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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. Mmm, I have spent approx 5 times as much cash on gw2 than on all my other mmos combined.

    The reasons are:

    1) no power creep - power creep also tends to go hand-in-hand with p2w, not always but very often

    2) minimal artifical inconveniences

    3) no subscription

    4) no gouging

    (#4 is the most Impt and kinda like the summary of 1-3)


    I find gw2's balance (gold-to-gems, farming needs, default-vs-cash conveniences) just nice.


    I don't know about the average gem-purchaser's player profile, but I would really appreciate if Anet keeps away from that direction.


    {I am in the alts-heavy grp of casual players

    I spend little on cash-heavy games, and I spend absolutely nothing on p2w games.}



  2. (not sure if this should be asked in a different subforum, didnt seem like it)


    does anyone know of any combined summary page for all the events and hearts needed for all the collection, in 1 single page, categorised by map?


    i intend to sweep through pof to complete all my espec collections for my 2nd acc, but wasnt able to find any such existing list.





  3. just a tot....

    the ones who won't have trouble with additional mechanics are usually also the ones who can melt their bosses first.

    and the accompanying statement is also true.

    so, in cases of such uneven distribution of skill, unless the ones who have no problem shift over and are able to compensate for the others' lack, there is a problem.


  4. > @"jasme.3127" said:

    > Round up completed, In canyon jumping I have two bright lights and one dark. Canynon bar full, experience bar 368,808/368,808. I checked all the areas for master points and it says "mastery point earned".


    It kinda sounds more like you misunderstood what the interface shows.


    Mastery points that you obtain go into your 'bank' of available mps.


    When you open up ur mastery page, and u see 3 of the icons (as u mentioned, 2 light + 1dark), what this means is, that canyon jumping (raptor 3rd mastery) alone requires 3 mps in your bank to be spent to obtain it. (the first and second masteries each needed 1 and needed 2 points, respectively).


    The 2 lighted icons are there only to show you how close u are to it, merely mean that u have 2 in ur bank, and have no other significance at all.


    You appear to believe that the mastery points that you earnt have gone into canyon jumping, but that is not true. The Exp has gone into that Exp track (ur 368k/368k), but the mps in your bank are still not committed, nor can they be, because You currently only have 2 free points out of the available 3.



    Also, if you take a look at your core tyria track, you should most likely see something similar to what khisanth was showing you with his screenies.


    To re-emphasize, the lighted icons do not mean what you think it means. You do not have "2 mps in canyon" plus 2 free mps. There is nothing in canyon. You only have 2 free mps. You need 1 more mp

  5. what they cld do (additionally) is for a leg to be invincible+immobile for a short while (say 1min), so ppl have some time to exit combat and make their way there. kinda like casino pinata, but with a longer timeframe for ppl to get there


    u can always say that the leg is being formed by the vinewrath or somesuch explanation

  6. as an update:


    1) bug happens whether im in squad or not

    2) bug happens more often when DR(false positive) might be triggered. BUT today has happened to a char that shouldn't have had DR

    3) wondering if the troublemaker events make it worse. i've been avoiding it them recently, but its hard to test reliably



    anet pls do check if the casino events' event count is either not resetting/decaying properly, overly stringent, or whatever, thanks




    Saw this in the notes

    "Fixed a bug that could prevent the Choya Pinata from dropping Crystal Oasis: Hero's Choice Chests."


    Thanks for working on it, here's hoping it fully solves the problem :)

  7. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > Not saying I agree or disagree but coming at it from an outside view. I think I get OutOfOrders point. If you say that the the total value of the key is just the statue than you equate the extra stuff in the chest to zero. Where as everyone else is saying the extra stuff is extra. But in some cases that still means zero. And as a key gambler there is quite a bit that is worthless. Hence OOO's point with sticking with the current pattern that to buy something directly it should be more expensive. I like the example of the value meal above, except when you break it down, to buy a value meal in components, it would actually cost you more if you bought them separately, which to me more matches OutOfOrder's point. So again not siding in on a price side, already said, allow people to sell them on TP and that will solve it since the price will settle on the actual value over time.


    You misunderstand why ppl were reacting to ooo's original opinion. If he had said that statuettes should be priced the same as a key, many ppl would not have responded to him. Its the part of his original (and subsequent) statement where he said that each statuette could/should be more expensive than a key that got reactions.


    To reiterate the meal analogy, what he was suggesting/demanding was that, if the meal costs $5, the burger alone should be priced at $5 (makes sense up to this point) or more than $5 (??? Here). In fact, he did later say at one point that the burger alone should cost more than if you bought the complete meal.


    "But if ANET were to offer black lion statuettes to be bought by everyone, I would want them to be more expensive than a regular black lion key."

