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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

    > Of course 99.9% of the player base will get nothing. It'd tank the market and the " prestige " if the droprate were a lot higher. Good Luck though all, especially to me hope I get the chak egg sac or confetti infusions soon.


    These items should have never been the "prestige" items they are right now, that's what legendaries are there for. These kind of items should have been used to add longevity to their respective maps but there is a difference between "making an item hard to get so that people have to put in some effort if they want to obtain one" and "making an item so rare that people aren't even trying anymore". Their drop rate should be more akin to what Tequatls Hort and the worm gear boxes are (in addition to being sold at the map vendor for map currency).

  2. > @"Nandor The Stampede.1593" said:


    > How about increasing the drop rate?


    Actually that's exactly what they should do. Unlike legendaries there's no way to progress towards these items and they are so rare that >99% of players won't get one even if they farm the respective content for years. A-Net should just add these items to the local NPC vendors for X amount of map currency. This would help keeping the metas alive while also giving the players something to work towards.

  3. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


    > Future iterations we’re thinking about are:

    > * No daily limit on world boss loot


    To bad that this is not going to amount to anything except for maybe Teq. and TT. The meta in AB essentially already doesn't have a daily limit but the drop rate of vial of liquid aurillium is so low that it doesn't make a difference regardless. Same with the meta in TD, give out the daily box every 2 hours and the chance of getting a chak egg sac is still "0". And these are just the once wich actually have a "chance" to drop something valuable, most world bosses don't even have anything worthwhile in their loot pool so removing the "daily limit on world boss loot" isn't going to change anything.

  4. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > As to why it was nerfed a while ago:

    > P/P was too effective in PvE and required zero skill to play in PvP thanks to DE + baseline initiative refunding, so it was nerfed because its entire gameplay consisted of pressing literally one button as fast as you could once engaged in combat with the occasional use of heal and RFI for more initiative.


    This is copleate nonsense, they didn't touch PvE at all (and why would they (not that they ever needed a reason to nerf something), below average DPS without any useful team support can hardly be called "too effective in PvE") and they never gave a reason why they nerfed it in PvP. You just made that up, don't spread misinformation. I already explained why people only use one skill and that's is not a valid excuse when it comes to justifying a nerf.



    > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > so changing its design isn't really possible without subsequently changing D/P and S/P


    Wrong, they can always use more than one dual skill to make up for synergy issues if needed. It's clear that the set defining dual skill is geared towards sustained power DPS and if the rest of the set doesn't match the underlying playstyle then they should adjust it accordingly.

  5. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Also i need to ask this once again, why did they nerf P/P?


    That's the thing, nobody knows. They never explained themselves. P/P was already in the position that nobody even considered it when talking about viable thief builds and was already outclassed by rifle at this point. Maybe they didn't like how most P/P players only used Unload but if that's the case then they don't understand basic game mechanics. It's not as if P/P players don't want to use other weapon skills, there's just no point in doing so. Why would I care about using CC if it means that I can't follow up with Unload afterwards? Where's the engage / disengagement skill? What about a small scale AoE? Nerfing Unload doesn't solve any of the fundamental problems the weapon set is facing. The whole set needs a complete overhaul with Unload as a Vital Shot replacement, this way Unload wouldn't trigger traits like Lead Attacks anymore but at least we would end up with a proper weapon set.

  6. The fact that a power based mid range run & gun style build with access to HP reg on hit exists.


    The initiative system thief is using.


    HOPE + Unload


    The Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's chestwear (however I don't appreciate the ridiculous level requirement, 200 would have been more than enough).


    The superior rune of the ogre.


    The Mistlock Sanctuary.


    The fact that this game doesn't use a subscription model.


    The option to trade gold for gemstones.

  7. > @"Lambent.6375" said:

    > Istan nerf is for the good of the game, there are other ways to make gold, **people just haven't been paying attention to them because of istan**.


    This is complete nonsense, most people only visited Istan for ~10 minutes once every 2 hours. The actual "24/7 farm" already died after they "killed" Akili and Palawadan. The only content that is going to get more attention now is the chak gerent meta but at this point you're just replacing X with Y and it's not like as if the TD meta lacked participation. At the end of the day this nerf only reduced gameplay variety without having any actual upside to it.



