiple times) they would have already done so.



  4. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > We've also had the opportunity to update thief weapon traits to the new standard of having a baseline value in addition to **the benefits while wielding that weapon**.

    Looking at the "standard" some of the other classes (and thief weapons) got for their weapon specific traits it's safe to say that Ankle Shots is definitely not on par with them. The trait is rather useless for pistol based builds as Practiced Tolerance essentially does the same thing but better unless all you do is being in a party fighting boss mobs. Removing the proc chance does nothing for the trait either since the cooldown is the actual problem here, not that it really matters since you can just use the rifle to perma cripple your opponent (it's the better "pistol" anyways).



  5. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:


    > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > Let us imagine a DE equiping Ricochet. **De takes rifle**

    > > That doesn't even make any sense since ricochet was a pistol specific weapon trait.


    > okay if you want it to be pistol based

    > let him take 2 pistols and spam 3 with ricochet that would be equally stupid

    I see, you haven't used a P/P based build for any of the PvP based modes in recent history otherwise you would have known just how nonsensical that statement is but in case you're wondering: you can't spam "3" thanks to how unsustainable that skill is in PvP and even if you could this would still be a deeply flawed comparison for multiple reasons.

  6. > @"Horan.7013" said:

    > I agree. The current state of AoE spam, including AoE CC, ricochet will not be OP even if it comes back.

    It wasn't even "OP" back then and I honestly don't see a single reason for its removal other than "a developer didn't like it" since they never gave any official explanation for its removal and the only people who ever complained about it were the ones that didn't like how the ricocheting bullets pulled some other mobs in which is hardly valid justification for the removal of the trait for multiple reasons.


    > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > Let us imagine a DE equiping Ricochet. **De takes rifle**

    That doesn't even make any sense since ricochet was a pistol specific weapon trait.



  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > One would be to use radiant/hellfire set as precursors

    > > Only if the final version of the suit gets a variant with ley-line tentacles (unless we get a legendary ley-line tentacle backpack for OW which would be even better).

    > >


    > How about no? Tentacles don't really fit with the radiant/hellfire skins. They need an update to use higher quality shaders and materials, better lights (for Radiant) and better particles (for Hellfire) to bring them up-to-date with more current gem store sets.

    Beams of light coming out of your back actually fits perfectly with the radiant set (although like I said I would prefer this to be a legndary backpack) and if you don't like them just use the "non tentacle" variant.

  8. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > One would be to use radiant/hellfire set as precursors

    Only if the final version of the suit gets a variant with ley-line tentacles (unless we get a legendary ley-line tentacle backpack for OW which would be even better).


    > In general, since the open world set would be of lower skill difficulty

    How? Like seriously: how? Both the sPvP and the WvW set don't require any skill (at all). It's only for non raid PvE where people try to artificially infuse "difficulty" into the process when all of the already existing sets are nothing but participation rewards for their respective content.

  9. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > Please enlighten me on those "real barriers" then

    Personal preference and ease of accessibility, the main reason why raids are inherently niche content (in any MMORPG, not just GW2) is the amount of organisation/coordination it takes which is something many people (first and foremost casuals) are unwilling to bother themselfs with. Same with fractals but to a lesser degree, fractals are designed to be 5 player content and while easily soloable the number of players doing them would be significantly higher if they were desined to be 1-5 player content. OW on the other hand is just the embodyment of easy access, coordination (while often times benificial) is something people usualy don't have to deal with. WvW is similar in that regard but it incorporates a specific type of PvP the average player doesn't want to deal with.




    > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > I certainly wouldn't say every single piece of the vast amount of different PvE content **needs**


    > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > There is no "need" for anything but that's not really an argument as it says nothing about whether or not having it is a good thing. There's no "need" for mounts either but people generally seem to like them so it's safe to say that their inclusion was a good thing.




    > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > The current set requires a lot of PvE outside of raids which already makes them the "PvE legnedary armor" **just like** there is a PvP and a WvW version.

    It's not even remotely comparable to an overarching set like the sPvP or the WvW ones. You can get a WvW set by exclusively playing borderlands while you can also get the set whithout ever having to bother with this part of the content. The same can't be said about the Envoy set and its relationship to raids. It's not the "PvE" set, if anything it's the HoT raid set.

  10. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > Unless ArenaNet did indeed exclude CMs from the list and possibly even limit the amount of T4s you would have to completely to a one-time thing while allowing you to stick to the lower levels mostly.

