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Posts posted by casualkenny.9817

  1. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Are people really serious when they complain about bright flashy stuff and motion sickness while on mounts? May be some settings like turn of postprossing and sharers down a bit will help with flashy stuff


    Yes, serious. Post-off, low settings, filtered specs.


    It is specifically pof era stuff causing the problem. Flashy garbage in istan at night, volatile magic flash in thk. Cannot be disabled.

    Sheer stupid design that they haven't acknowledged. It is headache-inducing for some people.

  2. Would like to know how you guys interpete aurene's final glance at us (I tot that bit was really well done, to capture emotions in that single backward glance)


    Personally, I felt it conveyed foreknowledge, resigned determination, a certain sense of farewell, a wish to say something important.


    I think that penultimate moment suggested that Aurene was already emotionally prepared for it, but for hers (and glint's) reason, had not shared it with anyone.


    I'm guessing a trojan horse ploy, and I'm guessing that we will never see Aurene again as Aurene.


    Edit: ah... I rewatched it on YouTube and yea I got the sequence wrong lol...

  3. i really loved the map design, beautiful (k, im partial to snow areas and really dislike desert-themed barren maps. but more than that, i appreciate the love poured into the intricate details of the map, from the cavernous forge, light-meta feels, the little caverns here and there, the art and architecture. one of the reasons i got into gw2 was the (psychotic but) passionate love that went into the crafting of maps, and i do feel that here. there was no artificial contrived mixture of terrains. of cos, im not fond of the brand landscape, but thats okayish.


    (i did like sandswept too, but it wasnt as vast and vertical as this one)


    but, please, give an option to reduce the flash from collecting volatile magic. the flash from unbound was okay, but the volatile is terrible. especially in lower lighting

  4. prefer names that match the char's looks and race/class in my mind.


    all females except for the charr:


    **furries** ( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

    Grumpa Grizzles: CharrWarrior: went for the grizzly grandpa charr look

    Roedremm Ardentwink CharrRevenant: from Mordrem + VerdantBrink, cos rytlock's entrance into the 1st part of HOT story inspired his birth. and cos the idea of a charr with an ardent wink

    Kai Bloodreaver CharrWarrior: Alt-acc spam-phase char. blood-river/reaver


    **Drunks** ( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

    Irudi Tessellae NornEngineer: (image) + tessellations holosmith. was meant to be an asura but i couldnt settle on a look

    Zarya Soulforge NornEngineer: Sol-forge

    Veshoyar NornElementalist: my first char when i wasnt serious abt the game, and a free-player. went for the tribalish 6-pack mage look


    **Veggies **( i find the sprite options very limited... so didnt make many)

    Titiura Oakshield SylvariGuardian: a veggie guardian

    Mesmeeri Dreamsong SylvariMesmer: looks-based

    Borealia Harpweaver SylvariRanger: was meant to be a longbow boreals veggie druid. but i cant play druids. she was meant to be my 2nd storage char

    Cerulei Whisperwind SylvariMesmer: Blue-themed. Alt-acc spam-phase character



    Sithiche Tashara AsuraRevenant: went for a playful fairy-look

    Munchi Cerealkiller AsuraGuardian: well.... she's an asura.

    The Echo of Silence AsuraThief: was intended to be an asura deadeye (but i dont enjoy deadeye, so now she's a staff daredevil)

    Lorelei Lops Ears AsuraNecro: a lop-earred asura, but the true meaning is one who lops off people's ears. comes with deranged ratty look

    Peurile Dysfunction AsuraMesmer: asura mirage. the basis of the name shld be obvious

    Ashari Sevenfeet AsuraGuardian: cos asura have this line that sounds like "i am 6-foot tall" on might. Alt-acc.

    Tara Quiche AsuraThief: Rata Quiche. Alt-acc, spam-phase character



    **Vanilla Humans**

    Vesorin HumanRanger: my second char when i wasnt serious abt the game, and a free-player

    Syeni Dawnstar: HumanWarrior: divinity's reach. then i saw 2 other dawnstar's running arnd.

    Sessa the Unslaked HumanNecro: an innocent-looking lady (with off-kilter eyes if you look closely), a reaper of life force

    Lyra Iceheart HumanWarrior: looks-based. im actually very happy that i had a char that can wear that freebie sunspear outfit

    Requiem of the Veil HumanRevenant: inspire by the veil piercer skin, and requiem of souls

    Erimentha Silverfal HumanGuardian: (determined protector) + silvered rain. was meant to be a norn, but couldnt find a look i liked

    Sarissa Silverfal HumanGuardian: Alt-acc, no meaning

    Veiled Adder Verosa HumanThief: VeilAdder is an anagram for daredevil. she is a viper-geared twin-dagger daredevil

    Lyrika Wovenheart HumanElementalist: 4-stringed Lyre + Weaver + captain planet

    Phases of the Moon HumanThief: looks-based (surreal porcelain-look), spam-phase character

    Velvetia Windloft HumanElementalist: no meaning, spam-phase character

    Aira Springleaf HumanRanger: no meaning, spam-phase character

    Miria Dreamwaltz HumanMesmer: no meaning, spam-phase character

    Ysil Skydance HumanRevenant: Alt-acc, no meaning

    Sareitha Chilling HumanNecro: Alt-acc. cos necros have chill attacks




  5. If you ever intend to get the elite spec collections of hot, u will need exalt5 (it is otherwise useless)


    leyline is a potential convenience in ds, bsf, potentially useful in other lw3 maps.


