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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > In most fights where you'll need to use ranged weapons, Pistol/Pistol or sometimes even Shortbow is usually better than the Rifle, because you can maintain mobility while still doing a lot of damage.


    I don't know where this misconception is coming from but rifle has definitely more mobility than P/P. You don't need Kneel in order to outperform dual pistol and unlike P/P rifle has actually a disengagement skill.

  2. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > good thiefs will kitten simply everyone


    Depends on the set, with P/P even good thieves are going to lose pretty much every time if their opponent is at least a somewhat decent player.

  3. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > The term "noob" does not refer to new players.


    > It literally does. It's a shortened and derogatory form of the term "newbie," which is a term for someone who is new to and inexperienced at some kind of activity.


    Not quite, it refers mockingly to veteran players who still act like you would expect a new player to act.

  4. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > True. Medium armor is, for the most part, just variations of a long coat. I really wish they'd work on some other designs.


    That's never going to happen, they messed up the split between the top and the bottom armor for 99% of the sets and are now just rolling with it.


  5. Skins aren't everything, many regular weapon skins look "better" than legendary skins but special effects like projectile animations can have a much bigger visual impact depending on the weapon type. I personally like the "Lyssa's Gaze" pistol skin more then HOPE but there is no point in using it unless they add the Mesmer pistol SFX to it. The same can be said about the black lion weapons, the Equinox pistol looks nice nstuff but why should I even consider using it if it dosen't have matching SFX?


    This is something even some of the low quality korean cash grab games get right and the fact that GW2 (which, lets face it, after a certain point is all about cosmetics) fails horribly in this regard is just an embarrassment.

  6. P/P thief is in quite a bad state, on one hand it's completely outclassed by rifle and on the other hand it suffers heavily from A-Nets poorly thought out "1h weapon combo system".


    Compared to P/P the rifle has:


    - more sustained DPS


    - an AoE option


    - significantly better burst damage


    - more range


    - more mobility


    - better stealth (both in regards to going invisible and not attracting as much attention)


    - more practical CC options


    In regards to performance there is not a single reason to choose P/P over rifle, it's completely outclassed in this regard.


    But that isn't even the main problem P/P is suffering from. The main issue is that P/P as a weapon set is highly dysfunctional. It's completely unplayable in any competitive PvP environment and a rather bad choice for most of the PvE content. It kinda works for OW but that's not really an accomplishment.


    The reason for that is the complete lack of synergy between the individual weapon skills which is rooted in how A-Net designed the "1h weapon combo system". Instead of looking at the weapon combo as a whole and then replacing skills with low synergy to the underlying theme of the weapon set (which in this case would be "fast paced Run 'N Gun gameplay" / "going in guns blazing") with dual skills they just mashed the weapons together, replaced 3 with a dual skill and called it a day. Important to notice is that there are (aside from some special cases) essentially 2 basic types of weapon sets:


    - type one that focusses on stong attacks with high damage where the AA serves as filler, this is the kind of weapon set usually found on classes which use the cooldown system


    - type two which is based around a strong offensive skill while the other skills are mainly used for utility, an example for this would be D/P


    The problem for P/P is that at its core it's essentially the later while also having an element from the former which causes masive problems for the weapon set.


    If there is anything wrong with P/P it's Vital Shot, this skill is essentially a filler AA from a type one weapon set while Unload on the other hand is the offensive kind of AA a type two weapon set is usually based around + the rest of the weapon set is mostly utility and has therefore more synergy with Unload than Vital Shot (at least in theory). This creates two problems, firstly Vital Shot is highly redundant and doesn't really do anything for the weapon set and secondly Vital Shot occupies the first skill slot which should be filled with Unload instead. With Unload not being the cost free AA every other skill now has to compete with Unload for the same resource meaning you can't focus on utility if you still want to attack afterwards and vice versa. This is the main reason why P/P is such a big mess and there is no point in addressing anything else until they fixed this.


    Vital Shot has to go, it does nothing for the weapon set (both in regards to gameplay and the overall theme of the weapon set). What they should have done from the start is making Unload the dual skill replacement for Vital Shot (as it is both a good skill to base a set around and a fitting representation of the general theme of the weapon set) and use 3 (and 2) to add more utility to the set. I'd also add the "Revealed" debuff to Unload to further limit its stealth options.


    This obviously wouldn't solve every issue as P/P would still be outclassed by rifle for the most part but this way we would at least have a proper weapon set.

  7. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > It hard to fix p/p without unduly affecting other sets.


    Not really, they just need to base the number of dual skills on the overall synergy of the weapon skills in question. This way other weapon sets would be completely unaffected. If the original weapon skills of a weapon combo already have a high amount of synergy then one dual skill might be sufficient (e.g. D/P), if not then more than one might be nessesary.


    > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > Perhaps one could.


    > Increase the velocity on #2 by 50 percent for the projectile. It too slow and many times avoided for that reason. Increase the duration of vuln to 10 seconds. This can give an alternative of Vuln building at cheaper cost with a more reliable strike.


