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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > The "full effect"? You get the full effect with 1 infusion. Adding others to it means you're stacking the effect.

    Nope, depending on the infusion it's more than just "stacking intensity". Take the Vial of Liquid Aurillium for example, using just one gets you a "glow" effect but after equiping a certain number of them you also get to see "sparkles" and even if it is just "stacking intensity" you still have the fact that EQing 18 of them looks secnificantly different than just EQing one which depending on your other gear might not even be noticable.


    > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > Not even the luckiest among us will ever get that many, unless they farm enormous amounts of gold.

    Which is a problem in and of itself because it takes away replayability from the associated content. Why farm the map it originated from when running [insert gold farm here] is almost infinitely more efficient? It's just bad game design. Making people "work for it" is one thing but putting it behind a massive RNG wall which only discourages people from farming the respective content is just counterproductive.

  2. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Emberstone.2904" said:

    > > > I'm 100% for a guaranteed-over-time sort of thing for this.

    > > Not just this, you should also be able to use unique map currencies to buy other kinds of ultra rare meta drops e.g. Vial of Liquid Aurillium for Lumps of Aurillium and Pile of Auric Dust.


    > I mean you get an infusion you done plus you can buy them. The weapon collections are 16 weapons and account bound so it's quite different from I can't get a rare drop once vs I need to get that rare drop 16 times and have to only depend on rng.

    Not if it's an aura infusion. You usually need 18 (iirc) to get the full effect and unlike skins infusion effects don't unlock for your account so if you want the full effect on multiple characters it's either transferring all of your infusions every time you swap chars or have fun farming.


  3. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > No long term goals? A ton of precursors can drop from the weekly chests (not all)

    Yeah, gen 1 precursors... but ok, let's take a look at our options for getting our hands on a gen 1 precursor here:


    option A: play strike missions and pray that, not just any precursor but the one for the legendary you want to make drops


    option B: just run the most profitable gold farm and buy the precursor you want from the TP


    Option B is clearly the better choice here. When I said "any worthwhile long term goals" I was refering to stuff like unique aura infusions or an asc/leg version of the runic set. Something that can't just be acquired by other means.


    And no, the lack of long term goals isn't the main issue here either but they would definitely help which is why I mentioned them.



  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > if strikes end up as a dropped content as well

    They most likely will be, player participation is probably going to be even worse than raids because the "target audience" is even more niche and they also don't offer any worthwhile long term goals for the players to work towards. Sadly A-Net still doesn't seem to understand what the actual issue is.

  5. > Pressing 1 at the most braindead content in the game should be rewarded with a guaranteed ascended weapon ?

    Well what would be the problem with that? "pressing 1 at the most braindead content in the game" gets you also almost a complete equipment full of legendary gear. If people were principled they would also take issue with that.

  6. I really want to see some OW maps in the mists, one space / asura themed (like how the mistlock sanctuary is) with low gravity and one kind of like a broken fractal merging multiple ones together to give you the feeling of constantly jumping from one dimension to another.

  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > So then what is the issue?

    The issue is that you don't seem to understand my post so again:


    > My point was to address the common misconception that the issue is "difficulty" which it is not.


    Plain and simple, everything else is just you assuming things.

  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > You say this^

    > And follow it up with this:

    > (The ‘loser’ of a fight doesn’t get participation....)

    So? Participation only means that you participated, should be pretty self explanatory. Losing a fight means the player in question at least participated (unlike those who just stand AFK in their camps) so yes he should also get "participation".


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Now... about this part:

    > If I took my WvW build into PvE to do map completion, it may function, but it would take much longer. I mean, can you imagine a minstrel FB or tempest doing Map completion? It might take 30 minutes to kill one mob...

    Except that's not how it works unless you want to run into something like raids. Everything that works for mundane WvW activities also works for mundane PvE activities and chances are pretty good that you're basically playing a buffed version of your WvW build. I can't think of a single build which is able to effortlessly solo a camp in WvW but fails at non instanced PvE.


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Look.... Point is, neither is ‘hard’.

    Then why even respond? Did I claim that either one is "hard"? Quite the opposite iirc.

    My point was to address the common misconception that the issue is "difficulty" which it is not.


  9. > @"mrauls.6519" said:

    > I can't be the only one envious of ... medium armor users.

    Don't be, at least you have some variety. Medium armor doesn't have anything but "jeans" because almost every medium set has textures which belong to the bottom added to the top which results in a flood of so called "trench coats".

  10. > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > This is honestly probably the easiest part of a legendary.

    I agree, the difficulty is like zero. Some of the stuff you find in starter areas is harder than that which makes the claim that removing it would somehow "dumb down" the requirements so ridiculous but that's not the issue people have. The problem is that it's above all else not fun for most players. WvW uses "PvP balancing" so some already "suboptimal" builds people are running become borderline unplayable. On top of that if you encounter someone who does have a decent build for WvW chances are pretty good that your average PvE casual is going to die. Now does this stop him from progressing? Not really (even tho not giving the loser of a battle at least participation points is just nonsensical), but it's still annoying.

