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Posts posted by Fueki.4753

  1. I think it's fine the way it is now.

    The divide between top end and the average already is too big.

    We don't need make it even bigger.


    Also, I'd rather have Arenanet rework/replace the lackluster and 300s cooldown traits than introduce another column.

  2. I consider the way he ended up to be the opposite of the docks.

    At the docks, he was just powered down, with all the functions, including consciousness. still intact.


    At the end however, all the higher functions, including conscious, seized to function, while his power source was still running.

    Where his unconscious soul is trapped in the Golem is an unsolved mystery.


    But, we don't even know how got in the Golem.

    Maybe it was just the data in his brain that was copied into the Golem and his soul entered the Mists when his body perished.

  3. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > I'm more curious about this statement about a "glut of arcane thieves". Where is this a thing? Like, what franchise and the like, I'm genuinely interested.

    Afaik, Arcane Tricksters (not Thieves) are a DnD exclusive thing.

    However, _thematically_ it resembles GW2 Thieves a bit, since both are Rogue archetype classes/professions that also use magic.

    After all, Stealth and Shadow Steps are Shadow Magic.

    And according to the Wiki, Preparations all magical skills, too.


    I wouldn't be too surprised when the next elite specialization for Thief would dive deeper into the magical aspect and be something like Shadow Mage.


    Except for the flood of players using Assassin/Ritualist and Ritualist/Assassin at the release of Factions, I don't remember seeing a "glut" of Assassin/Mage characters in GW1 though.


  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"TheThief.8475" said:

    > > > A lot of games like ff14, world of warcraft, has some raid/ dungeon bosses for the main story, and a lot of ppl play and is happy with it, so i thought it could aswell work in gw2, but is also true that they did it from the begin, while in gw2 it would be a big change .

    > > FF14 and WoW are designed around group content, while Open World mostly are just fluff and preparation for group content.

    > > GW2 is designed in the completely opposite direction. In GW2, group content is the side of the side dish, while open world zerging and the single player campaigns are the main dishes.

    > > Suffice to say, they usually attract significantly different people.

    > > Just because FF14 players are happy about group content, doesn't mean many GW2 players also are in favour of it.

    > > I myself was bewildered at first, when I first realized that FF14 has group content as part of the (mostly solo) story.

    > Additionally, FF XIV can get away with it due to the existence of the Duty Finder queue system, and every class having exactly one build and role. Also, due to gear progression, every content eventually gets outgeared, so if someone has a problem with some instance, they can just wait till they get better gear. This is not an option in GW2 however.



    GW2 has a group finder, too, so that wouldn't work as an argument though.

    And there also are tryhards in FF14 that try to act as a different role.

    I've met some healers, mostly White Mages, who aimed to play as a 4th DPS instead of trying to heal.

  5. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > Eh, I was only trying to cover my kitten with that part, incase someone got salty and tried to use that against me. Personally I think 'American Aboriginal' would sound better than 'Native American', and more accurate too.


    I don't think _native_ is less accurate than _aboriginal_ though.

    It only serves to differentiate the original people of the continent from the Europeans, Africans and Asians that make up the majority of the continent's population.




  6. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > Based on the concept art we've seen for EoD, it would appear that Kurzick culture has survived, or re-emerged, since the Empire's takeover. Here's a link to the art piece I'm referencing. Those are DEFINATELY Kurzick buildings. https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-6bc6bb2d-1336-4e9e-b7c0-bb031a4d0344-kurzicks.jpg


    The Kurzick (and the Luxons) have been culturally and politically absorbed into the Kaineng Empire.

    But that doesn't mean their structures have vanished, even though the forest gradually reverted after Shiro's second death.


    It's comparable to how Spain still has Muslim buildings from back when it was ruled by Muslims during the Al-Ándalus period.

  7. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > It annoys me to no end, as someone with Cherokee heritage, how a lot of people, including those who profess to be 'woke', can't figure out that the Native Americans (and Canadian Aboriginals) are all different peoples but instead clump them all together.


    Considering that Canada is part of the American continent, it's not technically wrong to say the "Canadian Aboriginals" are native Americans.

    Native Americans should not exclusively be used for the natives of the U.S.A..


    Also, as someone of "East Frisian" heritage, it annoys me to get clumped together with "Bavarians", yet people keep doing that.



  8. > @"The Boz.2038" said:

    > OK, seriously, why do people write meta in all caps? Calculate META?

    > What do you think the term means?


    It depends what it means.

    While it started out as "meta-gaming", it also became the acronym for "most efficient tactic available".

    And since acronyms usually are written in caps, some people to so with META as well.

  9. > @"TheThief.8475" said:

    > A lot of games like ff14, world of warcraft, has some raid/ dungeon bosses for the main story, and a lot of ppl play and is happy with it, so i thought it could aswell work in gw2, but is also true that they did it from the begin, while in gw2 it would be a big change .

    FF14 and WoW are designed around group content, while Open World mostly are just fluff and preparation for group content.

    GW2 is designed in the completely opposite direction. In GW2, group content is the side of the side dish, while open world zerging and the single player campaigns are the main dishes.

    Suffice to say, they usually attract significantly different people.

    Just because FF14 players are happy about group content, doesn't mean many GW2 players also are in favour of it.

    I myself was bewildered at first, when I first realized that FF14 has group content as part of the (mostly solo) story.

  10. There are people who like the newer fractals and the reworked ones, but there also are many people who don't.

    Sunqua being bugged and never getting fixed doesn't help either.


    For me, it mostly comes down to Arenanet's design philosophy.

    Since PoF, most bosses seem to just consist of AoE spam and needlessly high HP.

    It just feels cheaply inflated, rather than them trying to make interesting encounters.


  11. > @"leila.7962" said:

    > Yea I tried on a medium, but still it shouldn't work that way since it's a piece that's separated from the pants.. I don't really like the gown :(


    Medium armours are usually trench coats and things in similar length. The exceptions are too few and too far between.

    In this case, the skirt is part of the medium chest piece to make it long.


    The problem is that different armour weights are attached differently to their body types (heavy, medium, light have their own distinct body type each).

    That's also the reason why we can't mix the armour types in GW2.

    So, yes, it _should_ work that way, because it has been programmed that way.


    There are many players that disliked the issue with different bodies for armour types since launch, but Arenanet never changed it and even tried to circumvent the issue with outfits, which require the use of a fourth body type.

  12. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"ketorin.5923" said:

    > > > whats the state of pvp right now?

    > > It's slightly worse than after the February 2020 patch.

    > >

    > > >are meta battle builds up to date,

    > > META builds should largely be the same.

    > >

    > > >whats FOTM these days?

    > > Stealth Dragon Hunters and Minion Masters seem to be the current flavours of the ~~month~~ year.


    > You forgot renegades.


    I do not meet them as often as the others.

    One Renegade every third match (on average) is much less than *at least* one MM or Stealth DH each match.

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