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Posts posted by fewfield.7802

  1. > @"Tao.5096" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > Dear those scourge main, I know it's hard to accept the upcoming nerf

    > > but for the sake of WvW you should embrace it.

    > > Scourge actually deserves hard nerf like this.

    > > Imagine you want a new kind of gameplay but you dont dare to nerf the most problematic class.

    > > We won't go anywhere.

    > >

    > > Even the scourge gets nerfed, it doesnt mean you have nothing to do with necro.

    > > You guys just have been spoiled by Scourge for too long since PoF launch.

    > > You still remember that you got Reaper, right? and you did play it before the Scourge come.

    > >

    > > Also I would like to ask Anet to nerf one more thing like Hammer Rev so that it encourages the gameplay to be more melee.

    > > Because pirateship and cloud playstyle are sick and boring.

    > >




    > So, only blob vs blob exists in WvW?


    > So, nerfing multi-situation viable build to the floor is now a "new gamplay - embrace it"?


    > "You still have Reaper" - So you are saying that it's okay because Necromancer has only one viable build which is only for small scale fights. Meanwhile every other class has around 2-3 or more viable builds for every gameplay in WvW.



    > Welp, downgrading WvW into EotM is not a good thing.


    > But who knows, since Anet believes that's the way to go - at least that's what the development of WvW for past couple of years have shown us.


    In zerg fight, Necro has only one viable spec anyway and it's Scourge.

    We barely have reaper/core necro in squads for years because Scourge is too broken.

    That's why the nerf is needed.


  2. Dear those scourge main, I know it's hard to accept the upcoming nerf

    but for the sake of WvW you should embrace it.

    Scourge actually deserves hard nerf like this.

    Imagine you want a new kind of gameplay but you dont dare to nerf the most problematic class.

    We won't go anywhere.


    Even the scourge gets nerfed, it doesnt mean you have nothing to do with necro.

    You guys just have been spoiled by Scourge for too long since PoF launch.

    You still remember that you got Reaper, right? and you did play it before the Scourge come.


    Also I would like to ask Anet to nerf one more thing like Hammer Rev so that it encourages the gameplay to be more melee.

    Because pirateship and cloud playstyle are sick and boring.


  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > I wish that the large-scale competitive mode like wvw should focus more on player’s skill than numbers.

    > >

    > > I actually think that a small decent group of player should be able to take down a larger group with lower skill play.

    > > ex. 15 man group with DECENT coordination should be able to take down 30-40 pug group.

    > > This will encourage people to actually get good in wvw to be rewarded instead of stacking numbers against each other.

    > >

    > > At this state of the game, everything is all about spamming such as boons, healing, and corrupt. We need less coordination between players.

    > > I still love pre-PoF patch that Guardian needed to sort out stab rotation, Rev needed to rotate Dwarf’s Elite skills for dmg reduction, and Necro had less corrupt spam. All of that gave me the real sense of players working together. and I believe a lot of people love it.

    > >

    > > Please bring it back.

    > It never left. 1:2 victories are still very much possible.




    Only if those bigger numbers have half brains, it's barely possible. Due to the amount of boon and corrupt spammed.

    You need almost 30 people to win 40-50.

    Btw, in this case, I just assume that both sides are running the same proper classes and comp.

    (I am not talking about fighting a squad which half of them are roaming classes.)




  4. I wish that the large-scale competitive mode like wvw should focus more on player’s skill than numbers.


    I actually think that a small decent group of player should be able to take down a larger group with lower skill play.

    ex. 15 man group with DECENT coordination should be able to take down 30-40 pug group.

    This will encourage people to actually get good in wvw to be rewarded instead of stacking numbers against each other.


    At this state of the game, everything is all about spamming such as boons, healing, and corrupt. We need less coordination between players.

    I still love pre-PoF patch that Guardian needed to sort out stab rotation, Rev needed to rotate Dwarf’s Elite skills for dmg reduction, and Necro had less corrupt spam. All of that gave me the real sense of players working together. and I believe a lot of people love it.


    Please bring it back.



