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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It excels and precision flying as you have control over where it stops and can maneuver it around much more easily. What you’re disagreeing about has nothing to do with that but wanting extended flight.


    The ability to fly freely is part of it, the game dragging you down affects your movement and thus impales on your ability to fly precisely. Now you can still make precise movements but that was never the argument.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > >

    > > > It excels at precision flying over the griffon. It’s even better when there are UM/VM orbs.

    > >

    > > Like I said it's not really "excelling" with all the limitations.


    > It is. I’d play around with it some more and especially after you have all of the masteries unlocked.


    Nope, even with masteries it's still to limited for it to be called "excelling". Like I said it's a a differentiator but nothing more.

  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


    > It excels at precision flying over the griffon. It’s even better when there are UM/VM orbs.


    Like I said it's not really "excelling" with all the limitations. Right now it's just a differentiator but it's not really good at it to the point where it's more of a gimmick than anything else.

  4. > @"runeblade.7514" said:

    > It excels at long distance climbing


    Which is not of significance outside of JPs (which prohibit mount usage). It's often times more efficient to start at a higher part of the map and then use the griffon to get to X like if you want to get above the Modri Caverns in Istan and the springer is more than sufficient for everything else while also not feeling painfully sluggish in the process. The fact that you constantly have to cling to a surface in order to keep going is just an unnecessary pace breaker.




    > @"runeblade.7514" said:

    > and precision flying.


    That's what it's supposed to excel at but it doesn't thanks to the limitations they put on this mount for no reason. It's like the turret system they implemented for episode 3. Remember those? Yeah, nobody cared. Great idea with a lot of potential ruined by bad execution.


  5. > @"elrin.4750" said:

    > With all the hassle and unfun things we have to do to get it, **I expect this should be the best mount in game**.


    Well then be prepared to be disappointed. There is not a single area where it excels at, it's just a gimmick and nothing more. People complain about it being to slow but TBH that's ok for what it is (or better supposed to be), it's the limits they put on its ability to fly that really kills it.

  6. The solution is easy: remove all these pointless restrictions / limits on its ability to fly and let us have the flying mount the community has always been asking for. The skyscale would still be slow / limited enough to not render any of the other mounts useless and it wouldn't "break" any content which hasn't already been broken by the other mounts either.

  7. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > No, actually you are not. If constant flight exists in a game it will be the most popular method of traversal by default, no matter the alternatives. There are plenty of instances in this game where using raptor to travel between two points is faster and yet the vast majority of players still use the griffon. Flying is more fun than running and most players would take fun over maximum efficiency.


    If people want to take significantly longer just cause "flying is more fun" then that's on them. But at this point the complaint pretty much boils down to "other players don't behave like I want them to behave".

  8. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > But if this thing actually had constant flight then all other mounts would be useless. You wouldnt need springer because you can just fly up, no raptor cause you can fly over, no jackal because you can fly up over beyond, skimmer pointless, beetle may still have a niche in breaking doors but thats rare, and griffon is def out of a job.


    ´This doesn't even make sense, griffon and beetle are used for their speed when traveling from A to B. Please explain to me why I should use the skyscale (assuming unrestricted flight) after the chak gerent on my line got defeated and I want to go to one of the other lines when I can just use the beetle + Bond of Vigor instead? Same with the griffon, the skyscale is not fast enouth to be a viable alternative here. The springer would still be better if you're inside of a cave or in narrow aisles cause he's a lot more maneuverable and the skyscale needs at least some space to be effective. Jackal and raptor would still be a much better choice if you just want to cover short distances (like jumping from mirror to mirror at the Astralarium), if you're in something like a cave or pretty much anything that doesn't require you to overcome some height differences as they are actually faster than the skyscale if you factor in their movement abilities. Same goes for the skimmer on water, unrestricted flight doesn't give you any advantages unless you have to overcome a height difference which obviously wouldn't be the case if you're traveling across the ocean.




    > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    >I came from a game that had constant flight, no one did anything else, you rarely saw players on the ground.


    That's probably because the ground based alternatives lacked any significant advantage to compensate for the lack of unrestricted flight. Am I right or am I right?



    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Flying doesn't belong in this game. Simple as that.


