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Posts posted by alcopaul.2156

  1. i believe i established my benchmarks/base, in gw1 and gw2 and now it's only harvesting mode. i might not be broadcasting that live on twitch or saved videos on youtube but everyday is a "profitable" day for me. and i think that's the prestige that "The Bosses" are rewarding me. Gotta be loyal and reverent to them, as always, errday.

  2. Queen Jennah and Emperor Kisu II, from the lineage of Emperor Kisu of Cantha, marries and Unites Cantha and Tyria, summons the Battle Lords of the Battle Isles, in accordance to a sacred ritual kept in the Priory Secret Vault and assaults Elona and unleashes Scarab plague Ultimate Edition, killing Joko and Deposing Kormir, which really are allies, and the Mursaats reappear and control Elona. The Mursaats then are pleased and rewards the Royal house with the Secret, kept by the future told "Scarab Asura", and he opens the planes/portals. Then the Guild Wars world expands. Skies will open. Laws of the Guild Wars universe won't be fixed anymore. Planetary travel to galactic travel. And we will see new races from those travels. And there will be no more Guild Wars. Only Guild Friendly Wargames. And fashion wars and pve loot wars. forever.

  3. The Scarab Plague is the wrath of the Immortal God who occupies Cancer (Luna=Water sign) because of Kormir's rebellion. It will happen again.


    "The modern symbol for Cancer represents the pincers of a crab, but Cancer has been represented as many types of creatures, usually those living in the water, and always those with an exoskeleton. In the Egyptian records of about 2000 BC it was described as Scarabaeus (Scarab), the sacred emblem of immortality." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_(constellation)

  4. https://i.imgur.com/Qc9aEF4.png


    That is the alchemical representation of the relationship between Lyssa and Balthazar. Why Lyssa as presented as twins/double headed because of the double points of the reverse crescent moon. And she plays with the Mind, making people lunatic. Thus the reverse crescent moon (Reverse Luna). While Balthazar is the God of Fire, which in the Picture is represented by the Sun.


    They , when combined together, makes the highest quality metal. Platinum. So there is an inside, unbreakable amicable relationship between the 2 [1], which can be understood by Abaddon, the God of Water and Secrets. Water in alchemy the Crescent Moon which is Silver. and platinum's etymology comes from the word Platina or little silver.


    [1] "Finally, Balthazar in his last moments curses each of the gods by name, one by one... but doesn't mention Lyssa at all."

  5. "Dhuum is the original god of death, but he did not judge. He sentenced all to ultimate oblivion, regardless of innocence."





  6. Study this statement carefully.


    Desmina states in Hall of Chains: "The spirits of the newly dead now flow up the River of Souls directly to the Hall of Judgment. To Dhuum."


    to the Hall of Judgment. To Dhumm.


    English grammar will say to you that the Hall of Judgment is Dhumm's domain.

  7. who lives in the hall of Judgment? Dhuum. What is his domain? hall of Judgment. So Dhuum judges. It should be renamed Hall of Dhuum's Eatery if you are persisting on what you think.


    Abaddon is God of Water. John The Baptist is the master of Water Baptism. John the Baptist knows water very well.


    2 Corinthians 5:10

    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.


    Jesus = Judge.


    John = Abaddon. Jesus = Dhuum.

  8. "Dhuum sits as prisoner within the Hall of Judgment. "


    imprisonment implies residency. and residency implies dominion. look at real world prison systems, they have an internal "government" there where there are prisoners ruling.


    and you just contradicted what you said,


    "The spirits of the newly dead now flow up the River of Souls directly to the Hall of Judgment. To Dhuum."


    So if spirits go "To Dhuum", then it follows that Dhuum will judge them, no?


    GW1 wiki


    "Abaddon is the fallen God of Water and Secrets, and is the main antagonist in Guild Wars Nightfall."

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