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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. It could also be encounter-specific event-phase specific actions to add flavour to metas and bosses. Of cos, open-world function(limited) would be great


    For eg, mounted-harpoons could fire harpoons to apply dragging-cc. This is a variation of the hydra-leashing in crys oasis. Harpoon fire could be LoS, targeted like Oakheart essence. Cc effect would be tied to distance moved (after tethering), and movement speed. Possible functions include skimmers trying to drag an adversary to within range of ground cannons, griffins dragging a dragon to within range of ground, bunnies causing launch effect on ground boss.


    Mounted Spears, imbued with essence of Aurene, to have extended reach (ie a lance), with damage being tied to movement speed. Most optimised with griffon power dive (launch from airship) or speeded beetle (for specific encounters, asura engineers will lay out asura tech race treks to help skillful beetlers reach full acceleration), med scale with bunny cannonballspike from a higher altitude, lower scale with raptor/jackal and skimmer. Damage for raptor spear would be at the moment of fastest horizontal speed. Bonus scale-piercing using our Aurene-blessed dragon lances. Could make for a really majestic scene I think, with a team of diving griffons on a dragon


    Mounted tridents might be a bit boring, perhaps just long range magical support on an animal that can carry heavier cannon (I dun really care about this one)


    The bloodstone blasting gliding skills could also be made use of in certain encounters, on airborne enemies, such a wasted mechanic


    P. S. Only tried the new shatterer once as a ground troop, heard that there's some Griffin special there, haven't had the chance to try


    P. P. S like lances, you aren't supposed to crash ur Mount into the target. If u smash into a dragon at high speed, u die.

  2. Yep, you can think of it as saving transmute charges. A better way to put it would be, freedom to swap skins freely without having to worry about running out of charges.


    Where I'm coming from:

    I have 18 playables, I have 18 purchased outfits (8 before, 10 thru the voucher), and 13 gemshop back pieces (3 before, 10 thru voucher), and the content that I play does not give charges. Also, the only way I know of to preview a back piece with outfit without outfit helm might be via the bank interface, though I'm not at home right now and can't check to confirm. Under the status quo, I try to use my charges sparingly, since my main source is via monthly rewards.


    How Anet might benefit, in a limited fashion, to a segment of their clientèle:

    Selling point for gemshop backpieces


    As a customer, I started buying outfits precisely because of its freely-swappable nature (I am a lazy person). I held back from buying back pieces (and other stuff) because the idea of transmutation charges really irks me. IF there are other customers like me, this might make cash skins more enticing to such players.


    I do not know how easy or difficult it might be to make such a change, should Anet consider it worth trying to change. That's why I'm making this request, for their consideration.




    (It makes sense to me that all gemshop skins should be free-to-apply, since we already pay for it. Free-to-apply is also an alternative, might be easier to implement, but destroys the original skin)




    P.s. Lol, if they make the breathers into just skins, damn... I'm currently working on breathers, progress@12/18chars...

  3. Any chance that the backpack skin slot could receive an outfit/mountfit/glider-type interface for purchased backpack skins? In-game skins can continue to be transmuted


    This is to keep it in line with the outfits, so they can all be swapped around freely for matching purposes


    (Putting aside the unknown ease/difficulty of coding this in)



    i.e. the backpack will have its own skin, and can be transmuted, while a toggle allows the gemshop skins to override their looks, just like outfits override normal armors



  4. It seems small-minded to assume that pegacorns (and pegabicorns) do not exist somewhere in the vastness of the mists tho. And a pegacorn could conceivably leave behind a trail of mists of water droplets (skimmers fart all the time too) which can give the visual effect of rainbows, so a rainbow-fart pegacorn is totally plausible in our world.


    And tho we do not have horses on tyria in the current era, we could always have pegagrifficorns. Griffon breeds already come with many types of heads. It really just takes one bored deity to craft one.




    (And if I have to put up with that 2k peacock thing)

  5. > @"Rococo.8347" said:

    > Im assuming they wont be defunct after the 4th and will be cycled in to the gem store in the 'big' sales, with new items offered.


