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Posts posted by fewfield.7802

  1. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > > It is good but still uses too many tricks. Braham's bow is potentially a doom's day weapon and we are expected to believe he just carries it around to be lost in a bar. The bow is as dangerous, or nearly as dangerous, as the Dragon's Blood Spear which had to be destroyed but no one bats an eye when a hot headed Norn with terrible impulse control brings it to the bar?

    > But, is it even that dangerous? The spear was directly make from the dragon's bodily fluids.

    > The bow is just a common bow infused with a flame magic of currently unknown origins.

    > It might have cracked a tooth, but we don't know if it might have lost substantial amounts of it's power compared to teeth being in Jormag's jaws.

    > We also don't know if Jormags teeth work like Shark teeth, being easily replaced by new ones. If they work like that, Jormag's scales might be infinitely harder than his teeth, possibly making Braham's arrows not even tickle Jormag.

    > We just know that Braham failed to hurt Jormag in any significant way during his prior attempt, causing doubts to that bow being a Jormag-killer weapon.



    If that bow actually become a dragon killer, it would disappoint me a lot. That makes no sense at all.


    > > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > > @"blade eyes.2034" said:

    > > > community, guilds in gw2 are dead, guild mission has been the same since 2013. I don't care about world bosses with zerg of strangers that I don't know, who mindlessly farm for more gold.

    > >

    > > Eh, communities aren't really dead. I think it just seems that way to a lot of people because of significant portion of the community interactions don't really happen in game. A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect. **You just gotta find it.**




    "A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect" <<< i know a lot of them who always comment on reddit and discord but dont play the game anymore. Is this considered as a community interaction?


  3. Scourge change looks really interesting to me. I believe it will change the gameplay. And the coverage issue is really on point!

    I dont think increasing 10 cap is really a buff compared to the new shade mechanic.

    Dont know why people cry about the 10 target things.

    In zerg/blob fight, the space coverage is more important and it's the main factor that makes fight pirateship.


    For FB, if you think your squad lack of stabs, just put extra fb in it.

    "Sacrifice dmg to bring more sustainability" that's how the comp work. isnt it?

    You will never have 3 stacks of stab if **EVERY** FB use StYG. It's 10 targets so at least you should have around 6-9 stacks of it.


    I personally like this change. Surely it might not be as good as i think but it's actually something.

    Maybe the meta shift abit, not in terms of squad comp but gameplay.

    I cant wait to see this change in the game.

  4. > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > With Braham, it felt like when a character behaves a certain way because the plot demands certain behavior and less like it emerges from their character. Braham has gone from someone bound by duty to someone who does dooty, from challenging the Commander to Staning the Commander. I hope he recovers his senses. Imo, his role wasn't terrible or unbelievable, just over played for laughs at his expense.


    > I hope this is the last time we see the use of mesmer disguises. They played better here than in PoF main story, but at some point everyone has to catch on and start using passwords or some other obvious security measure. Mesmer disguises are a crutch that infantilizes villains and the world in general.


    > I don't know if it has the best story line but I do think it shows the studio having more faith in our ability to appreciate a subtle, dialogue driven story.


    true i agree. The word 'Best' that I used might be too exaggerated. But this LS is actually better than before.

  5. > @"Branegan.9127" said:

    > "Another crazy guy went to wake up another Elder Dragon". Oh yeah. Tough story. It's never happened before, and here we go again.


    I know the topic is just the same as all other LS but the way they deliver and tell the story is different. If only you listen thru the dialogues and see what was going on.

    I would appreciate other stories except dragon as well but this is not that bad compared to what anet did before.

  6. > As for the current state of the game, I do not think that it is not doing well. Members of the GW2 community who expressed their outrage in most vocal terms are not representative of the entire community. I also believe that many of them set their expectations way too high.


