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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > "Flying would be no different"

    > "Except it would be different"

    Make up your mind, which one is it?


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It also invalidates existing mounts which Anet has stated that they’re opposed to doing.

    Which one exactly? Even if the griffon would have universal access to low gravity I don't see how any of the other mounts would be "invalidated".


  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I was talking about anywhere in the map such as ... directly to a world boss, etc. Flying would be no different

    If flying would be no different than going directly from world boss to world boss than I don't see where the problem is.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Griffons do not fly.

    Now that breaks immersion.

  3. > @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

    > if i read all the posts from anet about this subject it i can explain the problem this way i think: light armored character have the armor attachpoint at the skin, and heavy armor characters have then outward from the skin, so if you then put a light armor on a heavy character, it will stretch out the shoulders of the character to the armor attachpoints, giving you very weird stretched out shoulders. and if then you then put a heavy armor on a light armor character it will pushe the shoulders inward and give a weird distorted thin chest. and it seems this is a fundemental base of how the characters and armors are made thinking about movements of armors. and thats why you cannot mix and match heavy and light armors on your character

    Yeah but that just means that we won't be able to mix between the skin sets for different weight classes, not that they can't use an overlay to use light armor skins on medium weight chars.

  4. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > All movement abilities have a cost-benefit aspect to them and between them. Pure flight would break this balance.

    Not really, you would still use the springer for quick jumps like the one in the Temple of Joko as flapping around just for a quick floor change would be impractical. It also woudnt affect any of the other mounts that much as they all would still have their pros and cons. The only places where it would be problematic are the areas where you can't use mounts anyways (minus the mistlock sanctuary).


  5. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I’m against flying as it would have negative implications on maps.

    The springer already "breaks" pretty much every map and JPs are already covered in gigantic "no mount" bubbles. Also, if it's just going from A to B then the beetle is still going to be the better option most of the time since bond of vigor boosted beetle > having to reach certain height for the level 2 griffon boost.

  6. > Reward types are way better in Season 4 then in 3.

    That depends on what your priorities are. In terms of skins: yes, in terms of functionality: no. Problem is: cosmetics don't add any replay value to the maps (well, cosmetic infusions would if you could actually expect to obtain them by farming the content in question), ascended equipment does. There's no point in ever returning to the Jahai Bluffs for mistonium once you got your skins thanks to the Requiem set not being ascended armor, Bitterfrost Frontier on the other hand is still relevant to this day thanks to the high amount of replay value added through the various ascended items. Also, nobody cares about the weapon set since it's tied to crafting. If it was the same as the LWS3 stuff: map currency + LWS4 currency then I would agree but that's not the case here.

  7. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > The armor weights do a very good job at telling players on a glance what they are.

    > > The existence of outfits and combat tonics already throw that concept out of the window.


    > If you read my post at all, the devs made outfits for that purpose, just one of the reasons they did it. They wanted town clothes to be able to fill that role but found it to limiting so they changed town clothes into outfits so that people *could* have a heavy armor mage etc, but you will never see the defensive bonuses tied to that armor allowed on another class. Nobody would have any reason other than to run heavy armor.

    None if this is in contrast to what I just said so what's your point?

  8. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > armor is tied to class

    > > Which doesn't matter if you use an overlay like I suggested. Just split outfits into: full body, light, medium and heavy. /done


    > It's not a "just." Outfits are a fourth fundamental weight of armor and don't exist as separate pieces, which is why they take less time to go from inception to release.

    I was referring to the hero panel sub section, not the outfits themselves. The preview window essentially already does what I'm talking about, nothing has to be "converted" or "reinvented" here.

  9. > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

    > what do people not understand about the post? there is esentially no difference between stats with armor based on whether or not they are light, medium or heavy - the difference is based on the prefix, level of it, etc.

    That's not true, they have different base values in regards to defence. You could however add an overlay option (similar to how outfits work) for armor skins so that wouldn't be much of a problem.

  10. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > More basic, as in lack of decoration, or like starting clothing?

    As in as in lack of decoration. Some of them pretty much look like reskins, you wouldn't be able tell what's what unless someone told you.


    Like I said there are some misplaced textures (especially in regards to medium armor) so of course there would be some issues but this should be addressed regardless.

  11. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > > light, medium and heavy armor have different rigging points that allows them to be combined without looking ridic

    > > Actually they don't, they're just a lot of misplaced textures on the medium armor but this can be solved though multiple ways (not to mention that they should fix the misplaced textures regardless).


    > Is there proof they do not, because im more inclined to believe there absolutely is.

    Sure, just go to the wardrobe and look at the more basic clothing (you have to use the glorious brigandine for medium armor due to a lack of alternatives). The basics are always the same regardless of weight class, everything else is skin dependent.

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > bad game design.

    > Disliking a design doesn't make it bad.

    This has nothing to do with "disliking" something. As I said before if it's pretty much unobtainable through regular gameplay means then it defeats the purpose of even implementing it in the first place. Youre just dismissive about it.

  13. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > imagine if it would be a common drop

    There's a difference between something being a common drop and it being so rare that there's no point in trying anymore. It not being reasonably obtainable through the associated content defeats the purpose of having it in the first place. The WvW T3 stuff is also "rare" but even tho I think level 2000 is total overkill (compared to the requirement for the legendary WvW stuff) it's at least still "obtainable". Were talking about a meta reward here, not some kind of legendary.

  14. > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > I've done the Chak Gerent Meta event every day since the 2nd week when HoT was released. 30k Leyline crystals and 3k+ ley line sparks and still no chak necklace.

    I didn't get any of the HoT OW amulets either but that's not the worst part. It's not just that I didn't get it but neither did anyone else. I ran these events way more than 1000 times and I've never once seen anyone else get the drop (which says a lot given that they're usually about 100 people present).


    With HoT they implemented 3 infusions with cosmetic aura (2 for OW and one for raids) and while the OW stuff is BS rare the raid one was actually implementad in a way that makes sense (it's both a rare drop and something you can buy with the respective special currency) and actually gives the player an incentive to engage with the content.


    But the recent content has the exact same problems, we have a new infusion which is to rare to frarm and a new map currency which doesn't have any use once you finish the collections. It's frustrating to see that the OW devs still fail horribly at basic game design especially since meta themed cosmetic infusions are exactly the kind of unique content reward that adds replayability without having a negative impact on other content.

  15. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"BlackfoxKitsune.7480" said:

    > > Wish i could say i was hopeful but i'm not because thus far it's NEVER a balance it's always Nerf the ranger/druid to unusable even in PVE, OP the classes like Guardian and REV and make other pointless not needed changes all over the place, some even ending up function or game braking for a month


    > You got any examples for this or..?

    The unload nerf for thief, it was already common knowledge how bad P/P thief was vs. opponents that know what they're doing but now it's a complete joke vs. other players in generall. It's so bad that you can't properly deal with enemy camps in WvW anymore. To top it all off they did this change on the same patch where they also reworked rifle so P/P thief would have lost its purpose regardless which makes this nerf even more pointless.

  16. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > As we can see, only the Shield, Hammer and Torch have effects has can be used by other Weapons.

    Iirc dagger does too but I kinda don't like it as it's quite restrictive in how these effects are applied, I'd rather have something like this:


    * no dagger equipped—Heal for a high percentage of your outgoing critical damage.

    * one dagger equipped—Heal for a percent of your outgoing critical damage and your Interrupts grant quickness. (Only occurs once per interval.)

    * two daggers equipped—your Interrupts grant a high amount of quickness and the CD of your dagger skills is lowered by X percent.

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