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Posts posted by Fueki.4753

  1. > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > So many people think of that when it comes to bubbles because he's been described as an unknown horror and having tentacles. There are actually lots of other gods and demons in lovecraft besides just cthulhu. For example there is the short story "What the Moon Brings" that talks about how the moon is an evil creature that makes the water haunted and cursed with giant worms and creatures coming out from the bottom of the sea, and in all the core tyria zones with deep water sea wurms are a common enemy.


    However, Cthulhu being related to stars fits your thread title better than the moon.

    After all, the moon is not a star but a giant space rock.

  2. > @"Hoover.6394" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > Nothing of the "Lunar-maned" name strikes me as Asian.


    > I guess Lunar new year sounds just like a nightly event for you?


    The first thing I think of, when I hear or read _lunar,_ is the moon. The first animals I think of are wolves, not dragons.

    The first animals I think of when hearing/reading _mane_ are grown-up male lions.


    And _New Year_ is just a celebration of the year's number changing.



    Also, here in Germany most people (that I know of) refer to it as _Chinese New Year._

    That's a name that's not even slightly related to the moon.

  3. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > What I don't understand is why people are always saying that the next legend won't be a human _again_ as if there would be an overrepresentation of humans in revenants legends.

    I think people actually refer to the theme of the legend in such cases, not the actual race of the legends.


    > There is just 1 human legend for revenant, Shiro. All the other legends are not human.

    Shiro is just Shiro the human, plain and simple.


    For the gameplay, Ventari's legend is based on the Tablet.

    But his legend and importance in history is that he grew tired of being at war with humans.

    Also, he was able to befriend a Ronan, the human who planted the Pale Tree.


    Mallyx is the strongest Margonite Demon.

    Margonites were humans before being turned into demons.


    Jalis' Legend is centered around the Rite of the Great Dwarf, which required the Hammer of the Great Dwarf that had been retrieved by human heroes.


    Glint as a Legend is based on Rytlock in the Mists and teaching him Revenant/Herald magic, making it a Charr-themed elite specialization,

    but the names of the skills are actually based on bosses that human heroes faced in her lair.


    Some of it is a stretch, but Kalla is the only stance that seemingly has no connection to humans.






  4. But what if Selbbub is an Elder Dragon in only name, just like dinosaurs are written as ancient dragons in Japanese?

    We know it has tentacle'ish abilities and it's deep below the sea. It could be Cthulhu!

    Cthulhu also is related to stars, if I recall correctly.

  5. Jormag **is** evil. That fact is as plain as a page of newspaper fresh out of the printer.

    Jormag corrupts life.

    Jormag traps people in ice.

    Jormag _effectively_ lies by withholding the complete truth.


    Your wishful head canon simply doesn't apply here.

    Jormag simply wants to get rid of Primordus because Jormag's weakness is fire and Primordus is the biggest source of fire.

  6. In this case, getting nothing would actually have been better.

    They nerfed counters to DH Condition Trappers while not fixing the actual problems (Trappers runes and the burning condition).


    While the Barrier nerf is nice, the patch overall is just detrimental.

  7. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > btw did anyone think about Wvw when they brought the hammer skin "hammer of the THREE REALMS" into the gemstore? thaha. i was slightly amused, but i miss on pretty much every item more lore descriptions, so no idea to what those "three realms" refer. pvE has way more realms, for every faction even, i think. so that cannot be it.


    > also, happy #allianceswhen


    My first though was actually how China was split into three kingdoms in the past.

    Since the Celestials (which this hammer is related to) are Chinese-themed, the connection is pretty easy.

  8. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > @""Fueki.4753"

    > In general, it seems that one big problem with elite specs is that many people are too overly attached to "conventional" roles of classes.

    > I read repeatedly from people here on the forum that we shouldn't get stuff like support warrior, tank ranger, etc. because "you wouldn't expect them to have that playstyle when you are creating a character of this class".


    > Which is a shame, considering that these expectations are exactly what this game tries to make different. Giving you the freedom to do exactly this, picking a character just based off of their themes and then get elite specs which enable you to fill any roles that is desired (damage, tank, support).

    > It has some appeal to be able to play a character with a rogue thematic like thief, yet being able to have a bruiser playstyle with it thanks to daredevil.

    > Or picking a mighty warrior who thrives in the thick of battle, but grows into an experienced veteran who is now supporting their allies and rallying them for battle instead of claiming all the glory himself.

    In my opinion, if people want to _only_ see conventional roles, they should go and play conventional games.

    GW2 is far from conventional and should continue to set itself further apart.

  9. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > ESO

    Never played it that one, but if it is anything like Skyrim, it's not my cup of raspberry-flavoured milk.

    > WoW

    It has a subscription and tokens don't count.

    Somebody **will** have bought the tokens, so they count as the subscription fee.