    As I have been playing for 4 years straight, there were around 30-40 ppl in the guilds that i know and saw them logged in everyday. Now I am almost the only one who's still active. Around 10-13 of them just logged in on Saturday for guild raid in WvW. My guild is still chilling in Discord. They play some other games including Dota and FPS game but dont bother logging in to GW2. They said they have nothing to do in the game. <<< This is my aspect of what i said "It's not doing well"


    It is not like people actually quit the game. They are just waiting for Anet to add some good things to the game so that we can play gw2 together again.



  7. > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > > > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.

    > >

    > > It's just like any others products/services out there. When they dont serve the consumer's demand, people are not satisfied and express or spread the words of hatred. In terms of MMO, people dont only spend their money on it but also spend their life, passion, and dedication. That's why people are so mad and angry when the devs didnt provide the right content that they want.

    > >

    > > The toxic behavior is bad, i agreed. But I also think that the devs should have revealed or talked abit more about the future plan to give sincerity and hope to the community. The reason they were mad (including me) is that they felt like being abandoned (also their beloved game mode such as raid/pvp/wvw) because All Anet was talking about is Living World and Story.

    > >

    > > Everyone just wants their game mode to be a part of the future.

    > > Not only open-world pve players.


    > Being dissatisfied does not equal to being mad, angry, and definitely do not grant the right 'to express or spread the words of hatred'. It is fine and understandable that not everyone is happy with a game and developers approaches to its development. However, a good community reacts to this with constructive feedback and a positive attitude. Toxic communities feel entitled to their rage, hatred, poor choice of words, and general lack of civility.



    What do you mean Toxic community ? Every community has both good and toxic players inside. you can not teach or force them to express or feel good anyway. It depends on which side that you wanna look and call it as the community.


    But the point is at the current state of the game. Anet isnt doing well for the overall aspect of the game. That's why i posted this vids so that maybe Anet can think about something they overlooked or missed to make the game better.

  8. > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.


    It's just like any others products/services out there. When they dont serve the consumer's demand, people are not satisfied and express or spread the words of hatred. In terms of MMO, people dont only spend their money on it but also spend their life, passion, and dedication. That's why people are so mad and angry when the devs didnt provide the right content that they want.


    The toxic behavior is bad, i agreed. But I also think that the devs should have revealed or talked abit more about the future plan to give sincerity and hope to the community. The reason they were mad (including me) is that they felt like being abandoned (also their beloved game mode such as raid/pvp/wvw) because All Anet was talking about is Living World and Story.


    Everyone just wants their game mode to be a part of the future.

    Not only open-world pve players.

  9. I just found this video it owned by a content creator called Nixxiom.

    i think it is very useful for any game developers.

    I would like to share it to Anet so that maybe they can come up with some new great idea for my beloved game.


    Ps. There's no toxicity and whining inside the vid. Only facts inside, please feel free to watch it.


    [https://youtube.com/watch?v=5vkV30eqmTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vkV30eqmTg "https://youtube.com/watch?v=5vkV30eqmTg")


    This is Asmongold (WoW steamer) 's Reaction to the vid



    [https://youtube.com/watch?v=kQr4Z4M9xGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQr4Z4M9xGI "https://youtube.com/watch?v=kQr4Z4M9xGI")


    check it out

  10. I stuck in loading screen with STATE_SERVER_WAIT


    I tried with 2 internet connection. One is perfectly fine i can join any maps but the other one i cant even get thru 1st loading screen. The mapinfo status is STATE_SERVER_WAIT.

    I dont know why. I can still watch youtube and do other thing expect playing gw2.

  11. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > Great idea!

    > PoV should give 10 targets to all Shouts IMO.

    > That probably means reworking "Receive the Light!" and "Save Yourselves!" a bit but these skills need work done anyway.


    yeah they need to rework on other Shout skills a bit and carefully esp Receive the Light, Feel my wrath, and Save Yourselves.


  12. As I see Anet is looking for Wvw balance change, i wanna point out something to be considered.


    As Stand Your Ground has been increased the target cap from 5 to 10, this makes Firebrand in wvw has less responsibility to the party.

    If one Firebrand makes mistake with the stabs, others can compensate it. This makes wvw gameplay have less coordination, instead it encourages 'getting carried' gameplay.


