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Posts posted by TinkTinkPOOF.9201

  1. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > To "keep downstate" but remove the snowballing effect it gives to larger numbers, the fix is easy.

    > >

    > > * Remove in combat reviving, just like defeated is, downstate then still exists, so if your team wins the fight, they can get you up.


    > Thieves can break combat more easily than any other class, i.e. extremely easily, and come back.


    > It's _effectively_ in-combat reviving.


    And by doing so, would give the stomp to the other player, as the thief would have to have all movement ability skills off CD, as they would need to break combat, then port back before you could stomp or DPS the downed, and if they are saving that much in a fight and are not only able to get back in time, but get off a CC, drop stealth, and be able to tank whatever DPS is coming their way, well, then they deserve the res for pulling something like that off. It's also a far, FAR better option than the current "spam F".

  2. As I have said before.


    To "keep downstate" but remove the snowballing effect it gives to larger numbers, the fix is easy.


    * Remove in combat reviving, just like defeated is, downstate then still exists, so if your team wins the fight, they can get you up.


    * Rally should be removed as well. It's a snowballing effect for the larger team.


    * No downed skills etc


    * You can then rework revive traits and the like to new uses


    * (OPTIONAL) Give everyone a revive skill that has to be slotted into a utility/elite slot, skills should all have the same cast time and CD (a fairly long one). This allows for skilled play to get someone in your group up, but means you have to give up something for that ability.


    This also fixes the main complaint I see from people in game about No DS events, that being body tagging, since they "go down" still, people have more time to tag bodies for more bags, without the negative effects that downstate brings to stacking/outnumbering people. Another thing it fixes are people who complain that finisher would no longer work with no DS, well, in this version of DS, finishers still exist and can be used. However, as someone who has bought just about all the gem store finishers, I am fine with losing them to get these changes.

  3. To "keep downstate" but remove the snowballing effect it gives to larger numbers, the fix is easy.


    * Remove in combat reviving, just like defeated is, downstate then still exists, so if your team wins the fight, they can get you up.


    * Rally should be removed as well. It's a snowballing effect for the larger team.


    * No downed skills etc


    * You can then rework revive traits and the like to new uses


    * (OPTIONAL) Give everyone a revive skill that has to be slotted into a utility/elite slot, skills should all have the same cast time and CD (a fairly long one). This allows for skilled play to get someone in your group up, but means you have to give up something for that ability.


    This also fixes the main complaint I see from people in game about No DS events, that being body tagging, since they "go down" still, people have more time to tag bodies for more bags, without the negative effects that downstate brings to stacking/outnumbering people. Another thing it fixes are people who complain that finisher would no longer work with no DS, well, in this version of DS, finishers still exist and can be used. However, as someone who has bought just about all the gem store finishers, I am fine with losing them to get these changes.

  4. > @"gisito fiestero.2815" said:

    > Hello, as you have read in the title, thats my question.

    > My PC isn't too good, actually: i3, 4gb RAM and Intel HD graphics 520 (an integrated, but decent)

    > The thing is that I sometimes get aprox 30-40 FPS in open world, without any freeze; but sometimes I get 20 FPS aprox, with a lot of freezes.

    > In PvP I usually get better FPS, probably due to less map to charge (I get aprox 45-55 FPS). In those unofficial sPvP I almost always get 60 FPS.

    > So, considering this variations: can this lag be caused by ping and not by my PC? (I'd hope so!)

    > Thanks!




    The variation in FPS is normal and depends on what is being rendered, every area is going to be different, even looking in a different direction will change FPS. sPvP should see the best FPS as the maps are small with limited players and effects, open world and WvW are going to be more demanding on the system.


    You can have a server crash, where the game loses connection in full to the server in WvW under large fights, and FPS does not change, however you will notice people are just running in straight lines, going into walls, or off cliffs etc etc because no new data from the server is being received.


    You have 4GB of system ram, which is very little considering you don't have a dedicated GPU, meaning the integrated GPU is going to be using part of that ram, that is already very low for the system and game, but now part is being used as vram, which is slower than normal vram and is probably paging out from time to time on larger maps, having to load in new textures etc causing random "freezes" in game play.

  5. > @"StainedSilva.1726" said:

    > I just learnt that the game is using DX9 still, which explains a lot about the poor optimization?

    > Im just wondering why with new content releases in 2020 there has not been an improvement to the platform performance that went with them?


    Because GW2 is an ageing game, and to "update" the API to something newer, means building a new game engine, as GW2 used their own in house game engine from GW1 with some modifications, as such it was a very old engine, and not being a 3rd party engine, that means anet would have to do all the work, while 3rd party engines, it's all done for you and some are very easy to port over to newer versions. So that means designing a new engine, or buying a license for a 3rd part engine that supports a newer graphics API like DX12 etc and then making that new update in that engine. That doesn't even get into porting over all the older parts of the game to that newer engine/API.


