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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.


    It's actually not off-topic as this (while just a bunch of nonsensical semantics) seems to be the main argument against having more legendary armor sets.

  2. > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > It was an option they had, but does that mean they have to go with it?


    Actually it does otherwise it would have undermined multiple things which have been previously established. If what happened surprised you in any way shape or form then that's on you for not paying attention to the story.


    You know what would have been bad writing at this point? Keeping her dead just so they can preserve the "emotional impact" from the end of episode 5. I'm not a fan of bringing characters back "just cause" but there has been more than enough setup for this to the point where her not having this ability wouldn't have made any sense.

  3. > @"Amineo.8951" said:

    > Think about it though, Kralkatorrik's the only known elder dragon to ever have childrens and wasn't so fond of murdering people unlike Zhaitan and Mordremoth so far (we're not sure about Primordus and Jormag but they did have emotions when they were afraid of Balthazar).


    We don't know how "fond of murdering" they were if it weren't for their own corruption. Sure we don't know their true character either but dragons are intelligent creatures and it's reasonable to assume that they're not going to be overly hostile towards someone who just saved them from "immeasurable pain".

  4. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > Some interesting things I noticed, Kralkatorrik said "mother" when he died.. does that mean that elder dragons have a progenitor?


    Unsurprisingly, the elder dragons are essentially just normal dragons which managed to grow to the point were people looked at them as some kind of forces of nature but that's about it.




    > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > Also what if his kinder side was brought out when the forgotten tried to cleanse him- it didn't work


    The question here would be "why didn't it work?", probably because the amount of magic corrupting him was to much for the forgotten to deal with. But the method itself still seems to work, it just needs to be scaled up some more.


    Assuming that the other 3 elder dragons are also suffering from their own corruption cleansing them would probably be a way to "deal with them" without jeopardizing the word in the process. Joko said that killing them would be the wrong thing to do but you can't just let them rampage either so there you go.

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Well they completely disrespected their own story and lore in one foul swoop in the first instance. I genuinely believed they wouldn't go this route since it flew in the face of logic. An entire episode rendered meaningless in less than 2 minutes.


    Actually no, this is completely in line with everything that has been established thus far. Joko has some kind of special lich magic which allowes him to self resurrect: dragons gain abilities based on the kind of magic they eat: Aurene eats Joko and gets his lich magic. Nothing here breaks previously established rules. It just kills the "emotional impact" of the end of episode 5 but it would have been illogical if things had happened any differently.

  6. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:


    > To be fair that's just semantics, not a profound discussion!


    Exactly which is why "WvW and sPvP are different game modes" is a nonsensical argument to make. Saying "sPvP heavily differs from WvW" means nothing as you can make the exact same argument about Tyria maps and FotM but I'm not the one bringing it up and if you don't like seeing people responding to it then you might wanna tell that to the people who do. Maybe then we can finally move on to actual arguments against more legendary sets (if there even are some cause I've yet to see one).



  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > WvW is its own separate game mode just like PvE and sPvP.


    There is no such thing as a game mode called "PvE". PvE is just a label attributed to certain types of content, just like how sPvP and WvW are at their core PvP based game modes so are Tyria maps, FotM and raids at their core PvE based game modes.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


    > Remove the PvP aspect, what do you have?


    Nothing cause without its PvP aspects the whole game mode would be utterly dysfunctional. Now you might be referring to "direct combat vs. other players" here in which case you would still be competing against the other teams for the highest score, you're just not using the basic combat mechanics against other players in order to do so but "attacking your opponent" has never been a requirement for the label "PvP" or do you also want to argue that mount races are somehow not PvP just cause the racers don't attack each other?




    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


    > How many players disliked the desert map for reasons such as too many PvE elements?


    Yeah, I've also seen people in the sPvP section complaining about "minion master necros" cause "too many PvE elements". So going by your logic sPvP would also have to count as "PvE hybrid" now.

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Well considering there’s no hybrid category...


    The goal of the game mode is to beat the enemy teams so "hybrid" wouldn't make any sense unless each team had NPCs actively working against the status quo or they introduce a fourth fraction made out of NPCs.

  10. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:


    > Can we only create one of each Legendary?


    > I've heard this, and the evidence seems to support it, but just want to be sure.


    But does it even matter? Once you made the legendary in question you also unlock its skin so you can just get another legendary of the same weapon type and there you go.


    Dunno about Aurora tho.

  11. > To quote Aristotle: "moderation in all things." There's a point when exclusivity becomes ridiculous.


    Yes and that's when their rarity disincentives people from farming the associated content. The place where an item originally drops from should always be the go-to method for those who want to farm for the item in question, everything else should just be complementary. The fact that the main way of obtaining pretty much anything that doesn't have special conditions is to go to the farm with the highest gold to time ratio is just a sign of bad game design and then they complain about players not "diversifying their farming routine" enough...

  12. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:


    > in the first year of the game they said, that things like new classes could be introduced through LS and do not need expacs. Yet notice how the only class they've introduced after that came by the way of an expansion, not through a living story content.


    People said pretty much the same thing about mounts back then (if they haven't done them until know then why would they at this point) and then PoF happend. Just because they haven't done it until now doesn't mean that they won't do it at some point in the future.




    > @"Astralporing.1957" said:


    > "Can be done" is not the same as "will be done". Yes, theoretically they could do elite specs through living world. This doesn't mean they will do them through living world. Nor does it mean they even plan on doing them that way. Or whether they plan on doing any new especs at all.


    And? I never said "be ready guys we're going to get e-specs in LWS5" so what's your point?


  13. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


    > Is it worth getting a Legendary Weapon?



    It depends on the weapon type TBH, take pistols for example: from a visual point of view most of them are rather small so unlike with a greatsword you usually won't see much from the weapon itself however the projectile animations and sounds are by far the most noticeable "parts" of the weapon. Unfortunately weapon SFX is one of the few areas where A-Nets design team is incredibly lazy, meaning if you want to change projectile animations / sounds legendary weapons are pretty much your only options here as even futuristic looking Black Lion weapons such as the Inquest Mark II Pistol:




    are still using basic bullet / gunpowder animations / sounds and while it might not be as noticeable on melee weapons (although in some cases it is) it usually is a big deal for ranged weapons (especially pistols).

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