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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > My personal requests to anet

    > >

    > > 1) hide the skyscale mastery till we obtain it and can pump it - so we can continue getting shards while slowly doing the collections. As many ppl have requested for here

    > > 2) create a 'rental' npc that works like in ur recent race update, that allows remounting while in the same map, but for free. You can require ppl to complete stage 1 or 2 or whatever before using this.

    > > 3) allow players to start gaining/lvling the mastery upon completion of the 1st collection.


    > Or just give us the mount after the first step of the collection, the one with the 61 items fetch quest. The rest of the collection can be an ascended gear piece or even a unique skin for the skygated i mean skyscale, that would have a matching set for the other mounts on the gem store. Even if they delay the final reward while they are working at it.



    > Anyway, all I know, is at this point is not even worth doing the collection anymore, I just stopped playing the game completely and had a terrible experience with this whole debacle, including with toxic players that insist in calling an opinion "crying". Congratulations on making something that actually makes you wanna stop playing the game Anet, /gg.


    It's not that I disagree with you (I am just as miffed as almost-everyone), I just know that, pragmatically speaking, that kind of change will not happen. Hence, I am suggesting workarounds/compromises that require minimal (I am guessing) modifications on their part, that can be rushed out easily as a hotfix(es) based on pre-existing mechanics in-game. IF Anet is willing to change it at this stage to give us the basic mount after 1-2 collections, by all means, I'd be 4 times as happy as you.


    The key thing is that, Anet previously had grindy optional stuff, and casual stuff, so different groups of players with differing needs did not have competing interests. But now, multiple different groups of players are impacted by this. That's the rationale behind my suggestions, to mitigate/nullify the side-effects without impacting on those who like it, and without negating anet staff 's efforts.


    In contrast, I have the combined sentient thingy, and the henge, and I got that totally at my own pace, whenever I felt like it. BUT I would have been damned pissed if I were required to complete it before getting shards from hot content - tho I don't really use shards.

  2. My personal requests to anet


    1) hide the skyscale mastery till we obtain it and can pump it - so we can continue getting shards while slowly doing the collections. As many ppl have requested for here

    2) create a 'rental' npc that works like in ur recent race update, that allows remounting while in the same map, but for free. You can require ppl to complete stage 1 or 2 or whatever before using this.

    3) allow players to start gaining/lvling the mastery upon completion of the 1st collection.

  3. 1) remove confirmation window when applying glyph to tool. When swapping a glyph from shared slot, the replaced glyph goes to that original shared slot

    2) set lfg window to remember last checked section - this can be limited to within map/login session

    3) set toggle in preview window (and char creation page) to show actual look and color based on current map's settings. The preview window is really different from in-game

    4) remove the locking of hot adventures

    5) make the spawn of leg champs in SW fixed - eg X min after hitting the final tier of security but not conflicting with other event timings. If you wish, tie their individual spawns to the def level of the specific outposts

    6) place launch pads in vb that can only be used during night defense, for quick travel within each camp's 4 defense points. Similar design with teq. Single reward so ppl dun tag and run

    7) in the auto-attack, give the toggle option to make the stage more obvious as we cycle through, either 123 or color coded. The final attack is always strongest, but some old ppl like me might have trouble distinguishing it. Especially in a messy fight where you cant even see your animations, your sprite or your cursor.

    8) please, toggle option to make cursor very obvious without needing an add-on

    9) option to adjust transparency of other players and graphics in big fights, so you can see what the boss is doing

    10) use X trans charges to change a skin to free-to-apply from wardrobe

    11) vastly speed up the refining speed of basic mats that require mass-refining

    12) increase stack size of common junk mats

    13) view inventory in char selection page

    14) create additional skin slots per item slot, that work similarly to outfits, that still require trans charges to apply, but is applied to char rather than to item, to switch back and forth at will. Can cost more to change, like 2-3 per slot. First column of skin slots is free, more can be purchased. Or something.

    15) allow holo Smith in holo mode to pick up bundles. I know that this is to prevent holos from abusing bundles to turn off their holo mode (and get the buff for exit). Picking up the bundle will not cause holo to exit mode. There's only 1 bundle that Im thinking of actually, the fragment in solid ocean. Any fix that targets that is fine. For eg, into a special action key. It is sad to enter holo mode, get targeted, and having to dodge jade maw's attack and waste the chance to charge the fragment. Or get downed if you mistime your dodge. Plus teammates might get annoyed













  4. Think most ppl (including myself) dun really care about this event being multimapped because 5x0=0, but we gotta remember that this is the pioneer event of this series, and that they might make it non-0 in future.


    If that were the case, I do think multi-map should be discouraged, simply because the rewards for an event will be balanced based on avg loot per player (multi and non-multi, and this is impt) , and with plausibly improved revamped rewards, it would mean that players who cannot and/or do not wish to multi are effectively penalised.


