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Posts posted by Tails.9372

  1. > @"Mercurias.1826" said:

    > A class like that is never going to be a sustained DPS king.

    This is not about being the "sustained DPS king", of course sustained DPS should be lower than burst DPS but that's not an excuse for lowering the sustained DPS to the point were the average DPS oriented build from other classes have a roughly 50% higher DPS than some of the damage oriented thief builds while also having access to proper AoE attacks in addition to better CC and suport options on top of it. Even upscaled elite mobs can have upwards of 500k HP which requires at least a decent amount of sustainable DPS in order to deal with it which shouldn't be to much to ask for a damage oriented build from a class which is almost exclusively specialised in one on one combat.

  2. There are two types of mounts I see people constantly asking for and an underwater mount would be one of them. The other one is a battle mount which I'd personally love to see (especially if it gets a legendary asuran themed power suit reskin).


    Nothing against the beetle, I like going fast but I find it a bit odd that that was what they were going for considering that no one really asked for it especially when there are other types of mounts which are more in demand.



    > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

    > Why would anyone swim to the surface to mount their skimmers if they can just hop on their seahorses?

    Skimmers ignore danger zones like lava and are also usable in shallow water (which already grants you the full speed boost) which I suppose an underwater mount wouldn't.

  3. I personally always liked receiving the "heal" from renegade and necromancer the most, they don't actually heal you but they add passive "lifesteal" to your attacks but I guess that has some other drawbacks to it so depending on the situation it's often times not the optimal way to go. That being said necromancers sould be capable of reviving fallen players the fastest out of every profession iirc.

  4. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > given the relative safety of ranged in general, buffing that is a silly concept

    There is no point in keeping the damage of damage oriented ranged builds low just cause "they're to safe", that's what the low HP is there for. Every enemy worth a damn already has big ranged AoEs, some form of CC or some other game mechanic to abuse vs. ranged characters and everything else doesn't matter anyways since random trash mobs aren't supposed to be challenging.

  5. > @"Griever.8150" said:

    > DPS is what we do, we has very little utility besides it, **why is our sustained damage so abysmal in PvE?**

    Thief in general (and power thief in particular) is boned when it comes to sustainable damage output, it's called bad game design but there's nothing we can do about it since the developers seem to think that it's somehow a good idea to give an almost exclusively singe taget damage focused class with extremely limited tank and support options a mediocre singe taget damage output.


  6. > @"Fhynix.2105" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > But even ignoring overall class performance some skills are poorly thought out and are in dire need of reworking.

    > All classes have some "dead" skills. Honestly I'd like it more to rework/balance the relevant skills instead of trying to get scorpion wire or those thief traps into the meta.

    That's not an excuse for keeping these skills as dead weight, if anything it just means the developers have more stuff to do but that's not the topic here.

  7. Thief has some severe DPS issues, as a glass cannon which is mostly build around single target DPS only being around mid tier ish in terms of damage output is totally unacceptable and shows that the developers don't even understand some of the basics of character design. As the OP said, thief isn't really supposed to be a tank and it's not supposed to be support either, it isn't even universally focused on DPS since it doesn't really have good AoE options like other professions do so one would think they at least shine in one on one combat but nope, even there they're just medicore and to top it all of some developers have ruined some parts of the class by removing important aspects like the ricochet trait for no apparent reason. But even ignoring overall class performance some skills are poorly thought out and are in dire need of reworking.

  8. It depends on what you count as a "Thief ish class". I generally like playing damage oriented mid range builds with high mobility, access to invisibility and passive HP leech abilities, preferably with a "mana / PP" system as I don't really like being forced to use a specific attack just because the one I want to use happens to be on cooldown. Too bad this combination of traits is usually rather rare do find and the few classes which normally check of most of these criteria end up being something like a ninja or a thief.

  9. Here is some feedback on the Field Tech Turret system.


    First of giving players the ability to deploy a turret sounds awesome, that being said the implementation is absolute horrible. You guys are still refusing to learn how to make engaging content now do you? It suffers from the same basic problems these one time use weapons and the sunspear summons suffer from and more, but to name the main problems:


    - they're basically committing suicide


    - you can only use them in Kourna


    - they require "consumables"


    Like what the heck A-Net, who thought any of this was a good idea? Why is there a need for them to self destruct when they're basically ohko by upscaled elite mobs? Why restricting their usage to Kourna when they would be much more useful in other maps? I can understand them not being available in PvP but that's about it, you guys do realise that every boss worth killing (be it in fractals, OW or raids) would kill them pretty much instantly thanks to all the AOE spam, right? So what's the big problem here? And finally what's up these upgrade costs, you guys do realise that this pretty much kills it even if you would solve the other issues, right? No one is going to torture himself by farming trash mobs in order to use an immobile gimmik with no offensive presence. If I wanted to have something to distract the mobs with I would swap out my scholar runes for oger ones (at least that thing is mobile).


    If you really want to save the "system" here's what you should do:


    1. turn it into a gizmo given to players after the completion of the achievement chain


    2. the gizmo should deploy a basic turret which gains exp like a nomal player would (but of course with its own exp tables)


    3. the player should be able to upgrade the turret based on its level


    4. the turret shoud have an infinite duration (with no self damage) and go on cooldown once it's destroyed (the cooldown shouldn't be longer than two minutes), alternatively the player should be able to dismantle his turret if he wants to move it, in this case the turret shouldn't go on cooldown


    5. you prohibit the usage in WvW and sPvP


    ^ done, this is an example of how you turn it into something people are actually willing to use, a developer said during the most recent Guild Chat that he hasn't seen people actively engage with the system and as it stands right now it's going go stay that way just like how no one cares about the Cannon in a Box and pretty much every one time use weapon found in core Tyria.

