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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Anthony.3207" said:

    > I don't think pets are able to be balanced very well. They are either useless or incredibly powerful - primarily in spvp.

    This is why you have to factor in the player character, if the minion(s) is / are incredibly strong the PC has to be incredibly weak. If the PC ends up being a total pushover the class wouldn't be paticulary strong in PvP even if the minion itself is far above your average legendary creature in terms of strength (which it pretty much has to be considering how abysmal the DPS of you average boss mob is when compared to even a casual player).


    It's almost comical how rare it is to see a minion focused class by which the minions don't end up being some kind of "cosmetic" or a meatshield. There are probably more but on top of my head only the trap assassin from D2 and the Doppelganger from Borderlands TPS come to mind.

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > > I would like to see a mastery where you could actually gain a slight amount of height with the griffon every time it flaps its wings. I don't think that flying up from the ground is much of a problem as long as the ascension is slow enough.

    > > >

    > > > That would allow unlimited airtime, and thus bring **all the issues of full flight mounts from other games**.

    > > Such as?

    > >


    > Being able to completely ignore enemies for one, just fly past them. Ground mounts can dash past a certain amount, but not indefinitely.

    Even as things are right now I can't think of a single map where random trash mobs have ever been an issue for me in this regard.




    > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > > I would like to see a mastery where you could actually gain a slight amount of height with the griffon every time it flaps its wings. I don't think that flying up from the ground is much of a problem as long as the ascension is slow enough.

    > > >

    > > > That would allow unlimited airtime, and thus bring **all the issues of full flight mounts from other games**.

    > > Such as?

    > >

    > Such as. Making all the other mounts obsolete. Why run or roll anywhere when you can fly.

    Read: "long as the ascension is slow enough", you don't want to tell me that the average player has the nerves to flap around until they reached sufficient height for the level 2 boost if they could have boosted away with the beetle a long time ago now do you?

  3. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > I would like to see a mastery where you could actually gain a slight amount of height with the griffon every time it flaps its wings. I don't think that flying up from the ground is much of a problem as long as the ascension is slow enough.


    > That would allow unlimited airtime, and thus bring **all the issues of full flight mounts from other games**.

    Such as?


  4. The biggest positive for me is that the game is not pay to win in regards to its microtransactions, the gem store is only filled with skins and conveniences like it should be.


    While I do think some mounts could use some tweaks the overall implementation of them was great.


    I like that the loot is personalised and I think that this should be the standard for every multiplayer RPG.


    I also like the fact that there aren't any monthly fees, it gives me the freedom to come back to the game whenever I feel like it and I probably wouldn't have bothered with this game if this weren't the case.


    And while it's not always the case (especially in regards to weapon design) I do like the attention to detail I see every now and then, for example in LW season 2 where, if you choose to play as an asura, Taimi said something about Scarlet not holding up to her standards to which the PC replies with something like "remember she is not an asura like us so we shouldn't hold her to our standards". I was like "whoever wrote this part: thank you" because they definitely didn't need to add this much attention to detail and at least in my book going the extra mile when you don't need to is what separates a great product from a good one. To bad GW2 is quite inconsistent in this regard.

  5. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > Expect that to be the Future, that Devs will not expose themselves on Social Media.

    At least for the sake of discussion I would consider this to be a good thing since arguments should always stand on their own merits regardless of who made them.



    > @"Dengar.1785" said:

    > Everything is absolutely *fine* as long as you're not a complete kitten.

    ^ also this


  6. 1.) Springer / Griffon: both are extremely versatile and useful in uneven terrain (especially in HoT maps) which happens to dominate most of the maps in GW2

    2.) Raptor / Beetle: great for moving short / long distances but they do have some issues with uneven terrain

    3.) Skimmer: great mount in theory but the usage is to limited due to a general lack of danger zones / water maps

    4.) Jackal: sand portals are reliant on map gimmicks and the raptor makes it kinda redundant

  7. Personally I would love to see a new summoner class but honestly what's the point? Aesthetics? We already have multiple classes / skills based around summoning meatshields, we don't need another one of those and if you want them to have a meaningful impact otherwise you are presented with one of two options:


    - summon one strong minion (which would have to be at least on the same level as the Legendary Bandit Executioner in both offensive and defensive capabilities)




    - being able to constantly resummon multiple extremely aggressive minions


    I do think there is value in having a summoner class where the summoner itself is more of a support char for his minions but these minions have to able make up for the lack of aggressiveness and defensive play a human player brings to the table otherwise they just end up being meatshields for their master and we alredy have more then enought of those. As a rule of thumb: if they can't (with your support) beat the story bosses, make mincemeat out of an enemy camp in WvW (assuming no enemy players) and are a deadweight in high level fractals then it's not with it.