  8. i haven't taken note of the squad bit, but iirc im usually in a squad for taxi... not sure tho. also, just did pinata again (4hrs after the previous failed run, where i got everything except the hero chest), and got it this time.


    in which direction would being in a squad affect it? will take note of it from now on.


    also did a survey of abt 20-40 ppl while waiting for pinata, 4 of whom replied that they had experienced such an issue at least once recently

  9. k, i just used a char that normally doesn't do anything in CO, and she didn't get the chest too (only the chest, got everything else)...



    is there any possibility that the reset is by 24hr instead of daily reset?

    or 2nd possibility, that DR also tracks by launcher/ip?


    and yea, i do agree that even if it was related to DR, this seems like a false positive, and it would be good if anet could remove this false positive


  10. quite sure i did enuff dmg. that char is sufficiently geared, and started hitting rite from the start.


    _shldnt_ be DR since casino is the only thing i do in CO (and core pof maps), once a day, unless... the event count decay is really long or does not dissipate on logging off that char..... i hope, rite?


    on the other hand, in the same game-day 4hrs later, my lvl 50 char logged in to a pinata that was almost dying, and i managed to hit it with raptor and an auto... and i got the hero chest...



  11. i want mount (and other) skins not because others will look at them, but because i like the skin - provided i like the skin.


    i pay (for the skins) a price that i feel is subjectively commensurate to my enjoyment in using the skin - which is heavily contingent on continued development of content (that appeals to me) for me to use the skins in.


    i am willing to pay, only because i like the game, the developers' passion for the game, their demonstrated, applied genius, and their account-based free-to-apply cash shop design


    provided all these continue, i'm okay with continuing to buy skins.

  12. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > So you want Arenanet to divert time and resources in ways that could involve massive changes to game code to accommodate your minor inconvenience? What about the next persons minor inconvenience? What about my minor inconveniences? Do you not see the problem with every single player demanding Arenanet do this or that for every minor inconvenience they have in the game? The argument is literally "I'm being forced to see things on my screen I don't want to see and I'm slightly upset about it, something needs to change" and you don't see how that makes this argument the entitled and selfish one as pointed out by yourself with the dictionary definitions?


    Your argument, couched as such, sounds reasonable, but it hinges on your subjective assumption that this is a minor inconvenience. For a group of players, it is not. Unlike the hummingbird (which gave some players motion sickness or something like that), the skyscale has a much larger wingspan, and the only way to avoid it is to go out of its visual reach. This becomes increasingly difficult and inconvenient the more such low-hovers there are, in wb and meta areas.


    The skyscale is a nice mount, mechanically. A lot of work and passion went into it. But skyscale+humanity= an unintended dizzying and visually disruptive experience for some Anet customers. This thread (and its 2 sister threads) are feedback cum requests to Anet to bypass this issue without affecting other players directly. As a business, it is Anet's role to take into consideration player feedback and requests, and weigh their validities, and decide and assess their response and priority. And a fluid customer base will likewise respond accordingly.


    These feedbacks also provide potential references for future game development directions.



    Btw. A critical component of selfishness is the conscious disregard for other people. Within the first few posts of this thread, I believe things are quite clear.



    Anyway, as you like. My priority is to add my support to others who have the same opinion, for Anet's consideration or shelving. I'm not interested in convincing you.

  13. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > > > I was checking a dictionary

    > > > >

    > > > > entitled

    > > > > /ɪnˈtʌɪt(ə)ld/

    > > > > adjective

    > > > > believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

    > > > >

    > > > > selfish adjective

    > > > > self·​ish | \ ˈsel-fish \

    > > > > Definition of selfish

    > > > > 1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

    > > > > 2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > P. S. I too am requesting for the option to turn off the flapping of other skyscales on my screen.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > So you are self-identifying as entitled and selfish? Not sure if that was the point you were trying to make, but that is what has happened.....

    > >

    > > Lol well its all about perspective. I think it is clear.


    > It is all about perspective, but in this case people who are utilizing content provided by arenanet exactly as its intended ie "riding their mounts" aren't telling you what you can and can't do. However, in the reverse case, people are attempting to tell others what they can and can't do with the mounts provided to them by Arenanet due to some small inconvenience on their end. If Anet purposely put mounts in the game then why do you feel justified dictating to others when and where they can use their mounts?


    In the preceding post, I wrote this:

    "P. S. I too am requesting for the option to turn off the flapping of other skyscales on my screen."


    To which your response is this:

    "why do you feel justified dictating to others when and where they can use their mounts?"





    With regards to your previous and current posts, are you claiming that Anet intended for ppl to low-hover and disrupt the gaming experience of others?


    More imptly, the request that I am supporting:

    That player A, who is bothered by the flapping wings of player B++ who has parked himself in the midst of a bunch of other players, get an option to hide the flapping and dust animations of player B++. Player B can continue to do whatever he wants with his mount




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