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  1. Wooow, I feel like a high-priority criminal in these forums, because whatever I post it eventually gets removed :D seems like I pissed 'someone' with the real state of mesmer and now I am paying for it xD . Just for fun, take a photo guys, cause in 12 hours this comment won't be here anymore :D :D :D
  2. Missed the free ticket because the damm TP icon did not even signalize its addition. The promotion tab is cluttered as hell anyway, so congratz to those who found the gift in the mess :D One more reason for me to follow my scheduled quit on New Year's Eve xD
  3. @"Leonidrex.5649" and you have just mentioned all three of them in one message - expect a ban :D :D joking ofc (hopefully)
  4. > @"Lucio.4190" said: > @"Azazel.7536" Not sure if you meant me, but I was being sarcastic. My point was to show how ridiculously low level the arguments are. > > Just as @"Veprovina.4876" says, it's always the Mesmer. I haven't played for years and when I returned this spring, my thought was "What the ***** happened to my Mesmer?" > After reading the forum I got the picture and I understand that we need to be very creative to find a new build that is possible to play, find a new role in a team. > Well.. not many options left and when these threads are still popping up like mushrooms, and they are all about nerfing instead of finding a better solution? This has got to stop. > > Also, I have always wondered why some players always think of a profession as op if they can't beat it? Is it possible that some people overestimate their skill and when someone shows up being a better player, it must be the profession that's op? No No, I did not mean you, but the guy called Lare above your comment (should have linked him to avoid chaos, yea srry). Yea I definitely agree. Even some of my friends playing other professions keep telling me whenever the heck I return from 'burnout sessions' something like: "dude, I think you came back in a wrong time. Your prof just got nerfed again"... so, what can I say to that xD And @"Veprovina.4876" , I totally agree. To me, it looks like Mesmer has become some kind of a vessel that needs to be repeatedly tortured, otherwise the playerbase would go mad because their favourite elites experienced competition and such experience is not acceptable to their liking. There is NO OTHER PROFESSION, whose elite's core mechanics have been changed this drastically...well fck that, BOTH elites' core functions. Chrono's elite-exclusive alacrity was redistributed to Revenant, and the demands for quickness are nowadays more requested from Firebrands. Both profs can provide these boons much more effectively than Chrono having both of these (which, makes sense, there is variability), BUT, if devs start making exclusive elite mechanics into common ones, there is a high probability that certain elites, or even professions, can just die out. The reason why I said "or even professions" is because I can beautifully tie it toward Mirage whose core mechanic (evasiveness/endurance) got severely screwed as well (pvp). I understand that up to a certain degree it may have performed better than expected...but holy fck, was that not a relief for mesmers who finally got an easier spec to play after the Chrono, the "Finger-killer"? Was all of that because thieves were upset about another class having the ability to jump around the battlefield, cloaked in the mist of safety? Why did not we, mesmers, started an uprising after our traits were redistributed to other professions? Once mesmer got nerfed, players logically started complaining, and they were also called "crybabies" :D I mean, what the hell xD Weren't "crybabies" those who shouted NERF MESMER until it eventually happened?
  5. > Mesmer + support or healer? Meh, it'll be hated equally. Besides not being considered what a mesmer should represent. I doubt it would be an offensive support with lots of CC and a buffer with decent damage. Anyways, it'd be "tweaked" in the following patches, hit less than a fly and no one would play it after that. More of the same. Cursed. > > Time to time... Well I would not like another support mesmer either, if it were for me, I would wanna go a pure Power DPS this time :D Gimme a hammer so I can spin-win and bump into everything around :D :D would be a nice twist for power-based builds
  6. > We'll see what Anet has in store for mesmers though so... I am not sure but I think they are leaning toward some heavy tank elite with mesmer in the following expac, cause why would have they screwed the chrono tankiness that much otherwise? Also, mesmer has been given one-handed weapons so far in both elite specs, so this time they will probably unlock a two-handed weapon, and if it were so, I believe it would be hammer (to fit the tank even better) :D . Cause going for rifle would be kinda wild idea for mesmer :D although, a sneaking sniper with illusions does not sound bad at all :D I have heard people saying the next elite should be a bard - a natural buffer, but I believe that spot is taken by Ranger, since its first elite was healer, next one was offense, this time could possibly be some kind of boon support. Also majority of games actually provides Ranger-types of classes with Bard specs, so...Dunno, but I am truly wondering what the revelations will be