  8. Read the whole thing, her response is pretty telling. How she could have possibly thought that publicly posting something like this is somehow a good idea is beyond me. Even ignoring the connection to A-Net, this just makes her look bad, not the other guy but the bubble is pretty strong I guess. It's just sad to see how people oftentimes get dismissive and start to use ad hominems if they can't properly address the arguments (or criticism) presented to them, not just in this case but in general.

  9. > FTT Turrets: They were designed to be part of this map exclusively. They had a little more integration in the story early on, but some of that was lost. We had started discussing allowing them in other maps, but at the point the discussion happened it was too late to do it with the amount of testing we deemed needed for such a change. That said, **we are discussing the possibility of loosening the restriction in the future**.

    Just keeping them as consumables and loosening the restriction won't do any good unless you want to make every enemy in the game drop the required map currency and these spare parts in which case they're just going to waste inventory space which begs the question why keeping this part of the system at all? It's fine if you want to use them as a "barrier" for collection completion but everything beyond that is just going to disincentivize people from engaging with the content. There's a reason why no one cares about the sunspear summons from episode one unlike the prototype position rewinder from episode two which was a great addition to the game.

  10. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > as an open world boss could be /tad/ bit more challenging

    She could, but mechanic whise she's still amongst the best things we've got thus far as pretty much everything else OW has to offer either boils down to being a gigantic DPS dummy or a series of mini games.

  11. > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > It might also come from a predisposed idea that rogue classes in games in general typically focus on a dps role rather than a support/utility based role and that's the kind of gameplay style they hope for/expect from thief.

    I don't really think that's the case here, like I said nobody asks for thief to do 50% more damage than everyone else as compensation for the lack of everything else. People just want thief in general to hit the baseline in this regard and yes, if you have a damage focused profesion which only brings damage to the table (single target damage to be precise) and most damage oriented builds can't even do that then more damage is the solution for them.



    > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > To be honest though, I think part of the problem here is ANet's approach to the thief's design as a whole.

    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the design philosophy behind this class, there is value in having a profession which is capable of breaking up from the mass, zipping over the battlefield and swiftly soloing side objectives. The problem is just other professions can do the same thing but better. High mobility isn't unique to thief, neither is access to invisibility (not that it really matters since the amount of side objectives which are better of being soloed by one person sneaking behind the enemy lines instead of just kicking the door in with the group is pretty much non existent). There is a flaw in game design here, it's just not this profession.



    > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > as a unique debuff that affected not only the thief's damage to a target, but also their party's damage to the same target

    Thief used to have something like that in critical strikes, making vulnerability hard to come by for everyone but thief would help but A-Net already removed that trait and replaced it with something stealth releated (which feels comepletly out of place in critical strikes btw.).



    > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > some other unique mechanic, like healing for a % of damage done against marked targets

    This would definitely help because then people would be more inclined to use deadly arts over critical strikes but that's not going to help non deadeye builds.

  12. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > The turrets feel like a huge missed opportunity, they should have been a gizmo like the Prototype Position Rewinder from episode 2 awarded to the player after completing all the achievements. Also, properly using them shouldn't require spare parts (or anything else for that matter). Nobody is doing to farm trash mobs just to use a gimmick and as others already pointed out they shouldn't be limited to Kourna.


    > I dont think they should be completely free but the farming method shouldnt be the one we have rn. Instead give us blish's arm ability n5 to use on the turrets in kourna to farm them faster and allow us to use turrets anywhere in the ow.

    This would still be to off putting for too many people, remember that these are just gimmicks without any real use. They're not going to do anything vs. any real content (except for PvP based modes in which they shouldn't be allowed in) any room cleaning AoE of the more advanced bosses would make short work out of them, the same thing would probably hold true for most of the stronger OW boss fights like Amala. They might be efficient vs. normal zombies and stuff but then again this goes for pretty much everything else as you almost just need to breathe on these mobs in order to blow them away.