    > Does anyone know if the voucher prices for the glider and backpack/glider combo are competitive with the usual sale prices for those items?


    in general, its

    1pc: 10% off

    5pc: 30%

    10pc: 50%


    the exception is glider-only's, which are normally sold in a range of 400/500gems, but for discount calculation purposes are counted as 400gems


    don't recall seeing 50% off for normal sales periods, or if it was 50%, its prolly one of those, that er, the average player might start being tempted to buy at 70% off.

    i've only played for arnd 500 days, 25-30% is the usual discount amount

  6. I think the issue is, guilds are basically a staple of most mmos. And guild function developments are already so dead that there's no staff in charge of its development/maintenance any more. And guild functions are mostly trivial - it is unlikely to even be a pull factor that a pof-only player would consider getting hot for. Instead, it is a push-factor annoyance for someone in that category.


    It is silly to gate guild amenity access behind 1 expansion, and this should obviously be changed to the level of paid-player benefits, such as core masteries, full tp access, etc.


    It is more likely that they feel it is not worth the effort to make the change, feeling no pressure about it.




    (I have 2 accs with both expansions and lily, and my sub acc has no access to guildhall, since I feel bad about a sub joining any guild other than my personal storage guild)

  7. > @"GenghisKhan.7842" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > No one has said they don't want what you've asked for. The problem is what you originally said is you want a PvE version of WvW (which, as discussed, we've pretty much already got), but based on your latest post it sounds like what you actually want doesn't function like WvW at all, so no one understood your actual request.

    > >

    > >

    > > Oh... I've only looked around in the waiting area of wvw, so all that I know comes from my friend's description, and mostly regarding the siege mechanics, my bad

    > >

    > > Should I unclose this and edit the first post then? Not asking you to endorse it, just your opinion


    > So you open a forum thread asking to replicate mechanics from WvW to PvE, and you've actually never set foot in WvW ?

    > LOL, no offense, but LOL


    lol well, a mistake is a mistake, no excuses

  8. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > No one has said they don't want what you've asked for. The problem is what you originally said is you want a PvE version of WvW (which, as discussed, we've pretty much already got), but based on your latest post it sounds like what you actually want doesn't function like WvW at all, so no one understood your actual request.



    Oh... I've only looked around in the waiting area of wvw, so all that I know comes from my friend's description, and mostly regarding the siege mechanics, my bad



  9. Silverwaste isn't quite the closest match to what I'm vaguely hoping for, at least, not the sw meta.


    A closer match might be:

    1) ds' Lane progress style and checkpoints

    2) utility of turrets/ballista/catapults like in teq, but also utilised by the enemy ai. Like the role that stalkers play in that guild challenge of defend the barrel. Maybe manual setting of mine fields

    3) a network structure of outposts like vb

    4) a supply chain system, that depends on retaining control of a chain of forts (a teleport system like in SL might be good),with buildable ai defenses to buy time for response teams to arrive. Somewhat like toypocalypse.

    5) mounts enabled

    6) layered map might be good (not to the extent of td)

    7) enemies come in cohesive squads, like doric white mantle, forged teams, but in formations etc, assaulting randomised areas, along with specials like thornhearts and chanpions

    8) mobs come as a zerg, not in waves, or timed encounters. Like in the core maps, or is ds, they travel




    But nvm then, no one else wants it

    Thanks for the replies and suggestions tho. Sw in its current form is too structured and defensive for me

  10. Is it possible to create/adapt some pve meta content with the existing combat mechanics in wvw? I am referring specifically to the mechanics of war machines and castles/keeps, that kind of stuff. It could make for a nice guild activity, or even for multiple guilds, with dynamic ai events and stuff fighting back. It might be a little bit like vb's meta, tho not as fragmented as vb.


    You can use any of the baddies as the ai enemy, whether awakened, branded, blabla. Also, making the ai events more easily adjustable (by Anet) so that things can be balanced/tweaked. Using existing maps like core maps.


    If the system is designed to be malleable, it could be copy-pasted into any new base maps easily


    There might be valid concern that this might affect the wvw population, but the upcoming wvw system rework should help with providing enough population for wvw servers? The people who are drawn to proper wvw against human players prolly overlap little with those drawn to metas. Its like dota pvp vs dota against bots


    (I am allergic to all pvp-content, and I'm terrible at them)


    P. S. I want to play WvE

  11. I have another related question, which is probably equally or more inportant imo


    Will new releases eventually be retired to the vendor? And how regularly?


    Cos I can see how the current system with current vendor offerings would be very good for Anet in the short term, and so-so in the medium term. But.


    Edit: 1 more question, is there any planned changes to the outfit/weapon/glider teams?

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