  7. > Well said. They took away too much and left us with nothing to choose from. And indeed, it always feels like you're one trait line too short to be on par with other classes. I play Chrono, full Minstrel's support in WvW. It's tanky enough and so far i like it. But most of the skills take WAY too long to cast for minimal gains, AND they can miss on top of that, so i have to do way too much math in my head on what and where to do in order to be effective. Like chrono Wells for example. You can make them heal but ONLY when they end. WHY? Why isn't healing on the first pulse, and the well's own mechanic on the third? That would make them infinitely more usable as a Chrono mechanic. Mantras can heal, but they heal for almost nothing AND take 3 seconds to cast. After that, the fully powered mantra effect doesn't heal. It can boonstrip, but as i'm hitting people with it (the daze mantra coupled with the boonstrip trait in domination), they always seem to be immune, yet the mantra is supposed to affect up to 5 people. It doesn't! It's a bug! Healing well too, removes a condition on the 3rd pulse. Why not on first, then max heal on first, and subsequent lesser healings on 2nd and 3rd? It's just so unnecesarily contrived. Shatters can also heal and clense conditions as well as boonstrip but you'll never have any clones active in WvW fights because they die as soon as they're summoned. And i won't even go into the DPS aspects of the class and how even worse that part is. > > Meanwhile, other classes can achieve the same result and never miss with their abilities by just spamming 3 buttons. Yet Mesmers are OP. And this all because anet only listened to whiners when doing balance patches it seems because the way Mesmer is now, i think they never looked at Mesmers as a whole, and their trait lines and skills, because if they did, they'd see that most of them are either too big of a tradeoff between them, or too highly situational to be consistent. > > And i do have fun playing the class still, but there's only so much you can take until it feels like you're being punished for playing a certain class over others. Naturally, after a while, it gets old and i can see why people quit or change mains or whatever. Hopefully Anet will right the wrongs they did to Mesmers, but i'm not holding my breath. Yea, totally agree. ANet feels like a company where each member plays a profession but none of them really plays mesmer, so they are like "people are complaining about mesmer elite spec, let's nerf it" without even testing it. I can honestly say, like..RIGHT NOW, that whatever the new spec in End of Dragons will be, playerbase will scream 20 seconds before the release of the expansion to "NERF MESMER"... it's these people who do not want to have their profession screwed up, so bunch of nerfs are all accumulated into mesmer who is getting hate for no reason. People do not realize that mesmer, when it comes to difficulty, is among the hardest ones to manage and only really good people can pull off efficient results. I have been playing it for 5 years and still feel as a newb because I still tend to miss something due to its shi.tt.y mechanics. The speed of my fingers searching for the right combo in the keyboard has got to be literally twice as quick as any other class, because I also have 3 fragile summons to keep in mind, shattering them in the right moment, because otherwise I would be screwed. I am not denying that other professions require sufficient amount of time to be learnt properly, but mesmer feels like the challenge you are willing to take for satisfactory rewards but it eventually turns out to be the worst sh1t of them all. It is like climbing the Chalice of Tears for the first time, expecting exclusive rewards and eventually you get the same cr.ap as any other chest in the game. Nevertheless, I still enjoy mesmer for its uniqueness, and I do not care what will be the role of the new elite spec, whether supportive or offensive, I will take it, unless they do the same bull**** with it as what they did with previous ones. At this point, they should really focus on the role of clones in the gameplay because they are totally undermined when it comes to survivability. They are totally weak themselves, so having them explode at least for a little damage when your enemy destroys them would be a nice bonus. And I hope they will finally take into account other professions too because they have taken half the potential from mesmer and put it in other professions (alacrity, portals, etc...)
  8. > Yesterday, a group of about 10 of us were killing one ranger. He got away. He was THAT tanky and elusive and he just permahealed. And i'm not talking about a noob group, those were some WvW veterans, and the team composition was kinda half half support/dps. 10 of us couldn't get one ranger. How is that Ok? He wasn't even "good" or something, he just shrugged off damage like it was nothing, and no matter how "good" you are, when 10 people focus you - you die. > > After that, sometime later, there was this daredevil. No one could touch him. Just permaevade, shadowstep, portal, evade, evade, shadowstep, evade, evade, evade... In this case, i admit the player was good, but the point is - Mirage lost a dodge because it "evaded too much" or whatever. Then what's this kitten with daredevls then? Not only that but, he did good damage. If a mesmer want's to do something so well, you can forget about other aspects. Classes like this can have it all and sacrifice nothing. > > But hey, at least we're kinda ok at boonstrips and we still have a pull... > > Torture is the right word, i fully agree. Definitely. That is the aspect I hate about being a mesmer - other professions literally require lesser effort to pull off an effective combo using several keybinds while I need to have Continuum Split ready for every single encounter to be relevant :D and that is the most irritating thing. In PVE I am literally the slowest particle when it comes to dealing with stuff, because, not only does the mesmer have a very limited field range (basically focuses the damage onto the target where the clones spawn), it also happens they very often fail to deliver hit, miss, or disappear before you shatter them. It is like playing a profession with half the potential. You need to think way too much in the process, and it does not even pay off really, while certain professions just keep smashin one key and spin-win the hell out of it. I would love to say that I am proud of choosing the class because I can honestly say I have put a LOT of time understanding its mechanics since I am mostly mesmer-exclusive player, but seeing that it would take 1/4 the time to achieve the same output with a ranger or a thief with much more efficiency in return makes me kinda frustrated. And yea lol, mirage...People could come back and throw a shame at us that "Are you stupid or what? Mirage is annoying as hell and you keep saying mesmer is bad? F--- off" or so...but daaaayum, mirage was out for like 3 months before severe nerfs happened to it and even worse happened later to both chrono and mirage, ever since then they have been reduced to crap :D You would expect at least an equivalent of compensation for such nerf but nope, they take 5 things away and replace them with one useless addition. As a chrono, I basically cannot really put together a trio of traitlines to make it as effective as I would, because for me, Domi (for GS) is necesarry and Duel (for the sake of crit rate) is a MUST if I want to be at least a little bit dps-relevant. But then, I would also love to have Illusions since they offer pretty badass bonuses for clones, but as I said, I wanna be a chrono so that does not somehow fit the maths :D Mesmer would literally have to use all the traitlines at once to be on par with other professions :D :D