    I personally seldom find adrenal mushrooms close enough to the content to be useful. If it had been a durational alacrity buff, or if it were like sirens landing's siren thingy which you can trigger when u want to, then potentially. But if I was fighting stuff, I'm not gonna stop fighting and jog to an adrenal in any team content, if there was even any nearby


    P. S. If you havent done the lw3 mastery line yet, then those are also stuff there that you may find more useful, than some of those.

  6. Think the fact that it even drops for 1 person at a time is silly. And sounds unintended (I hope). This needs to be fixed, or if intended it needs to be redesigned.


    I was killing it for 20min+ with another viper player {and 2 others who were silent} and we had no drops at all for the last 5min (the first 15m was basically other people getting the plate). The other guy hypothesised that it might be something stupid like, it doesn't count if killed by condi ticks. Anyway both of us timed out.


    It may also be that, for some chars, it drops, but due to some glitch, you can't see it. This is in response to someone else saying in this thread that if you get bugged in that room, it will always be bugged unless you change instance.



  7. i just learnt something today, which is what the north and south boat and hill positions refer to.


    why is it even arranged that way? to be exact, i'm referring to the naming convention.


    why not just have the eastern side be referred to as the hills (north and south), and the western side be referred to as the boats (north and south)???


    There are bigass boats on the western side, and the eastern side as a whole hill. Isn't it neater that way?


    how on earth are those little bumps in the ground hills?

  8. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > i do wonder if the following is palatable to players:

    > >

    > > that all future armor and outfit skins use a common 5th char model (i.e. cannot be matched with older skins). and that all armor classes can use these skins

    > >

    > > yes, the idea of not being able to match parts to older skins is horrible to many, but in the much longer term, this may be better

    > >

    > >


    > What you're describing is basically Town Clothes, which was scrapped in favor of Outfits. I believe the argument was that having cuts at predefined places limits their creative freedom.


    > Currently Outfits consist of a headpiece and the rest. You can tell because the headpiece can be hidden seperately. I believe it would be easy to allow us to mix and match the headpieces. UI would look something like this:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/AxV5Lao.png "")


    > - Hiding the headpiece reveals the armor's headpiece.

    > - Hiding both the headpiece and the armor's headpiece shows no headpiece at all.

    > - Hiding the outfit reveals the armor.


    > This enables players to use:

    > - Any outfit with any outfit's headpiece

    > - Any armour with any outfit's headpiece

    > - Any outfit with any armour's headpiece

    > - Any armour with any armour's headpiece



    oh, i do think that's already relatively easy for them to implement (they just aren't willing), since the head-section for all armor weights are probably chopped off equally


    what i was addressing was their explanation **(if i understand it correctly)** as to why it would be very difficult to split the outfits.


    because when they first designed the game, each armor weight (heavy med light) used a different model with different attachment points between each armor piece and the character sprite. hence, we can't mix and match between the weights, since the attachment points would clash. outfits used a 4th model, and so cannot mesh with the 3 main armor weights, even if they cut the outfits into parts. also, the outfits up to date probably were not designed to be able to split into convenient parts. but i do think that that difficulty applies more to the torso+pants than to the periphery parts (which are also the parts that ppl tend to dislike most). in fact, if i wasn't allowed to hide the head gear of outfits, i would definitely not have bought most of mine.


    i.e. make a clean cut from making weight-restricted armor skins completely. that way, any class can mix and match any armor pieces. in the long run, we get far more variety


    an even better subsequent step (but very unlikely), partner with the community to let them adjust the attachment points for the old skins for anet for free, to make them all forward-compatible


    alternatively, design the new armor weight to not have overlap with all 4 existing skins, so that all new skins are backwards-compatible

  9. i do wonder if the following is palatable to players:


    that all future armor and outfit skins use a common 5th char model (i.e. cannot be matched with older skins). and that all armor classes can use these skins


    yes, the idea of not being able to match parts to older skins is horrible to many, but in the much longer term, this may be better



  10. deaths in gw2 are formulaic. if you read novels where significant chars die, the difference is clear.


    im guessing that the first time they did it, they did it naturally. then they tot it was a good plot device for conveying the horrors and losses of war, and voila.


    im not saying deaths are bad. im saying deaths done badly are terrible.


    i really liked tonn, i think his char design and voice actor was great. when he said he would detonate the charges, i said goodbye. when gretchen said she would defend the entrance even if it cost her life, i said goodbye. when that pilot crashlanded, and we went to save her, and on finding her pistol some npc said that was a sign she was still alive, i lol'ed. when vlast died soon after i met him (i only just found out yesterday that gw1 players knew who he was), i was thinking "typical"


    on the other hand, when forgal died, i tot it did fit the flow. the overall sense of the story does not have a pressing sense of doom and failure - hence the usually-unnecessary (i mean contrived) deaths of ppl u just met are very meh. for a death to mean anything emotionally, you cant leave it as a cardboard cutout. you have to invest in its development first.

  11. For brisban race at least, I think the interval is:


    10min race

    15min of nothingness

    2min for the registration window



    Prolly same for the rest?


    I'm willing to stake 4 coppers on it



    What I'd like is:

    1) some way to check race schedules

    2) ppl doing challenges should be notified when the registration is up

    3a) timer for the nothingness and for remaining race duration when near the race start area

    3b) even better, a toggleable option for showing race timers at the notif area

  12. 7. It's a daily.



    I mean, teq gives 2g and a weeny (but decent) chance of ascended chest, plus much salvage. Other world bosses give 2c.


    Theres other things to do that have differing degrees of fun and u still earn something while doing them. And, no, I abhor farming istan and lab



    (ya I know they actually give 50copper, plus a bit of salvage, but it doesn't fit the sentence well)

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