    This also makes CC skill useless because ppl usually have 15-20 stabs with 1st engage. It's impossible to cc them. The only way to counterplay it is to corrupt or bait it by pulling back and wait till it's gone.


    I suggest Anet put the 10 target cap into a trait called 'Pure of Voice' so that people still have an option to decide if they wanna take Pure of Heart (current Fb meta trait for wvw) or the 10 man stabs. This will keep the 10 man advantage for pve aspect aswell. Ppl can still have stability coverage for the whole pve raid squad if it's needed.



  13. > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > This is an example of why Anet really shouldn't listen to people when it comes to changes. Your video shows exactly why Sand Savant on it's own is pathetic for damage. The problem people have is they are getting hit by multiple shade bombs, or shade bombs in combination with other melee and ranged bashing them at once. This doesn't mean Sand Savant or shades are a problem; it means too many people are playing (or required to play) scourges due to their boon corrupting abilities because boons themselves are out of control.


    > This is further amplified by the kingpin or the mother of all problems with this meta; the Guardian does way too much (thus 1 role is helping Scourges survive because they are extremely vulnerable). Your idea of the Sand Savant change would only encourage people to bring more scourges (so instead of being hit with say 3 shade bombs, you maybe hit with 7-10), or people are going to gravitate to another class such as Rev which is going to make things even worse for melee.


    > If people really want to shake up the melee.. like I mean really really shake it up, gut the Guardian. Instead of being able to kitten out Stab, Aegis, Resistance, Healing, Reflects, and to a lesser extent retaliation at will, narrow it down to doing one of those well, and medicore at best for another; then remove the 3 of them. For example, let them keep their party stab, but take away their ability to share Aegis, completely take away their ability to give resistance to themselves and others, and drastically lower their ability to heal themselves and the party. No more reflects, give it to another class, and class, but let them keep their retaliation but relegate to an AoE effect of 200 around them (not killing rangers or Ele's from 1200 away by their own attacks. Or even dragonhunters with their own traps from god knows how far away.


    > That will shake things up, because now it will force other classes to come in and heal. It would then put more focus on Rev's to actually be running more of a support/resistance build instead 1-2 hit KO'ing people from the back line. This will then make scourges far more vulnerable to kill (even though they are still easy to kill for people who actually know what they're doing). Groups overall are going to have to figure out another method of fighting instead of running in nearly invulnerable under a veil of blocks, resistance, and healing. At least not all coming from 1 class, the idea of that is just asinine.


    it doesnt matter if ppl bring more or less scourge. What matters in this topic is that scourge is doing too much dmg and having insane space controlling. That's what encourages the pirateship meta. I dont mind nerfing GD and making other classes viable as well but in this topic, it's all true that scourge actually needs to be nerfed.

  14. Why do i even want to spend my time and effort on convincing and teaching someone who i dont really know yet how much they wanna contribute to the group?


    Ofc I am always willing to teach or answer any questions as long as people show me their real dedication. I dont mind being wiped with them if they show me their efforts and their will.


    But No, I will never try to convince ppl i never know to play wvw. It's just a waste of time for both of us.

  15. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

    > > > Would your gameplay change as a result?

    > > > - not really

    > > > - the overall dmg may be still too high.

    > > >

    > > > Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?

    > > > - This is a good direction to improve the state of the game. But i think we still need to tune down all the dmg sources such as Manifest Shade, Hammer's Rev, and Meteor. This is just for zerg fight aspect.

    > > > - I personally want the wvw zerg fight to last longer than we have right now. At this state, people have to much power and dmg, so everything ends too fast.

    > > >

    > > > Are you looking forward to these potential changes?

    > > > - Ofc i am. I love to see this kind of info for my beloved game mode but thb this is not the most ideal change yet. Keep doing it! plz.

    > > >

    > > > What are your concerns with this set of changes?

    > > > - My concern is that the overall dmg will be too high compared to the support skill nerfs.

    > >

    > > Support skill nerfs? They are almost unmentionable. At least the guard ones.

