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Posts posted by kodesh.2851

  1. Welcome to pvp :)

    Best advice I can give is to ignore the salt, try to learn something from each loss or death, practice your 1v1's on war, and look at the map often. Oh, and rampage early, rampage often xD

  2. I think DE can replace acro for a SD build quite well. It plays very similar, you have less dodges/endurance but WAY more initiative, so you can make up the evades with sword 3 and use sword 2 tele more often so you don't need to dodge quite as much. Mercy replaces swindler's equilibrium for steal reset. Improvisation is excellent with DE, you get access to a lot of stealths without investing in additional traits or utilities, which makes up for having to slot your steal reset on mercy vs just having it traited imo. You have perma swift, just not auto applied on dodge so mobility is basically the same as the core build. I prefer it in teamfight because of the excellent Initiative restoration. Choking gas spam is very stronk.


    Oh and talk about daggerstorm spam... Improvisation + Payback and with Mercy slotted... It's gross.


    > I take parasitic contagion over lingering curses. I've swapped between them a lot, but i find the duration increase with lingering curses is largely irrelevant, the AoE on devouring darkness to be largely irrelevant and inconsistant, and the heal to be more valuable than 200 condition damage. Between the vampiric effects from Blood Magic and contagion, i can actually stand a chance against a scrapper and sustain over multiple rotations. You can kill scrappers with codi, but it is really hard.


    Take weakening shroud over either. The auto boon conversion + weakness is a lifesaver. Not that it would have seved you from his burst, and I agree soulbeast damage is way overtuned.

  4. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"kodesh.2851" said:

    > > Ele is fine. Core, tempest and weaver all work well when specced well and played well. Stop trying to play pve spec (water/arcane) in pvp and you'll feel more impactful. Fire is king, pair with arcane for core FA, or air with tempest/weaver.


    > ele is not fine in pvp that's why we have thousands of posts that say otherwise and relatively low levels of ele in pvp, and why there are very little meta builds or many eles competing at higher levels. It goes on and on. Someone bursting down a few new players with a gimmicky burst build with no sustain does not make a good build. Furthermore, ever wonder why Fa players are prone to macroing, and why macroing in a game is so damaging?


    Macroing FA? It's like the easiest rotation but okay, don't doubt ppl do it. All the builds I mentioned have good sustain even core, they can all hang with "meta" builds, not just for popping ze newbs. There's many more meme builds on other profs better for that. I'm all for ele buffs, just pointing out there's LOTS of synergy and viable builds people don't even consider because it's not a water/arcane support build. Fire gives easy 25 might, decent clears. Lighting rod is amazing (esp with tornado). Speed runes make you a kiting king, very slippery. Works with anything from marauder, to avatar to paladin to swashbuckler. Maybe I'll post the builds to metabattle and give eres more choices, let the players rate em. I play everything though, and I'm not a particularly good ele and it feels strong to me.

  5. Ele is fine. Core, tempest and weaver all work well when specced well and played well. Stop trying to play pve spec (water/arcane) in pvp and you'll feel more impactful. Fire is king, pair with arcane for core FA, or air with tempest/weaver.

  6. It's a conveinence. Not everyone is sitting there on the character they plan to play in pvp while in queue. Sometimes I just prefer a certain prof or character on certain maps. Sometimes our comp is bad but would be okay if someone swaps. Sometimes you get the same matchups repeatedly and it's nice to switch profs/tactics a bit.


    > You're not seeing it because you're not getting my point.

    > I'm not okay roaming around, not seeing any enemy, then suddenly get a chunk of my HP torn off.

    > Then I go OH a Deadeye is here.

    > I want to be able to see my foe coming, and react accordingly to defend myself.

    > **Why should I have to lose a chunk of HP without even knowing its coming?**


    Oh you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need

  8. Aoe is your frand. Mirage with axe is going to have poor mobility. Kite away when he goes invis with torch 4 because you know he's trying to setup the axe 3 combo. If you just stay mobile a LOT of his axe attacks will miss and he'll have to blow jaunt/blink to get close. Trick to fighting mirage is making them "run out of steam" before they can land any big damage on you. If you make them blow their dodges and invis and ports trying to catch you, you can turn around and light them up. If you can't spot the mirage hit any clone with lbow 3 to stealth up, then lbow 5 to kill all his clones, order your pet to attack when he goes vis, dep on pet he may need to blow a dodge, try to land lbow 4 -> lbow 2 after your pet eats some of his dodges. If he gets away swap weaps, evade spam with sword, kite clones, look for another opening. Survival skills/traits help a lot for the condi clear. Entangle is great, easy to see the real one when he dodges while immob or ports out.