    But this wouldn't remove any of the "real barriers" either because (despite what some people would want to make you believe) it's not really about "skill" or "difficulty". It never was, it never will be. It's about the content itself. Low level fractals are easy AF and yet people are more willing to engage with more difficult OW content. It takes less "skill" to acquire the legendary WvW set than Aurora and yet the later one seems to be a lot more common.



    > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > one has to wonder why even use Fracatals in the first place then. They might as well go the Open World grind route then

    Because the style of content is inherently different. Ideally both fractals and OW PvM should get their own legendary armor sets.

  11. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It would take away those solely doing raids for legendary armor.

    Not entirely, sure you would lose some people (those who don't like the content to begin with) but people are asking for fractals to get its own legendary armor set, not to add the Envoy set to other content. You would still have to raid if you want to have the raid set.



    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > There’s also no need for another set in the game.

    There is no "need" for anything but that's not really an argument as it says nothing about whether or not having it is a good thing. There's no "need" for mounts either but people generally seem to like them so it's safe to say that their inclusion was a good thing.



    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Let’s all be honest here that people are only wanting legendary armor to be obtainable in fractals because they know they can’t get an easy mode in raids so this is the next best thing.

    That's quite a presumptuous thing to say and I don't see any evidence that backs up this claim, this seems like a cheap way to dismiss anyone who holds a different opinion. Also, the "next best thing" would be the WvW set as it only requires you to grind content on the same difficulty level as the stuff from the OW starting areas.


  12. So with this the rock dog from the ogre rune will be an always up unless it gets killed? Awesome (now they should do the same thing with the other summonings (including the E-Spec ones)), it's honestly impressive how they can do such a good job with summons in this regard but then fail so horribly when it comes to the LW vendor summons.


    I'm hoping for a revamp of the "vampiric" themed runes and sigils, I'd love to see some real always active lifesteal on hit effect instead of this gimmick we have rn.



    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Ogre runes without randomness attached to it (might be viable for many more situations now, having an ally to deal a bit of damage and soak some is immensely useful, **now even outside of dungeons??** :P)

    They were never that useful for dungeons to begin with as everything capable of killing you is either a big room encompassing AoE, a OHKO (usually also a big AoE) or some other environmental stuff the dog can't do anything against. The only real use this summon has is to distract trash mobs (as it doesn't really do any noticeable amount of damage either) which has always been most usefull in OW.

  13. > I'm not interested in tapping small icons on small devices with my thumb

    And here you have it, the simple fact Activision Blizzard failed to understand. Controls have a big impact on the gameplay and Blizzards response makes it seem as if they don't consider the gameplay an important factor at all. I'm almost baffled how they didn't see that reaction comming, there must have been someone working at Blizzard who were like "wait a minute, I'm not so sure if making that the big reveal is such a good idea". And the main problem here isn't even the game itself, it's the marketing that screwed up big time. No one would have said anything if they hyped up the fans for a new mobile game. Sure, the hype woudnt have been nerly as big but at least the reveal wouldn't have been so anticlimactic.



  14. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > **Fresh**

    > New, physically disabled, may be a friend playing the account. Many possibilities but typically just a new player learning the game. Some are keyboard turners, others appear to have a handle on walking and dodging but die about as easily as an NPC. Better to just /wave and let them carry on with their adventure assuming they don't attack you first!

    > Common player.

    I have to disagree on that one, at least in regards to them being a common roamer, what you described here may be applicable to the PvE players doing dailies for GoB but you almost never see them roaming around the map as they usually stay close to their respective WPs (same goes for "below average" to a slightly lesser degree).



  15. > @"Daergoth.9415" said:

    > What is a character that has a fairly simple rotation that would allow them to enjoy the game but still be viable in different game modes?

    That depends entirely on how you define "enjoy the game" but in terms of simple rotation dual pistol deadeye probably takes the cake. The only things you need to care about is positioning and initiative management so your rotation looks somewhat like F1 -> 3,3,3,3,3... -> F2 -> 1 -> 3,3,3,3,3... -> F1 -> ... That being said it's a viable choice for everything PvE (although never optimal) but completely unviable for sPvP and WvW.

  16. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > Utilities that need an adjust are things like :

    > ...

    > Thieves Guild Lower ICD

    Lower ICD alone is not going to do much, they either should turn it into an always active like the necro summons (which is what I would prefer) or seriously buff their damage.

  17. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > It should come as no surprise that people would vote for making things easier for them.

    [Except](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/57920/should-breakbars-be-removed/p1 "Except"), 84% for "Keep them as they are" as opposed to 4% for "Remove breakbars from game." and going by the replies it's apparent that not everyone who voted for "remove" did so because they wanted the game to be easier (and this was a poll done on general which arguably has a higher amount of "casual" players).

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