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Posts posted by Woof.8246

  1. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > > > > > # LOL

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They can take that away after they give something (many things such as more health, sustain, moar damage, better attacks, and a button dedicated to reliably under every circumstance 1-shot mirages) back, unless you want to give infiltrator's arrow 10,000 range. I'll take that portal treatment.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you want more damage in attacks , then give all other ranged characters the ability to kite any Meele spec (and i mean real kite , like 24/7 with cc and slow ) . in order to give up the bases and kite your kitten :)

    > > > > If meele must do major damage , then the ranged must kite forever .

    > > > > And strafe attack (reduce the angle that you can run away , while attacking

    > > > >

    > > > > Ootherwise if meele character , keep all the tools to stay on target , give the defenders more survubily or damage

    > > >

    > > > Range classes can kite very well, they don't need buffs. The ones that can't kite so well do massive massive mastiff damage or melt you with AOE, the other is a non-stop evade machine.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > When i mean Kite , i dont mean dodge once , do a cripple and then getting attacked again by the meele in 2 sec .

    > > More like the P/P Daredevil thief and his dodge get away trait .

    > >

    > > I would love to get this treatment on Regenate(Revenant) , whie all his utilities offers aoe buffs (place totems)


    > While thief would love a power house weapon like hammer in wvw and would love the multiple higher burst dps options revs have making them a better +1 class etc. Revs also got more sustain compared to thief. Only area rev loses to thief is disengagement. I say this as a rev also player.


    Thiefs dont allow the target he escape + they can disengagement .

    Sothe victim must have more survibility .... ring a bell ? :P

    The victim (slow character) either will kite or have more survibility

  2. > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > > > # LOL

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > > > >

    > > > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.

    > > >

    > > > They can take that away after they give something (many things such as more health, sustain, moar damage, better attacks, and a button dedicated to reliably under every circumstance 1-shot mirages) back, unless you want to give infiltrator's arrow 10,000 range. I'll take that portal treatment.

    > >

    > > If you want more damage in attacks , then give all other ranged characters the ability to kite any Meele spec (and i mean real kite , like 24/7 with cc and slow ) . in order to give up the bases and kite your kitten :)

    > > If meele must do major damage , then the ranged must kite forever .

    > > And strafe attack (reduce the angle that you can run away , while attacking

    > >

    > > Ootherwise if meele character , keep all the tools to stay on target , give the defenders more survubily or damage


    > Range classes can kite very well, they don't need buffs. The ones that can't kite so well do massive massive mastiff damage or melt you with AOE, the other is a non-stop evade machine.




    When i mean Kite , i dont mean dodge once , do a cripple and then getting attacked again by the meele in 2 sec .

    More like the P/P Daredevil thief and his dodge get away trait .


    I would love to get this treatment on Regenate(Revenant) , whie all his utilities offers aoe buffs (place totems)

  3. > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > # LOL

    > > > >

    > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > >

    > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > >

    > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > >

    > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.


    > They can take that away after they give something (many things such as more health, sustain, moar damage, better attacks, and a button dedicated to reliably under every circumstance 1-shot mirages) back, unless you want to give infiltrator's arrow 10,000 range. I'll take that portal treatment.


    If you want more damage in attacks , then give all other ranged characters the ability to kite any Meele spec (and i mean real kite , like 24/7 with cc and slow )(66% movement speed to swiftness) . in order to give up the bases and kite your ass :)

    If meele must do major damage , then the ranged must kite forever .

    And strafe attack (reduce the angle that you can run away , while attacking


    Ootherwise if meele character , keep all the tools to stay on target and do damage , then give the defenders more survubily + damage


    Either the Attacker or the Victim will have the Turtle eefect (more survubility)

  4. I would prefer if Story mode becomes soloable , rather increase the rewards and increase toxicity in dungeosn.


    If that wont happened , then i would prefer :

    Complete 8 randoms dungeosn , and you ''complete'' a random daily fractal .

    If you have done 3/4 daily fractal , then the last one (hardest) will be surely to be unlocked .


    a) The system doesnt alow you to type more than 5 words in LFG , to avoid message like:

    ''Path 2 Bersekers , 80 lvl , 10k achivements only''



    If a low lvl players joins the party , every1 else (exept the noobie) gets ''buff'' icon that explicit say ''dont kick him , or you wont unlocked the Fractal daily and there a random chance to unlocked 2 fractals''


    Or c) If there are only 80 lvl players .... lets gie some instabilities to the bosses

  5. > @"Dave.6819" said:

    > yea.. respect for the guy.. but even he agrees that Thief is in a very bad spot right now. it went from being a 1v1 god to a +1 / decapper bot. if anyone mained a thief back in like 2013-2014 knows how good it was. and now compare it to 2019.


    The 2014 build can be used in 2019

    Just equip Panic strike + Basilisk Poison + and dont get any defensive traits

    Because you lost 2k damage from the d/d 5th skill + 2k from the crit Mug , you can suppliment with some auto attacks


    But try to ask your enemies to unequip any Toughness gear they have , so we can who is the fastest pistol in the Wild West :)


    PPl start using Toughness only after the pros used them the World Tournament Series + 10k dollar prizes tourmanents (7-8 months before and after the Hot launch

  6. > @"Princ.3598" said:


    > The thing is..I'm a soulbeast. And the commanders don't want me in their teams. In our server, there is one prevalent guild that runs WvW and tags and I got told to basically switch to meta wvw classes or else I'm just not welcome in the raid. So after waiting in a 50-100man queue, all I can do is try to follow the commander as some outcasted class that shouldnt be there in the first place.