    So no real arguments here? Now why does this sound so familiar? Ah, now I remember:


    "Mounts don't belong in this game. Simple as that."


    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Maybe under very strict conditions like in the magnetic room on Sandswept Isles.


    There are "very strict conditions", the game already prohibits mount usage on places where they would actually make a difference.

  9. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > No the griffon is like a glider, what i am suggesting would make this a fully functional flying mount. It would fly fast can fly in any direction, it can still do vertical cling to walls and it can hoverfly. The only thing holding it back is that awkward blue bar , just give it a flight timer, a decent one. No way anet is going to give full time flight you know that, and really they shouldnt because it breaks games when they become full time flight. Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore as people just zoom for place to place without interacting with the topography of the game. I rather not have full time flying in gw2, but partial free flight that you can use to get to high places is a nice thing to have.


    The thing doesn't need "a flight timer" or anything. It already has a several drawbacks when compared to the other mounts. There is objectively no reason why it shouldn't be able to fly without restrictions. "Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore" is this a joke? You're acting as if you can't already bypass every other obstacle with some of the other mounts. We're talking about OW PvE here and not FotM. There aren't any obstacles "worth protecting" aside from JPs which are already engulfed in no mount zones. Also, "without interacting with the topography"? You do realise that you still want to fly up to a higher place in order to switch to the griffon if you want to go form A to B, no "mountain" in sight cause it's flat terrain? Then the beetle would still be the superior choice here. You're vastly overstating how "broken" "unrestricted" flying would be given that it wouldn't actually "break" anything which hasn't already been broken by some of the other mounts.

  10. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

    > > > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.

    > >

    > > For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can be cheesed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.

    > >


    > I get a lot of people dont want flying in the game, and im okay with that. My thing is this is a flying mount that has be restricted too much. I think a good balance would be to make it fly pretty fast , it dont need to be full time flight , put a decent flight timer on it and get rid of the awful blue bar mechanic. Within that timer it can fully fly up down all around, hover should be always a part of it, but it should have to hover or glide down and land/run along the ground to recharge the timer. The way it is now is awkward and really restrictive.


    Then it would just be a glorified griffon. There is no point in even having this mount if you want to put all these pointless restrictions on it.

  11. > @"Adenin.5973" said:

    > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.


    For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can easily be bypassed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.


  12. - The story is good and by far the best part of the episode.


    - The new mount is a perfect example of how you can screw up an otherwise good idea by limiting what it can do out of fear of "breaking the game". The beetle was a great addition to the game and the highlight of that episode (although it took them an entire episode to fix the main issue), the skyscale on the other hand is gimmicky at best. I expect them to lower the rate at which it descents which is not going the solve the core issue (the fact that it descents at all).


    - The new armor sets look nice but the "upgraded" versions lack sfx.


    - The new map is slightly above average in terms of map design but nothing special, the meta is rewarding but also a collection of "everything wrong with PoF enemy design" and overall rather dull.

  13. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > is there something sentient about magic?


    Could be, we know that high concentrations of magic can spawn elementals which wouldn't make any sense if magic was nothing more than energy. The reason why Kralkatorrik was rampaging was because the corruption promised him that his pain would go away if he kept destroying things. Now we don't know what exactly magic in this world actually is but assuming that it is some kind of "entity" it would make sense that it wouldn't just want to be used by other beings.

  14. > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

    > Mount feels like a brick.


    Pretty much this, I get that they don't want to let people gain altitude indefinitely (which is nonsensical as the griffon can already break pretty much every map no problem and I've yet to see a single person complain about that) but the fact that you lose altitude by simply flying in a "straight line" really kills it. Even the Griffon can fly without losing altitude and it's not like you can use it for FotM or something so what's the problem here? If it's supposed to feel like a helicopter than it's one that's always about to crash land into something. There at least shouldn't be any altitude loss unless you're over the original hight limit.

  15. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > It **IS** off-topic if you argue against each other over 20 posts in a thread where people want to talk about legendary fractal armor.


    Like it or not but if someone argues that we shouldn't have more legendary armor sets because X than addressing this argument is not off-topic. If you don't like this argument then complain about it to those who constantly try to make it. But do you know what's actually off-topic?: Complaining about off-topic (especially if there was non in the first place).

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