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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > The medium one could be better, but it still stands out because **it is not trenchcoat-like**.

    > > It is, it's just a relatively short one. To this day the Glorious Brigandine is the only piece of medium chestwear that's not "trenchcoat-like".


    > Except it's not a trenchcoat, or even 'trenchcoat-like.'

    Sure it is, where do you think the belt is? Like I said it's not as long as the others (still you can barely see the leg piece and it's noticeably longer than the chest pieces worn by medium and heavy) but it's still a pseudo-trench coat.

  2. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Meanwhile Holo defensive buffs and IP got its lifesteal buffed :lol:


    > And people insist that they don't balance around PvE...

    The effect of the IP buff is mostly psychological, it doesn't really have any profound impact on the balancing itself.

  3. > @"Toron.4856" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > P/P needs a severe sustainability buff (among other things), it's pretty much unusable as it is rn.


    > Are u really trying to tell us that pressing 3 over and over should be a viable build? If you want to be successful by spamming one button over and over u should to events in queensdale.

    Read: "**among other things**", you really have no argument here as fixing this weapon set requires addressing the underlying issues and one of them is the the complete lack of sustainability. Going by your logic you might as well complain about D/P being viable cause the AA is to "one dimensional".

  4. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Why do players still do the casino blitz event if they’ve already bought all of the rewards or gotten those that they care about?

    They don't, that's why it often times fails to reach the end (unless the crystal oasis is part of the daily achievements).

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Are you of the belief that the game would be better if there was no such thing as truly rare loot

    It's not about not having "truly rare stuff", it's about the way it's implemented and what replay value these items add to the content they're associated with. If they would add a new super rare infusion to ecto gambling then this would add value for those who usually engage in this kind of content and barely anyone would say anything about it. The meta drops are different however since making them super rare to the point where you can't reasonably expect to get one even if you farm it for years doesn't add anything to the associated content except for a miniscule part of the community that makes the raid one look gigantic by comparison. Like I said before meta events are not the proper place for this kind of content.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > "everyone has it"

    I wouldn't call stuff that only 1% of the playerbase owns "everyone has it" but one would still feel that way as things can seem to be rather common if you see one person in every second squad using it. So in order to shake of that "feeling" of "everyone has it" you would have to make things so rare that "not everyone has it" becomes synonymous to "pretty much no one has it" as statistically many things are alredy quite rare as they are and it's incredibly easy for one to lose perspective once one starts to take the average player out of the equation.


    > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > > > some people are soloing Qadim with this trait, signet of malice and P/P.

    > > Why P/P instead of rifle?


    > It's a specific mechanic with him to keep him in one spot while the rest of the team takes care of the rest. You need high mobility and sustainability which is what P/P with CS offers.

    You just explained why P/P is being used but this doesn't answer my question as you can say the exact same thing about rifle.


    > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > some people are soloing Qadim with this trait, signet of malice and P/P.

    Why P/P instead of rifle?


    > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"Bern.9613" said:

    > > Invigorating Precision: The healing based on critical damage has been reduced from 15% to 10%. The healing percentage of this trait is now increased by an additional 10% when the thief is under the effects of fury. <----once again, does anyone even use this?


    > You have 20% Lifesteal. Why WOULDN'T you use this now?

    Because you generally don't need it and perma fury + 250 ferocity is just to good to miss out on.


    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Part of the intent behind balance patches is to get people to use new skills and traits. So if nobody is using it, it makes sense to buff it.

    There is no point in buffing it if they don't even understand why no one is using it.




    I'm a little bit disappointed with this patch, now I have to change my key bindings whenever I go in and out of WvW, it's incredibly annoying.


    I was hoping for them to turn Ankle Shots into something more generally useful (like how it is for most weapon based traits). I hope they take another look at Signets of Power and change the effects to something that actually fits the theme of the specialisation (e.g. on kill effects to on crit effects).


    > @"Bern.9613" said:

    > Sundering Shade: This trait now grants the thief 6 seconds of fury upon successful stealth-attack hits.<---does anybody even use this?

    No because every crit based build has 100% crit anyways. They should just get rid of this skill and replace it with something else (same for Hidden Killer).


    > Invigorating Precision: The healing based on critical damage has been reduced from 15% to 10%. The healing percentage of this trait is now increased by an additional 10% when the thief is under the effects of fury. <----once again, does anyone even use this?

    I guess it makes casuals less of a burden but everyone else is better of using No Quarter, it's not optimal but at least it has its place (unlike Hidden Killer).



  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Springer would be invalidated as you could fly instead of hopping up.

    It still has easy CC and like I said : "you would still use the springer for quick jumps like the one in the Temple of Joko as flapping around just for a quick floor change would be impractical" so nothing is geting invalidated here.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Skimmer would be invalidated as you could fly over the water instead of gliding across.

    The skimmer is still better at short distances and (unlike the griffon) can be used after resurfacing.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Raptor/beetle/jackal would be invalidated as you can fly over the terrain that would slow them down.

    That's not invalidating these mounts as you wouldn't want to use them for these areas anyways. If you could use the griffon to fly you would excel at one thing: long distance travel over uneven terrain, no other mount is geared towards that and the things they are geared towards are not really affected by it.

  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > For the beetle, you’re assuming that the terrain is flat and that you don’t run into obstacles. Flying doesn’t have that issue. Do you see players routinely using beetle to traverse content or do you see them using others? For all we know, a flying mount could have a takeoff ability. I mean, the vigor boost does make it easier for griffons to get up higher in the air.

    Which means both would have their usage depending on the situation, that's exactly the kind of diversity that doesn't invalidate other mounts. I asked which mount would be invalidated and you couldn't make your case for a single one despide claiming that somehow all of them would be. Also, I talked about giving the low gravity mechanics to the griffon (no need to reinvent the wheel) and not inventing a new mount / takeoff ability, even with the vigor boost the griffon doesn't gain hight fast enough to outperform either the beetle on flat terrain or the other mounts on short distances.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Read the context and not cherrypick. Thanks.

    Except you're the one ignoring the context here, you complained about people being able do skip content on their way to X wich would be true for both cases.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It would better than all of them and be BiS. There would be no reason to use the other ones.

    That couldn't be further from the truth, the beetle would get you over half the map before you even reached the height required for the level 2 boost and the other mounts would still be better for short distances, level gimmicks or instances were you can't use the griffon.



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