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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. For the past few sets, I think the price for 1tix skins has usually been in the range of sn37, bn47.


    Of cos, depending on the skins' subjective value and overspeculation, they can tank or rise once its no longer available at 1tix.


    37-47 is probably the claimtix holders' rough gauge on whether to use their tix stockpile


    As a guaranteed item, the scrap is (relatively) quite good, like kun said. Of cos, depending on how many ppl open the current blc, the effective value of tix may drop

  2. Just a thought, we could have more than 1 slot per tool (including shop tools) but,we categorise them


    So, for eg

    1 utility slot: industry, the worthless one that gives swiftness, reapinv


    1 resource slot: most of the rest


    And maybe

    1 magic slot, tho prolly not a gd idea

  3. the adventure can be completed, but the completion is not logged, ie when the popup appears to show ur (and your frens') completion timing. no chests are rewarded either.

    tried for wings of gold and the fireflies collection in vb. another player who completed at the same time as i mentioned that he couldn't get the reward for wings of gold as well as for some other adventures, while some others did give rewards - he did not elaborate on which.



    update: ~40 min after this post, the chests came, so the server was probably lagging. should be resolved now.


  4. I just wish the daily ap itself was not capped, but the total ap contribution from dailies to the leader board ap value retains the cap.


    That way everyone (pardon my hyperbole) wins, the 500 or so ppl who have this rivalry thing, and the unknown number of ppl (including me) who really just want that artificial sense of continual progress when doing the dailies, as well as those little 500ap benchmarks.


    But back to your topic. If the top ppl on your leader board are okay with it, you can always ask Anet+gw2eff to create a new ap value for non-retired aps (while retaining the absolute total), so the senior players don't get cheated of the aps they worked for, and the newer players can console themselves with the 2nd leader board that measures total achievables.


    Anet is likely to have the ability to, since they currently do show the separate and total values for daily + game

  5. Think the bigger problem is replenishing the player pool. Players drop out of games all the time, some are easily bored by nature, some have completed all that they wanted to do, some do not find the horizontal system appealing, some take breaks. This is all part of the natural process for games.


    While older players eventually reach some form of saturation point, in that they have more or less bought all the acc upgrades and skins that they would want to.


    The solution cannot be to try to get subscription money from

    (a) mature players who already don't have much left to do in-game, and who mostly have stayed because they are comfortable with the current model (pricing and game)

    (b) potential new players, who will look at this monetization, and just go elsewhere.


    That's the whole point of making the core game free years ago, dropping the price of older expansions, then making the older one free, etc. It is to ensure that the active population in the Impt zones do not fall below the critical threshold that would get this game branded as a truly-dead game. Having more monetization is impt for more profit or survival, but having low in-game population is instantly fatal.


    In the end, a game's lifespan will depend more on its ability to continuously draw new customers (both to replenish, and also to have fresh accs that need pay-upgrades and that might convert gems to gold).


    If the game developers cannot do it (and I believe old games generally will have this inevitable problem), then we just enjoy the game while it lasts. All things live and die in their proper times. (provided that that murderer doesn't do it again)


    You want to offer something more constructive, think of ways to make the game content more fun or known to the market, to draw new blood and retain old. The gemstore team will take care of the rest.



  6. > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

    > I'll just say that my most memorable metas have been those where we had low numbers and where it was difficult enough that we barely managed to succeed. It's more an issue of players being able to be mass downed / revived, no matter how strong the enemy is.


    > I think the tangled depth meta did it right with the blue donuts of doom: if a player was caught on one, it was nearly guaranteed death, and quite some downtime to return. Sadly, even the penalty for dying has all but disappeared thanks to mounts


    > I am thinking that event failure for metas shouldn't have to do with death itself as much as timers running out for not doing the mechanics.


    > Anyway, I'll do content if I come across it or there's some achievement I am after. Generally speaking I just wanna have fun. :P


    I agree in theory, but

    1) it's already something to be thankful for if half the dead respawn instead of waiting for a rez

    2) I would like for metas to succeed most of the time, as opposed to never


    Metas are the easy peasy social events for random strangers. Some mechanics (like in hot metas) is good, and to differing extents the penalty for not doing the mechanics is more time wasted. But too much and you'd be puking blood in a recreational activity after a hard day at work. As it is, even ab depends on 1-2 handfuls per lane (knowing and) doing the mechanic and the rest doing their own thing.


