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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. I do agree that PvE should get a legendary mode specific armor set (and backpack / trinket) in the same way as e.g. WvW has but it shouldn't be bound to a specific expansion but an overall participation reward for PvE in general.


    > @"Bridget Morrigan.1752" said:

    > I just want literally any legendary armor from any acquisition method that has skins I think actually look good. Choice, please.

    "skins I think actually look good" is highly subjective and would require them adding multiple sets of legendary gear for various sub content which I'm not opposed to.


  2. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > When I did my Beetle racing because I wanted the scarf and helmet no one else was doing the content. I'm not being hyperbolicm it was completely abandoned.

    Of course people don't care. They want to have real race tracks with proper rewards and not these improvised OW "challenge parkours".


  3. > @"IOwnYOu.6812" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > There also shouldn't be a tachnical limitation on the number of skills which can be replaced by using 2 1H weapons.

    > >

    > This is totally true but it would differentiate completely from how all the other weapon combinations work, making it kind of unique.

    Well ofc. you don't need to replace more than one weapon skill if the set is working well as it is rn but ask yourself what is more important: some perceived system that only replaces one skill and allows for severe synergy issues and redundancies or having well designed weapon sets. Also, if there are other weapon sets with similar issues (not just on thief but in general) then I think they too should get the appropriate treatment.

  4. > @"IOwnYOu.6812" said:

    > But the problem here is that you would have to revamp the whole thief weapon skill system wouldn't you?

    No, other weapon sets should be completely unaffected by this as this wouldn't change how the individual skills work. We would effectively just increase the number of "dual skills" from 1 to 4 just for this weapon set. There also shouldn't be a tachnical limitation on the number of skills which can be replaced by using 2 1H weapons.



  5. The main issue for the P/P weapon set is rooted in the way how dual wielding works. It just mashes the main hand and off hand together and replaces "3" with a dual skill instead of replacing skills based on synergy (or better lack thereof). I agree mobility is an issue but don't worry about P/P becoming "too strong" in PvP, that's never going to happen because of the sheer amount of range denial there is. Also, there are already other AAs with both more range and dmg then Unload.


    But here is what I would do to fix the weapon set:


    for 1: Replace Vital Shot with Unload, remove the iniciative cost and add ~10-20 sec of "Revealed" to the skill.


    ^ Unload is alredy our "AA" and we don't need 2 skills wich esentialy fit the same roll


    for 2: Replace Bola Shot with an engagement skill, plain and simple. We don't need 2 CCs and Headshot does alredy a good job here.


    for 3: replace Unload with a small scale AoE skill


    for 4: keep it as it is


    for 5: Replace Black Powder with a disengagement skill, also pretty self explenatory.


    You might notice that there is no strong burst option but honestly that's not really needed as that's what rifle is there for and these weapon sets desperately need something to differentiate themselfs from each other. If rifle is the more "stationary" long range power damage option with a focus on bust and stealth then P/P should be the more mobile mid range power damage option with a focus on sustainability and more direct engagements (which also fits the general theme of the weapon set).


    If they would change P/P like this you wouldn't have to choose between damaging the break bar and attacking the enemy anymore and you would be a lot less reliant on Unload in general.

  6. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > That's beside the point.

    Not if you put it in context of the topic of this thread unless you want to say that your comment itself was OT in which case I guess you would be right.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > So, to summarize

    What exactly are you summarizing here? You're version of what you want to read into my post? I already explained it above, a personal DPS meter would still be useful to give you a rough idea of were you are in comparison to the player base as a whole and allow you to compare the performance of your builds with each other (or with other players if you choose to actively seek out their numbers).


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Absolutely relevant if you are dealing with a feature which might make players leave the game and is in no way needed for the vast majority of the game.

    This is rooted in nothing but baseless assumptions, the main issue people take with DPS meters is that they don't want other players to see their performance which wouldn't be an issue for a personal DPS meter. This also assumes that people who go out of their way to see their DPS are mostly incapable of handling the raw numbers which seems to be a rather condescending notion.


    I've played mmorpgs with personal DPS meters which are even more casual than GW2 and never (not even once) have I ever seen anyone complain about it or it being brought up as a reason for why "player X" left the game.



  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Here is where the issues with this lie:

    > - players actually interested in improving can already do so, even via in-game means

    But the game still doesn't give you any concrete data.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > - you are assuming every player will see this as encouragement. Careful: ignorance is bliss, and I guarantee you, quite a few players would take offense once they realized how terrible they are at this game

    Which would require them to turn it on first and even then, in context of a personal DPS meter, there would be no way to tell whether or not their numbers are actually "terrible" unless they actively seek out the numbers from other players.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > - for a great deal of content, this type of performance measure is not even needed

    Irrelevant, there is no need to require a "need" to implement something useful.

  8. > @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

    > the raciong beetle is really great to use!

    I agree.


    > @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

    > thus i really enjoyed racing with it in the few maps with a bettle race event.

    >i would like even more beetle racing events!

    No, mount racing should get a proper game mode with proper racing tracks and not just this improvised stuff we have rn.


