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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. > @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

    > I was pretty sure this was a bot hack at work right from the beginning when I saw characters appearing at the Antre of Adjournment JP chest, vibrating wildly while going through the 3 second chest opening animation before vanishing. This immediately reminded me of the old mining bots that used to infest the game. They also appeared at nodes, vibrating while mining, then teleported away to the next node. Direct teleport to a given coord the game doesn't really want you at will cause this sort of combat between the bot program and the game constantly shifting the character's position back and forth (or so I understand). This is what spurred me to follow the activities of these accounts. I wasn't surprised at what I saw, but I did want to verify I wasn't just ignorant of some limited use mechanic or item recently added to the game. This has been going on everyday since I first noticed it.


    > Now that my suspicions seem to have been confirmed, I'll drop a note to ANet and see if they care about it. If anyone sees flaws in my reasoning above, feel free to let me know. I could still be wrong, but I obviously don't see where.


    > Anyway, thanks for the input. I know some people are tired of other people worrying about cheaters and botters. Fair enough. You go about your business and ignore it. I happen to despise both and don't mind taking a brief break from regular play to put on my deerstalker and see if I can sleuth out some evidence to figure out what's up. It's like a mini-game. If nothing comes of it, so be it. I just feel ignoring it invites more of it. Tacit acceptance and all that. I prefer less cheating to more. I assume most people and ANet do as well.


    Yes, few weeks ago, i saw 1 player teleporting (via hack) between the primordial orchid nodes. i was manually travelling between nodes, and he would disappear after harvesting, and we would meet at a diff node later (via him appearing next to it). i didn't bother to take any screenies since screenies wouldn't prove this type of hack, and i figured it was a lost cause anyway.

  2. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > > > The base raptor, with the short jump, no mob grab, and no boosted dmg, or an equivalent or slightly weaker mount ....

    > > > >

    > > > > You feel that that's giving too much? The whole point of ftp accs is try-b4-u-buy advertising.

    > > >

    > > > can only talk for myself but i think i would have dropped gw2 if mounts were a thing back then. so that "advertising" would have backfired on me.

    > >

    > > i don't even know if you mean that you dislikes mounts, or that you would have disliked having base raptor in core map as a ftp player because abc, or something else.

    > >

    > > i'm assuming its #2, because #1 is redundant, though it matches your phrasing better.


    > with access to a raptor i would have missed 99% of the game, seeing a pretty dull and narrow image and left before even trying to get immersed. core tyria is a lore place and meant to be visited slowly to show its beauty. there is no real challenge in these maps except stuff that is made for lvl 80s like dungeons or world bosses and this content isn't done a lot before lvl 80 anyways. but NPCs talking, special places and stuff is all gone when you woosh across the map and never knew it existed, because it isn't that usual for a MMORPG to have a vivid map, i for example started with metin2 where NPCs had exactly zero lore or use outside of your personal progression.

    > you need to consider the expectations to the game, it might be "i want good fights" and nothing more because the last game had nothing more. then there is a raptor and you pass at light speed by everything interesting and find a map with pretty low mob density compared to your last game with a lot of 1v1 focus, say "meh" and quit.

    > without the raptor you see the other aspects and it might just keep you long enough to get how this game works and like it, at least enough to play on.


    Thanks for your full reply. I'll reply later (in this post) when I'm home from work



    edit: really sry, currently having an episode these few weeks and avoiding human contact

  3. > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > The base raptor, with the short jump, no mob grab, and no boosted dmg, or an equivalent or slightly weaker mount ....

    > >

    > > You feel that that's giving too much? The whole point of ftp accs is try-b4-u-buy advertising.


    > can only talk for myself but i think i would have dropped gw2 if mounts were a thing back then. so that "advertising" would have backfired on me.


    i don't even know if you mean that you dislikes mounts, or that you would have disliked having base raptor in core map as a ftp player because abc, or something else.


    i'm assuming its #2, because #1 is redundant, though it matches your phrasing better.




    @everyone else


    to me, ftp gw2 is nothing more than 90's shareware, horse or no horse. You play for a bit, then either quit due to all the play restrictions, or buy the full game. i feel like my opinion differs greatly from some of the other posters here.


    i can say for sure that if i hadn't gotten 3 others to play it with me, i wouldn't have bought the game (and got them to buy it too). except that they have all quit now

  4. The base raptor, with the short jump, no mob grab, and no boosted dmg, or an equivalent or slightly weaker mount ....


    You feel that that's giving too much? The whole point of ftp accs is try-b4-u-buy advertising.


