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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > change your build

    But this advice only goes so far as long as "changing your build" doesn't require the player to change their underlying playstyle. Asking the player to optimize their build for their given weapon set is one thing and should be something every player is expected to do if they want to tackle more difficult content but let's not act as if there aren't any issues with the weapon sets themselves. Some of them even punish the players for doing the break bars. If your already running a build optimized for your weapon set and it still fails to be good at the thing it's supposed to be good at then it's on A-Net to fix these issues because at this point they're the only ones who can. For these cases telling people to just "change their build" is nothing but ignorance because you ignore one of the main reasons why players play the game to begin with.

  2. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > Yeah, sadly I felt inclined to not choose the one I liked the most but it's very much appreciated.


    > You have to explain this!


    My favorite skin was the Bioluminescent Raptor, by far. But the thing is I already bought several mount sets so I already have some decent ones for the raptor. However these packages excluded the mounts they added to the game after the initial release of PoF so my choice wasn't "which one do I like the most" but rather "do I like any of the skins for the "original mounts" more than the ones I already have vs. how much I hate the default skin of the other ones in comparison to the ones offered by the licence" and TBH I don't even like the skin I ended up choosing that much either, it's just that there is pretty much no way to earn mount skins ingame. As generous as A-Net is in regards to "giving out" new wardrobe skins as stingy they are in regards to the mount / glider skins (although in regards to the later ones you can at least earn some by getting the legendary backpacks).


    I really wish A-Net would have added a "mount racing" game mode with proper race tracks to the game. I would have loved to e.g. do some griffon races in low gravity tracks with the ability to earn some appropriately themed mount skins. IMO there's a lot of wasted potential here.

  3. > @"titje.2745" said:

    > more rewarding? in wvw you get much more

    To put it this way, OW PvE is more rewarding in terms of "raw gold acquisition" and "skin variety" but lacks in basically every other area. The reward structure itself is pretty bad (in multiple ways) and the quallity of the rewards is also on the lower end of the spectrum. So yeah, I wouldn't mind if e.g. stuff like WvW gets more gold for what they're doing if OW PvE also gets better rewards and its reward structure overhauled.

  4. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > If this model harmed the longevity of the content no one would do Chak Gerent any more.

    Wrong, HoT metas are getting saved by the fact that they're a major part in gen 2 legendary weapon / raid armor creation. Take those away and its good night for them except the AB one. If it's "a challenge" what people were after then the Chak Gerent wouldn't even be the thing to go for, there are more difficult metas which of course are all dead right now.

  5. > If I don't play through a Living World Episode and the next one releases, there's nothing telling me to go back and do the one I missed, there's no reason.... the new hotness is in my face and says "Play ME".

    Which in and of itself is a problem caused by the reward structure, let's say one LW episode introduces a map with a meta that rewards you with a cosmetic infusion you really want to have. Now you have 2 options to actually get the thing:


    option A:


    You farm the content in question and hope that you "win the lottery" and acquire the item by doing the meta.


    or option B:


    You farm whatever has the best time to gold ratio and just buy the thing from the TP.



    ^ This is why it's generally so easy to ignore most of the content. It also hurts the longevity of the content in question and this problem is also unique to OW. If you want a Raid related Infusion you can just do the raid and get lucky or work your way towards it by collecting the related currency. Meanwhile players can farm OW metas like AB for almost half a decade without even seeing a single drop while also swimming in useless map currencies which could have been used to solve the issue. It's almost baffling how A-Net can get one thing right for content A while also screwing up the same thing for content B but I guess the devs. working on raids are not the same who work on OW content.


  6. Yes, just using ingame statistics is a pretty bad thing to rely on. They often tell you the "what" but not the "why". The issue I have with A-Net in specific is that they, after identifying an issue, often go into a "trial and error" mode which often times either leads to no progress for a long time or them causing more damage in the process.


    Take strike missions for example, they were supposed to get the "casual player" into raids which of course doesn't really work for reasons obvious to anyone who actually has to do with them on a at least somewhat regular basis. But ok, I understand that playing on the public server is most likely not part of their job requirement. However, the obvious step one would have been to address the target audience directly and ask them why they don't engage with the content in question. Afaik they never done that (and that goes for most of the content in general, not just the "challenge content") so of course their "solutions" have a high chance of not hitting the mark.

  7. They really could improve upon their design for OW bosses and metas in general. I liked the Amala fight but A-Net made sure to kill that one. The most interesting map in terms of meta design is probably Dragon Stand, issue is that the boss fight is boring (it feels more like a mini game collection than an actual bossfight) and it's way to unrewarding to justify the time you have to commit.

  8. > @"Mayberry.2169" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > I seriously don't understand why they're so adamant about not giving us the ricochet trait back.


    > My best guess is that it would make rifle 2 in pvp too strong as you could have way to much cleave along with single target.

    But deadly aim doesn't affect rifle and pistol range is so limited that one could even argue that having a trait which punishes your enemy for bad positioning is actually a good thing.

  9. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > People like Unload (for some reason)

    People don't just "like" unload, they are forced to use it because of how the skills are "eating" eachother. Unload essentially is nothing but a glorified AA anyway and therefore in the same boat as Double Strike. Issue is that unlike with D/P you have to compromize between damage and utility. This can't simply be fixed by just buffing other skills as this would lead to even more redundancies and would also affect other weapon sets.


    > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > Bola Shot and autoattacks are about the only things that can be changed.

    They can change pretty much anything they want as there is no technical limitation on how many weapons skills can be replaced by holding 2 1H weapons.

  10. I'm generally not that picky as long as it's good. I mainly only want 3 things:


    Permanent gizmo items and summons. I really liked the idea of having customizable summons like the turret thing they tried in season 4 but sadly it has fallen short thanks to some IMO unnecessary restrictions / requirements.


    Seeker stats for PvE, plain and simple.


    Them giving weapons fitting sounds and animations and with that I mean they should overhaul all weapons in the game if needed. We still have energy crystals shooting regular bullets... Also, profession themed weapons should get the sound and animation of the profession in question e.g. Phantasm weapons using Mesmer animations and the Cursed Flintlock using deadeye rifle animations.

  11. I seriously don't understand why they're so adamant about not giving us the ricochet trait back. That's what most people have been asking for for yeas. Even if you give pistols ricocheting bullets the AoEs of the dedicated "AoE classes" would still be vastly superior. Is there a secret interaction I'm missing which would create an infinite loop of ricocheting bullets they're trying to prevent or what's going on here?


    > @"Doggie.3184" said:

    > Quite unfortunate for Pistol lovers and "HOPE's" name remains ironic.

    It's honestly quite sad how much the name of this gun summes up the weapon set as a whole. But yeah, if you want to play P/P thief you need HOPE.


    Furthermore, for whatever reason the ingame description states that this trait has an 8 sec. cooldown (which it obviously does not). I can see this being very confusing for new players.

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