    It doesn't look good from what I've seen.

    > BD

    The only good point is the character customization.

    The actual gameplay feels off, the content feels generic and the UI isn't clear enough.

    > Tera

    In my opinion, this one is just bad in every aspect.

  10. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    > How is that fun tho?

    Fun is subjective, so it can't be answered.

    I, for one, would welcome Arenanet to reintroduce Paragons as a Warrior elite specialization.

    Paragons already are support-oriented Warriors in GW1, so it fits well.

    And their signature weapon is ranged and one-handed, filling that wish of some players as well.


    How will that allow you to tag bags?

    In case of paragon, you tag enemies by throwing your spear.

    In they get guns, you shoot it

    Or else, you shoot your Bow or Rifle.


    > How will it feel like warrior and not guardian (the heavy armored profession with plenty of support capabilities).

    In my opinion, the feel of Professions or Elite Specializations is mostly decided how the skills look like and and the general theme.

    Thus, getting a Paragon-themed yellow/golden Elite Specialization based on singing would feel significantly different that a mostly blue Guardian would ever feel.


    > In the end what we say here doesn't matter, but I've yet to see anyone proposing a meaningful spec focused on "support" that feels like warrior and is not just some type of support we can get by fixing core.

    It's not about fixing core though. It's getting support in addition to it.

    > mobile banners on the warrior, with pulsing boons when traited on top of their flat stat increase, would take care of a lot of folk who want to support as warriors

    I like the current iteration of banners better than possibly having them tied to my back.

    And I don't think banners should get pulsing boons, they already are sufficiently effective.

    Pulsing boons sounds more like something that could be effects of Paragon Chants.


    Boom, Discipline, Tactics and ANY spec and you got yourself a support. Berserker does damage well, Spellbreaker does strips well.

    And stripping boons is something offensive, not something supportive.


    > The new specs needs something NEW for warrior, not something we already have and can buildcraft with.

    Having actual, META-viable support (or at least close to that) for high-end content would be something new for Warriors.

    Shout-healing Spellbreaker do not fill that space.

  11. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    > Isn't that Support Spellbreaker for open field zergs? Even for GvG groups. There is also a less popular might-share Berserker with battle standard running around for GvGs mostly.

    > Healbreaker in PvP is as meta as it gets, not to mention Burstzerkers always being a glass cannon option which can down in 2 or 3 hits.

    > In any case, as long as this new spec has a traitline dedicated to damage, some decent self-defense and minors that work well, I'll be fine. 3 Support traitlines though is a major no.


    People want a **real** support elite specialization.

    Spellbreaker offers nothing supportive to Shout Spellbreaker, the support all comes from core.


  12. > @"Raizel.1839" said:

    > I'm still questioning why we stick with it instead of leaving for good, GW2 have really something special to be able to keep people despite the current management, what a shame its current state...

    Rather than being a matter of GW2 having something special to keep players in, it's a matter of what it lacks:

    It's simply the best MMO without a subscription fee.

  13. > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

    > I mean, it's 11 months later. If the specs are still completely in flux and nothing is yet decided, it speaks volumes about the horrifying nightmare that is GW2 development right now

    I assume that at the time of the announcement, they literally had nothing but the concept art of the bell.

    And when the trailer hit in August, I doubt they really had anything that'd be even remotely ready to consider showing.


    I doubt they have made substantial progress by now, partially also due to the pandemic.

    Maybe they haven't even decided on some of the elite specializations yet.


    They clearly made the announcement without much, if anything, to back it up.

    They simply made it to show the players that there is _some_ kind of future for the game.

  14. I didn't like how easily and cheaply Joko got dispatched.

    He had potential, but Arenanet just scratched the surface and then moved onto Kralkatorrik.


    I don't like the Jahai Cliffs.

    I don't like the Mists shenanigans with the pockets of different locations and times appearing in those bubbles.

    I don't like Sun's Refuge and didn't even bother unlocking things for it.

    I don't like the sniper mission. It's just annoying and the poison depletes health too quickly.

    And lastly, I don't like the timed Jumping Puzzle after leaving Blish behind.

  15. I think that map completion, including Hero Challenges and hearts, and the story should be viable to be done alone.

    I used WvW to complete many HoT skill challenges (and some of PoF) because people simply didn't care to join me.


    But there should also be ample group content outside of that.

    Meta Events, smaller Group Events, a variety of instanced content - there is so much that _could_ be done that doesn't interfere with map completion and the story.

  16. I despise these glowing balls of light.

    I also detest the visual effects of passive skills and talents like Signet of Rage or Soldier's focus. This visual punishment is the reason I can't stomach playing with tactics.

    Arenanet needs to give us option to disable these displeasing effects.


    That aside, particle effects also tend to make the game lag more, thus making them quite detrimental to performance (especially for people with weaker computers).

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