    It is good for gw2 to have a full range of difficulty, easy and hard bosses, easy and hard metas, easy and hard raids etc.


    People will gravitate to their comfort level accordingly - as long as the respective options are available, and continue to be developed for freshness.




    (World bosses, on the other hand, should be spruced up accordingly, both in challenge and reward. Excepting teq and 3wurm)

  7. Hmm, when I wrote my first post, I wasn't aware that there were stalkers in game, or that they had any kind of effect.


    That sounds like it should be actionable harassment. But considering my sole experience of some player who repeatedly disrupted multiple time slots of ab daily for weeks continuously, and Anet did not take any action despite many people reporting him every time slot, then yea, they should modify how block would interact with a follower, I guess



  8. Traders and their customers do cause artificial inflation, and that would be really annoying if it were for something important or a staple, as with other games, but in this case it's a skin that most people who won't pay 5kg for it would just ignore.


    Sure, I would definitely like for anet to make teq/3worm drop fixed hoard-shards and puke-shards, for eg, but things like infusions and collectibles, meh.


    But what they should continue to do, is to make an acc-bound version purchasable from an npc to cap the gouged price, like you mentioned

  9. Well it is weird, but it probably isn't a big deal? There's no buddy chat channel, and it effectively counts as both a friend's list as well as a follow list. You can also enter descriptors in to help you remember who's who. Its probably more accurate to call it a tracking list (both friends and useful contacts) than a friends list.


    If you add someone, but he doesn't add you back (and doesn't respond when you contact him), then he doesn't want to pursue the frenship. If you mutually get on well, you will add each other, and continue contacting each other anyway


    (would be a different case if there was buddy chat channels like in other games)


    A plus point is, strangers can't ping you with bogus requests repeatedly to annoy you, as can be done in some other games

  10. This is just speculation, since I don't have it nor will I get it, but:


    1) harvest junk nodes with it to build up charges? (lotsa plants like potatoes and and strawberries and what not) Place the thingy on sickles

    2) use the SA key to trigger for useful nodes like lumber. Will any tool+glyph be able to get the bonus strikes?


    You can also charge it in places like sirens, where bounty doesn't affect pearls

  11. Have some personal opinions (pure open-world pve, NA server). :


    1) pvp and wvw focused responses should be in their respective sections (place the draft skill patch notes in those threads as well)


    2) I noticed that a fair number of cc skills have had animation times increased. Is that casting time? If yes, how is that any kind of good idea for open world pve content? As things stand, there are players who do not know how to cc, and a significant bunch of these either do not read chat (and learn from those willing to teach them) or care. Which means that players who do cc, have to do more to account for their scaling effect.


    3) I noticed some changes that incentivise ranged play. While nobody else cares if someone plays ranged while solo, you have designed various content that penalise the group when individuals range - in fact, the ai prioritises them sometimes. E.g mat. It can get really frustrating


    4) instead of finding ways to penalise elite specs, how about creating different benefits for equipping the 5 core specs into the 3rd slot? I know that works out to 9x5 benefits, but if you think of it another way, it gives opportunity to game design to introduce new mechanics over time (pseudo-elite specs), can be done in batches, affords room for creative ideas, easy to balance as each option is distinct and independent. E.g. The minion spec would give more control over minions. Also, I don't mean complicated benefits, especially at the start. It can be as simple as, for eg. X% poison duration, x bonus condi when tormenting, etcetc


    5) why can't skill balancing be about making more things separately viable, and leaving alone things that work? You don't need to bring something down in order to make another thing viable. It can be as simple as adjusting coefficients if any thing is over powered

  12. for me, it was the reminder in my face that ncsoft can do anything they want as the parent company, and the subsequent leak of brains, and noticeable shift in direction.


    i trusted anet's general customer orientation; i do not trust ncsoft.


    and buying an 'unlimited-duration' item/skin/qol means nothing if the game ceases to have the fresh innovations that it used to generate from time to time. especially since ncsoft can make any unilateral decision that they wish, whenever they want.


    i'm fully aware that it's self-fulfilling.

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