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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. > @"CriminalMind.4379" said:

    > Is Lily of the Elon Permanent Pass worth paying the extra $20+?


    Personally, I would never buy the deluxe package at the regular price. The only things that are useful to me are the lily (passes are 1k normally, max discount at 600) and the char slot (800 normally, 560ish on discount) so that's 1160-1800 gems worth of things that i would personally pay gems for. Which is not usd25. I did buy deluxe when it was 50% off that one time, cos the 2 items is worth ~1000gems for me for sure.


    But since I intended to buy 4k gems, which is 50usd, the ultimate became a sure-buy for me. I'm fairly sure the deluxe is priced this way to make the ultimate far more palatable for a particular segment of customers.

  2. > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > >Your current idea is, cmiiw, to have an additional crouch key to combine with the directional keys right?


    > No. The function of crouch-moving would function like 'walk' does as a hotkey, the only difference being your character crouches down and moves stealthily (so no, walking is _not_ the same concept/system), and when you move in any direction _after_ pressing the 'crouch-move' hotkey to crouch down, either through your mouse, your arrow keys, or your Q W E S keys, **then** is when your character moves while in a crouched position.


    > With that being said in mind, pressing the crouch-move hotkey again would make your character stand back up again and be able to run.


    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > My idea of how it can be implemented is that:

    > >1) walk mode is the current system, no difference


    > Except there _is_ a difference between 'walking' while standing up **vs.** moving while crouched down. They are two different movement types, one to move at normal speed in an upright position, and one to move around stealthily. I really don't know where you get the idea the two systems are exactly the same.


    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > >2) kneel mode is modified so that directional keys (without need for any additional key-press) would automatically send you into crouch-movement.


    > 'Crouch-move' has to be a hotkey. If Anet were to modify 'Kneel mode' to automatically send your character into crouch-move position through any of the directional keys only when your character is in kneeling position (as you suggest), how are you going to get your character out of its crouch-move position if there is no hotkey to do so? Your idea would always keep a player's character in crouch-move position while kneeling soon as they press one of those directional keys.


    > Furthermore, if my idea is implemented to allow players to run/move around while in 'Kneel mode' (mind you, with temporarily disabled skills), those directional keys at that point _will_ serve a purpose, in which case players using those directional keys to run/move around may not want to automatically go into a crouch-move position. Again, that is why 'crouch-move' needs to be a hotkey to prevent that issue.


    > Overall, I believe you are complicating the idea with a method that is impractical for explained reasons above. The concept in the OP is simple.


    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > >And on thinking abt it, I am thinking it might be something to consider, making crouch-moving for >x sec to disable kneel mode.


    > That is a terrible idea. If the function of crouch-moving is implemented, whether your character is a Deadeye Theif (remember, my updated OP suggests this function be for any Class), players should be able to crouch-move whenever they want without 'disabling' anything. The idea here is to makes these ways of moving around work together smoothly, aka, crouch-moving stealthily or running while in 'Kneel mode' when using a rifle.


    > The only skills that should be disabled for balance purposes is all skills _except_ Skill 5 to break out of 'Kneel mode', because it is required. If Anet were to disable 'Kneel mode' upon crouch-moving for _x_ seconds, all that is going to do is force players to stay in 'Kneel mode' until _x_ seconds are up, and that is _not_ a good idea at all.



    To clarify:

    1) I do not see the purpose of crouch movement to be given to any class other than thief, or for any other future stealth-concept-type class, both for game mechanics and concept. However, thieves already have stealth skills (and stealth-break attacks). The game currently does not seem able to utilise such a mechanic the way fps games do


    2) when I said walk-mode, I actually meant the normal default run mode, and I am also referring to the current existing system of kneel-off. I am talking about when kneel is toggled off, ie no change to this portion. You are responding to something that I am not saying


    3) in my idea, crouch-move ends immediately on release of direction key, as stated in my first post


    4) I am not adamant on whether the change would allow a deadeye to

    kneel>run without weaponskills>rekneel


    kneel>crouch-move >rekneel

    I do favor the 2nd, for gameplay and logic reasons. And I don't mean both being available - if crouch-move becomes the mechanic, then you cannot run at all while kneel mode is active.

    If you want to run, you must toggle skill 5 off.


