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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > nah dude, you can climb higher in ladder with mesmer.

    Theres mesmers in high P2 and theres warriors in high P2, thats all I can say.

    >warrior brings nothing, 0

    Warrior would have needed some help in this patch, yes. But some and not much. That its useless is exaggerated. Admit it ! ;)

    > also are you seriously saying weaver bad ?Lightning rod weaver easily only one tier below meta

    I dont say bad. I´ld say not good. Like warrior. This is my honest personal unbiased impression.

    And its of course frustrating for these classes when outliers like holo even get buffed instead of nerfed.

    > ah and that statement "if there's no glyph''

    > Yea if there's no mace, condi rev would be trash too, better buff it man. such argument much wow

    Tempest cant kill anybody, cant decap, cant hold node. No high damage no high sustain. It just gets played (still !) because there is no other

    support class with insta rez glyph. Warrior actually isnt that bad but gets knocked out by holo and rev.

    Devs didnt bring the outliers in line while they let stand warrior in the corner.

    Warrior has the damage to kill opponents, its got its CCs, its very mobile. So thats not the problem.

    The problem is that devs failed in balancing overperforming classes like holo.




  2. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > This is a beneficial bug for the engineer class

    Compared to its other abilities, holo still struggled a bit with incoming projectiles. Fixed now^^

    > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > Don't worry gonna be fixed with alliance patch

    Good luck and have fun fighting holo with your longbow ranger in the meantime :)

  3. > @"Xca.9721" said:

    > helseth did a bronze to legend run solo q on stream, also frostball on his naked rev

    > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > No these are all p out of date. Only person trying to go that now is stunning styles and he’s no where near legend from what I’ve seen

    Helseth is rank 30 on EU with 1700 atm, 56 wins 38 losses. Duo Q on mirage but without Q dodging as far as I have seen.


  4. Ok they nerfed eles sustain to the ground, but well, at least they reworked some useless traits in fire trait line.

    Like "persisting flames" that didnt get played the last five years. Oh wait, its even more useless now lol =)

    >Persisting Flames: This trait no longer grants fury when using a blast finisher with a fire combo field. Instead, this trait will now grant the elementalist an additional 1% >damage for 15 seconds for each target struck with a fire field. This effect stacks up to 10 times.

    This means for example in a 2v2 teamfight, assumed both opponents run over the fire field, ele gets 2% damage for 15 seconds. Wow thats huge^^

    Ummhhh but they also reworked :

    >Power Overwhelming: Reduced requisite might stack threshold from 10 to 8 in PvP and WvW.

    Sounds good ! But wait, isnt this a trait that never was picked by anybody and never wont be picked by anybody ???

    It grants 150 power over the threshold. Other classes have traits like this that grant higher amounts permanent.

    And ele wont have more than 8 might too often anymore in the future because of :

    >Pyromancer's Puissance: In addition to granting might for each ability used while in fire attunement, this trait will now trigger Flame Expulsion when leaving fire >attunement or finishing a fire overload.

    >Flame Expulsion: After a brief delay, the elementalist releases a fiery explosion at their location that removes up to 10 stacks of might from them. Allies are granted might >for 15 seconds based on the amount of might that was removed, while the damage of the explosion is increased by 10% per stack removed.

    Then they nerfed :

    >Primordial Stance: Burning duration has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds, with the PvP and WvW versions remaining at 1.5 seconds. Bleeding duration has been >reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds globally.

    Lol nobody was ever interested in this utillity because of its low damage bleeding duration.

    Last but not least they nerfed burning on weaver sword :

    >Searing Slash: Burning duration of this skill has been reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds.

    Thats 5 months too late dudes. Did nobody tell them that this was an issue before february patch ?

    I havent seen even one fire weaver the entire last season ! But probably they just wanted to make sure that weaver doesnt come up again :)


    I always wanted devs to do more reworks and balance patches, but now I´ld rather see less of them in the future^^

  5. > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

    > Well, fire weaver was able to burn someone down with condi before they even had a reasonable chance to cleanse. Burn guard now does the exact same thing ... and it still >isn't being addressed. >__>


    Some top tiers play burnguard, causing instantly 5k burn damage per tick. That burnguards are currently the only ones who can kill Lord on foefire map alone

    says everything. I ask myself whether devs think thats ok or they dont know that.

    That has to be looked at. 5k burn each tick is a bit much to say it careful.


  6. What runs wrong with ele on example obsidian flesh


    Originally obsidian flesh was 4sec invulnerable with 40 sec CD. It was and is the one and only skill of ele to avoid damage and had a higher value than an ordinary block.

    Now its got 3sec invulnerable with 60sec CD and all skills locked down. As there are no other active defensives, ele is obliged to choose mender amulett only

    and water traitline to keep its survivability. Nerfing obsidian flesh = destroying core eles/tempests build diversity. Only weaver could live without obsidian flesh but

    also isnt in a good shape. Eles build diversity = zero ! ! !

    Obsidian flesh hasnt got high value anymore. Every ordinary block with 30sec CD is ten times more useful !


    Rework proposal (non biased) :

    1) Delete obsidian flesh and give ele a 30 sec CD block.

    2) Nerf or delete soothing mist + healing ripple and give ele some active skillful heal/defense traits to help ele out of this damn boring support role.

    (Why should ele support classes like necro or rev, which have much higher sustain than ele itself ???)

    3) Increase CD for unhealthy glyph of renewal to 120 sec.

    4) Make shocking aura unsharable to allies.

    5) Give core ele some stability (elite trade off) and reduce cast times for certain skills on staff to make it finally viable again.

    6) Rework useless 5 minute traits.