  8. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > as alternative to RIBA u can rotate HOT metas.... but POF metas need more boost.


    Even before the last nerf most people only came to Istan to do GH once every 2 hours, it was already pretty similar to the HoT metas in that regard which is what people wanted from the PoF metas to begin with. But now none of them are worth doing anymore (the Amnoon and the Death-Branded Shatterer one could have been if their cosmetic infusions didn't have such an abysmal drop rate) aside from the initial experience.

  9. The Silent Scope thing only affects rifle deadeyes. Whether or not something is viable heavily depends on the weapon set. Most sets are "viable" to some degree although they're generally outclassed by other things. Dont know about P/D but P/P is compleatly unviable in any PvP based inviroment.

  10. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > Your mistake is that you think ANet wants you to farm at all.


    I don't care what A-Net thinks I should do, if they failed to offer me any interesting alternative then that's on them. Also, doing GH once every 2 hours with 110 minutes in between is still more in line with the whole "increasing gameplay variety" they're babbling about than running endless circles in SW.


    > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > As such, nerfing the great hall is in line with their design choices of the last seven years, equalizing loot with most other areas of the game.


    No it's not, Istan was originally A-Nets answer to the complaints that players wanted more HoT style meta events which can be farmed once every 2 hours and are just as rewarding as pre nerf GH.


  11. > @"McMuffin.1609" said:

    > this would have caused alot on inflation


    You do realise that Istan was a gold sink, right?




    > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Anyone that thinks Anet can push people to play new maps by nerfing Istan (as opposed to making new maps worthwhile) is delusional.


    ^ this, I'm currently playing multiple games but I used to log in every 2 hours to do GH -> some wood farming in Orr -> Tarir, now it's just Tarir -> wood -> offline.


    I'm not going to farm something else just because A-Net thinks that I don't farm "the right places", if they want me to farm something else then how about creating some content that's actually worth farming? It doesn't even have to be about gold either, I would totally farm 18 cosmetic infusions for the full aura effect if s*** would actually drop for once. I'm farming AB for years now and still nothing (if you could at least use some of the useless map currency to buy them from the vendor but nah, we can't have that).

  12. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Question -- isn't the main Istan farm the meta assault on Joko's palace, not the smaller one on Warden Amala? The patch notes only refer to the Warden Amala event.


    Nope, the camp bags in GH were the main reason why people still visited Istan. Palawadan was only good for the chests and they killed that one last month. You can still get the chests once a day but both metas need a substantial amount of players in order to be "playable" and there is no guarantee that there will be enough now that most people don't really have a reason to do them anymore.

  13. If it's about the Predator then you probably want to go for something like hunter guy from Jumanji. Sadly nothing really fits, the closest you can get (afaik) is the jungle explorer outfit.

  14. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Oh cry us a river. What vulnerabilitys? **You still have it easy** compared to core/daredevil mainly **because you are ""RANGED""**. De is so simple to play.


    Well then, name one even mildly successful sPvP / WvW player who still mains a P/P build. The notion that "ranged" has it easy is utterly ridiculous given how much projectile denial there is.

  15. A thief elite spec focused dual pistols. P/P thief is nothing but a mess and suffers heavily from the half-baked weapon combo system. Simple "buffs and nerfs" are not enough to fix this, the only way to "save" the weapon set is a compleate overhaul.


    The espec itself should havily focus on dueling with a strong focus on mobility and sustainability over stealth (in that regard I wouldn't mind if the espec "permanently" applies the "Revealed" debuff to the user) and burst damage as thief already has a ranged espec that fits this bill.

  16. No, I don't think any of the legendary weapons deserve the title "legendary" as non of them do anything special to earn it. The only legendary weapon that actually deserves the title is Sohothin in the last mission of PoF. Now I don't think that the actual legendaries should to be as strong as that weapon but they should at least come with their own unique set of weapon skills and not be class restricted, in that regard the conjure skill weapons from the elementalist are more fitting for the title than the actual legendaries.

  17. The best thing you can do is hoping that your favorite build isn't affected by the upcoming changes. At best A-Net doesn't know what they're doing, even bad / underperforming things are not safe from getting nerfed. Sadly these balance updates are nothing to look forward to.

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