    Nothing to do with social class or spending power or equal 'rights' , there's just no reason for a game event meant for enjoyment to be less fun for a significant group of people. And anyone in that disadvantaged group is likely to not enjoy the disadvantage.


    I get that ppl like to farm multimaps, but that can be restricted to content intended for outright farming. What's wrong with just relaxing on a world boss chain on single instances while getting (improved) bonus rewards? They removed the multimaps meteor farming too, rather quickly, back then. Ah, that was nice money...

  5. Yea. You always need some kinda midtier reward (that people actually want), that would draw them to diverge from their daily routine (in-game and real-life).


    You might drop things like ascended rings and trinkets, ascended mats, statuette fragments, etc, put ascended chests in the rare category, create some seasonal-event currency for redeeming whatevers, etc etc. As long as it is calibrated to be competitive with other sources of rewards - with the added bonus of an if-only-haha super-rare drop.


    World bosses are time-consuming (tho many are due to you needing to enter beforehand to get a viable instance). And most world bosses have no drops.



    P. S. Not every char type likes rng, many char types like some kinda assured payoff. The best is to cater rewards to both groups simultaneously.


    Take teq for e.g., an assured 2g, bunch of minor loot, chance for asc chest (feels like a 0.5-2% chance mebbe, at the overall rate of ~2 reported drops per teq map), for 25min of time. You go in not really expecting any chests, but are assured of 2g + change

    Take shatterer as contrast. You get 1silver + small change. Wtf is that.

  6. You could also consider (for future reference) learning the first point in every espec tree, because those unlock the respective espec collection. Nothing beats accidentally getting parts of a collection while running around doing other stuff in the area, adventures, doing dailies etc



  7. Might be good for searching for stuff hidden in cliffs. Eg vb, td. It would certainly be easier than when you glide past something like a hp and one of anet's beloved nooks and crannies while searching for it, and gotta go way back up again.



    What I dislike is the weird leg paddling... It feels too exaggerated and un-dragonlike...




  8. They don't have to make existing backpacks dyeable (they can do it over time if they are willing), but they can work on making future ones dyeable.


    In the same way that there are skins that cannot be dyed (radiant gloves etc), and others with fewer dye channels.


    1 plausible way is to code in a toggle skin - like outfits - that will override the look of the backpack. They were able to code in outfits as a 4th armor weight, and were able to code in the additional interface for mounts and dyeing, which sound like similar tasks, so I find it plausible that such an approach might work.


    Also, there aren't that many backpacks in game (excluding the profession ones and some others). I think there's around 15-ish existing cash backpacks, and arnd 5 unique models via in-game achvs, and then lw ones? Like, the hawk has around 4 variants (grey gold macaw and love), as well as the big white/black wings. If they are willing, they can do those over time, if a reasonably doable way to change the current system is available



    Oh, and because there is always that one main driving force, freeing potential customers from being limited to default colors may make hesitant customers more willing to buy them

  9. It's possible that the next premium 2k mount skin will be sky claw


    Was the same with the armadillo iirc? Which makes more sense for them too. A premium skyclaw is likely to have higher potential for sales, if such a premium mount is intended. If so, they will delay any pleb skins so the prem is in the spotlight

  10. A bit concerned, because its not stated if all rewards in 80zones will be changed to unids. For eg, ab grand chests always drop 1 bag that we can open on a diff char, in addition to the fixed 80s gear which will clearly be changed to unids.


    From what was said, it sounds like all 80 zones' gears and possibly bags will be streamlined to unids. Would this affect the current bags that are dropped? Because these are a major source of lower tier mats... If this source gets removed (bags that drop in 80 zones), and not just the normal gear that drop, that would be unpleasant


    Not sure if I missed an answer to this, apologies if I did.



    Nonetheless, ty to the team for working on qol issues, even if there are new drawbacks.


    (like, I appreciated that someone was working on the BFF brazier animation old content, even though it ended up being blinding when you are mounted. It's the tot that counts)


  11. Has anyone offered a reason why it would be independently bad to make the warclaw decent in pve? As in, moves at a decent but lower speed, so ppl who opt to will receive a slight speed penalty (vs raptor/jackal)


    I am referring to a direct negative effect that other ppl having such a choice would have on you.


    I dun wvw, so I'm not likely to get it, but I don't see how it's any of my biz if the kitten gets a decent but lesser speed for those who like the skin. Like, what's the big deal that some ppl seem to making out of this.


    (this is separate from ideas for giving the warclaw a pve utility niche)

  12. When a company earns money, they

    1) pay their overheads

    2) pay taxes (well, wherever this is in the sequence)

    3) allocate funds for continued development

    4) allocate funds for other investments

    5) pay dividends


    When a consumer buys an expansion, he pays for finished product that he consumes.


