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Posts posted by kodesh.2851

  1. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


    > Yeah I'm really starting to question this "CCs deal no damage" thing. It's... wrong on so many levels.


    > Cutting CC skill damage by 50% would have been adequate. Having all of these skills dealing 0 damage is just weird man. Not sure it's going to feel good in application. They really need to test server this patch before release.


    I agree, look no further than Rampage for proof. I know it's still "better" than other elites but it just feels off and I don't like using it anymore.

  2. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"kodesh.2851" said:

    > > -Harmonious Conduit - should apply more stacks of stab and/or pulse stab. As-is it's just enough to make the overload an okay stun-break but you usually need to "cover" overloads with other skills to have a chance at completing, especially if there's a necro around cause it WILL get corrupted.

    > I'd rather see Stability, alongside with Resistance, to be **removed** from the corruption table.

    > The amount of CC and condition application is too disgustingly high to justify these two being corruptible.



    I agree with this, stab should just get removed not turned into a control effect, and imho chilled makes no sense for resist to corrupt to. It would make more sense to corrupt to vulnerability (if it must be on the table) and would still make resist worth corrupting but wouldn't totally shut you down. Right now the corruption on stab/resist makes them more of a liability vs. good necs as you hand them free fear/chill procs.

  3. > @"Stallic.2397" said:

    > Dagger/Focus lightning Rod is pretty fun for Pvp. It can't carry a bad team like some of the Meta builds (ex. Fire Weaver) but it's a great duelist.


    > If perfected you can become a great sidenoder or team fighter. Works well with a duo.


    Second, I play D/F Lightning Rod Tempest and it's funnnn

  4. I may be in the minority but I really like tempest and the feel of overloads. Only a few things I would love to see tweaked to bring it up to level with some other specs:


    -Harmonious Conduit - should apply more stacks of stab and/or pulse stab. As-is it's just enough to make the overload an okay stun-break but you usually need to "cover" overloads with other skills to have a chance at completing, especially if there's a necro around cause it WILL get corrupted.

    -Channeling/canceling overloads - I think the increased attune CD should only happen if the overload completes successfully. I'd also reduce the channel times from 4 seconds to 2.5-3 seconds.

    -Aura application - IMO It would be nice if it was at the beginning and not end of the overload.

    -Overload Water - Add a pulsing (low) damage effect and chill enemies in your path, bubble briefly dazes enemies when it "pops" at the end of the overload.

    -Overload Earth - Make the final dust storm effect larger and pbaoe on the caster

    -Overload Fire - Make the cast time the same as other overloads (currently says it's 4 but is actually ~4.5)

    -Overload Air - Increase # of enemy targets back to 5 from 3.


    That's about it imo, some minor tweaks that would really help tempest viability in pvp without a major re-work or making anything stoopid OP.


  5. > @"thepolishman.2348" said:

    > With the upcoming balance patch in mind, could Anet finally take a look at ele elites? Aside from the weaver elite, they all suck. FGS needs to be on a shorter counter. Ele summons should be permanent. Also, let the melee summons (i.e. earth and water summons) use their abilities out of combat. Make rebound skill last longer than 5 seconds (at least 10-15 seconds), or increase the heal it gives upon killing blow, or give the aura automatically when the skill is activated rather than only if the killing blow is not received. No clue how tornado could be fixed, but its a kitten elite as well. Maybe replace it with something new and actually useful?


    > Any of these things would help core and tempest while avoiding buffing weaver, which is already in a good spot.


    Second. I like all of these suggestions. All of the elites are SO spec specific and situational I often don't even pop them in a match or just use them for some mobility then drop FGS or nado when I'm safely away. The only one I actually find impactful is Tornado but only when specced with Air/Lightning Rod and even then it's clunky and hard to use effectively without blowing a bunch of other CDs first to support it.

  6. I love the new daredevil changes, including swipe. You have plenty of other ways to engage, the unblockable is SUPER good during a fight. I don't miss the range much, every once in a while when I'm chasing a runner it's annoying when they are juuuuust outside of it I wish it was at least 900 but meh, given the choice between core steal and current swipe I prefer swipe.

  7. they probably don't count barrier because it often doesn't get used, counting only the portion that absorbed damage might be cumbersome. Mostly it's probably because it was added later on and adding it in would be very low priority. I believe decaps already are counted as offense. I almost always get top offense on thi and it's almost all decaps.

  8. I agree, playing around with the new berserker feels very clunky, regardless which other trees I spec I always feel adren starved. Axe/Axe with axe master gives me just enough but then holeee glass. I also don't like feeling like I have to wait to use my rage skills until in berserk to make berserk last as long as possible because I probly won't have enough adren to pop it again even when it comes off that long cd. Maybe I'm just not used to it yet, but I also dislike the new arc divider... feels like the animation takes forever and I'm a sitting duck.


    > > DELETE AMULETS. Let everyone pick two primary and two secondary stats. EZ.


