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Posts posted by alcopaul.2156

  1. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > and alcopaul didnt even know that, imo makes every opinion of him on warrior invalid


    k. lel.


    if i tell you that Last Stand is not bugged as it is now, would you explain why it works that way? i'll give you 10 gold if you tell me the answer that i wanna hear.




    but Skill balancers could mod it so it would not trigger with stab on.


    Either way, both (current and suggested) are still correct.


  2. > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

    > why not just make a video? Pop balanced stance then walk to the spinning knockback golem in pvp lobby to see if lesser balanced stance procs?


    he was claiming it so he should make the video.

  3. > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > @"ThunderBiggi.4651" said:

    > > @"loseridoit.2756" They are clearly trolling, just ignore them.


    > trolling is a good time to show the advantages and disadvantages of different engineering solutions.


    > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law



    people are complaining about bad pings and you wanna promote additional lagginess by running a windows native app on linux. dafak is that bork bork thinking?


    bad engineering. must be gotten from some garbage-y sources.

  4. > @"chask.6028" said:

    > I'm with resistance chaining h o m o on this, what's the point of even playing ranked? It's become a total meme.


    same rating = same skill level


    when you are on equal playing field, you'll know who's some garbages in your team.


    it's like reverse pvp but still spelled as pvp. lel.

  5. > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > its easy. you put some sand to a pipe and the water flow will be slower. simple physics.

    > > > >

    > > > > GW2 on Linux = Dumbest Concoction Ever.

    > > >

    > > > You do not understand the concept of out of order cpu.

    > > > An out of order cpu will rearrange the sand such that it would not block the water flow.

    > > > Complicated hardware design solves many of these problems.

    > >

    > > the out of order cpu rearrangement is another process and obviously cause lag coz you have an extra process.

    > >


    > CPU stalls pretty often.

    > Rearranging instructions in between is cheaper in practice than executing everything in order.

    > There is a joke that cpu designers run word, excel, or flash as a benchmark.



    you sure? k, bruv. lel.

  6. > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > >

    > > its easy. you put some sand to a pipe and the water flow will be slower. simple physics.

    > >

    > > GW2 on Linux = Dumbest Concoction Ever.


    > You do not understand the concept of out of order cpu.

    > An out of order cpu will rearrange the sand such that it would not block the water flow.

    > Complicated hardware design solves many of these problems.


    the out of order cpu rearrangement is another activity and obviously cause lag coz you have an extra activity.


    even if you hyperthread it, another thread doing an activity and it adds to the total activities. +1 activity = lag.


    Windows GW2.exe on Linux = Some dumb crap that some sh1tters invented.


    And obviously look at the thread title = "GW2 on Linux: Performance Optimization blah blah." that means GW2 on Linux needs performance optimization, aka it's fucking laggy.



  7. > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > > what's the logic of playing gw2 on linux when all the premade gaming pcs are running on windows and gw2 is designed to run on mac/windows pc? must be sinister. lel.

    > > >

    > > > You actually experience fewer driver issues on Linux. Linux drivers have a tendency to be written for correctness with a strong regression testing. IHV do not have room to play this driver obscuration game like they do on windows since all drivers are open source. For games like Gw2, Anet is pretty good at Q/A. If you see graphics issues on tech support, it is more likely it due to driver issues than Anet programmers.

    > >

    > > why you wanna layer the direct calls? must be some dumb garbage-y hocus pocus. lel.


    > yea? Most software is full of layers. Anet might be using a layer right now to get cross-platform audio.

    > Btw, dx9 on vulkan is not a huge layer and gallium nine is actually a native d3d9 driver on linux

    > On the other hand, D3d9 on Opengl is getting better but shader pauses might be on the unfixable size.



    > John Carmack doesnt care too much about layers. Games avoid interactions with the OS as often as they can as an optimization technique.

    > The impact of a layer is lower than you think it is.


    when you run a native windows app on a windows os, all are direct calls. you using linux to run windows apps to use layers is the dumbest concept has ever been concocted.

  8. > @"loseridoit.2756" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > what's the logic of playing gw2 on linux when all the premade gaming pcs are running on windows and gw2 is designed to run on mac/windows pc? must be sinister. lel.


    > You actually experience fewer driver issues on Linux. Linux drivers have a tendency to be written for correctness with a strong regression testing. IHV do not have room to play this driver obscuration game like they do on windows since all drivers are open source. For games like Gw2, Anet is pretty good at Q/A. If you see graphics issues on tech support, it is more likely it due to driver issues than Anet programmers.


    why you wanna layer the direct calls? must be some dumb garbage-y hocus pocus. lel.

  9. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > > all i can say is lel. how can you get cced when you have stab on? must be some hocus pocus sh1tty garbage-y stuff.

    > > > >

    > > > > Stability

    > > > > Disambig icon.png This article is about the boon. For other uses, see Stability (disambiguation).

    > > > > Stability.png

    > > > > Stability

    > > > >

    > > > > Effect typeBoonStacking Intensity Game link[&BmIEAAA=]

    > > > > “

    > > > > Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared or taunted.