    When a consumer buys acc upgrades and cosmetics, he is paying with the assumption that the company WILL keep the game alive for him to enjoy his 'investments' in future enjoyment. If the game were to end in 1 month, an endless extractor, endless shared slot upgrade, salvage, char slot, outfit etc, has the value of the lifespan of 1 month.


    And what a consumer would consider fair value for a cosmetic/etc naturally factors in the expected lifespan of a game. And when consumers purchase, some do so with the understanding that they are paying real money for digital bits of no intrinsic value to keep their game running.


    So IF a company starts skimping on game support/development to work on a side project, thus suggests a company policy that the game's end is near enough to not merit further serious development.


    A consumer has no way of verifying the truth via normal means, as to whether there was skimping on game development, whether the end has already been projected for within 1-2 years, what the company's true intentions are regarding the game.


    Some consumers will consider 10usd a fair price for a digital costume; some consider it fair only with the understanding that they are sustaining the game's viability.


    I am in the 2nd grp.


    there is absolutely nothing wrong with apportioning proceeds to develop new products. The only problem is if this is at the intentionally concealed cost to the core product.


    And as consumers, we do not have any right to dictate policy to the company; We do have a right to adjust our expenditure in response to their policy; the company adjusts policy in response to consumer needs.


  13. There's one thing you should factor in tho, content population. A number of Lw4 maps aren't meant for repeated content, so if there isn't enough people buying the episode, the content may die off even earlier due to low pop.


    As for pricing, the current price per ala carte EP is 200gems, so 2.50usd.


    Well... There's a modification that would probably work (the sales model already exists in game), but I would rather use my cash-bought gems for cosmetics, not lw episodes.


    Tho, don't forget that while lw episodes don't directly generate profit, they are an integral component for why some players continue to buy things from the cash shop.


    It might seem like only the cosmetics team and expansions team (if there's one) make money, but without all the support teams' (eg the tickets and programming and bugs teams) hard work, the game is dead.

  14. Actually, everything depends on what ncsoft has planned for the next 1-3-5 years:

    1) this is the start of the eventual winding up of gw2, and they intend to layoff more staff gradually as projects finish

    2) they are forcing Anet to drop all side projects (non-gw2) and focus on gw2 with the right number of staff, and they intend to keep the franchise running


    It really has nothing to do with what Anet intends, and the hard work of their developers and various staff.


    Anet's statement's phrasing is vague because of their choice of words, and lack of commitment beyond the next year.


    And Ncsoft has said nothing. And it is their words that is most crucial. (though they are not bound to their words)


    I believe that a gw2 expansion fully qualifies as an unnanounced project, and that the promise of unaffected, continued service of gw2 does not include either a future expansion or lw6.



    Edit: not forgetting that staff morale will tank, as will their corporate loyalty to their employer, ncsoft (not Anet)

  15. if u ever get arnd to upgrading to asc armors on a tight budget, get the top and pants. the rest has really low significance.


    also, the e-specs give some account-bound non-soulbound exo gear that you can play around with freely, and transfer away when done.


    (that's after getting trinkets and weapons btw, like everyone else has said. if you dun have lw3ep3, consider saving and buying this with gems/gold - that one alone settles 1 acc, 1 back, 2 rings)

  16. It is effectively untrue that the dead do not scale up a boss, because depending on my profession, in a group of 5, I can do around 1/3 of the required cc. In a sea of corpses, matriarch's cc bar clearly does not scale back down in time. Wping may cause the scaling to update sooner. If anything, the corpses won't build up.


    But I think I was not clear enough about the purpose. People do not respawn (when boss is not likely to die in the next 30sec to 1min) because they are cheap and/or lazy. If they are forced to respawn anyway (because the game prevents them from being rezzed), then they are more likely to wp, and wait at the overlook to loot when the boss is killed.


    I am totally fine with them getting free loot for little effort, as long as they don't cause the fight to drag for 3-8 extra minutes.


    Rez meaning being rubbed back to life. I am against introducing the raid mechanic into open world casual content (where dead people can't be rezzed AND can no longer rejoin)



    Though if the scaling was more quickly updated (dead people no longer scale the cc bar), I'm also OK with the status quo.

  17. What if player corpses become completely unrubbable and no longer scale up bosses' hps and cc bars after a certain time has passed?


    unrubbable because you don't want people to intentionally suicide as a strategy


    this could be limited to areas with dynamic scaling

    call it decomposition or something



    also, the boss' corpse-chest should not disappear if he/she dies while someone wp to respawn


    I'm thinking of matriarch fights where 90% have Corpse as their elite spec, the remaining 10% are scratching her to death, and cc is impossible.

    like, one of the most ridiculous fights i've been in was when 2 people have to finish her last 15% of hp, with around 25 corpses around. that's just selfish, and selfishness breeds like rabbits

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