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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > Are u serious lmao the class is brainless spam whether reaper bursting or condi build tied with a carry mechanic, almost dead oh kitten second hp bar

    You forgot to mention teleport and swiftness. Give necro a nerf instead of a block !

  2. > @"Senqu.8054" said:

    >They Play this game themself and talk about problems with the players while streaming.

    want have want have want have want have =)

    Every player would appreciate and find this great in Gw2 PvP ! ! !

    Anet you want to boost PvP ? . . . then do this !

  3. Many players just seem to see it like this : more success = more fun


    But if you like it or not :


    PvP lost most of its population because of power creep ! ! !


    Before PoF, 15 - 20 people in my guild had been playing PvP. Nearly all of them quit the first months after PoF.

    I dont want to claim that they all quit just because of power creep, but at least most of them did, as they told me so.

    And you could hear such voices in the forums as well that time.

  4. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > > Yeah Roy and Teapot were great. Most frequent sentence in their commentaries : . . . . and here comes the glyph !

    > >

    > > Often followed by it being interrupted and some hype around that. It became apparent the longer the MOTA went on how important interrupting it was and how teams would pivot someone to do this. Especially in the final match. Its interesting to watch for me. Also the pre-casting of a 2s cast time skill to get the instant res is pretty entertaining and I felt showed skill and coordination. There were also a lot of times that even getting the glyph res didnt change the outcome of the engagement.

    > >

    > > Also i understand why CMC doesn't hate them. You're technically fighting a utility down the entire time _until_ someone goes down. If you don't get value from the skill then the opportunity cost is completely wasted and you're not at full capacity for the entire match.


    > but if you do, then that 1 utility undoes everything that 30+ skills did, and even the fact that tempest HAS glyph means you have to always keep several CC ready for it.


    Ok from now on players will try to interrupt tempest using the glyph.

    Next step will be that tempests abort their overload before using glyph, because they have 4 sec stability then to use it.

    From then on, players will have to boon rip first and then try to interrupt.

    . . . its getting complicated

  5. > @"Talek.6795" said:

    > Glyph isn't OP, just put it a proper interrupt cd when you interrupt it or get interrupted while switching attunements xD

    I am not sure about this. 90 sec CD for such a strong skill isnt that much. With a CD of 120 sec it still would be strong in my opinion.


  6. > @"Alyster.9470" said:

    > Overall impression: 0 Weavers

    ^this, thx to all lightning rod haters

    Although weaver isnt really a bad spec. Its just that it didnt find its role in current meta.

    Soulbeast/druid is the better side-noder, holo necro rev are better allrounders, and in term of teamfights tempest has higher value.

    But if there should be some nerfs on some classes in he next patches, weaver will be back again soon I guess

  7. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > Old lord had kinda risky choice, withoit the power creep its just a time filler for already defeated teams



    > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > or make then fullclear all condis on heal, if its just resist some condi builds will abuse it with 1 boonstrip.



    Nerf lord but buff its condi cleanse !


  8. > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > >

    > > > [Does this not count?](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/join-the-masters-of-the-arena-tournament/)

    > >

    > > Anet didnt support teapot in organizing this event. Anet didnt spend any money for this event. Should we praise anet now because they posted an announcement ?

    > It’s a community driven event and ANet added 12?k gems to the prize pool. To say they didn’t support tpot and team is just silly and makes you extremely ill informed.

    12 K gems ? great ! . . .the champions can buy themselves 20 chairs then =)



  9. PvP is coming home !

    Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)

    Very positive :

    Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.

    Very negative :

    There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.

    There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should have

    much higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.

    The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.


    All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.

    There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?

  10. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    >two players just /dance because there's no point in even fighting when neither of them can kill the other

    The players are a soulbeast and a holo, two low damage classes that cant harm anybody and are unable to get a kill. Good joke^^

  11. 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

    No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

    2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

    3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

    4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

    5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

    6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.


    There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

    if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

    generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !

  12. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > What's the incentive to keep playing for you.

    > Me personally I love the combat systems and the 1-9 tab target dodge system they created. But after what 7-8 years of incredibly poor balance and neglect such as one >game mode for this long I just don't care to play this game everyday anymore or every week even once a month I just don't care.

    > What keeps you guys playing?

    I love the combat system too, the speed of taking decisions, the thrill in close/even matches, the players character designs, the diversity of maps and last but not least

    to stomp opponents is always nice again. After years of playing PvP I still have fun^^


  13. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > 'where there's a will, there is a way'

    Lets hope that PvP dev-team has got that will ;)

    > Anet can remove what's broken, what's not being used and replace them with something entirely new...to keep the Professions new and healthy

    All that useless traits with 300 sec CD should be replaced for new traits for example. They could be replaced for reveal-traits to establish counterplay to stealth finally,

    but I am not sure if this will ever happen.

    > example; i strongly believe in this- one don't need to keep buying 'the next new thing', 'the next upgrade' just to feel new.

    As a PvPer I agree with this, but for WvW and PvE new specs would be nice of course. These game modes should be developed separately imo.