    > > >

    > > > you are not getting cc'ed when you have stab. but when a skill hits you that would normally cc you in any way the auto balanced stance still procs. Thus brave stride and the grandmaster balanced stance don't synergize with each other at all.

    > >

    > > k. i will refer you to a.net costumer support to address your supposed problem.


    > it's not my supposed problem lol, and if you had ever played warrior you would know how lesser balanced stance works. Every other user on this forum that played warrior for a bit can tell you that. But it is actually funny that you come to the forums claiming various things are fine and even considered good, like brave stride, when in reality you never even played with those things and have actually no idea.


    > Just try it out urself for once if you don't believe me. Take a war and use the balanced stance grandmaster and some active stab like dolyak signet. Get into pvp with a friend and activate the doly signet. Then your friend uses a cc ability on you and you will see that the passive balanced stance still activates even though you have stab active.


    k, bruv. lel.

  10. > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

    > If we wanna debate on something, this could be on the season system making the whole leaderboard meaningless though


    seasoned leaderboard is not meaningless. i've seen consistent people in the top of ladders every season so they must be really good.


    consistency every cycle.


    and if you don't see them in the leaderboards anymore, you'll conclude that they either quit the game, busy in real life, accidentally chopped their fingers when they are prepping on cooking or died in accident or some disease.


  11. Get the blessing of the 3 Rams and 6 Pigs and you'll f@ck up sh1tters like smelly rotten garbages which try to be invisible but still obvious coz of their foul smell, which forever they are. You have to find them first in PvE.

  12. > @"The Ace.9105" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > think of it this way:

    > >

    > > You wake up, go to work, deal with kitten people all day and get home and just want to unwind by playing a game...

    > > You got some ascended tokens you want to earn for WVW Legendary armor but youve had a big day and just want to zone out in brain dead mode and play the game while also having some fun... You dont care for rank at all, its been a big day at work and just want to relax while making progress to your goals.

    > >

    > > Is this throwing to someone who is chasing rank? yes.

    > >

    > > is the player intentionally throwing? No... hes just unwinding from work and a big day and doesnt know or care for the 4 randoms on his team... He just wants his loot and some down time.

    > >

    > > The issue is, 2 sorts of players are expected to play under 1 guideline... This is why ive made several attempts to bring back team queue so the working man can play with like minded players or to introduce PIPS into unranked at a lower gain rate during seasons so we dont effect those who actually care about rank.


    > You shouldn't be playing pvp then. Go play wvw to unwind.


    he going unwind and 4 of others are wanting to win for the rewards/icons/ladders. what an apathetic sh1tter, isn't he?

  13. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > all i can say is lel. how can you get cced when you have stab on? must be some hocus pocus sh1tty garbage-y stuff.

    > >

    > > Stability

    > > Disambig icon.png This article is about the boon. For other uses, see Stability (disambiguation).

    > > Stability.png

    > > Stability

    > >

    > > Effect typeBoonStacking Intensity Game link[&BmIEAAA=]

    > > “

    > > Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared or taunted.


    > you are not getting cc'ed when you have stab. but when a skill hits you that would normally cc you in any way the auto balanced stance still procs. Thus brave stride and the grandmaster balanced stance don't synergize with each other at all.


    k. i will refer you to a.net costumer support to address your supposed problem.

  14. "Lately, when I get teamed with negative players, and will continue to do so, I switch characters, and watch them LOSE as a spectator. I truly believe there is no sense to the negativity. It makes new players nervous, and if they have any doubt about their toons abilities in PvP, they get crushed. I also whisper the BULLY to let them know I did it on purpose so I can watch them lose. On a few occasions, I've convinced the ones insulted, I prefer the term "BULLIED" because let's face it, that's EXACTLY what it is, to also suffer the penalty, and watch the bully lose."


    Earn their respect by doing your best. If you perform well, you won't hear anything and probably do some ezpz wins with them.


    But If you do what you mentioned, you'll be a sh1tter for eternity.

  15. all i can say is lel. how can you get cced when you have stab on? must be some hocus pocus sh1tty garbage-y stuff.



    Disambig icon.png This article is about the boon. For other uses, see Stability (disambiguation).




    Effect typeBoonStacking Intensity Game link[&BmIEAAA=]

    Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared or taunted.

  16. Do your best and separate yourself from garbages pulling the team down. it's rated game so it's assumed that you and others have the same skill level.


    Obvious sh1tters will show up in the course of the game.


    and games been out for 6 years.

  17. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > >

    > > > and even in spvp 1stack of stab isnt worth it. especially in combination with auto balanced stance, since it activates even with brave stride active.

    > >

    > > how come? coz you don't get cced when stab is on with Brave Stride, so the auto balanced stance won't activate. and when Brave Stance stab wears out, auto balanced stance will activate.

    > >

    > > so 8 seconds + auto stab from balanced stance of pure pewpew.

    > >

    > > and yeh plus the clickable balanced stance, i forgot.

    > >

    > > lel.


    > If I remember correctly isn't it still bugged and does activate auto Balanced Stance even when you have stability.


    you can't be cced when you have stab. who you foolin?

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