    To put it another way, I am against the idea of kneel>run>kneel for concept reasons. Kneel>crouch>kneel is a balance between retaining some gameplay cost/penalty of remaining in kneel mode permanently, and providing a crippled form of non-dodge movement for short movements.


    5) the time limit for crouch movement before kneel stance becomes toggled off (compulsory) is both a limit on continuous crouch movement and a potential convenience - if you need to crouch-move for that long, chances are you may need to run for gameplay reasons. Crouch-move, as I conceive it, is mainly for short adjustments of positions, usually due to boss movement, or to shift out of an aoe without wasting a full dodge. Alternatively, I am also OK with crouch-move transiting to normal run after x sec, to return to kneeling upon release of movement keys.


    6) my idea is a single idea. It does not make sense for you to evaluate individual elements of my idea within your idea. My idea was previously a variant of your original idea, but NOT a variant of your updated idea.


    7) Vincent's idea from 1 Yr ago is probably somewhere between your updated idea and mine


    8) if you respond, I will read it, but I am unlikely to reply



  3. > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:


    Oh, apologies, I wasn't specific enough. It was actually a single idea on how it can be implemented.


    Your current idea is, cmiiw, to have an additional crouch key to combine with the directional keys right?


    My idea of how it can be implemented is that:

    1) walk mode is the current system, no difference

    2) kneel mode is modified so that directional keys (without need for any additional key-press) would automatically send you into crouch-movement


    AFAIK, the arrow keys serve no function right now when in kneel mode, so this would avoid us needing to have 1more keybind+press


    And on thinking abt it, I am thinking it might be something to consider, making crouch-moving for >x sec to disable kneel mode.


    Personally (and out of point), i do wonder why it is kneeling and not half-kneeling. Kneeling isn't a very stable pose for a rifle, and bad on the knees, plus bad mobility. A half-kneel allows ur elbow to brace on a support. And crouch movement and dodging would make much more sense from-and-to a half-kneel.

  4. would like to request for a progress counter...


    would also like to suggest that, in addition to making the tokens storage-able for future iterations, make them like the slivers, so that u can double click the stack to convert 100 pcs to 1 big token which is also storage-able (i didnt want to start a new topic for this, don't think there's any current thread to post this in)

  5. The participation condition probably shld be reworked. Individual rewards should be scaled/tiered to per completed blitz by each player (definitely not per boss by each player)


    Majority of players who do not blitz other than for dailies - which would be the majority of players - will just tag 1 round over the event period and never go back again, for the off-chance that the goal is met.


    Those who do the event do it for fun, as a meta-event, and not for the rewards. As it is, at certain time periods, there is a single lfg waiting on people to join, because there's only 3 people in each team, and other times there isn't any lfg at all.





  6. ow.... i tot i had just become slow or clumsy at it ... but now i know its not just me...


    switching mounts quickly was so fun, not just a QOL (but definitely a big QOL). Like, i would switch mount right at the edge of something without breaking pace, and that made traveling more fun, timing ur changes to the changing landscape.


    please bring it back. its not like it breaks anything.

  7. The timer is more or less fixed at :09 actually, give or take a few sec. The chopper, on the other hand, does not have a fixed timer, except that the earliest it can spawn is after the camp was defended or recaptured, which is also slightly after mat spawns.


    If you defend the camp on time, like others said, mat will be weakened, which is a very good thing for BOTH the campers and the capturers, why? Because if the zerg is there from time 0, you will be fighting matriarch for 10min. If the zerg gives the campers that precious 30sec headstart, you only need to scratch the last 30% or so


    If you start capturing after :09 when mat spawns, then it is likely a waste of your time, and you should use that time capturing pat's or one of the others.


    Basically, if you didn't camp and don't know the other way up, defend the rally point.


    (And mat 100% with zerg is usually more troublesome than frogs, based on my experience)

  8. Some tots:


    1) rewards could be given in reward track format

    2) to combo with and encourage map completion, exp that every repping member gets is duplicated for the guild's total map exp counter, to count towards the total, for example. Total is scaled for each type of map

    3) allow guild to select maps (out of a pool of 3 random core, 1 hot, 1 pof, 1 lw3, 1 lw4 etc)

    4) world boss train

    5) option of small/med/large goals that a guild can select from, to scale for number of interested partiea

    6) guild reward can either be for materials for specific queued upgrades (direct deposit into guild storage), or select a guild upgrade for cumulated progress



  9. I think it's better if Anet sticks to no-deaths...


    They tried having (meaningless) deaths in the personal story and all, it got so predictable and predictably meaningless, I don't know why you think a 'main' char death would be any better. It's just not their forte, and so it's better for them to not try - plain is better than contrived. And I am OK with it. If I want story, I'll just selectively read books and watch anime/movies.