  11. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > How is it ‘besides the point’?

    > > Because the topic was GoE, that "just buy it from the TP" don't apply to gen 2 legs should be obvious.

    > >

    > >

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > Still ‘forcing’ (OPs and others description not mine) people to do an area they ‘hate’ in order to get it.

    > > I personally don't mind if its done for specific stuff but things are definitely not equal. Both WvW / sPvP specific legendaries are way less restrictive in terms of what you have to do inside their respective gamemodes to earn them and I don't think there are any WvW or sPvP specific legendary items which require you to go into PvE (exept for throwing cash at some vendors). Both Aurora and Vision however require you to play WvW.

    > >

    > >

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > I would also gauge it takes longer than 8 hours to get the magnums gifts.

    > > Only if you don't know what you're doing, the worst part are arguably the HPs but they shouldn't be that much of an issue for experienced sPvP / WvW players.


    > And the GoB takes 4-5 hours.,,. With boosters and a little research

    Seems to be roughly equal then.

  12. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > How is it ‘besides the point’?

    Because the topic was GoE, that "just buy it from the TP" doesn't apply to gen 2 legs should be obvious.



    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Still ‘forcing’ (OPs and others description not mine) people to do an area they ‘hate’ in order to get it.

    I personally don't mind if it's done for specific stuff but things are definitely not equal. Both WvW / sPvP specific legendaries are way less restrictive in terms of what you have to do inside their respective gamemodes to earn them and I don't think there are any WvW or sPvP specific legendary items which require you to go into PvE (exept for throwing cash at some vendors). Both Aurora and Vision however require you to play WvW.



    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > I would also gauge it takes longer than 8 hours to get the magnums gifts.

    Only if you don't know what you're doing, the worst part are arguably the HPs but they shouldn't be that much of an issue for experienced sPvP / WvW players.

  13. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > How do you know I was only talking about a gen1 legendary?

    Because GoE is only relevant for gen 1 leg weapon creation.


    > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    >The equivalent of GoE for gen2 are maguuma gifts. Can those be bought?

    No but that's beside the point.

  14. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > So, since you can buy a gen 1 from tp, how is GoB an issue?

    How do you know he's talking about making a gen 1 legendary? Regardless, it's a flawed comparison because every legendary which requires GoE can be bought from the TP and gold can be earned pretty much everywhere. You're not "forced to do" anything specific. The same does not hold true for GoB.

  15. I always see people complaining about how players just want everything to be "dumbed down" but no one seems to take an issue with the fact that you can get almost a compleate set of legendary gear for doing nothing but the most menial tasks in WvW which make > 50% of OW PvE look dificult by comparison. If you take issue with that at least be principled about it.


    > Is it ok to force people to get gift of exploration?

    Who exactly is forced to get a gift of exploration? Last time I checked you could just buy a gen 1 legendary weapon from the TP no problem. Has this changed recently?

  16. What are you guys talking about, you do realise that there are two legendary sets for both sPvP and WvW right? The mistforged sets are arguably the most "fancy" sets in the game rn as they don't even have a PvE equivalent.

  17. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > If someone is struggling at all in Open World they are not in any shape or form running an optimised build, as that's not even needed for OW.

    > If you have a half decent open world build with 100% Crit Chance, 25 Might and Vuln, something which every profession can do these days, or at least come reasonably close to, it doesn't matter what weapon playstyle you enjoy etc., pretty much everything in Open World will be completely trivialized and melt before your eyes.

    You don't need to struggle to acknowledge that there are some issues here. Like I said some weapon sets punish you for doing the break bars, now these sets can still deal with the things OW usually throws at them but I don't think that "just ignore game mechanics" is a good thing to incentivise.

  18. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > Changing your build, adapting to new play styles is quite simply "part of the game" It is as integral to your progression as successfully completing mechanics.

    > This is why you are able and encouraged to make changes without cost any time you are out of combat.

    > The developers encourage and facilitate this. The game is balanced around it. It's why the timer on Eater of Souls' breakbar is how it is. It's why there's a platform over the battle area in Hearts and Minds, it's why the game tells you if you have an unselected trait line, it's why we have build templates.

    The devs. giving you the freedom to experiment does not mean that being "forced to change your build" for anything but optimization for difficult content is part of the game. If someone is trying to fight big groups of mobs with a weapon set geared towards 1v1 then yes, the player in question should take a moment to think about what he's doing. But if he runs an optimized build, is on the "right target" and still underperforms despite doing the thing he's "supposed to do" than it's on A-Net to fix this. Now you don't need to take him into your group but he has every right to criticize A-Net for the issues he's facing. There's really no need to defend bad game design.


    > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > All the rhetoric and insults you wish to throw about other people

    Now that's just presumptuous don't you think? Tell me, who do I "**want to insult**"? I was merely stating some facts. Nothing more, nothing less.


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