    I bought hot only after my first char hit lvl80, and I felt that I would probably stay on, and so bought the expansion. I perfectly understood the tp limits and such for ftp accs. But I might not have continued if I was lagging badly behind mounted players in the same map while doing the same content. That's the difference between 5yrs ago and now: Same content, different player environment.


    And I am absolutely in the camp of keeping full mount utility in core maps for Exp accs

  5. What they might have done would be an alternative means of obtaining those thematic skins:


    A new vendor (or they can just add a tab to the current vendor) that lets player to buy the added non-core thematic skins for a 400gem token, unlocked for purchase only if you own the core set. Eg if you bought the branded mounts core set, you would be able to buy a 400gem token from gem store, then use that token to buy a branded beetle or sky or war.


    They currently have an npc that handles a similar function for certain skins (1 is next to the tp npc at lily of Elon)


    It's a bit sad. They mix all the themes into separate license sets to boost sales, but customers who bought the specific sets (branded, exo, festivals) probably did so as to avoid rng. Perhaps they could consider making the 2nd avenue available as well

  6. Some of the sub chars on my sub accs are wearing it... I don't think it looks that bad for a free half-cape.


    It's common sense that a freebie cape should not discourage sales of paid-for capes. How else did the devlpmnt team convince their bosses to allow them to work out how to overcome their engine issues to bring in capes.


    (as far as I can tell, all capes look like shit on charr, so they're an exception. Even stowed weapons look like crap on them. I guess they weren't able to get it to work for the charr)

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > Unless 90% (I would actually say 99%) of players who bought the original licenses are agreeable, i think it would be morally wrong to introduce it now.

    > Oh come on, do you think that the original licence being a lootbox released at the height of the first big wave of lootbox outrage had _anything_ to do with morality?


    > Also, it's about as (im)moral as some gemshop stuff going on offer. Or Anet introducing wardrobe unlockers and having it work also for gemshop stuff. Prices change, distribution methods change, when you buy something from gemshop today, you should not expect it to remain locked to the same price and sources forever.



    I would never touch the original license in its current form. I would also never buy black lion keys with cash for that matter. I believe in "willing buyer, willing seller", and I believe that gambling is morally wrong, and that luring ppl into being addicted to gambling is wrong. I believe that the original license - because it is designed to be 30c1, with *no duplicates*, with even odds - is not quite a loot box.


    When I buy something from the gemshop, I know it will eventually be discounted over time once it ages (like it currently is on discount now).


    However, the original customers who did spend on it (Btw supporting the continued development of Mount skins and showing viability of product range) did so with the understanding that they would not reasonably be able to get the x number of specific skins they wanted out of the 30, and this would affect their decision to purchasing most if not all of the entire set. The original license was full of filler duds. It is only fair for those players to have a say in whether they are open to other players now having the opportunity to get the few skins at 720-1200 gems apiece.


    The morality of loot boxes and my personal opinion of how the original license was a ripoff are irrelevant to this

  8. My accounts all have pof, and I would have completely no benefit from such a change.


    I advocate having rental mounts for new players. Don't forget that 10s per map IS a hefty amount to upkeep for a new player. All you get is a base raptor with dinky jump, but it prevents you from feeling left out or left behind.


    Rather than devaluing pof, I say it is self advertisement. And a needed qol for ftp players.

  9. If a manta Ray can float above water (and land) via twin posterior gas vents, hummingbirds can swim under water with their wings

    Their wings have evolved to be able to propel underwater, and they have learnt to adapt their wing strokes (too fast for us to see) or whatever is that they need to do


    Don't worry too much abt it. Don't forget that any new animation may be uglier, and you can't opt out of it

  10. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > i checked my first char that completed pof... didnt get the mail. tried relogging, didnt work.

    > >

    > > i know i did pof on a 2nd char as well (to accompany my friend), x yrs ago... did they set it so only the last char that did pof gets the mail? im having to search all my chars now to identify which of them it was, but thats a very weird way to set the unlock


    > No - I got it on my first toon that did it. It could be related to some of the server lag. It took a few attempts to get my free gift mailed from the TP


    ah thx for this


    i gave up, i'll just wait till tmr when im back from work then

  11. i checked my first char that completed pof... didnt get the mail. tried relogging, didnt work.


    i know i did pof on a 2nd char as well (to accompany my friend), x yrs ago... did they set it so only the last char that did pof gets the mail? im having to search all my chars now to identify which of them it was, but thats a very weird way to set the unlock

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