  10. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > > * Earlier in the episode (in Amnoon), Joko is clearly afraid of dragons.

    > > But that doesn't apply to Aurene.


    > He gets all mad about Aurene interfering with his plague'd sailors.

    No, I meant Aurene isn't afraid of other dragons.



    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Joko spent centuries trying to obtain the Scarab Plague. If he had the power to awaken dragons, he would have focused effort on doing so. His army is enough to take on a champion like Shatter, and Kralkatorrik must have champions in the Crystal Desert since he set up shop there. The campaigns against Zhaitan and Mordremoth showed just how plentiful champions are.

    At most this shows that Joko isn't powerful enough to "revive" a dragon but we do know that dragons can be brought back to "life" since we've seen undead dragons before.

  11. > @"Zelanard.5806" said:

    > So, from a very reasonable perspective, this is the only one thing that could possibly have happened here.

    Well I guess with a little bit more research the asuras could have invented a machine which drains the magic out of its target similar to how a dragon does it.



    > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > If you think she's a Deus Ex Machina right now wait until she gets Jokos ability to infinitely bring people (and herself, provided that what Joko said is true) back on a large scale (remember she's a dragon, she should already have more magic in reserve then Joko could ever hope to obtain). Think she's going to start with bringing back Glint and Vlast? Oh well, at least we now have a in lore explanation why our character has infinite lives during story missions.


    > That doesn't not seem true at all as every dragon even the elder dragons have to go around actively devouring magic or slowly absorb it while they sleep. They are large containers for magic but aren't automatically 100% full all the time.

    Doesn't change the fact that dragons gain abilities based on the magic they consume. Aurene is basically a dragon lich at this point, as of right now she should be capable of doing everything Joko could do with only 2 limiting factors to this ability:


    1. she needs the body of the target in question


    2. bringing back something like Tequatl shuld require much more magical energy then bringing back a simple human


    But lore wise there's no reason why she shouldn't be capable of bringing back something like a dragon provided she has the body and enough magic to spare.

  12. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > * Earlier in the episode (in Amnoon), Joko is clearly afraid of dragons.

    But that doesn't apply to Aurene.



    > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > * If Joko could awaken dragons, he probably would have at some point. He might not have been willing to confront an Elder Dragon, but he would have assaulted a champion like Vlast, Shatter, or another one of Kralkatorrik's champions at some point.

    Like I said her magic should be a lot stronger than Jokos (she's basically made out of magic). We don't know how much magic is required in order to "revive" a dragon but I don't think Jokos limitations are applicable to Aurene.

  13. If you think she's a Deus Ex Machina right now wait until she gets Jokos ability to infinitely bring people (and herself, provided that what Joko said is true) back on a large scale (remember she's a dragon, she should already have more magic in reserve then Joko could ever hope to obtain). Think she's going to start with bringing back Glint and Vlast? Oh well, at least we now have a in lore explanation why our character has infinite lives during story missions.

  14. > @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

    > both of these are consequences from the design philosophy that every new episode has to come with a new map.

    Not true at all, we've got some good LW maps before, It's not a problem of "one map in every episode" but more of "A-Net not trying hard enough" which I suspect in this case is at least partially the fault of the beetle taking up some development resources.



    > @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

    > Instead of half hearted meta events, give us rewards that never go out of relevance

    They actually did just that in form of the PPR last episode and the beetle this episode. Cosmetics on the other hand are extremely hit or miss, not just because of personal taste but also because some of them are extremely SFX dependent. Giving a futuristic themed energy based weapon like the arcane rifle normal projectile animations / sounds just kills the whole thing. You pretty much need the item to be a legendary at this point in order to guarantee some quallity standards but even they aren't safe anymore given how the new warhorn doesn't even have a unique sound to it.

  15. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > Range is actually inappropriate and incompatible with Thief.

    > > That's not true at all, you could easily make a bandit elite spec which focuses on pistols and run&gun gameplay mechanics and it would fit just fine thematically. "Stealth, shadowsteps and poison" are not a "requirement" for this "profession" either.


    > Then that would be a specialization of the Ranger profession and not of Thief.

    A bandit is about ambushing others and taking their possessions. Like it or not but thematically it fits perfectly with the "profession" since a bandit basically is a thief, he just takes a more direct approach to the "problem" but like I said stealth is not a requirement here.


    It being a ranger specialisation on the other hand wouldn't make any sense thematically.

  16. The new mount is great and all but this was overall by far the weakest LW episode in a long time. At least the Sandswept Isles are great from an aesthetic point of view, making me wish the events were a little bit more rewarding but this isn't the case with the Domain of Kourna at all. It's just a generic and forgettable map wich I can't see myself visiting ever again once I'm done with all the achievements.


    This episode also shows that you guys haven't lerned anything from your past mistakes, the cannon purchasable from the heart vendor is yet another one of these crappy one time use items, it's really saddening to see anoter good opportunity wasted like this. Hopefully you are going to put more effort and thought into future episodes.

  17. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > Range is actually inappropriate and incompatible with Thief.

    That's not true at all, you could easily make a bandit elite spec which focuses on pistols and run&gun gameplay mechanics and it would fit just fine thematically. "Stealth, shadowsteps and poison" are not a "requirement" for this "profession" either.

  18. > @"Cregath.7628" said:

    > I hope Taimi marries the Commander regardless of gender/race. That would be cool.

    Romance (in genneral) with the MC is not going to happen, not because of gender or race (some NPCs in Divinity's Reach were talking about an asura flirting with a human iirc so canonically that's not really an issue) but because of the kind of protagonist GW2 has. The commander is a self insert type of protagonist which comes with the quirk of them avoiding any kind of behavior and situation which could be seen as controversial by anyone as much as possible and that's not going to change untill AGI is a thing.

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