    This comes down to a ROI, an API and engine swap/update for a game might make sense for something like WoW, or a newer game, but for something like GW2, the cost involved would do almost nothing for new income, as it's not going to attract huge new player bases. The effort and money they would be better off putting into GW3 if there is such a thing coming.

  6. Been like this since beta. Been reported thousands of times, I have sent full videos of the issues to anet, and I know others have as well.


    Random places that block ranged shots, or random miss. Some hills, like the one next to SWC in ABL you can jump over to get on the wall? Yeah, can't use porting skills on there, sword #2, JI etc etc wont cast if you are fighting someone there, then at the back wall of SWT, the area right behind the wall, you can't use port skills there either. How about bridges? Like the one going to hills? or the one going to green keep in EBG? Try and cast LB #5 on them.....Nope, can't do that for some reason. How about the random things that are invisible that you get stuck on mid fight? Or random things you can walk up on foot, but warclaw gets stuck on, or the fact warclaw is slower going up stairs than being on foot, or that dodging on warclaw going up stairs will result in you not going anywhere like you are leaping into a wall. How about having a mesmer use blink to go up a cliff, but have them stand there and not move, and then try using JI to port up to them aaaaaand, nope.


    Some areas are the same for every skill, some are skill specific however.


    Don't count on any of this being fixed....Ever, and with changes that get made that no one asked for, expect more of them to be added. Anyone remember the mid matchup move of OW in EBG no one asked for and no one from anet ever mentioned? Lets not wait till after the matchup for this change, no, lets do it mid match. Then after moving it, it left a huge invisible wall along that whole side of the keep where it used to be. Lets also not forget that it's new design was just tossed together and HORRIBLE in every way and never improved on.


    Then they move the walls of SMC after red keep had been able to treb SMC since forever, in another random knee jerk without any warning, with canons not moved, so they are just floating in the air, unusable, walls all over the place, stairs clipping into supply hut (still not fixed). What about Bravost walls? After a patch, all of a sudden the left side wall is no longer destructible, same with wildcreek, all of a sudden they both only have one wall that can be hit, but Anzalias has 3 walls that can be hit, then, years later Bravosts second wall becomes destructible again?!?!?! All with zero information provided and nothing noted in the patch notes. The list goes on and on, they have only been adding more, and have not fixed any of the old ones.

  7. > @"Flee.5602" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > @"Flee.5602" said:

    > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > > The alliance system isn't real, so this doesn't matter.

    > > >

    > > > I emphasized that this solution can be used now. "Alliance" is just a long-term plan. Same applies

    > >

    > > You do understand that to do the guild ranking would require the exact same system as the alliance system would right?


    > This plan can be implemented without an "alliance". This plan is compatible with the "Alliance"


    That's a no.

  8. Changes to DS in WvW should be:


    * Remove rally

    * 1:1 reviving

    * Remove invulnerable frames when going into DS

    * Lower HP pool of DS, it was large enough to start with and after the big dmg nerf DS has become a DPS sponge

    * Reduce revive speed, a single player can revive a down faster than a stomp can finish


    Transfer of condi onto someone going into DS would be fine as well, doesn't make any sense for it to be a full clear when going into DS.

  9. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > * Remove invulnerable frames when going into DS

    > There is a reason this exist though. While it matters little in smallscale, it would be horrid in zergs (especially if adding other nerfs on top).


    I know why it exists and it's a horrible idea. The larger zerg has time and aoe caps on their side, so they can power rez etc. while the smaller side can't DPS fast enough because of those frames, and trying to stomp in a large scale fight is suicide and a loss of DPS, which matters even more for the smaller side. ALL DS does is support bad players, lazy play and just stacking more people over skill.


    People USED to be able to claim I was wrong, but then we had no DS events, and everything I have been saying along with others was proven true. Some of the old skill guilds I used to be in came back to play the event, and guess what? 15-20 people were able to take on a map queue because we were able to thin the zerg with proper positioning and tatics, until we cleared them out. Before, it was nothing but pushing into the blob, getting downs we could not finish because of the massive aoe and aoe caps favoring the huge blob, because of those aoe caps we can't pressure the downs or revivers properly when 60 people are stacked on them. However the opposite is true for us, and trying to stand in that bomb would melt all of us. This is why it's a snowball effect, there is no back and forth to a fight, most start with a bomb and whoever gets downs and rallys first just snowballs into a greater and greater outnumbered fight. When we ran into other skill groups for no DS event, the fights were amazing because they would last so much longer, because we would get a kill, then the other side would get a kill and back and forth until often times only 5-10 people were left because the DS and rally mechanic didn't cause a snowballing effect for one side over the other.

