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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. Mebbe a slow acceleration but higher max speed, poor turn control, with no jump movement while moving and a turbo acceleration space bar, attack is a kb stun?


    If its flat movement is fast, could be cool on the td roads, zipping past the chak


    It doesn't seem exceptionally fast tho, from the video. Feels more like another alternative to raptor/jackal for traveling flattish terrain


    Wonder what its 4th mastery will be

  2. Fav by map design: the snow maps and the hot maps - intricate, detailed, sculpted with love. Hot was lovingly made by deranged genius(es). Though to be sure, a lot of the core maps were beautifully designed


    Least Fav by map design: pof maps (some areas feel like a cop-out). Tbh, hot maps feel more designed for mounted exploration than pof, especially when u get the griff


    Fav by map beauty: snow maps (serene beauty)

    Least Fav by map beauty: the barren desert maps





  3. When I use my lvl30 to kill krait in caledon, my mount does not 1hit-ko, only around 50-80%


    I have also seen people automatically tagging and moving on in normal mobs (those same krait)


    Also, I was trying to tag a caledon escort event on foot, and there were people there who were 1-shotting groups of new-spawns with weapon skills (this was already the case before pof)


    Some people are going to be selfish - whether with mounts or without.


    Suggestion? Anet create a non-corruptible buff for dynamic events - ideally triggered only on daily-days though this is unlikely - which reduces mount damage? Or an area debuff on players to reduce mount damage? Sounds troublesome to implement though, but it can be limited to the starter zones

  4. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I'm reading through everyone's complaints here, and honestly don't get it.

    > Yes, it was hard, but was 'practice makes perfect' kind of hard.


    i don't pretend to know how hard it is for those struggling with it, but i don't think you are helping them by putting it this way ... some ppl really aren't built for this somehow, and they have been doing it for hours


    like, i know for sure that there are ppl who get it on their 2nd try, and possibly even on the 1st try. ppl are just built differently

  5. Just one more point to note:


    I have seen L80 players (most likely meta zerk) come in and (repeatedly) mass-wipe event mobs in newbie maps, before and during pof, so nerfing mount damage isn't a complete longterm fix. Best is a full divorce.


    As for removing mount skills in newbie areas... The issue is inconsiderate ppl during event dailies, so could we have a targeted fix, and not remove our qol thanks. I want to be able to mount-pull/stun during non-dailies when no one is around, thank you very much

  6. Iirc, you can also jump onto the middle table and any other obstacle, and throw from there, saves a little bit of time and won't get obstructed, plus you will be in the middle. Don't panic-throw while he is moving, and if you don't lock target (I did not), aim the aoe so that he is at the corner of it, and that even if he started moving while you threw, you still have a good chance to hit (don't panic throw)


    I've done it 3 times (once was in test server)


    The sense I've gotten from mapchats and guildchats, though, was that either you find it easy or crazy-hard... If you find it crazyhard, just move on - you play games for leisure, not to aggravate yourself. If you are stuck on mps, try asking on map for mesmers to port you on gated mps


    P. S. I never tried it before, but wondering if a party mate can swift u while u are doing it?

  7. > @"Oni.4912" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > And to home instance, mebbe, to snowball fight with the cats?


    > Like the Profession cats, just instead of the pounce skill it would be throw snowballs? Or like the Catmander Cats with old tom as the lead?



    oh there's another bunch of cats that pick up and throw a snowball at each other. you can even pick up their snowball too. i only have 2 of them tho, so i don't know if more snowballs will spawn with the number of cats.... and i can't hit them...

  8. I'm thinking specific items (mainly eye effects) might be more easily achievable within the current system...?


    Headpieces are currently set to splat on certain portions of the head, but most of them (the bare-face ones) leave the face alone rite? So if an additional layer was to be created to apply to the base face alone, sounds plausible


    Just nothing dangly


    But priority-wise... Unlikely



    P. S. I am inferring that the Op didn't mean MUST-must

  9. Can preview windows be made to _universally_ follow your current displayed look:

    - hat vs no hat

    - outfit vs armor


    i find it annoying when trying to preview the following:

    - viewing outfits in the gem shop, but the hats are always shown (99% of hats are ugly. or i am hat-phobic. when i see the hat, it really distracts me from the main part)

    - changing backpack skin when char is using an outfit (as far as i can tell, you auto-default to viewing ur armor+backpack, even if you are displaying an outfit)



    of cos, best would be to make the toggle in the preview window itself. but current displayed look would be fine



    also, is there any setting that allows us to toggle high quality for our own char, and medium/low for others? i asked in-game but the folks in the same map at that time said no

  10. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > U pay 300g to lead a 50man squad, place squad markers, appoint lieuts, do ready checks, make squad broadcasts, shift people into subs quads, kick nuisances, lend credibility to your taxis, and people are more inclined to listen to you because of your 300g decoration.