  13. The turrets feel like a huge missed opportunity, they should have been a gizmo like the Prototype Position Rewinder from episode 2 awarded to the player after completing all the achievements. Also, properly using them shouldn't require spare parts (or anything else for that matter). Nobody is doing to farm trash mobs just to use a gimmick and as others already pointed out they shouldn't be limited to Kourna.

  14. Depending on the build thief ranges from ok to needs severe improvements. Bursting down enemies works fine for the most part as long as you're not up against upscaled veterans or big groups of enemies with a ranged build. Besides damage (which usually isn't even top notch even if you're running a damage oriented build) you're not offering much to the group which I don't think is much of a problem but if I were to describle the profession with one word I'd say outclassed. I do like the initiative system tho, which is one of the main reasons why I'm even playing this class to begin with.

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > If you don't agree that damage should be a ranged/melee differentiator, then tell us what reasonable things should differentiate them.

    I already told you, the behavior of several enemies changes drastically when up against a ranged player which is already a big differentiator. Take the champion golem from the hero point in Verdant Brink for example, If I fight him with a melee char he mainly uses the basic attack and the "spin rush" while when I fight him with a ranged character from a distance he suddenly starts spamming rockets and CC in adition to the occasional projectile nullification field. The fight is definitely a lot easier with melee since his strongest close range attack is easy to dodge and leaves him wide open for your attacks in addition to staff 4 giving you additional dodges if needed. There is no "reduced risk to bad stuff happening to you" when fighing him at range and the same thing is true for most of these enemies.



    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > 1. You say targeting as a melee is easier ... but if I want that easy targeting with a ranged weapon, I can still play with my ranged weapon at melee range. The advantage here is clearly ranged weapons, because I can CHOOSE to stay range OR move to melee to get the same targeting advantage you say is exclusive to melee.

    Assuming we equalize the base damage of both the melee and the range attacks, melee would still be better off in this case since most melee attacks tend to be AoE damage within their effective range. Even at close range if I use ranged attacks I still have to worry about the other trash mobs trying to jump into my face which is something I couldn't care less about when using a staff.



    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > 2. You say you can ignore CC as a melee class because you are already in melee range, but that doesn't make sense because with a ranged weapons, I am in range MUCH sooner than any melee weapon would ever be; as long as the mob is within your attack range, the ability to 'ignore CC' is valid for BOTH ranged and melee weapons. The advantage here is again, ranged weapons, because of the increased distance I can attack from.

    I said they don't really have to worry about "some of the CC", for example: why would a warrior have to worry about being pulled in or being immobilized when fighting a veteran spider? Exactly he doesn't, he just wants to whale on the veteran while killing the babies she usually summons in the process.


    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > 3. The other examples are hardly even worth considering ..

    For you because because it goes against your narrative. You do realise that the "if range has some problems, just use melee" argument undermines your point about ranged having it easier? This completely defeats the purpose of running a ranged build to begin with. You might as well tell people which ask for XYZ to be more viable to just run mesmer, it's the same type of argument just on a different scale.



    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > What else you got?

    The question is: what do you got? You said you wanted to challenge my points but so far you haven't actually done that. You failed to show how most of the boss enemies are not behaving in the way I originally described, you also failed to show why it matters if random trash mob 749 can't touch a ranged character because he happens to be a regular zombie without range attack. You just claimed that range has it much easier and that there somehow wouldn't be a meaningful difference between melee and range if damage oriented single target ranged builds had at least an average amount of sustainable single target DPS which is A: complete nonsense and B: not even a rebuttal to anything I said.

  16. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > There MUST be a meaningful differentiator between melee and ranged weapons

    And there already is in form of game mechanics. Mechanics melee doesn't have to deal with which prevent you from / punish you for attacking. A melee player doesn't have to tap-dance around trash mobs in order to attack the one opponent he actually cares about, he doesn't really have to worry about some of the CC since he already wants to be in the enemy's face, he doesn't have to wait untill the big dmg reflection AoE is gone before he can start attacking his target again and he doesn't have to care about the range damage nullification field some of the enemies tend to spam. Melee is also less likely to be targeted by random elite mobs which tend to spawn a little bit away from the objective in addition to getting multiple buffs ranged characters are usually missing out on thanks to largely being ignored by support for obvious reasons.

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