  9. I don't really like the change but I've gotten used to it. That's basically how I feel about the profession as a whole. I haven't liked much of what they've done with mesmer since they deleted the clone death traits way back with HoT. I'm just now warming up to chrono but that's only because of the new lost time :P

  10. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > Necro has always had gbage mobility. Whether it’s reapers slow gs attacks or its sustain(lack of blocks or invulnerability)nor damage being any higher than most classes I think necro deserves atleast one reliable disengagement ability so it isn’t the sitting duck to kiting etc. Is that asking too much and if not what disengagement skill would u think would suit necro?


    Reaper has amazing mobility if you know where to find it. Runes of Speed + Speed of Shadows trait. Perma 99% swiftness. I take spectral walk and have no problems kiting or disengaging unless totally overwhelmed by multiple player's cc. Even then can often escape ;)

  11. You asked so here it is :) Speed Reaper. Nothing escapes. Kite all day. Passive condi xfer destroys other necros and mirage. Dunks on holo, core guard and wars too (care of rampage :)) I run this in plat 1/2 ranked, it carries teamfights, is a great roamer and +1. It also dominates stronghold and is a good wvw roamer (I don't do much wvw, but was very nice for swooping into the zerg, cleaving stuff and zooming away untouched. Nice for chasing down runners too). Full marauder gives over 100% crit chance so you could def drop some prec for condi or whatever if building for wvw.


    Marauder stats. Runes of speed + speed of shadows trait gives perma 99% swiftness. Open with Nightfall -> Spectral grasp then go to town in reaper shroud. You may be tempted to take spite for the might stacking or blood for the heals over curses THIS IS A MISTAKE. Curses gives hidden sustain with it's condi xfer/corruption and auto weakness application. It makes reaper very hard to stop and gives you a lot of control over the fight with your boon corruption.



  12. As others have pointed out, taking defensive gm traits is hardly no investment. On burn guard for example I'd rather take zeal and eternal armory than monk's focus... But if I do there's no sustain only damage. There's tradeoffs for engi and war too. Only core trends to run might makes right because the disc and def trees are considered mandatory. Wars have basically one tree to play with when making builds. Holo is similarly pidgeon holed.


    I actually think ele has more build options now than most.

  13. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > For anyone who says that these classes need to invest into a defensive trait line, I'll just say that ele needs to invest into water. So ele needs to invest both in defensive traits and into healing power. Either ele heals need to become stronger baseline or everything else needs to be nerfed. Pick one.


    Fire can replace water due to the clear on aura trait, I run speed runes and marauder. You don't need water and healing power on ele anymore.

  14. Thanks for sharing the build. It got me playing with D/D again and it's excellent. A couple changes for spvp made it even better:

    Drop water for fire. Yep! You actually get more clears from auras than water regen application if not taking weaver GM 2. Also you no longer need to blast to keep might up because of pyromancers puissance. You just shred things, it's super fun compared to sword also imo. So much more mobile.


    Better still was core d/d. Air, fire, arcane. Take lightning rod and swiftness runes. Nothing can kite you and you can kite everything. Chain rupts and immobs. It was especially fun vs spellbreakers and scourge, they simply don't expect to be stunlocked by a core ele ;)

  15. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > Would be nice if Lightning Rod functioned like the Mes domination trait.


    > just sayain



    Huh? Lightning rod activates on disable, power block on interrupt. That means you don't actually need to interrupt on ele to trigger lightning rod. It's better than power block in terms of ease of trigger. It can also crit where powerblock can't. What is better about power block other than the increased skill cooldown?

  16. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > We made some changes recently to try to address some of the fps issues. Not sure if they've made it live yet. But as Sind mentioned, depending on your computer, you may need to lower some settings.


    > Not to say that all of the issues are resolved, but it should help some.


    That's cool, but have you guys actually play tested the map in-house? Performance issues aside (I haven't had a prob, but I play on low anyway), the map is NOT fun. It's a design issue. The cap points are simply too close together. It leads to major snowballing and spawn camping and afking. By far my least favorite map. 500-100 games aren't fun even if you're winning. Please get rid of it.

  17. > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > EVERY SINGLE TIME I say that something is poorly designed and needs to be fixed, the person using it unfailingly reminds me of the build I'm running. Because I don't run builds which are representative of pervasive, long-running issues, I fail to see how bring my build up has any bearing on my assessment. If you are one of these people, please stop trying to derail the conversation. You are not the target of my criticism, part of the build you are using is.


    Because your original observation is pointless and they are making you aware of that. What you call broken, are the things I look for. The synergies that others overlook, things that aren't meta but become meta, then inevitably get nerfed while I find new combos. That's the game, for many of us. So, please, posts like yours complaining about player behavior are rather pointless. Please pick a specific profession and/or skill and ask for nerfs on that so we can continue to play the OP spec hunting game :)

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