  10. > @"senki.1046" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > I would want it removed from WvW, but would be happy with changes at least:

    > >

    > > * Remove invulnerable frames when going into DS

    > > * Lower HP pool, it was already large and with the big dmg nerf patch, it's made downstate just a dmg sponge

    > > * Lower revive speeds, the fact someone can start a revive instantly (while the DS player can't take dmg) and be revived faster than a stomp started at the same time can finish, should not be a thing.

    > > * Make reviving 1:1

    > > * Remove Rally

    > >

    > > This is all for WvW only, I have never had much of a issue with DS in PvP due to the matches being forced even numbers, it's only an issue in WvW because by it's very nature every fight is going to be lopsided and the side with more players gets an advantage from hard rezzing and rally and makes it near impossible for a small skill group to thin out a blob due to aoe cap restrictions also favoring the larger blob. And there is no reason to remove from PvE.


    > I agree totally with these changes. Please devs, take a note from these points. I think it would help to make WvW and PvP more enjoyable.


    What is funny is just removing rally would make groups more welcoming to new players or builds out of meta, because "rally bots" would no longer exist, granted being on meta would still be wanted, but at least those new players would not be a negative to the group, because if you die, well, it only effects you.


    Just the other day, I had someone rally 3 times in a fight, first time tried to stomp, rally just before it finishes, down them again, try and DPS....Rally at 25% HP, down them AGAIN...I mean why do I have to kill the same person so many times because some random person that is out of position they tagged on the other side of the fight dies?

  11. I would want it removed from WvW, but would be happy with changes at least:


    * Remove invulnerable frames when going into DS

    * Lower HP pool, it was already large and with the big dmg nerf patch, it's made downstate just a dmg sponge

    * Lower revive speeds, the fact someone can start a revive instantly (while the DS player can't take dmg) and be revived faster than a stomp started at the same time can finish, should not be a thing.

    * Make reviving 1:1

    * Remove Rally


    This is all for WvW only, I have never had much of a issue with DS in PvP due to the matches being forced even numbers, it's only an issue in WvW because by it's very nature every fight is going to be lopsided and the side with more players gets an advantage from hard rezzing and rally and makes it near impossible for a small skill group to thin out a blob due to aoe cap restrictions also favoring the larger blob. And there is no reason to remove from PvE.

  12. > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > I have never used the Corsair program, however custom KB keys need to be assigned a normal US keystroke. So what skills or actions are you trying to assign to the G keys? If you are trying to assign weapon skills, such as 1-5, then in the Corsair program, assign those G keys as 1-5. As GW2 will not understand what custom keys or macro keys are, and you need to assign a normal US key to the custom G keys in the corsair program, at which point, when you push the G key, it's telling the OS on the computer that you are actually pushing #1 on the KB, rather than G1 which means nothing to it or the game.


    > I've tried this for my utility skills:

    > - in corsair -> macro key G1 = 8 and G2 =9

    > - in gw2 -> utility skills = 8 and 9


    > So when I press my "macro keys" G1 and G2 it uses the utility skills, however I can't just get it to function normally at all with keys like shadow step or whatever that has ground targeting.


    Look for a setting in Corsair that changes the TYPE of key, it will have probably something like multi key macro, text blocks, mouse functions, etc etc, what you are looking for is "keystrokes", as if it's set to a macro key, its going to "push" the button for the ground targeted skill and release instantly, as it's thinking this is a key stroke in a macro command chain and is looking to move on to the next action. A Keystroke setting means it has only one function and should remain pressed while you hold the key to be able to place the ground targeted skill and release the keystroke manually.


    I am assuming you are using iCUE? I can't find an official user manual for this software, and only a user made one, so I am not sure if the software can do this with the G keys, however I will link it below. If it can't I would suggest going with Logitech next time, better software and official manuals that explain how to do exactly what you are asking for.



  13. I have never used the Corsair program, however custom KB keys need to be assigned a normal US keystroke. So what skills or actions are you trying to assign to the G keys? If you are trying to assign weapon skills, such as 1-5, then in the Corsair program, assign those G keys as 1-5. As GW2 will not understand what custom keys or macro keys are, and you need to assign a normal US key to the custom G keys in the corsair program, at which point, when you push the G key, it's telling the OS on the computer that you are actually pushing #1 on the KB, rather than G1 which means nothing to it or the game.

  14. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > My question might seem dumb, but after playing lot of wvw in solo roaming i am wondering which is for you the class that can outplay every other profession if played right or at least has the most favourable matchups.


    > I give you a example:

    > If i roam with reaper or necro i constantly find rangers and no matter how i play perfectly they simply counter me and win.