    This is of course just a rough proposal how to rework ele and to bring back its build diversity, but to go more into details doesnt make sense,

    because a rework will never be done anyway. Probably not even the useless 5 minute traits will ever be reworked.




  7. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > What about nerfing overload healing or tempest traits or and utilities

    They did

    Hardy Conduit: Reduced protection duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.

  8. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > They have no idea how ele works and what to do with it.


    > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    >Anytime it has a build that's playable it gets nerfs to things unrelated to that build gutting non-bunker/support builds and build variety in general for ele.

    > Shock aura(when shared) and res signet were the problem.


    > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > What even is the scope of this class at this point?

    Core ele is dead for long time now.

    Weaver is still viable but who is happy to have a weaver in his team ?

    Tempest got pressured into one single role/build which has got the most boring playstyle of all classes ever :

    1) Sharing auras + healing in teamfights

    2) Insta rez with glyph

    3) Cant kill anybody, cant decap, cant hold node

    A pure support and runaway build that makes strong teams stronger but weak teams weaker.

    Its got the tools to escape but hasnt got much sustain and under pressure ele dies pretty fast. And now devs nerf sustain ? Clueless !


    Ele has the most skills of all classes, its got the highest potential of all classes, its one of the hardest to play and now its the most primitive of all classes.

    Ele always was my favourite class but now I am close to be done with it.


    Feels bad to have a PvP department without passion for PvP ! ! !


  9. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    >this kitten kills me in actual games

    you are not the only one ;) I dont even go in 1v1 with holo anymore because most of them kill me, and in the rare cases when I manage to pressure them

    they just escape ezepeze with invulnerable and stealth.

    good holo = you are dead pretty fast

    mediocre holo = you are dead soon

    bad holo = an even and fair fight


    A sure prove that a class/spec is overperforming is when even the bad ones are dangerous !

  10. No match without necros.

    No match without revs,

    No match without holo.

    But where are the promised balance patches and hotfixes ?

    They say it will be coming soon but they dont know when.

    Toxicity is worse than ever before.

    They say gw2 should be a friendly environment but non of these trash talkers ruining PvP does ever get banned.

    Many players dont have fun anymore.

    Lowest player population ever is now the consequence.


    I hope I am wrong but it feels like the beginning of the end.


    (some would also say that theres too much bots/hackers but I didnt see even one on EU)

  11. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > hackers, traders, cheaters, and grievers need to be deleted forever.

    > Let's make pvp great again.

    Players who brake the rules should be excluded. Increasing toxicity is also a problem.

    There have to be consequenzes for these people finally.


  12. > @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

    >i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!

    If there were more people with this attitude, this world would be a better place. Its sad that you leave, I´ve known you for a long time in PvP.

    Many players quit because of all these toxic idiots. Anet would have the power to stop this but no, they just look away. I can understand you.

    >maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

    Home is not a place, its a state, its a feeling. And gw2 combat mechanics still are the best. Maybe you come back one day :)


  13. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > All melee ranged cc's or leap cc's that commit you into melee range should be doing dmg.

    > Also, elite cc's that lost their dmg should have it back.

    I can imagine that warrior mains are dreaming of good old days when even a blind one could kill anyone with rampage :)

    Damage on bulls rush would be also nice right ?

    Hell noooo this is a very bad proposal !



  14. Warrior has enough damage and CCs to kill opponents.

    The real problem of warrior is, that it cant stand condi damage over time. With a little help on this point it will be back.

    I saw Stronlo recently on warrior doing a good performance. Also a nerv on condi rev and holo will help warrior to find its role again.

  15. > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

    >still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer

    Some good mesmer mains are in P2 and I guess some very good ones could be in P3 (but I am not sure about P3 mesmers).

    > @"Lethion.8745" said:

    >How is diversity in PvP?

    Could be better but still highest diversity since years. Its ok I would say. Up to P2 you will see all classes/specs and some of them even with various builds.

    P3 and higher theres a bit less diversity (warrior? mesmer?)

    > @"Lethion.8745" said:

    >are you happy with the state of PvP in general. If not, what is the main problem for you? I skimmed through the topics but naturally people only complains in such forums >which generally makes the situation seem worse than it actually is

    Community is a bit frustrated atm because devs started good work on balance, promised frequent balance patches, but now nothing happens anymore.

    Its like always, devs do something but then dont bring it consequently to an end.

    Main issues are condi rev sustain and holo damage. But actually the state of balance isnt that bad. Its good enough to have fun :)

    Some players might see this different but for most of them fun is just connected with beeing successful and when they arent they dont have fun.

    PvP would need more effort and passion by our devs but all in all I would say its ok. I have fun playing PvP !

    Check it out^^


  16. > @"skillze.7689" said:

    > if you play like an ape why would someone treat you like a human ?, btw i not saying its the correct attitude but its a fair point

    ^this statement is so stupid that it hurts !

    Compared to Rank 55 Dragons the whole PvP community could be considered to be bad players then and not worth to be treated like humans.

    Great, so lets all bash each other then^^


  17. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > If you dont play pvp in order to encounter toxicity, then idk why you do so.

    > Its the last piece of fun that left in this game B)

    Toxicity doesnt make me laugh. I have a different idea of having fun.

    Wouldnt it be more fun if people treated each other respectful ? Making real good jokes and laughing together about really funny things ?

    Some people are spreading good mood and some are spreading hate.

    In terms of insulting I am not talking about words like noob or "you are bad" or other harmless stuff, I am talking here about players using insults

    on the lowest most primitive level.

    I play guild wars for seven years and the first five years I didnt report anybody. But two years ago I came to a point where I had enough.

    I report all hard insulting players. Its the last piece of defending my good mood left in this game B)

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