    > -At the end of the day, it is about the players experience which matters the most and addressing what is broken, unhealthy and replacing/resolving them at their core root with something new

    I think nearly everbody agrees with this. The problem is that there are different opinions about replacing/resolving broken/unhealthy stuff.

    > Specializations is not the solution in resolving past un-resolved problems but only adds more increasing Toxic experience to the players experience, resulting in more declines to the population

    In term of PvP yes

    > Here is an article which explains it better than i..

    > https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2020/05/09/microsoft-just-showed-an-uncomfortable-truth-about-the-xbox-series-x-and-ps5/amp/

    > your thoughts?

    The essence of a game is the entertainment. Its the fun which gets generated in a brain. To try to improve something already very good is dangerous because it can lead

    to the opposite. For example Mario-Kart was a nearly perfect game that couldnt be improved anymore. It just was big fun. Gw2 PvP is a little bit similar. PvP has improved

    of course, yes, but parts of the new content didnt neccessarely improve entertainment and fun. In my personal/subjective opinion, with the release of PoF specs, fun made

    a curve downwards for PvP, and I know I was not the only one. Good intentions dont lead neccessarely to good results ! ! !


    Since CmC joined dev-team and as they follow a new stile again, I have much more fun again. They do a good job, they are on a good way !

    Its just that there still has a lot of work to be done in terms of balancing or reworking classes. And what about the announced hotfixes?

    There was one, everbody was happy, and then nothing happened anymore. Why do we have to wait so long for small adjustments and hotfixes ???

    Why dont they let us know about upcoming balance-patches, what they are working on and when we can expect it ???

    Lets hope devs dont loose their initial zest :)



  14. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > I took a brake from PvP for a while and came back to play a few games with a friend. Since I haven't played in a week+ I had maximum decay putting me down to bronze. In that first game I won 2 points. I decided to play another, I lost 16 points. I don't care if I have decay or if I'm against bad people. Wining 2 and losing 16 is so discouraging I just won't play anymore this season. And probably next as well. I just don't care to play if my rewards are going to be in the single digits and my loses are in the double digits.

    > Anet need to revise there pvp algorithm so that 8wins don't equal one lose. Imo

    At least its been 2 points ! It could have been only 1 =)

    But seriously, I can understand you and its better to have no match than to win win just 2 points - thats too extreme.

    Maybe it makes it easier to you if I tell you that yesterday, by always winning 8 points but loosing 17, I fell down from P3 to P1 in one afternoon.

    I had to tell me that in the end its just a game ;)

  15. > @"Fearless.3569" said:

    > - Stop or Punish match manipulators and AFKers in Ranked PvP.


    > - Make match maker actual completely random to compensate for the low population that a normal match maker completely botches.

    Not a good idea. The only solution to improve matchmaking : more players = better matchmaking

    > - Make it so a duo que can't face off against a team of pure randoms.

    Would be reasonable and fair

    > - Make it so a team can't get two duos vs a team of randoms.

    Yes that shouldnt be possible

    > - Make it so a team can stack classes on it even by backing to character selection screen.

    In unranked it would be ok, but in ranked please no class stacking



  16. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > Non-Conquest game modes is what's really lacking. With more variety of objectives, different classes will be able to shine.


    > **King of the Hill**

    > One point to hold, get points for killing other players and holding the hill.

    > Similar to conquest but with only 1 capture point.


    > **Capture the Flag**

    > One flag in the middle, to be brought back to your base to score some points.

    > Killing the flag carrier reset the flag to the middle.

    > Speed capped and Shadowstep disabled while carrying the flag.


    > **Sabotage**

    > Bring a bomb from your camp to the opposite camp.

    > Speed capped and Shadowstep disabled while carrying a bomb.

    > Each bomb gives increasing points.


    > **Double escort**

    > Two roads, two dolyaks.

    > A dolyak only move if there's an ally nearby.

    > A dolyak will move back if there's only foes nearby.

    > Get points while escorting your dolyak, killing players, or pushing their dolyak back.

    > If you get the dolyak to your arrival base, it's an instant win.


    > **Escort**

    > One road, one dolyak.

    > Earn points while the dolyak is on your side and for killing players.

    > An unattended dolyak will go back to the center and neutral area.

    > If you get the dolyak to your base, it's an instant win.



    As there had been already many players proposing ideas like this here in the forum, I ld say that Anet should seriously think about that

  17. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    >They like to think surprising the players is a good thing.

    I wouldnt mind as long as its positive surprises =) but when the surprise is, that nothing happens . . .

    > Also the thing about good players ... blaming bad ones: I guess it is a problem. Some really think they are great when in fact we don't know it during the match. Ratings are >hidden. I don't know if visible ratings would change that. (Would probably only make it worse.)

    I think its a matter of social behavior. Blaming other players and then complaining about low player population is a contradiction, its just arrogance by certain individuals,

    and as there are even top players among them, I am pretty sure that visible ratings would make it much worse



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