    > Increase the power damge of #1 auto by 30 percent.


    > Ideally one can preserve ini By rotating between #2 nd #1 while still outputting decent damage and saving unload as the burst for a finish. From the perspective of an enemy one can not just dodge the unload anymore and shrug off the other attacks as the #2 , #1 rotation could also deal much more damage which can be even more reliable with the immob on #2.


    I don't think that focussing another 2 weapon skills on something that's already covered in similar ways through other means does the weapon set any good, like I said they should just make unload the dual skill replacement for 1 and focus 2 and 3 more on utility e.g. an engage / disengage skill for 2 and some small scale AoE for 3.

  8. The reason why P/P players only use unload is because there's nothing else to use. Imagine A-Net rendering all D/X skills except weapon skill 1 useless, would you guys start suggesting that they need to nerf dagger 1 too because "D/X players are only using skill 1"?


    The fact that it has such a high initiative cost for no reason is also rather problematic. Not only is the overall DPS outside of soloplay (and even then) far to low to justify such high costs but it also achieves the opposite of what some people hope such high costs would accomplish. Why would a P/P player use anything but unload if using weapon skill X does more harm than good? E.g. many mobs have break bars and are vulnerable to the players attacks once these bars are broken but why should a P/P thief even bother with breaking them if you don't have enough initiative left to properly attack once the bar is broken? P/P has its basic attack compete with other skills for the same resource, D/X would be completely unplayable if they would add a relatively similar initiative cost to dagger 1. The main reason why P/P is even remotely playable (in PvE) is because of the fact that the pistol is a ranged weapon.



    > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > Dual Pistols is a burst weapon set.


    Absolutely not, P/P as a weapon set is mostly based on building up and sustaining damage. If you want ranged burst damage then rifle would be the way to go.



    > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

    > Instead of just working on Unload, it would be nice if developers changed the way Vital Shot works. It's supposed to be an auto-attack, but as it stands right now, dual pistols auto-attack is Unload. If you nerf the Unload, by say, increasing it's initiative cost/reducing initative returns, you need to have some ability to rely on while initative is regenerating. Vital Shot in it's current state is not only inefficient, it's also very unsatisfying to use. Weak and slow. What if the Vital Shot changed depending on the amount of pistols you have equiped. So instead of the Vital Shot you get a "Super-Duper-XX-MEGA-Hunter-Seeking-Bullets-of-the-Void-Act-II-Turbo" if you have 2 pistols equipped?


    TBH they should replace vital shot with unload if you equip 2 pistols, like you said gameplay wise unload already fills the role of a basic attack and using both pistols for it is more fitting for the theme of the weapon set anyways. This way they could use the 3d weapon slot to give the set some much needed utility.

  9. I wouldn't even be surprised, like I said after episode 3:


    > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > Dragons gain abilities based on the magic they consume. Aurene is basically a dragon lich at this point, as of right now she should be capable of doing everything Joko could do


    Now some people obviously wouldn't like that to happen but not doing it would be even more BS at this point and no one can say that this would come "out of nowhere" either.

  10. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > No, we don't need any buffs. There is nothing to be given to any weaponset or ability that won't make some build immediately overtuned.


    That's just blatantly false, there's a lot they can do to improve P/P without making it "overturned".

  11. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > I do WvW every day to chip away at my next Gift of Battle and PVP has very little to do with the process.


    That's because you don't care about the objective. WvW is PvP, you're just not in direct competition but at it's core it's a simple "whichever team gathers the most amount of points within the given time limit wins" kind of gamemode.


    Now you don't have to engage in direct combat with other players but most players generally don't like these kind of PvP based game modes for the simple fact that someone could gank them at any time which, while it generally has little impact on the porgression speed, is extremely anoying.

  12. > @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > Count the threads where a WvW player hasn’t started off by saying give me the GoE with just WvW.

    > >

    > > Unsurprisingly since he can just skip the whole process and buy the legendary directly from the TP. However, these threads are always about gen 2 legendaries which can't be bought from the TP and GoE is not a factor. Comparing GoB to GoE in the context of gen 2 legendaries is like comparing apples to oranges.


    > Generation 2 legendaries are not able to be bought on the TP

    can't = can not


  13. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Count the threads where a WvW player hasn’t started off by saying give me the GoE with just WvW.


    Unsurprisingly since he can just skip the whole process and buy the legendary directly from the TP. However, these threads are always about gen 2 legendaries which can't be bought from the TP and GoE is not a factor. Comparing GoB to GoE in the context of gen 2 legendaries is like comparing apples to oranges.

  14. > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

    > The problem with this that some players will have is that they want their challenge.


    But that seems to be a rather flawed argument now doesn't it? Everyone who truly wants to play for the sake of challenging themselves is free to put on a handicap, no one is going to stop these players from doing something like[ this](

    " this").


    > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > much more relevant to a purely PvP game, particularly a fighting game, such as used in the example, than any other genre.


    Not really, the core argument holds true for every kind of game regardless of whether or not PvP is involved.

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