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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > People actually _use_ legendaries?

    Sometimes it's not about the skin but about the effect. Take ranged weapons for example, projectile animations can have a bigger impact on the visuals then the weapon skins but only legendary weapons (with the sole exaption of the Pop Gun) have matching projectile animations even though I'm pretty sure there actually already are matching projectile animations for some of these weapons like Lyssa's Gaze which is based on a phantasm weapon as it essentially just uses the mesmer standard projectile animation for pistols. IMO at least every class themed weapon should use their respective class specific animations, it's not like as if they have to reinvent the wheel for that one.

  2. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Do we have difficult SP content in the game? We do.

    Not really, at least not for the core gameplay content. Of course it depends on what you count as "difficult" but both Liadri and Turai Ossa are more challenging than difficult.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Is it easier than the difficult MP content? It is.

    Only if you ignore the requirement for individual performance in which case it's beside the point.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > So how exactly it is supposed to carry more prestige

    It carries more prestige for those who care about personal player skill and accomplishments because (unlike group titles) they actually reflect on the player wearing it in this regard, group titles on the other hand only cary prestige for those who care about experience. If that's all you care about fine but saying "no one cares about solo titles" essentially means that no one cares about player skill and personal accomplishments which I find hard to believe.

  3. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > And yet they aren't.

    I already addressed that point, you're comparing multiple areas of the game with an almost none existing one. You can say "It doesn't" as much as you like but it doesn't change the fact that pretty much all of the content they design is MP focused. High level fractals, raids, there is just no SP equivalent to that because they generally don't care about making difficult SP content.


    > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > I don't mind if they add a easy mode to raids, but they shouldn't give any achivement, KP, li's or reward. It wouldn't be fair to get similar rewards and li's than the people doing normal/hard mode.

    In terms of quantity you're right, completing more difficult versions of the content should get you more rewards but the quality of the general rewards should be the same as they are just non specific participation rewards. Just like how it is with fractals, the low difficulties should serve as an entry point for getting new players into the content. Most people would gravitate towards higher difficulties anyways because getting the rewards they're after X times as fast is alredy quite incentivising and in this regard I oftentimes wish more people would actually take the time to play low level fractals to get a general idea of how the content works as it can be quite frustrating if you're playing on a higher difficulty and people still don't even know how to deal with the basic game mechanics of the content in question.


    > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > I have the feeling that most of the people that are asking for "easy" mode wouldn't even do them if there is no rewards or if u can't get the legendary insights doing that.

    Because why would they? They do it once for the story and don't have any reason to return afterwards but the same can be said for the raid and pretty much every other content in general. Many players stop after they achieve everything there is to achieve and then wait for new content to be realeased. Low replayability leads to dead content and rewards / long term goals to work towards are the main source of replayability in PvE based content.

  4. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > I'd prefer the Wizard Tower to be released with an open world/story-level of difficulty, many people are interested in it and putting it to a raid level doesn't seem the right thing to do imho.

    You can actually have it "both ways" if you make it an "OW raid", kinda like Dragon's Stand but this time with some quality please.

  5. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > It doesn't, but read again what I said. No matter how hard solo content you want to make, you can *always* create harder group content.

    You're focusing on the wrong word here it's not "you can *always*" but "you *can* always". Like Astralporing said you always leave a safety margin but it's more realistic that they're more demanding in regards to the individual performance when it comes to solo content.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > No they aren't. Not even close. Nobody cares if you have TBL or Kingslayer. VitV? That gives you a free pass almost everywhere. And for a good reason.

    On the other hand having VitV still proves nothing substantial other than "I participated". I've seen far to many players decked out with raid stuff bumbling around like buffoons for it to count for anything, at least with a solo title you have a rough idea what kind of content that person should be able to handle.

  6. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > For the Priory, who are interested in those fine details more than the general overlaying events (as those would largely be known already), it isn't very useful.

    But that's only true for more recent events, if there are only vague descriptions of a long forgotten tribe or event then pretty much anything new would be of value. Also the priory was just an example. According to the wiki the consortium claimes to be involved but we never really see anything substantial. Neither the asuran colleges nor individual research groups (aside from random adventurers) seem to care either. We have quaggan which are more interested in interdimensional space then the freaking inquest.

  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Stellar is in the 50s but it’s also ascended and on par with how much it takes to craft regular ascended weapons.

    > > Which defeats the purpose of them being ascended weapons,

    > How does it defeat the purpose of them being ascended weapons?

    Because you essentially just want the skins. Most people already have their ascended stuff and if you just want to gear up another char then you're better off using the regular way as it is cheaper and you don't have to deal with additional content. Them being ascended weapons does nothing for them aside from discouraging people from going after them. At least the ascended breathing apparatus from S3 added some replay value to the assotiated content which is completely missing from most of the "newer" releases.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Stellar is in the 50s but it’s also ascended and on par with how much it takes to craft regular ascended weapons.

    Which defeats the purpose of them being ascended weapons, so I guess the requiem set shows that they did learn from their mistake to some degree but the core problems are still present.

  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > By farming Istan and giving them lots of gold in exchange for the kills you're doing exactly that - rewarding higher skill and higher effort with a larger reward.