    > ​


    > It definitely shifted my perspective on WvW a bit. While I understand where they are coming from since the goal is to..win. Just doesnt feel good.




    > _EDIT: I would just like to add that I'm talking about the scenario of a squad not being full. So 35/50, otherwise I would gladly leave a spot for a meta class honestly._


    > Is this a common occurence on your servers aswell?


    > Thoughts?


    Yeah theres the problem that buffs/Blasting in healing waters(aoe heal) priotorize your partymembers first , rather than randoms .


    Maybe joing the commander icon , by default the system puts you into a subgroup , where if its different classes (comander can rearange it) every1 get sme extra buffs like protection + swiftness .

    While the Commander can organise and put his guildmembers or player he thing he can win the teamfights in the ''main group'' ?

  7. > @"Kayowin.9217" said:

    > In my opinion, currently the rally mechanic caters more to the comped groups and works against PUG's. By removing rally, one side is no longer penalized for PUGS following along and acting as rallybots for the enemy. It might even help to make WvW more inclusive for the very same reason.


    > Please consider this request before doing another no downstate week.


    Or give the abilities to commanders to ''mark'' random friendly players.

    (the more ppl are in his squad > the more target it can mark) .

    Those players dont rally the enemies , but the commander get 75% less rewards , or dont get affected by friendly buffs (like Swiftness)

  8. We need more PvE elements !

    If your Stracture is Tier 3 , you can transformed into a Mobile Suit Gundam (LoL Galio) that emergies (slowlyyyy) from the walls and push backs anything+ destroy sieges weapons .

    After 10 sec , its looses its knockupus abilities and get stiffen -becoming an extra price of wall (combine it other ppl tht are transformed , to create a ''second wall/line of defense'' (can be used inside the defensive area) .


    It can be destroyed by siege weapons or personal single battering rams (police force) .


    Using this mechanic that offers this second wall effect , damages your own nearby defensive stractures per sec (even nearby player's transformation) .

    More trans = more stractural damage


    After a few hits with the Battering rams or seiege weapons , creates creacks/oppoenings (small portal) that only 1 enemy can pass every sec.


    Aso transformations into flame Wardogs with leash , that deals increse damage to sieges + 0 to players/but offer cc-howl/pound

    The dogs are indistructable but short area they can move , but lose health(and get cced) if the chains are destroyed (cc bar) or if the dogs chooses to chew it .


    Or simply the enemies to avoid all this , can attack from range :)



  9. If its tranform you into a kamikaze- Undead , that can climb Stractural Walls and blow a portion of the portion of the walls from the inside

    or keep scratchting it

    or mark the walls to take increased damage by siege

    or blowup/knockback defenders (after their ''smell'' mechanic detects too many defenders i dont see why not

  10. Give incentives to not use mount instead .


    Commanders can activate an aura that emmits from their Mount , and whoever are not mounted get swiftness + protection and while remaining unmounted recieve a buff that increase the rewards from the next captured point .


    The same apply to ppl that spawn from the base + wont mount + and there is an active commander somehere in the map .

    Those ppl can do other things , instead of following the commander


    (or if the Ruins /3 captured points have been captured for your server by random ppl)

  11. If you want Bunkers to be nerfed , then asked Burst to nerfed first or reroll to a decap class !


    Or program Amulets to produce buffs/debuffs in a specific time/order .

    Knight Amulet : Engage/Getting Attacked > Auto 3 sec Protection

    At 0:05 while in combat > 1 Might stack + 1 sec Fury + no Protection .

    0:10 mark , getting Debuffs (poison-vulnability) with each dodge , while in the same time Increasing the Offensive Buffs



    And versa for Offensive Amulets

    (The highly mobility classes with the Offensive Amulets , can quickly travel to the an other node , while maintaing the survibility buffs , to a softer new target .


    Edi: Celectial Amulet , produce aoe Buffs after the 0:10 sec mark



  12. A lance charged attack , than cant be used in short range ?


    While the ''charge'' animation is active , both must play a Rock/Scisoor/Paper minigame

    (with a Sword/Shield/xxx micro icons floating around the mounts)

    In a ''draw'' the defender get dismmounted and get stealth and superspeed (if out of combat , travel to the waypoint)

    If the the defender looses , = dismount and stun .

    If the defender wins , then:

    a) the opponent get stunned , or

    b) get stealth , or

    b) the defender can activate a Battle Roar that dismount the defender , and the opponents cannot get stealth and any boons he gets for 10 sec will be corrupted .

    Or simply the defender could keep dodging till his endurance bar runs out .



    Edit:Or a huge Battle Axe that could be carried by the player while on their feet , for an Aoe Dissmount

    (with more slowly charge -easy to see animation and )


    Edit3:Or toxic darts , that comfuses/make agrier/rabbies the animal when it get near civilasation/man-made-buildings (allies or enemies ) .

    (So your mount will keep its supersped , in the allies control terretory , but restrict the area you can move to , or cant rush as soon as posible to your friendly zerg)


    Edit4: Or infection dart , that forces your mount to turn back and fight back an enemy's mount till some1 is dead .

    (you cant stirr it back , but you can chooses some attacks-defensive moves in order to help it)

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