    > >

    > > A 10man squad is free. Please don't overstate the freebie benefits of a mentor tag for lightweight content where there are no comms around.

    > >

    > > Since we are on about the true purpose of a mentor tag, can you elaborate on how a true mentor would not benefit from being able to communicate better with up to 9 other people in a 10man squad, especially with the advent of mounts, such that a grouping would be more spread out?


    > You talk as if Anet didn’t intend its current behaviour.

    > Anet intended its use to Mentor via Mapchat/Saychat. That’s why it’s free, and can’t be used to form squads, and can’t be used in WvW.

    > “The tag and badge will make it easier for Guild Wars 2 players who take pride in helping others to reach out.”

    > By allowing new players to see you and they then know they can message/talk to you about anything ingame and get an answer. That’s the point.



    You aren't using a mentor tag to form a small squad, but using a mentor tag while in a small squad. How does that Anet quote answer my question of why someone who chooses to mentor say 5-9 ppl to do some event must not be allowed to be part of the 10man squad? Why do you limit mentoring solely to being a Q&A light bulb?


    What is it to you if someone who was mentoring a content used a mentor tag to guide a 10man squad? “The tag and badge will make it easier for Guild Wars 2 players who take pride in helping others to reach out.” isn't a mentor leading a small team of new players to do a content part of reaching out?


    How would allowing a mentor tag to be used in a 10er even affect you, or the exclusive prestige of a comm tag.



    Like you said, forget it, back to the OT, which was already answered.

  11. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > Gets worse by the fact everyone can unlock it once they got an expansion, ppl just spamming apples.


    > That's why I want Anet to make Mentor Tag invisible (visible to party members) or much smaller on the map


    I haven't really encountered this apple-spamming issue myself, except for when the 1-2 hot meta-chain guilds have their tag-party finale in AB.



    The most common use of mentor tags that I've seen is non-comm players helping to mark locations of activities (event chains, bounties, escorts, coffee skritts, jp porters, etc), most of which I feel fall within or are closely associated to the stated purpose of the mentor concept. Most of the time, you just need a rally point for players. The mentor tag is a pragmatic qol that should be left alone in this regard, imo

  12. U pay 300g to lead a 50man squad, place squad markers, appoint lieuts, do ready checks, make squad broadcasts, shift people into subs quads, kick nuisances, lend credibility to your taxis, and people are more inclined to listen to you because of your 300g decoration.


    A 10man squad is free. Please don't overstate the freebie benefits of a mentor tag for lightweight content where there are no comms around.


    Since we are on about the true purpose of a mentor tag, can you elaborate on how a true mentor would not benefit from being able to communicate better with up to 9 other people in a 10man squad, especially with the advent of mounts, such that a grouping would be more spread out?

  13. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > What they should do is allow mentor tag in a 10man squad


    > That’s not what the Mentor tag is for.


    I mean that you can field a mentor tag while being in a squad, as a mobile map marker, as a visual marker for the squad to follow, while still being able to communicate with a 10person squad.


    I'm assuming you don't mean that the mentor tag is meant to indicate that someone is mentoring, because it is rarely used in that way.


    Besides, being able to run the mentor tag actually *does* help a bona fide mentor in mentoring up to 9 others in the squad.


    Btw, to elaborate on my earlier post, I said 'allow', because you cannot be part of a squad and still hold a mentor tag. This is annoying when spearheading a small hp train or event train or even a bounty train.


    Do you have any reason for objecting to mentors being part of a 5man party but not a 10man squad?

  14. Just wanna clarify why I personally ask for no (real) rewards:


    i) 20man training run meant more for getting a feel of the mechanics, and for volunteer raid trainers to be more effective in terms of beneficiaries/timespent (p.s. I would also have liked to see 10-20man no reward frac option)

    ii) this is only meant for orientation and practice, and like someone else mentioned elsewhere, that you can practice on ANY boss

    iii) nothing else should be changed, because if more effort was needed, Anet is far more unlikely to consider this

    iv) meant to discourage non-serious players from joining, because certain types would NOT join if there were no rewards. The learning experience is the reward

    v) was never meant to be repeatable content, but only as a no-stakes conducive learning environment

    vi) I have no problem with it getting guild-missions-level reward, which no one would object to

    vii) no rewards, to circumvent the most common objection from raiders, that this is like some easy route to same rewards.


    Free individual respawn would be good too.

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