    Then in this case the gold they got is the reward for the effort these players put in but this has nothing to do with the armor the other guy received as it doesn't reflect his "efforts" meaning that wearing it proves nothing whtch makes it unfitting as a status symbol for personal "skills and accomplishments".


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > Even the hardest solo fights we saw not that long ago don't really compare to some normal mode raid bosses.

    The game mostly focuses on multiplayer content so of course there is not much to compare but just because they don't focus on releasing difficult solo content doesn't mean they can't.


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > They'll never be as prestigious as the raid ones.

    They arguably already are, I can just accuse someone of having bought the raid boss kill and he would have no way of proving me wrong based on the title alone.

  10. > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > On a more serious note, you should look up the explanation of "philosophy of fairness" which basically tells in excellent detail that it is only normal that the more work you do (or the harder you work) the more you should be rewarded. And the less you do the less you should be rewarded. This is actually such a basic logical thing that i'm a bit aghast that people still think easy mode version should give everything normal mode does.

    Doesn't make much sense to bring up this point as a response to a post which stated that easier difficulties should get fewer rewards.


    > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > And don't start with things like "yeah but a full clear on story/easy mode would only give 1 LI per wing and not per boss" because the only thing that does is time-gate it more. It doesn't make the effort of killing the bosses and doing the events any harder or more challenging. Time-gating =/= more challenge.

    So what? Legendary items are participation rewards, nothing more. One can just as well run some extra rounds in Istan and buy the kills. I start buying the "people should adhere to higher standards" argument once the raid community actively pressures A-Net to do something against raid sellers. At least this way people would actually be incentivised to play the related content. It's not like the stuff where you can get help from other players amounts to anything anyways. If it's "prestige" you're after you should ask A-Net for some high difficulty solo content.

  11. > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > The point is this new medium armor is NOT a trenchcoat. Thats all.

    Which doesn't make much sense as no one said it is.


    > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > It also molds to the body.

    Not really, quite the opposite:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/h9OlAw8.jpg "")![](https://i.imgur.com/9HOOvYQ.jpg "")

    It's rather bulky which becomes apparent if you compare it to something that actually molds to the body (like the glorious brigandine).

  12. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > The reason it was changed was due to a vocal minority claiming that pressing one button was somehow "too easy'.

    Too easy for what tho? Easy wins? Unload spam never got you an easy win against anyone who knew what he was doing. There's just too much counterplay available for 3 to be a "win button".


    Then there were also these people who acknowledged that unload was "easy to play around" but thought that the nerf was a good thing because they didn't like how one dimensional P/P is and while it's true that P/P as a hole is quite one dimensional that's hardly the fault of unload but rather the lack of viable alternatives. You can't blame the P/P thief for them only "pressing one button" if there are no other viable weapon skills to use. It's not like those who play P/P wouldn't like to have other viable utility options (e.g. P/P is one of the few (if not the only) weapon sets for thief without either an engage, dodge or disengage ability) and skills which would be otherwise viable options (such as headshot) have to compete with unload for initiative which gets you into a "you can attack but you can't properly use your utility if you do" / "you can use your utility but you can't properly attack if you do" situation. Making unload unusable however doesn't solve the issue they were complaining about and only serves to shut up those who don't care about solving the problem in a meaningful way while also screwing over those who do.


    > @"Zawn.9647" said:

    > it doesnt matter if it worked against poor players or not... no one should be able to stomp even a poor player just by pressing 1 button when the game claims to have a good/complex combat system

    On the contrary, if you get attacked by something as basic as unload and are not even trying to use any of your defensive abilities (such as... you know: dodging) then you pretty much deserve to get floored.

  13. No, the initiative system is thieves most defining class mechanic, it's the reason why some people even play thief to begin with as not everyone likes the CD based system the other classes use. The only problems I have in this regard are the result of A-Net not understanding that you can't balance the ini requirement of a weapon skill in the same way as you would with a CD based skill.

  14. Not In regards to the main story but in how certain fractions in Tyria react to it. Both scientists and historians alike should be all over them for the amount of informations these "echos" contain but aside from some adventures, the MC and some unnamed asuran groups (those who created these asuran structures) none of the madjor organisations (like the priory) really seem to care, I wonder why that is.

  15. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > Well its not a "pseudo-trench coat." as you state it by and definiton either,

    > > Of course it is as it contains basic elements commonly found in trench coats such as the belt and increased length but it doesn't fit the description to 100% which is the reason I called it a pseudo-trench coat instad of a real one.


    > kitten with that definition I dident know I ran around with a trench coat all the time being in a shirt jeans and belt, I clearly have a belt and my shirt has increased length aswell.

    Your point? I doubt that your belt is on your shirt instead of your jeans. Also, you do realise that the word "pseudo" isn't just there for decoration, right? Gehenna pretty much explained it to you guys, it shouldn't be too hard to understand

  16. > @"Batel.9206" said:

    > It has a *tiny* bit of overhang from the chest piece

    It extends the chest piece by about 50%, I wouldn't call that "a *tiny* bit" (at all).


    > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > Sure it is, where do you think the belt is? Like I said it's not as long as the others (still you can barely see the leg piece and it's noticeably longer than the chest pieces worn by medium and heavy) but it's still a pseudo-trench coat.


    > This is most definitely not a trenchcoat.

    So what? No one said that this is a **real** trench coat.


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