  9. Assuming that the OP is outraged about "mesmer not being fixed" obviously expresses his anger toward it being screwed, because I could not imagine anyone complaining about mesmer being too strong in its current state after all the impactful nerfs :D I will agree with anyone who claims that mesmer is being tortured massively so other professions are happy - I play a "hybrid" chrono which focuses mainly on Power DPS and equal distribution of Quickness and alacrity. I have got ascended gear and trinkets, providing me with nearly 80% precision (20% is from Dueling trait) and nearly 200% crit damage. If I trained long enough, I could possibly manage to pull off a really long periods with having quickness and alacrity uptimes, but (as I already mentioned) I am DPS specc. GS / s+s, wearing Knight's armour, which is an incredible compromise where you get more precision in exchange for vitality, but still have that toughness for survivability too.... HOWEVER, despite all these beautiful things which I am thrilled about, the excitement ends as soon as any other profession joins the battle and wipes the floor with their 3-4 skills rotations twice/thrice as fast as I do. You can take basically any profession, whether ranger or warrior (I am not even discussing Berserker who spins everything to death in a fraction of seconds) and guys, this is JUST PVE aspect. Mesmer IS slower that everyone else in any game mode and the effort it takes to make significant difference is huuuge. From long cooldowns to poor damage, only because "we have clones"....jeesus, a set of completely useless mirrors who die quicker than they are summoned with nearly zero damage, while, for instance, ranger has an animal spawn which lasts until its death and can put out more damage than my phantasm. AND the profession itself kills things quicker, so there is like 3:0 in favour of ranger in comparison. And that is just one class. The most ridiculous thing I have experienced was Power Druid in exotics who exterminated waves of mobs quicker than me :D that really did hurt my feelings...
  10. Guys, there is some weird magic around this game, and I am definitely sure it's neither unbound nor volatile...today I have been crashing a lot with many different errors which actually kept kicking me off of my internet connection. The same has been happening to me upon visiting the website/forums, although for now it seems to be stable (yet). I don't know whether it's been due to the recent updates or what, but everytime they add something, a new update or a patch, the connectivity gets worse...
  11. This game is going down to hell - whenever they add a new update, it either launches an enormous wave of disconnects or starts making the server crash constantly (exactly the same situation with Champions update).....BUT, eventually, the problem is on our end, isn't it? I'm tired of being told that bs all the time...
  12. How funny would it be if they introduced underwater weapons only, so each profession could wield different on-land weapon underwater xD that would be the End of Guild Wars :D
  13. Last couple days have probably been the craziest ones I have ever experienced in this game - not only the fact I am working on unlocking skyscale (which alone is bonkers enough to do), so the lags in LS4 zones is like another obstacle to breakthrough, but also the mentioned 7:11 disconnects have been pretty much random in any map I enter. One day it can be totally fine and one day it is totally atrocious. Today I have seen for the very first time something I called "Dc-combo" - a series of disconnects like 3 or more times in a row. I tried to check whether it is my internet, but (as always with these problems) my net is running as intended. I feel like I am gonna end up with either a serious mental breakdown due to the crappy performance of the game, or a tremendous burnout combined with the willingness to unlock the damm mount. Whichever scenario happens I probably won't enter this game for a good 6 months :D
  14. I believe that 90% of people complaining about getting the skyscale (including me) :D do so mainly during this Saddle part, because it really feels like a slap in the face after all you have to run through before that stage. I also belong to the group of casuals who can play the game max. 1-2 hours a day, so of course seeing a random kid who has made it in 4 days would slightly demotivate me, but I am not giving up since it is a bit easier now than a year ago :D I am right now 2 days into feeding the skyscale part and I do believe that I will still have been collecting currencies by the time I reach the saddle part, hopefully I'll be as near to the 250 amounts as possible. To be honest, I am more excited about the achievements (despite certain tediousness) than the mount itself cause I have had a chance to ride fully mastered one on my friend's account and it was a completely underwhelming experience for me, taking into account the extensive achievements wall required to unlock it. May sound crazy, but I am unlocking skyscale just for the content involved in the achievement chain rather than using it actively in the future xD how desperate is that...
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