  5. > @"kiranslee.4829" said:


    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > > > So you only get 3 per acc on release and have to buy more if you want to be able to use more than 3 builds??

    > > >

    > > > Is the 3 build slots per class?? So 3 ranger builds and 3 warrior builds etc, or just 3 across the whole acc??

    > > >

    > > > Because.... gem store for build slots seems kind of money grubbing. I'm grateful for the system though sigh...

    > >

    > > Ofc it's money-grabbing. Anet is doing BUSINESS not a charity. I dont wanna lose money neither but it's understandable.

    > >


    > I would argue running what u call business, in this manner, leads to shutting down, but hey thats just me.


    Without money the game will be shut down anyway.

  6. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > Ofc it's money-grabbing. Anet is doing BUSINESS not a charity. I dont wanna lose money neither but it's understandable.

    > I can only feel sad about how much did the standarts change, and how much do we allow devs to get away with nowadays. Time after time we allow for the envelope to be pushed further and further. I really worry how bad it will be in 2-3 years from now.




    So you dont want Anet to make money from their own game?

    Alot of things in the game are free and they have only few ways to draw money from people.

    A lot of people also farm in-game gold and convert them to gems.

    I dont see any problems in this issue.

    If you dont wanna spend real money, then go farm gold and convert them


    Anet also gives some slots to everyone but people are acting like they will get nothing.

  7. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > So you only get 3 per acc on release and have to buy more if you want to be able to use more than 3 builds??


    > Is the 3 build slots per class?? So 3 ranger builds and 3 warrior builds etc, or just 3 across the whole acc??


    > Because.... gem store for build slots seems kind of money grubbing. I'm grateful for the system though sigh...


    Ofc it's money-grabbing. Anet is doing BUSINESS not a charity. I dont wanna lose money neither but it's understandable.


  8. > @"GloomxWar.8793" said:

    > Why do you force players to pay for something that they already got for free with a third party program?

    > I think making players pay for this is one of the worst things Anet could do.


    No it's not. I personally dont want to play but I think this way is fine for all of us and good for them to get money.

    It's better than paying for cosmetics and rng chest anyway. And even you need money, dont you think the studio also needs some as well ?

  9. As this saga season is Charr's story, I think it's the best opportunity for Anet to please fix the scaling size of in-game auras applied on Charr.

    It's like you barely see any of these effect on Charr - Eternity's Aura, Peerless Infusion, Ghostly infusion, and even Legendary trinkets' aura.

    Maybe we could see more of charr in the fashion war scenery and encourage more people to have charr character.


    I personally enjoy playing Charr but if I want the most beautiful perfect size of those aura, i always need to be on female human.

    I dont know why female woman is the only race that can have the most beautiful cosmetic design.

    But when you look at the charr everything just look weird and never fit in.


    Please make this saga be the greatest era of the Charr.

    Let them join the fashion war.






  10. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > > @"Dixie Cougar.2415" said:

    > > > Scourge already suffers in spvp from the current power burst meta. No idea why a nerf would be warranted there.

    > >

    > > Every classes have their own role and a perfect place to play right. If scourge isnt good in pvp this patch, then people should adapt and change their playstyle. Necro has 3 different specs to play and none of them is bad. Only if scourge was good, it doesnt mean it has to be that good forever.


    > Lol as a necro main. All specs are utter trash now. Thanks anet.


    I dont think it's about the specs. i have seen many good core necro and reaper doing well in rank match.

    I think it's something else that's trash :/

  11. > @"Dixie Cougar.2415" said:

    > Scourge already suffers in spvp from the current power burst meta. No idea why a nerf would be warranted there.


    Every classes have their own role and a perfect place to play right. If scourge isnt good in pvp this patch, then people should adapt and change their playstyle. Necro has 3 different specs to play and none of them is bad. Only if scourge was good, it doesnt mean it has to be that good forever.

  12. > @"Zetsuei.8942" said:

    > As others have said I really don't understand the shade change. We're the only profession who has to choose if we want to be strong at range or strong at melee, while being weaker to one of those as a trade off. No other profession has restrictions like this. This also makes for yet another clunky mechanic being attached to Scourge. If shades are such a problem I would rather see something else, not making the class horrible to play. Also lets not forget Scourge F1 abilities already have a invisible 0.25 cast time. Now we have to dance on our shades AND have a cast time on those abilities.