    Let them focus on what they're good at (the game itself)


    Opinions may differ, but I actually thought the deaths of npcs like geraint, charti, karacule in dragon nest were actually well-written for an mmo, though repetitively and predictably dark. The key difference, I think, was the fleshing out of each char, each was distinct, was given individual opinions and dissent, personality.


    The problem with many gw2 npcs is, they are mostly hi-and-bye, the interaction is quite flat, most of them are 1d stereotypes... Its like, the things that they get upset or emotional about is just so childish and simple.


    Its also possible that there needs to be (good) bgm, and the dialogue should not be so spaced out in timing


    Until this is fixed, please, no more silly deaths

  10. just got the beetle, quite like the handling and the way momentum was brought into it, all the deflecting of off gentler slopes and everything, the speed, the balance with other mounts. cos of the speed and handling, it requires slightly more focus too, for me


    it seems to have great potential for new chars to explore new maps and unlock wps


    liked it


    though perhaps a way to speed up the endurance gain would be good, such as if u go down a slope, which would speed up the endu gain

  11. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


    > HoT: Gliding 2-3, Itzel 1, Exalted 1, Nuhoch2 After that Gliding 5, Itzel 3-4, Nuhoc 4.



    Reg hot, think anyone who intends to do ab or ds metas could consider inserting exalted 2 after Nuhoch2, and gliding 6 is a possible option before Nuhoch3?

  12. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:




    Rather than a global chat channel, what I have in mind is more along the lines of making it easier for people to get into specific less-mainstream activities, including chatting about various subjects.


    Want to role play as whatevers? Join the squad chat if interested. Want to talk politics with other like-minded ppl - or argue with others? Do it in the squad chat rather than in LA.


    -It HAS to be infrequent enough so that people won't be spammed with LA chatter, and will be willing to leave it in their main chatbox

    -it HAS to be gated behind some kind of account investment, so that bots aren't able to advertise, and people have to be afraid of losing the privilege of posting anything on this chat

    -I am advocating using the squad function (as opposed to a dedicated chat channel) precisely to prevent people from sitting in an active playing squad while chatting unproductively on a separate chat channel

    -u can already get reported for breaking ToS when speaking on map chat, so the rules can always be appropriately more stringent over here

    -I have in mind a purchasable upgrade that requires certain prereqs (as mentioned earlier), that can only be purchased once per acc, during which the npc will inform u of the extra restrictions governing said channel



    This global chat channel is not for the actual chatter, but to help people find the right places and the right like-minded people for it (and give others the peace that they want)



  13. How about a world chat channel (divided by game mode) where only invested accounts (either by mastery level, comm tag, acc age/play hours, etc) can post a msg once/twice every x hours, and people can sqjoin on the poster? 3 warnings for inappropriate msgs and the acc is perm revoked from calling out


    That is one way to call for and gather like-minded people, whether to do in game activity, facet for griffon, chat about topic xyx using squad chat, whatever they want?


    The lfg system is great and all, but still lacking in several ways, because AFAIK there's no direct key bind to open lfg directly, doesn't save ur last view, and if you are looking for several different content and there's nothing there every time you check, or there's no one joining on you for long stretches of time, etcetc, especially for rarer activities like exploration of content, story, uncommon event chains for collections etc


    So, when a player is bored for example, he can then turn on his world chat channel and watch for any group content that catches his eye

  14. Would be sad (and I hope unlikely) if it was a single mastery. It feels more in line with the base mounts than griff.


    If the pattern remains

    3rd would probably be something related to travel distance for the mount action, mebbe greater turbo

    4th would be to share 1st with other mounts


    Wondering if:

    i) chance for attacks to be glancing

    ii) enhanced damage to structures with skill1

  15. My guess is it'll be handled like the living world packages - by prorating?


    Though I'm also guessing that we might have to wait for each package to rotate back in, as they might not have made the equivalent versions yet. Guessing they would have also probably prioritised kourna adoption licenses, featuring lots of beetles, since this is the best time to strike

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