    > If i decide to go power mesmer i always find thieves that destroys me in seconds (and it's normal). If elementalist, tempest or weaver i find always the toxic condition boy that spam condis nonstop and end up kill me.


    > So in your opinion which is the best build or profession to outplay and and have a chance of killing everything?


    > Of course i know skill matters to play well every profession.


    > Thanks :D


    A class wont outplay anything, a player does. In your situation, that being solo roaming, both Thief and Ranger are going to be top picks. High mobility in and out of combat, both have stealth to cover escape, Ranger less so, but by the time stealth expires, you will be 2,000 units away and OOC, mount up and gone. Both have good access to CC, both are good duelists, etc etc. However, being a bad player on either is still going to result in you getting killed, though both have ALL the tools needed to be top tier solo roamers. That does not mean roaming can't be done on all classes, it also does not mean a better player can't kill you on either of those.

  15. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > I feel like most of your complaints could be fixed by reducing downed hp a bit, or reducing res rate (this may be a controversial position, but imo if you want to style on someone 1v2 you should have some kind of ability left over to land your finisher).


    So, not only do you have to win vs twice the HP, twice the DPS, twice the healing, twice the CC etc etc, and they also get the advantage of being able to be resed if that solo player downs one of the duo who have had a HUGE advantage over the duration of the whole fight, but you also have to pull an "extra" skill out of your ass to finish the down, or you are just a bad player? Yeah.....OK.


    After dmg nerfs, the downstate HP is FAR to high, rally needs to be removed (this will also help people not be excluded from larger team play as well, because "rallybots" wont be a thing anymore), resing needs to either be only OOC like defeated, or slowed down in a massive way, if you start a stomp at the same time someone starts ressing, they should not be able to res faster than a stomp takes to finish, the pressure should be on the player RESING, not the one finishing, the one resing should need to use a CC etc to stop the stomp and go for the res. Add to that resing should also be 1:1 and invulnerable frames should be removed, learn not to get downed, learn how to play, add some sustain to your build. I love how the solo player vs the duo is always a L2P issue for the solo and they need to save skills to get a finish, but the person who got downed by the solo who was outnumbered, just gets a free pass, it's mind boggling. People want SKILL to be punished and poor play and ganking to be protected.

  16. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > They nerfed DB last patch


    > If It wasn't mentioned in the patch notes, I wouldn't have noticed. The fact that I see more DB's in use by full squads than those running 20+ debunks the notion that they serve as some equalizer for outnumbered players.


    The most stacked server will always hold more structures that will be upgraded and as such have more access to DB. This matchup, we are winning very easy, and because of that, when I run with a group, I always spot at least 2-3 DBs on our side, the other side? None, because we have papered everything on the other servers side.


    When you are outnumbered anyway and have maybe 1 DB, but the other side has more people and 2-3 DB, why people think that is an advantage to the smaller server, I have no idea. They are probably DB mains is what I am thinking.

  17. > @"manky wench.4012" said:

    > also this is how little they care.....https://www.mmominion.com/misc.php?page=gw2minion the fact that this and many others exsit



    That is just a bot however, myself I don't care much about it, as it's a free kill if I see one in WvW, which I have yet to, though PvP and PvE are filled with them. The real hacks are annoying, port to mouse location, auto WP to anywhere on minimap, ESP, immune to dmg, or auto heal when under a given percentage (so it looks less like a cheat), run hacks, fly hacks, wall walking, anti-clipping etc etc. Not sure how much it costs now or if it's still around, but the program used to be only $10 a pop.

  18. They nerfed DB last patch, but didn't nerf the main offender, that being #5. The other problem is it scales off of player modifiers. Example being on my DH, running inspiring virtue, which is only a 10% buff, other classes have higher or many other stacking options, why is this a thing? This is like back when siege did condi dmg based on personal stats, getting 10k burning ticks almost instantly was so broken.


    This is what #5 can do, wiping two different groups:


  19. "it's useless"


    Yet everyone still uses them.


    Why? Free HP, immune to CC, two extra dodges, radar wall hack, permanent swiftness on any class/build without using skills, it has NO COMBAT SPEED.


    Yes, it's totally useless.



  20. > @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

    > I've seen your average WvW build. Drop by the Aerodrome sometime and we PvE'ers will happily show you what actual damage is like ;)


    And real PvP players know that dps is not all that matters in PvP combat. When fighting simple NPCs with scripted combat sure, when fighting a player that has active play and counters? Yeah, not so much. You have some people who run full dps builds in WvW to try and one shot combo people, however good luck landing that dmg on anyone who isn't new or isn't just a zergling.


    As such, PvP players know what dps is, and they know very well how to max it out. They also know that doing so would mean dying constantly in just about any matchup with decent players without a pocket healer.

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