    > I always welcome balance changes but you're about to make Scourge one of he most unfun, frustrating classes to play and its not because of nerfs, just horrible restrictions being added.


    Scourge was fun to play but It is never doing good for the WvW game mode at all since launch. Shade is always a problem. It controls too much space and provides both offensive and defensive ability at the same time.


    I talked to a lot of WvW veteran about the Shade change and they all said that this is a good direction for scourge in wvw but it's still not in the perfect place, which i agree.

    I also think that a lot of scourge main need to look wider to see what's good for the overall gameplay not just focus 'How fun scourge is'.

  13. > @"Waldrun.8493" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > > PVE - Nerf

    > > > WvW - Buff

    > > > PVP - Delete

    > > >

    > > > I am so confused.

    > >

    > > How is it nerf in pve ?


    > In raids, where I really enjoy playing scourge, it's ability to land shade abilities is going to be awful on bosses that move a lot. If a boss moves out of your shades all your shade abilities become completely useless now there will be no pulsing AoE around your character. If a boss moves too much you will have to just not use sand shades at all to be able to use your shade abilities on the boss which would be a over dps loss for a class that's already underperforming. This is going to be painful on bosses like soulless horror.




    I think Shade is still doing fine even the nerf comes. It has lower cd compared to the WvW version and also you have Alacrity which makes the cd even lower.

    I dont think Scourge will have any problems to keep the Shade up on bosses, Just a bit harder to land skills properly.

  14. > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > > @"Tekneeq.4302" said:

    > > > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > > > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.

    > >

    > > the customer is always right,, they listened and regained over 2mil subs in 24 hours,, oh no WoW devs got yelled at now theyre making twice the amount of money omg how awful


    > World of warcraft is dead game. Guild wars 2 is better


    tf? Have you ever been on Twitch?

  15. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > The reason why scourge had its shades shared to himself and a targeted area is that it has maybe the lowest self sustain capability among all professions. I am starting to believe people behind those changes don't have a clue of how the class operates - as of course many of those commenting that the scourge is actually becoming stronger (lol).


    That's why scourge needs to decide if they want to use the shade for offensive range dmg or defensive self sustain.

    I think it's fine with this issue of making a decision.





  16. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.

    > >

    > > I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


    > Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


    > You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao


    > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.

    > >

    > > I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


    > Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


    > You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao


    HS sound bursty but only afk ppl will stand in it, maybe it requires more coordination like stealth blast and cc which are fine to me. So that now people need to work together properly in order to land the massive dps.

  17. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > I can't pretend that I am an experienced Necro player, but these changes just seem like they will make Scourge extremely clunky. Not having access to instant shade skills seems like a huge hit and would create a huge risk to even place a shade, especially for small-scale like @"EremiteAngel.9765" listed. It seems like it would make Scourges waaaaay too vulnerable because of how easy it could be to bait out a shade, kite it, and then cc-lock them while they don't have the time to cast another shade at their feet.


    > The big part of what makes the changes seem awkward to me is that you have to wait out a 15-second natural duration in order to gain access to point-blank shade skills again. It just sounds so incredibly clunky because you can't force a duration expiration to get quick access to point-blank shade skills in a pinch.


    > I don't really think the current iteration of Scourge is particularly healthy for the game, but at least in small-scale, my impressions of the changes are that they would make the Scourge even easier focus targets than they already are. To be honest, they sound terrible.


    So maybe people stop playing it and meta shift ? that would be good.

    Scourge has dominated WvW for tooooooooo long.

  18. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > Something that just came to my mind:


    > Most people will just use the shades in a pirate ship kind of way.

    > But there will also be a Playstyle, that's called "healing ball, no shades"


    > Back to hot meta. Where you don't place any shades, and try to get into the enemy group (invis) then spam shade abilities.


    > So you have 10 man shade abilities while moving, also supporting your group with barrier and Condi cleanses


    that sound interesting

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