    And it's not just the beetle, the griffon would also be great for racing if you make some low gravity tracks for him.


    Out of all the stuff A-Net made this probably has the most amount of wasted potential.

  9. I'd like to see a personal DPS meter which gives the players the tools needed to do some self reflection (not just for "Fractals/Dungeons/Strike Missions/Raids" but PvE in general). This DPS meter should include at least 4 informations:


    - your overall DPS (only counts the time you're in combat)


    and some informations specific to the last "boss type" enemy you fought:


    - your DPS vs. said boss

    - the number of players attacking the boss

    - how much damage you dealt (in % of his maximum health)


    With this players would have the tools needed to roughly gauge their performance which would be a great help for those who want to improve themselves / want to try out new builds.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > The majority of legendary gear, sadly, lacks lore. This lack of lore actually gets explained in the sixth raid wing - Mythwright Gambit - where there's side lore establishing **all legendary gear as something Zomorros invents**, either originally his or inspired by actual ancient weapons.

    Which makes no sense if you put it in context of something like HOPE.


  11. They said they wanted to make a full set which we kind of already have rn. Given that strike missions seem to be the thing they want to put into the focus at the moment I'd say the season 5 legendary item is going to be something which heavily involves playing the strike missions. While I wouldn't mind an amulet I really want to see a continuation / upgrade of the runic set.

  12. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > > > > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

    > > > > They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear

    > > Which is irrelevant for the argument at hand.

    > >

    > > The lack of necessity doesn't make something a privilege just how necessity doesn't make something an entitlement.


    > So now you're suggesting legendary items are somehow a necessity?

    No, that's just you reading stuff into things.

  13. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

    > > They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.

    > >


    > That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear

    Which is irrelevant for the argument at hand.


    The lack of necessity doesn't make something a privilege just how necessity doesn't make something an entitlement.

  14. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

    They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player. There is also the issue that they only put proper effort into designing weapons if they're legendaries but that's a different topic entirely.


  15. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > It's a **Legendary** item, the prestige is from playing a good portion of the game.

    Well that's news to me, I don't recall a WvW player ever having to leave WvW (for anything but throwing cash at some vendors) for the WvW legendaries. You can get Conflux without having to go play "PvE" but both Aurora and Vision require you to play WvW.

  16. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > The problem is the Devs would have to create a 5th Armor Weight, and then fashion of copy of each individual armor to match that weight.

    > That's a boatload of work, considering it takes 9 months to create one armor set for all 5 races x 2 genders.

    OP wasn't talking about mixing skins from different weight classes. Just putting skin sets from one of the other 2 weight classes over your current one like how outfits are already doing it rn would be sufficient.

  17. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > You may wish to search the years of threads on this issue. Some of them contain quotes of dev responses explaining the incredibly vast amount of work this would entail along with the good chance of breaking the game software into little bits, even if it's just an all-or-nothing weight choice.

    No, they explained how you just can't mix skins between the weight classes but changing isn't an issue at all.



  18. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > Underlying playstyle can be a euphemism for actually not being good enough; at pressing the right buttons, at the right time, in the right order, at the right speed; moving and positioning your character; understanding and selecting an appropriate build and gear.

    Good job on ignoring the context, if you would have read further ahead you would have noticed that I was referring to the playstyle presented by the weapon set in question and that it should be expected for people to optimize as much as possible for it if they want to tackle more difficult content like raids.

  19. The main thing I don't like about SMs is that they (as its own content) don't really seem to have a target audience which, granted, wasn't A-Nets intention to begin with. There is nothing inherent to the content structure of both dungeons and raids that turns of the average player so the problem they're trying to adress with SMs is esentialy non existent. Once most players got the skins they wanted it's esentially going to be just another round of dead content.

  20. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > People line up day in and day out for the abysmal chance at an ascended drop from TT or Teq.+

    > > That's because they want to have the skins.

    > >

    > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > >There's tons of people shooting for ascended gear out there, i'm actually curious why they wouldn't be trying to earn them via strikes.

    > > Because there's generally no point in doing so. Just farming gold is a lot more effective in getting you asc gear. Getting asc gear through SMs costs 1800 shards vs. the ~300 gold (assuming you also have to level your crafting skills) you can get from [insert gold farm here] and most people this content aims at probably already have asc gear so it's mostly useless as a reward.


    > No one telling me to do tt or teq has advertised it as skins, but okay.

    You were talking about asc gear so ofc. it's about the skins, if it's not for them then the ~2,5 gold and achievements are the other reasons to do teq but no one is there just to "gear up to asc" through boss drops.

  21. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > People line up day in and day out for the abysmal chance at an ascended drop from TT or Teq.+

    That's because they want to have the skins.


    > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    >There's tons of people shooting for ascended gear out there, i'm actually curious why they wouldn't be trying to earn them via strikes.

    Because there's generally no point in doing so. Just farming gold is a lot more effective in getting you asc gear. Getting asc gear through SMs costs 1800 shards vs. the ~300 gold (assuming you also have to level your crafting skills) you can get from [insert gold farm here] and most people this content aims at probably already have asc gear so it's mostly useless as a reward.

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