    > And let sentinels and cleric effectively back in the game? Let Dire and Trailblazer become a thing? Yeah no thanks.


    I mean certain combos could be locked out, but yeah I'd like every option available.



    > I haven’t tried this trait out yet, my only concern would be the consistency of getting full malice for stealth as that’s so helpful! But trying short bow sounds good, I have the inquest mark 2 rifle skin that I’m quite attached to lol!



    Ahh that's the nice thing, you can still stealth at 5 malice, even when you have 7 max from maleficent seven :) It's still a touch choice though, the burst on be quick or be killed is hard to pass up.

  11. > @"glennypenny.9625" said:

    > > @"kodesh.2851" said:

    > > I think DE can replace acro for a SD build quite well.


    > It seems fairly good with mercy like you said and if you can about face and know the spacing of rifle 4 you’re more mobile than most classes!


    True! and shortbow is definately an option depending on comp. I like sbow when I see lots of scrappers and guards and wars and things that like to spam block. Rifle when it's a more squishy team. Very flexible build actually, DA, Trickery, DE. Most of the weapon sets are pretty decent with it, pistol whip and unload spam are scary with mercy to reset initiative/steal and all the quickness from Be quick or be Killed. Maleficent Seven is pretty awesome with Sword/Dagger/sbow, by the time you've used up your initiative with sword2/3 or sbow 4 on your mark, you hit 7 malice and get it all back.



    > But you also loose a lot for taking runes of speed.


    I like the vitality and find I don't miss the extra damage stats. Turns reaper into an amazing +1, roamer, swooper.


    > And it won't give enough mobility to outplay other classes, only if you are smarter than the opponent player. But then you can also play another rune.


    > Also getting boon removed or corrupted makes you loose your whole mobility.


    I also take walk and warhorn, I've never had a problem with my swift getting stripped and not being able to reapply. I also take curses instead of spite, so I tend to out-corrupt other necros on my power build with weakening shroud, path of corruption etc. The mobility is only one part of being able to kite and outplay. I prefer spectral grasp over wurm to control fight positioning. It's great pulling 3 ppl off a capture point into nightfall -> reaper shroud (6 boons corrupted, 2 condi xfered, blind/weakness applied before you do any other attacks).


    > Even with runes of speed you won't be able to have better matchups against classes with a lot of mobility (looking at ranger and thief here).


    > I'm currently playing a pretty tanky build on reaper with fireworks rune. Yes the boons can be removed as well, but you won't loose the movespeed even while not having swiftness. And it lets me outplay people as well.


    Ahh, I'm talking conquest here. No fireworks rune available in pvp. There's so many other options for wvw I have no idea what I'd pick there on reaper.


    > Also moving faster than your supports in groupplax can be very annoying for the supports, as they will not hit you with their abilities pretty often.



    again, in conquest not an issue, it's actually really nice being able to beat feet TO your support if they are stuck off point fighting a rev or something and can't get to you.




  13. The FT scrapper build is great, but come on FT 1 is super situational. It's okay cleave, don't have to target, and hits through obsticals. But it's short range mehhh damage, punishing to use with all the retaliation everywhere. You use the kit for the pulsing stab and the extra KB mostly, it's a fun but pretty underwhelming kit.

  14. Making off-meta builds is my hobby, probly why I still play gw2 lol. Thing is what makes it fun for us build tinkerers is precicely that the builds aren't plastered everywhere, that you can still surprise people by playing something different. Also once I make something and test it out, I kind of mentally archive the build and go on to making something new. Then when someone in map or team asks if "anyone has a good build for XYZ..." I usually have something to offer and it's fun teaching my weird build to someone, then slowly see it catch on and fight against it in matches.


    Basically the best place to ask/look imo is while playing pvp. Ask around, watch people play and ask about their build, peek at builds in dueling servers. Come up with a few builds of your own and test them. I do have kind of a methodology for making builds, which I'm sure is not unique either. I'll get an idea around a trait, or rune, or ability or whatever, and lookup everything that interacts with it, and test the various combos. Might stacking hybrid core necro with aristocracy runes? cool lets try it... Infinite initiative poison pistol thief? Suuuure. You will make a lot of trash builds, as I obviously still do lol, but when you find something weird that works surprisingly well, it's just super fun.

  15. Mes main since release, ignore OP he's just whining. The nerfs are fine, mes is still strong. Chrono burst is ridic, mirage is still nasty, core is even viable when played well. Other things are more OP now and could use scaling back, but overall I actually like this meta. I feel like I can play pretty much any prof and have multiple build options. Why is it bad that you can build most profs into a variety of roles? That was core to the original vision of the game. I don't want to HAVE to play 1-2 profs if I want to be tanky, and 1-2 other profs if I want burst. Sure the powercreep and instagibs and stealth spams get annoying, but that's just what happens when people have been playing a game like this for so long and have figured out all the cheeziest combos. All part of the fun.

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