    > > If you refer to engi, necro gets the corrupts gutted as well.

    > > If at all, I'd say boonspam is way too much.

    > > Removing a lot of it will also result in less dmg.

    > > And less survivability.

    > > Right now. Guard has way too many boons, that he can generate alone. Or support skills.

    > >

    > > I think even if you would make guard only give stability, some protection, some regeneration and aegis, there would still be a guard mandatory in every single group.

    > >

    > > >

    > > > What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?

    > > > - I expect that the fight would significantly last longer than before but i also expect you guys do something with Desert Shroud on Scourge. This skill is too good because it gives scourge and allies barrier, does massive dmg, apply condi, and can control a lot of spaces of fights.

    > >

    > > Err what?

    > > 1.Desert shroud doesn't give barrier to allies.

    > > 2.Scourges dmg is already lower than rev and ele

    > >



    > > And fights wouldn't last longer than now. If at all, they are even faster over due to less barrier.

    > >

    > > The point I do agree with: less aoe spam pls.

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Btw I really appreciate that the devs try to listen to the community. This might not be good yet but as long as we are working together, we will be good.

    > >

    > > I really hope. These notes get adjusted due to the communities feedback.

    > > And not just go through without adjustments like all the patches before

    > >

    > > >

    > > > ps. There are a lot of hard core wvw players out there that dont use the forum but discord. It would be great if you guys try to reach out to them.

    > > > The truth might be hurt or even come with a little toxicity at first but plz, believe me, those people know a lot about wvw and balance :)

    > >

    > >


    > Scourges damage is pretty dam good when you add all the barrier and boon corrupts it does on top of that


    yea, only outdated condi scourge does shit dmg. Power scourge dmg is insane and imagine when you stack 20 power scourges....



  16. Would your gameplay change as a result?

    - not really

    - the overall dmg may be still too high.


    Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?

    - This is a good direction to improve the state of the game. But i think we still need to tune down all the dmg sources such as Manifest Shade, Hammer's Rev, and Meteor. This is just for zerg fight aspect.

    - I personally want the wvw zerg fight to last longer than we have right now. At this state, people have to much power and dmg, so everything ends too fast.


    Are you looking forward to these potential changes?

    - Ofc i am. I love to see this kind of info for my beloved game mode but thb this is not the most ideal change yet. Keep doing it! plz.


    What are your concerns with this set of changes?

    - My concern is that the overall dmg will be too high compared to the support skill nerfs.


    What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?

    - I expect that the fight would significantly last longer than before but i also expect you guys do something with Desert Shroud on Scourge. This skill is too good because it gives scourge and allies barrier, does massive dmg, apply condi, and can control a lot of spaces of fights.


    Btw I really appreciate that the devs try to listen to the community. This might not be good yet but as long as we are working together, we will be good.


    ps. There are a lot of hard core wvw players out there that dont use the forum but discord. It would be great if you guys try to reach out to them.

    The truth might be hurt or even come with a little toxicity at first but plz, believe me, those people know a lot about wvw and balance :)

  17. > @"Stephen ClarkeWillson.1802" said:

    > Hi, I was looking at the server CPU performance vs. the level of zerg-ness in battles. Which means I die a lot since I'm distracted by graphs. I can watch the battle for a few minutes while dead (and of course people love to build siege weapons on top of dead me because of the ANet tag) but after a few minutes the rez timer would teleport me back to base, and I would have to run back over to the battle. So I rezzed myself. I assure you I was of little to no benefit to Blackgate. If/when I do this again I can switch among the other tier 1 teams for fairness (and also to see different play styles). Rezzing myself probably stuck out like a sore thumb - sorry! Also I did fire off some skills but mostly to see if I was experiencing skill lag.


    > BTW, I was doing this a couple of nights before (before I thought of rezzing myself to avoid running back to battle) and I had a commander tag up that said "ANet Dude Looking at Lag". Would that help?


    Come play on EU Friday reset. Last Friday people couldn't even press W properly. Dont even think about using any skills. It was lagging too hard more than I could take.

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